Resequencing DNA

Chapter 38

Ashleigh watched as Rose closed the door behind her. She slowly got out of bed and made her way across to the bathroom.

“Holy shit…my whole body aches,” thought Ashleigh, as she closed the bathroom door behind her.

Ashleigh slipped out of her negligee, letting it drop to the bathroom tile at her feet. She now stood completely naked as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

“I can’t believe how much of an arsehole Warren is…I don’t know what came over me last night,” she pondered. “I feel..different…I feel…pretty good…if it wasn’t for the aching,” she thought as she smiled into the mirror before climbing into the shower and turning on the water.

Ashleigh stayed in the shower rather briefly, washing her body but making sure to keep her hair out of the water. As she turned off the water and stepped back out, she could hear movement from within the bedroom. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself,

“Hello…” she called.

“It’s just me Miss…I told you I’d be back,” replied Rose from the bedroom.

Ashleigh poked her head from behind the bathroom door, noticing Rose already made the bed and had a fresh outfit laid out on the bed ready for her, along with a fresh set of underwear.

“C’mon Miss, you aven’t got all day,” stated Rose with a smile.

Ashleigh gingerly made her way into the bedroom and across to the bed.

“Don’t mind me, Miss,” said Rose as she continued to potter around the room, “Remember, there’s no need to be shy in front of old Rose… we're all ladies after all,” she added with a smile as she went about her work.

Ashleigh nodded and smiled,

“Yes…I suppose we are,” replied Ashleigh as she put down the towel and picked up the white thong from the bed, sliding it up her soft legs and into position. Next came the matching bra, which Ashleigh fastened at the front with the cups around her back, before turning it around, slipping her arms in the straps and positioning herself in the cups.

“Bras are something I will never have to look at again after tomorrow…well…for myself, that is…definitely something I won’t miss.,” Ashleigh thought as she smiled to herself. “Fastening it that way is so much easier though.”

She then moved on to the outfit that Rose had picked out for her. It was a crisp, white blouse with capped sleeves, a black belt and a black pencil skirt along with a pair of plain black high-heeled shoes with a one-inch heel. Ashleigh picked up the blouse and slid her arms into the sleeves before she began to button it up. Next, she stepped into the skirt and pulled it up to her waist before zipping it up and fastening the button.

“I feel like I’m off to work as a secretary,” thought Ashleigh as sat down on the bed and placed the shoes on her feet.

“You look gorgeous, m’love,” stated Rose with a smile. “Tell you what I’ll do…I’ll be back in a moment and I’ll help you do something with your hair…I’m sure Miss Pippa has something that will look gorgeous with that outfit,” she added rather enthusiastically, before scampering out of the room.

Ashleigh sat on the bed in silence as she waited for Rose to return,

“I wonder what she meant…what does Pippa have that will go with this outfit?” she thought.

Sure enough, she didn’t have to wait long as Rose came rushing back into the room,

“Miss Pippa said you can keep this…very nice of her I thought,” stated Rose with a smile, holding a black beret in her hand along with a curling wand and a small tin of hairspray in her other hand. “Now… let's be on with your hair miss,” she added as she plugged in the styling wand before approaching the bed where Ashleigh was still sitting.

As she was waiting for the styling wand to heat up, Rose began to take out the pins she had used in Ashleigh’s hair the previous day.

“Did you ‘av a good evening then miss?” asked Rose.

“Erm…what…what do you mean,” said Ashleigh, stumbling over her words as her heart began to beat rapidly. “and why…what…what did you hear?”

“I ain’t heard nothin’ miss, at the meal I meant… did you av’ a good evening?” clarified Rose.

“Oh…yes…of course…it was lovely,” replied Ashleigh, taking a deep breath to regain her composure.

“Lovely couple they are ain’t they…Miss Pippa and Mr Edward…I should really be calling her Mrs Pippa…habit that,” stated Rose, as she ran a brush through Ashleigh’s red locks, before retrieving the styling wand and going to work.

 “Yes…indeed they are,” answered Ashleigh.

“I can’t believe that in a few weeks, this whole estate will belong to Mrs. Pippa…feels like two minutes ago she was a little girl…I hope she be keeping old Rose about,” said Rose with a smile.

“I’m sure they will keep you here Rose…I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” Ashleigh responded before the pair fell silent momentarily.

“Ere’…Miss…you asked old Rose what she heard…I av’ to be truthful with ya…you know me…” stated Rose, causing Ashleigh’s heart to race once more.

“Oh…erm…go on…” mumbled Ashleigh.

 “Well…it wasn’t so much as what I heard…more what I saw Miss,” explained Rose, “I was doin’ a few last minute bits and bobs…and I did see that rather handsome fella leave your room early hours this morning….can’t think of his name…Mr Edwards best man.”

 “Oh…you mean…Warren…” mumbled Ashleigh, she could feel her cheeks starting to become rather flushed.

“Oh shit…she knows…” thought Ashleigh.

“Yeah…that’s the one…” replied Rose.

“We…we were just talking…we had been talking earlier that evening and he had something to ask me…that’s all,” snapped Ashleigh.

“At that time of night,” cackled Rose, “C’mon miss…old Rose wasn’t born yesterday…especially when I seen your underwear on the floor as it were this morning…but don’t you worry…the secret’s safe with me…” she added, “Tell you another secret I won’t tell either.”

“She knows more…does this woman miss nothing?” thought Ashleigh.

“Go on…” Ashleigh said.

“Well miss…as I be passing your room…I could smell cigarette smoke…I won’t say nothing don’t you worry…especially to Mrs Ashton-Burns…don’t you worry,” explained Rose.

“Yeah…I would much appreciate it if you didn’t…I just…couldn’t face going downstairs,” said Ashleigh with a nervous giggle.

“Well ere’ old Rose will tell you something…so if I ever tell on you…you can tell on me…deal?” asked Rose.

“Deal,” answered Ashleigh.

“Well…obviously staff aren’t allowed to take breaks in the living room…so I be sneaking out in the garden and round the side of the house for a quick, sneaky fag,” whispered Rose, “Now shush m’love…even Gerard doesn’t know Rose’s secret…I’ve been doin' it for years I av’,” she cackled.

“Well…your secret is safe with me, Rose,” said Ashleigh with a smile.

“There we are m’love, all done…” stated Rose, as she picked up the tin of hairspray from the bed and gave Ashleigh’s hair a quick blast before positioning the beret on Ashleigh’s head. She then took a few of the hairpins she had used the day before, using them to help keep the beret in place.

Ashleigh stood up from the bed before Rose helped her put on the belt over the bottom of her blouse and around her waist, fastening it into place.

“If I were you, I’d go for nothing more than that red lipstick from yesterday, miss, It’ll look gorgeous,” stated Rose.

Ashleigh nodded and picked up her handbag, retrieving her lipstick before heading to the mirror.

“I look so…so…so elegant,” thought Ashleigh as she carefully painted her lips blood red, before smiling at her reflection.

“I am going to miss you, Rose,” stated Ashleigh as she turned to face her.

“I am gonna miss you too, m’love…don’t you be a stranger,” replied Rose with a smile.

“Unfortunately if I do come back…you would never recognise me,” thought Ashleigh.

Ashleigh stepped towards her and gave her a tight hug.

“Whatever shall I do without you,” said Ashleigh with a smile.

“You’ll be fine, I’m sure…just you take care of yourself miss,” stated Rose, “now be off with ya, you’re already runnin’ late,” she added with a smile.

“Thank you, Rose,” said Ashleigh as she picked up her handbag, headed out of the door and made her way out to the main hall.

As she made her way towards the staircase, she looked down into the hall where she noticed Vivian in conversation with Gerard.

Ashleigh began to descend the stairs as Vivian looked up at her,

“Ashleigh my darling, you look incredible my dear,” stated Vivian, approaching Ashleigh as she made it to the bottom of the stairs.

“Thank you,” said Ashleigh with a smile.

“You are positively glowing my girl,” stated Vivian, “Breakfast is served, make sure you get something to eat my dear…there are still a few people eating. James will be taking you home at 1 p.m. and I am sure Rose will pack all your stuff away so you needn’t worry, just relax my girl,” she added.

“Thank you…for everything Mrs Ashton-Burns, for allowing me to stay in your home this weekend,” answered Ashleigh.

“You are always welcome my dear and please, remember it’s Vivian,” Vivian responded, leaning in and giving Ashleigh a hug. “And make sure you come and visit Alistair and me in our new home will you,” she added.

“Sure,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

Ashleigh made her way into the dining hall. As she opened the door, she noticed there were three people still at the table, two of whom were still eating, just as Vivian had explained. There was Jasper, Eloise and Warren, all sitting separately. Jasper was sat sipping tea, with his head buried in the local newspaper. Ashleigh walked towards the seat beside Eloise.  As she passed by Warren, he looked the other way entirely, as if she didn’t even exist.

Ashleigh put her head down as she continued on her way. She now felt a certain degree of guilt and shame over what had taken place last night.

“Is this how I have made women feel in the past?” she thought, “This…this feeling is awful.”

Ashleigh pulled out the chair beside Eloise and sat down, at which point Eloise glared at her.

“Oh…I exist in your world again now do I?” snipped Eloise.

“El… please don’t do this, please don’t be like this I beg you,” pleaded Ashleigh.

“Don’t do what Ashleigh? Act like you haven’t hurt me…act like you didn’t ignore me for certain people yesterday…because I tell you what Ashleigh…I poured my heart out to you…I told you almost everything…and you…you…Ah,” snapped Eloise.

“Almost everything?” thought Ashleigh.

Oh, look…Warren is sat on his own…why don’t you ditch me for him again,” Eloise continued in her rant.

Ashleigh glanced over at Warren, who now had a smirk on his face, it was clear he had heard everything.

“Him…no…El please,” pleaded Ashleigh.

Eloise noticed the look on Ashleigh’s face and then glared in Warren’s direction. Ashleigh could swear she had seen the moment when Eloise correctly put two and two together.

“You…you mean…him…and…and him…please…please say it isn’t…URGH!” snapped Eloise, getting up from the table and storming out of the dining room.

“Eloise, wait,” called Ashleigh.

“What do I do?” thought Ashleigh, “Do I stay and have my breakfast…or…or do I follow Eloise…” she pondered.


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