Resequencing DNA

Chapter 37

Ashleigh cautiously approached the door with a horrid feeling of dread, manifesting in a way that gave her a knot in her stomach.

“Who…who is it?” she whispered, swallowing hard,  she could now hear the sound of her own heartbeat.

The fear was not something she was ever used to as Aaron. After all, he worked in a bar that was located in one of the…not so nice parts of town. A bar where it was quite frequent for Aaron to have to intervene and break up fights, remove unruly patrons from the establishment and even travel home at ridiculous times of the morning, often on foot and alone. But something had switched when Aaron had become Ashleigh. It was like Ashleigh felt much more vulnerable than Aaron had ever felt in his entire life.

“Ashleigh…It’s me,” whispered the voice from the other side of the door.

“Warren?” whispered Ashleigh, reaching forward and taking hold of the door handle with her palms now sweating profusely.

“Yes,” whispered Warren.

Ashleigh slowly and quietly opened the bedroom door ever so slightly, just enough for her to peer through the crack and see Warren.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, “is everything alright?”

Warren nodded,

“yes…everything is fine, there is no need to worry,” he whispered in response. “I…I was just thinking…and…I don’t know why I’m here…I…I just couldn’t get you off my mind…then…well…here I am,” he added, his voice getting a little louder than a whisper. “Can…can I come in?” he asked with a smile.

“Well…I…I guess so,” muttered Ashleigh, “Hold on…just one second,” she added, closing the door and turning on the light to locate the robe she had worn that morning.

Ashleigh quickly put on her robe, wrapping it around herself to give herself a little modesty, before returning to the door, opening it once more and signalling to Warren to come inside.

 “Quickly, before anyone hears you,” she muttered in a hushed tone.

Warren quickly entered the bedroom, he was still wearing his black trousers and his white shirt was partially unbuttoned. Ashleigh gently closed the door, once Warren was inside the room.

Ashleigh then turned around to face Warren, but before she could utter a single syllable, Warren grasped her whilst planting his lips on hers. Before she knew what was happening, Ashleigh had her back pressed against the bedroom door.

“Oh…my…god,” thought Ashleigh, absolutely stunned by what was happening. However, she just closed her eyes, almost becoming lost in the moment.

After a few moments, Warren slowly backed off, leaving Ashleigh bewildered as to what had just taken place. The pair stood in an awkward silence for a moment, Ashleigh gathering her thoughts as Warren looked down towards the floor.

“I…I’m sorry, Ashleigh…I don’t know what came over me,” whispered Warren, breaking the silence, “I…I should go,” he added, making a move towards the door, only to be stopped by Ashleigh.

“Please…hear me out,” said Ashleigh, “Look…Warren…you were there earlier when I was talking about how I won’t be sticking around,” explained Ashleigh. “The chances of us ever seeing each other again after tomorrow…are… well…”

“Slim?” asked Warren, finally looking up from the floor, his eyes meeting hers as he did so.

“Zero…actually,” stated Ashleigh, thinking that Warren would be put off at the thought of never seeing her again.

Instead, Warren simply smiled, the look on his face suggesting he was not fazed at all by what Ashleigh had said to him.

“Ashleigh…I explained earlier…I’m not looking for anything serious…just a little…fun…no strings attached I promise,,” he said with a smirk.

Ashleigh looked stunned, she couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing.

“Is this how Aaron makes women feel?” pondered Ashleigh.

Warren is a good-looking, rather charming guy, and he knows that he is. As Aaron, she had been in Warren’s position, saying almost those exact same words to many a woman, was this karma at play? Specifically what had happened between Aaron and Pippa.

“If I was in this position…well…Aaron was in this position…I would snap this up…” thought Ashleigh.

“Well…as long as you know…this won’t lead anywhere…no emotional crap,” stated Ashleigh.

Warren smirked and took a step towards her,

“You sound like a guy,” laughed Warren, placing his hand softly under Ashleigh’s chin, gently tilting her head upwards to face him as he gazed down upon her.

Ashleigh giggled nervously, Warren was right, most of the time it was Aaron who was explaining he just wanted sex with no emotional baggage involved.

“You don’t have to worry about any of that,” said Warren. “So…what do you say?” he asked softly, running the side of his hand ever so tenderly down her cheek, once more stopping right below her chin.

The pair were now standing close enough that Ashleigh could smell the rather musky scent of his aftershave, she could feel the warmth of his breath when he spoke.

“I…I have been with guys before…but not like this,” thought Ashleigh, as she stared into his deep, brown eyes, which were both dark and mysterious, whilst and the same time so warm and inviting. As much as she had been almost counting the hours until she could return to her normal life as Aaron, Ashleigh did find the chance to experience sex from a female perspective, somewhat compelling. And after all, she did find Warren rather handsome.

Ashleigh smiled at him, “Fuck it,” she thought, “What’s the worst that can happen…might as well have some fun…right.”

She placed her hand gently on top of his before guiding his fingers to her mouth, kissing them playfully as she continued to meet his gaze.

“I take that as a yes then?” he whispered softly as he smiled.

Ashleigh nodded as she teasingly slipped his index finger briefly between her lips.

Warren, pulled her in closer to him before he began to delicately kiss her neck, causing Ashleigh to close her eyes and softly gasp. It wasn’t long before Ashleigh felt the warmth of his lips make their way up to meet her lips which she parted ever so slightly, inviting his tongue to make it’s way inside.

Before she knew what was happening, Ashleigh was standing, her back to the bedroom wall, with Warren now pressed up against her as the pair continued in their lust-fueled embrace. Ashleigh slipped her arms out from within her robe, allowing it to drop to the floor by their feet, exposing her Red, silk, negligee that stopped just above her mid-thigh.

Having kept her eyes closed, Ashleigh felt Warren's hands grasp her lace-clad arse before gently squeezing her cheeks, as he pulled her even closer to him. Their bodies were now close enough, that Ashleigh could feel the bulge inside his pants as she pressed up against him.

Ashleigh was experiencing sensations she had never felt before, yet deep down, she knew she was aroused by what was going on. There was no doubt that this was far beyond the butterflies in the stomach feeling that she had with James, this was a whole new level altogether. It felt as if her whole body was on fire at that moment. Whenever Warren touched her, she felt as if one million volts of electricity were coursing through her body, each time he touched her, she felt a longing, an urge, she felt a desire for more. It was as if with each of his touches, he would satisfy her only for a millisecond, the more she got, the more she craved.

His hands were still holding her behind firmly as he kissed her tenderly on the neck once more. In a flash and without a single thought, Ashleigh got hold of Warren's shirt, which was already partially unbuttoned, and ripped it the rest of the way open, exposing Warren's somewhat modestly toned physique. In response, Warren gripped even tighter before lifting her off her feet. Ashleigh instinctively secured herself, by wrapping her rather long legs around his waist before he carried her the short distance to the bed, gently placing her down. 

“Are you sure you definitely want to do this Ashleigh?” asked Warren softly.

“I’m sure,” replied Ashleigh sitting up on the bed before reaching out and undoing the zip on his pants, “I want this,” she added softly with a glint in her eye.

Warren kicked off his shoes as Ashleigh undone his trouser button, allowing his trousers to drop down around his ankles, leaving him standing in his black boxer shorts and his white shirt that was now torn open.

“Oh…fuck it,” thought Ashleigh, as she then pulled down Warren’s underwear and instantly took his firm dick in her hands, stroking it slowly.

Warren closed his eyes as Ashleigh began to pick up speed before suddenly coming to a halt. Placing her free hand behind him, Ashleigh gently moved him towards her and began to kiss and lick the tip of his cock.

“Hmmm, you like that, don’t you baby,” whispered Warren, placing his hands on the back of Ashleigh’s head, before pulling her head towards him and pushing his rigid cock deep into her mouth. Ashleigh successfully fended off her gag reflex as he felt him hit the back of her throat. “I knew you were a dirty bitch under all of that posh girl exterior,” joked Warren as he continually thrust his hips whilst persisting to move Ashleigh’s head in time with him.

After a few moments, Warren relented and removed himself from her mouth, allowing Ashleigh a moment to catch her breath. He quickly retrieved something from his trouser pocket which Ashleigh realised was a condom packet as he began to open it and place it on.

“You came prepared then,” giggled Ashleigh.

“Well…yeah…sort of…” joked Warren, “I always make sure to carry one…because…well…you never know,” he added with a smirk.

“Oh stop,” replied Ashleigh with a giggle, as Warren approached her once more.

He leaned in and kissed her deeply before gently coercing her into laying back on the bed, her legs still dangling over the side of the bed. Warren lifted Ashleigh’s negligee, exposing her black lace panties before he began to slide them down her legs.

Ashleigh’s body trembled with anticipation as Warren leaned over her, she could feel him pressing against her, poised to enter.

“Already…this feels…different,” thought Ashleigh, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, “You can do this Ashleigh.”

Warren kissed her neck once more as he leaned over her, easing himself inside her as he did so. Ashleigh gasped as she felt him ever so slightly inside of her before he slowly began to ease himself in the rest of the way. Ashleigh didn’t know how she knew, she just knew that he was deeper inside her. There was a strange sensation of both fullness and pressure which she had never experienced before, along with a slight feeling of discomfort and a feeling of being stretched internally.

 “Oh…my…god,” thought Ashleigh, as Warren slowly began to thrust his hips.

As soon as he did so, the discomfort Ashleigh had felt soon subsided, making way for an overwhelming feeling of pleasure she had never thought possible.  Ashleigh also felt that her body was acting on autopilot, as she felt as though she was now gripping him tightly, using muscles she never even realised she had. With each thrust of Warren’s hips, Ashleigh felt a strange, tingly, warmth on the inside of her body that was becoming more and more intense as it began to flow throughout her. The more of this sensation she experienced, she yearned for more and more. Without realising, Ashleigh had her legs wrapped around Warren’s waist once more.

“Oh my god, this…this is incredible,” she gasped as she felt every muscle in her body tense up, followed by waves and waves of ecstasy.

“Oh I know I’m good,” replied Warren with a smirk, as he began to pound her harder and harder, faster and faster until Ashleigh felt as though her eyes were rolling back in her head.

“Harder, harder,” begged Ashleigh, feeling her body tense up once more, “Oh god!” she cried.

What felt like an eternity passed for Ashleigh before Warren broke his rhythm and gave a last few thrusts, his body trembled as he did so before Ashleigh felt his cock become limp as he pulled out of her. As he picked up his clothing and made his way to the bathroom, he smiled at Ashleigh, who continued to lie on the bed, gazing at him with a look of contentment on her face.

“That…that was incredible,” she purred softly, her body still quivering.  “I can’t believe what just happened,” she thought as she finally managed to sit herself up on the bed.

A few moments later Warren emerged from the bathroom.

“Ok…so…thank you, he muttered before heading towards the door.

“Thank you…is that it?” asked Ashleigh, sounding astonished.

“Well…yeah,” laughed Warren, “What more did you want…cuddles and kisses and all that emotional shit? You women are all the same,” he scoffed.

“…but…” mumbled Ashleigh.

“It was fun, Ashleigh…goodnight,” said Warren as he left, closing the door quietly behind him.

 “Wow…what an arsehole,” thought Ashleigh as she finally got to her feet and retrieved her cigarettes from her handbag. “Is this how Aaron makes women feel?”

“There is no way that I can go downstairs after that,” Ashleigh pondered for a moment, making her way to the window, her legs still feeling almost jelly-like as she opened the window wide, allowing the cool evening air to flow into the room.

“Nobody will ever know,” she thought as she lit up a cigarette, leaning out of the window as she did so.

Ashleigh smoked her cigarette as she contemplated the events of the evening before finally going to bed.



The following morning, Ashleigh was awoken once more by a knock at the door.

“Good morning Miss Ashleigh,” said Rose as she opened the door and entered the room.

“Morning…already,” groaned Ashleigh, pulling the bed sheets up over her head.

“Aye, that it is miss,” answered Rose with a chuckle, “C’mon, m'love, breakfast be getting served, you already slept in,” she added.

Ashleigh sat up in her bed,

“What time is it?” asked Ashleigh.

“It be 10am miss, the newlywed couple be leavin’ soon, so thought you might wanna say bye,” replied Rose, collecting the basket of laundry.

“I shall be down soon…what time am I to leave?” asked Ashleigh, before noticing her black lace panties on the floor.

“James be taking you home at 1pm miss,” answered Rose, “These be laundry too?” asked Rose, scooping up the black lace underwear from beside the bed.

“Erm…yes…I can just take my laundry home with me, it’s not a problem,” mumbled Ashleigh.

“Don’t be daft m'love, I can av’ these all done and packed for you ready t’go,” said Rose with a smile, “Just you leave it to old Rose,” she added.

“Oh…erm…thank you,” replied Ashleigh, “I’m gonna take a quick shower…before I come down,” she added.

“Ok Miss, but don’t be long…” said Rose as she left the room.

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