Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA


Cain and Gran Torino just got into an argument. The argument lasted at least 30 minutes which is purely just them debating. Gran Torino was getting annoyed that Cain was being a hermit , he didn't want Cain to just stay in the house the whole time.

Cain had just turn 8 and for these 2 years he's been locking himself in the room and only going out when he's in school, Gran Torino tried to find out why he was doing this since he thought he might have been bullied or something like that. Cain wasn't getting bullied on the contrary it could be say he's the one bullying, he's beaten up Bakugo so many times that Bakugo is practically scared by just looking at Cain's eyes.

Of course Deku wouldn't let this happened anymore so he tried fighting Cain saying " Don't hit Katchan! You villain!". At the point Cain didn't care anymore so he just punched Deku in the face knocking him out. I've also noticed that Bakugo has gotten a little bit disciplined.

(A/N: would you guys like to see Bakugo's mom?)

Anyways Cain has been shutting himself in because he had just gone into a trauma. He had just dreamed the night where Itachi massacred the whole Uchiha Clan, now Cain knew this was going to happened but being in Sasuke place he was seeing everything that was going on, feeling everything, it was very realistic.

Cain has seen the Uchiha clansmens go down as well as seeing Sasuke parents die 518,400 times. All in a single night, Itachi had place 7 year old Sasuke in a Tsukiyomi and Cain had to see it making him go into a shocked after he woke up from his dream.

He's been on his bed for a quite a while and this cause Gran Torino to have a talk.

"Cain you've been on your room for a long time,. You barely even eat. Tell me what's going on?" said Gran Torino in a worriedly tone.

"Nothing" Cain said in monotone. Cain wasn't feeling it. This is the second time he's felt like shit, the first time when he got betrayed and now this.

"You aren't telling me the truth Cain, something must be bothering you if your acting like this. Is something wrong in school? Or what tell me!" said Gran Torino.

"I'm just not feeling well ok" Cain said as he looks into Gran Torino's eyes.

"*sigh* are you sick?" Gran Torino said as he checks Cain's temperature but found that Cain didn't have a fever or any signs of any sickness.

"No,....*sigh* I just don't feel like doing anything right now" Cain said making Gran Torino scrunch his eyebrows.

"Why is that?" Gran Torino said in a gentle voice but there was a anxious hint in there.

"I-I can't tell you" Cain said causing Gran Torino to get annoyed.

After 30 minutes of discussing Gran Torino told Cain to go to the park. That it might help him feel better. Knowing Gran Torino wasn't going to let this go, Cain reluctantly agreed.

Cain picked out clothing that was comfortable and put them on, after the was done he left the apartment complex and looked at the sky.
The sun was shining brightly making Cain his arm over his eyes.

'Has it always been this bright?' Cain thought to himself as he puts his hood over his head covering his eyes. He then walk to the nearest park. His neighbor was quite big and there would be villains popping out, though Heroes would always capture them.

There were also times Cain had seen Hero's in action and realize that their were mostly just monologuing and fighting which cause Cain to be confuse as to why the Hero's would even let the villains talk when there about to get defeated.

Anyways Cain had just gotten close to the park and he noticed that there were lots of kids. Today was Sunday so it was mostly when both kids and parents didn't have anything to do. Cain saw many types of people, for example there were people who looked like aliens, as well as people who had lizard tails.

A couple of children and the parents were looking at Cain with a curious face. Cain had a black hoodie almost covering his eyes and had black joggers as well making him look like a bad person. Many people started to wonder who this person was and if he was dangerous. Then they realize that the person was just a kid so they started to do what they were doing just now but still kept an eye at the boy in all black.

Cain kept his emotionless expression and looked for a place to sit. After looking around he found a wooden bench and went to it lie down. Cain then took a deep breath and inhale the breeze. Cain then slowly closed his eyes still breathing in the air.

Cain felt calm all the heavy trouble he was having was slowly pouring out of him. 'maybe coming here was a good idea' Cain thought.

After a couple minutes of meditating he felt something tap his shoulder. Cain ignored that and kept his eyes close. 'It might be a bug, it'll go away itself' Cain thought to himself. Cain then felt another tap and this time he opened his eyes, noticing no one was there he got a confused. "It's probably on my mind" Cain muttered.

"Hey are you ok?" Cain heard what sounded like a little girl talking to him. Cain opened his eyes and noticed there wasn't anybody until he looked down and saw what look like floating clothing. Cain then realized that this person quirk is invincibility.

"Hn" Cain said and nodded at the figure who was talking to him.

"Oh good I thought something had happened to you" said the little girl as she sighs in relief.

Cain then began to think who this girl was. Why would she care if something was wrong with him. Cain then noticed that the girls voice was almost the same age as him.

"Do you mind if I sit down? All the benches have been occupied and this is the only one where theres one person sitting on it" The girl said making Cain sigh. 'So that's what it was' Cain though to himself

Cain however made room for her to sit, not because he was a gentleman but because he thought this girl was familiar to him and wanted to confirm if she was who he think it is. Cain's personality changed for him to see this.

"Sure here have a seat" Cain said and smiled warmly toward her. This cause the girl to freeze and just barely Cain swear he saw a blush on her face.

"Is something wrong?" Cain said as he tilts his head.

"A-ah! No nothings wrong" the girl said as she sits down next to Cain.

'Heh I'm not that dense to know what she's feeling. She's clearly enchanted by me' Cain though to himself.

"Ok so tell me why did you want to sit here?" Cain said starting the conversation.

"Eh mhmm well I was playing in the playground and I accidentally fell and it bruised my leg" the girl said as she touches where she got hit making her groan.

"Hey are you ok? Here let me help you" Cain said as he gets on hide knees getting a strap from his pocket. He then wrapped it where she touched, Cain might not be able to see her but he can sense her movements.

"A-ah wait! " the girl said but it was already to late since Cain has already wrapped it where it was bruised.

The girl then sigh and her cheeks started to heat up. "You know you should wait for someone to speak before you do anything" said the girl as she gets up.

"Sorry, it just that it looked like it hurt and I wanted to make you feel better" Cain said as he lowers her head. Though this was just a childish act.

"Hmph! I forgive you, only if you give me your name" said the girl .

Cain then look where her eyes where supposed to be and said "sure, my name is Cain. What about you? Whats your name?"

The girl then blushed , "my name is Toru Hagakure and don't you forget it!" said Toru as she speeds off.

"So it was her" Cain muttered as his act drop. Cain then looked at the sky and saw that it was sunset. '*sigh* 7 more years until I get the story starts' Cain thought to himself as he started walking back to his house.

Just as he was about to cross the street he heard a scream that sounded like a women. Cain then looked if anyone was able to hear it as well and noticed that he was the only one who heard it.'*sigh* guess i should do something' Cain thought as he walks his way where the scream was heard.

As Cain walks closer, he could hear more screams from the same women.

"Please don't! I don't have anything! Why are you doing this?!" The women said.

Cain had just gotten there and saw a man and a women on the ground. The man had 4 arms and only 2 arms were holding knives . Cain then looked at the women and saw that she looked in her 20's , blond hair, and good figure.

"I'm going to have fun playing with you!" said the man as he zips down his zipper.

"No! Please don't anything but that!" The women said as she gets up to run, but the man grabbed her with his 2 hands that weren't holding knives.

"Your not going anywhere!" The man said as he starts licking the women's neck.

'Why don't you use your quirk? *sigh* she's probably quirkless in any case I can't let this go one any further ' Cain though as he runs causing lighting to form behind him.

*CHI* * CHI* * CHI*

"[CHIDORI]!" Cain said as he drives his hand towards the mans stomach.

The man then let go of the women and cough up blood. His whole face had a grimaced expression, he didn't know what just happened until he look up what happened and saw a little boy, his hand went right through his stomach.


"W-who a-are y-you?" said the man weakly.

"Why should I bother telling you when your about to die" Cain said as he pulls back his hand causing more blood to pour out of the man's stomach.

"Agh p-please d-dont k-kill me" the man said as he falls on his knees.

"People like you disgust me, your whole existence should perish" Cain said as he knees the man on his chin killing him.

Cain then looked at the women and noticed that she passed out.

*sigh* 'was it worth killing him? Absolutely! Now I can't just leave the dead body here, what to do? Right I know what to do' Cain thought.

"[Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu]" said Cain as he breathes out fire from his mouth disintegrating the man's body.

"Now that , that's done what to do with her" Cain muttered as he looks at the women on the ground. 'Maybe if I leave her here, she would forget?hmm probably not , shit I guess I have to wake her up' Cain thought as he gets on his knees and starts shaking her.

"Hey hey wake up" Cain said.

"Hng? W-what happened?" The women said as she rubs her head.

'Hm? She seemed to forgotten...guess this will be easier then' Cain thought. "Well you pass out here just now" Cain said causing her to get confused.

"I did? Oh....I-I thank you I'm alright " The women said as she gets up and gives a bow to Cain and leaves.

"*sigh* finally I can go back home" Cain said as he starts waking to his apartment.

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