Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Improvements/ Middle School

Cain had just turned 11 this year and a lot has happened these past 3 years. He had gone through many things including learning new jutsus, as well as increasing the duration of his chidori by 2 minutes and his hold of lightning cloak by 30 seconds.

Cain had also practiced his "Kings Power" by using it on his classmates. They would end up passing out and forgetting what happened because this was due to Cain making them faint. He also had a better understanding of identifying people's desires and using their voids.

(A/N: I would recommend you guys to watch Guilty Crown or at least watch videos of the ability for a better understanding how it works)

Cain has learn the Phoenix Flower Jutsu which are fireballs that are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting an enemy in range, also the flames are controlled one by one with chakra , so avoiding them all is extremely difficult, so this is mostly just a distraction Jutsu that can be use as offensive as well.

Cain has also improved his Rinnegan abilities by a little bit but it was still enough for him to defeat any mid tier Hero with ease. Though he had to use his [Almighty Push] to the fullest, as of right now he is able to destroy a whole city block and perhaps even two.

As for his [Chibaku Tensei] he wasn't able to do any improvements since he couldn't just do that outside his apartment. The Chibaku Tensei was still very overpowered and didn't need much improvements now since he could technically destroy the whole city. Gran Torino still doesn't know every ability I can do on my Rinnegan, he only knows [Almighty Push], as well as [Amenotejikara] which allows me to switch places with anything.

When Gran Torino knew about this he asked me a lot of questions and even told me to perform them to which I showed him. Gran Torino was quite surprised I had these types of abilities in just one eye and has also told me what my other eye could do which he was talking about my Sharingan. I told him that my Sharingan grants me incredible clarity perception, allowing me to mimic any movements. Though he wasn't as much surprise he was still amaze of my skills.

I've have also told this to Toga and like Gran Torino she was in awe when she saw what I could do, even scared of what I could possibly do to her if I ever wanted to kill her. Toga and I have gotten close and would play games or watch movies but nothing more. Though there were a couple times where she would try to stab me to get some of my blood. I would always ignore her antics and tell her why she would do this, and she would always say "I want to be just like you!".

After a year of her asking that I finally had enough of her and gave what she wanted, my blood.

*Flashback No Jutsu*

Toga had came into Cain's house and went into the room.

"C'mon Cai-Kun just let me suck your blood, I promise it won't hurt" Toga said as she leans towards Cain with her mouth drooling.

"*sigh* Toga I have already said multiple times that you can't drink my blood" Cain said as he stands up making Toga slump down on the bed.

"And I have told you that I can't help this! I really want to taste your blood! I want to see how it looks to be you, for just one day!" Toga said with puppy eyes.

Cain looked at Toga with complicated eyes. 'Oh my god what's this? ' Cain though as he looks at Toga.

"*SIGH*" Cain release a sigh making Toga jump.

"Yay! I promise it won't hurt!" Toga said as she jumps to Cain's arms.

"Hey! Wait I haven't said anything tch, Fine just give me some room " Cain said as he try's to pull Toga down.

"Hooray! I'm finally going to get to taste Cai-Kun blood, and transform to him!" Squeak Toga while her face turns red.

Cain looked at Toga with cautious eyes.

"Just this one time ok?Get behind me" Cain said as he sits down on the bed and Toga gets behind him. Her face was now red and her eyes were started to get filled with lust.

"Just that ok? Don't do anything more than that" Cain said as he starts to tense up.

"Do what more?" Toga said innocently tilting her head.

'Cain breathe... she's just a little girl! Your almost 30! Stop thinking this!' Cain thought as he has a light blush on his face.

"Nothing get started already!, I have important things to do today, you know!" Cain said as he crosses his arms.

"Okay! Here I go!" Toga said as she brings her mouth to Cain's neck. She then proceeds to bite his neck, it was pretty fast since her fangs were very pointy. After 10 seconds she finally lifted her head causing Cain to sigh.

"Uwaah!! Your blood taste soo good!" Toga said with her cheeks still flushed in red.

Cain looked at Toga with a expected look, he really wanted to see if Toga's quirk will allow her to transform as him.

After a couple seconds ,Toga's body started to change and began to take a form similar to Cain. Cain watched with curious eyes, he had a bit of doubts if this would even work.

Toga has now transform into Cain, this made her touch her head.

"Wow! So this is how it feels to be Cai-Kun!" Toga said as she spins around. Cain looked at this with an awe expression. It was pretty weird seeing "his" body move.

"Cai-Kun I'm finally you!" Toga said with a happy tone.

Cain looked at her eyes with a trouble eyes. "Why do you want to be me so much?" Cain said.

Toga tensed up and slouched down on the bed. "I-I really want to be you because your the best, your so cool! And it's also because-" Toga said as her face was now blushing.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready!" Toga said as she clenches her fist.

'What was that about?' Cain thought.

"Ok I'm going to the bathroom now!" Toga said and giggled as she runs out the door.

"Hey wait! Your still on my body! Stop come back here!" Said Cain as he runs to Toga.

*Timeskip End*
Back to the present Cain is eating breakfast since today is the first day of Middle School. He could say he's kinda of excited but not really since it's almost time for the story to start. He is wearing his school uniform.

"So Cai-Kun I see your doing better now" Gran Torino said as he nods his head.

"Hn" Cain replied as he spoons a cereal in his mouth.

"That's Good,...I think it's time for me to train you now..." Gran Torino said. Cain stopped eating and looked at Gran Torino with a confused expression.

"What do you mean? Are you going to train me? How, I'm not trying to be rude but I'm pretty strong and I'm not sure if you can teach me anything" Cain said as he continues to eat his cereal.

"*sigh* Cai-Kun yes you might be very strong but you have no experience of of what a hero's duty is. You want to be a Hero right?" Gran Torino.

Cain flinch hearing the word Hero and clicked his toungue. "Hn, I'll bring down justice upon those villains..." Cain said as he clenches his hands.

Gran Torino sighed and shook his head. "I think it's almost time for school, quickly finish your breakfast" Gran Torino said as he puts his plate on the sink.

(A/N: Crap! My fingers got sore)

"Hn" Cain replied.

After Cain finished his breakfast he left the apartment and walked to school. Cain looked at the sky and saw that it was a bit cloudy and looked like it was going to rain. Cain then looked toward the city and noticed smoke coming out of a building.

'Hmm a Hero will show up no need for me to intervene' Cain thought as he puts his hand in his pockets and closed his eyes.
Aldera Junior High

Cain had just walked to school and noticed a lot of students walking into the school.

A lot of people were now looking at Cain with weird looks.

"Who's that guy?!" said a boy in a jealous tone.

"He's so hot!?" said a couple of girls looking at Cain with star in those eyes.

"Damn he's so manly" said a boy.

"Kya! did you see that ,he just looked at me!" Said a girl as she shakes her friend.

'Oh no; I didn't want this to happened now. This didn't happen in elementary school, why is this happening here?!' Cain thought as he release a sigh.

Many people kept talking about Cain but some kept quiet since it was pretty embarrassing to say that out loud.


The school bell ring causing people to run in the hallways to get their to their classes.

'Shit! I better hurry up I don't want to get pushed' Cain thought as he speed walks to his classroom.

As Cain enters his class he noticed that there were 5 people already inside, and 2 of them looked familiar.

"*sigh* shit, I thought I had finally gotten some peace' Cain thought as he looks at Bakugo and Deku.

"Hey Deku trash! I didn't think you would be in the same classroom as me! That means I can still beat you!" Bakugo said as he activates his quirk causing sparks to come off his palms.

"Katchan I also didn't expect to be here, and that's not nice Katchan" Deku nervously said as he holds his desk.

"Shut up kids" Cain said as he walks to the back of the room. Both Bakugo and Deku were shocked to see that Cain is also the same class as him. Bakugo clenched his teeth and slightly shook. Deku looked at Cain with unease expression.

"H-hey Cain-San i didn't knew you were going to the same school as us" Deku said nervously.

"A-ah tch just you wait Cain I'll beat you this year that you won't even stand!" Bakugo said with anger in her voice.

Cain then looked at Bakugo's eyes and that made Bakugo flinch.

"Sure" Cain replied as people started to come inside the room.


30 minutes into class , Cain was already bored out of his mind. Just like elementary this was easy for him. Cain then looked at Bakugo and noticed that he was staring at him. 'The hell? Why is he looking at me?' Cain thought.

Cain then looked at Deku who was taking notes and muttering pretty loud causing the people around him to get annoyed. 'Huh! this is Deku after all' Cain thought.

"Cain-San!" The teacher called him interrupting his thoughts.

Cain then looked at the teacher, 'crap, I wasn't paying attention to her' Cain though to himself

"Yes Teacher?" Cain said causing everyone to look at him.

Cain was started to get irritated by all the gazes on him.

"Can you please come down here and answer this question on the board" The teacher said as she pushes up her glasses.

Cain then looked at the board and realized it was an easy question. Cain then walked to the board and started answering the question.

The teacher then looked at what he answer and was quite shocked at seeing this. She's never seen this in her life of teaching.

"That is correct Cain-San you may sit down now" The Teacher said causing the students to cheer for him.

"Wow! Not only does he have good looks ,he's also smart!"

"Amazing! Even the teacher was surprised!"

"Cain! Marry me!"

Cain then walked back to his desk and sit down on his chair.

"Woah he was able to answer that question very fast, what exactly is his quirk? He still hasn't show his quirk, is he perhaps quirkless like me too?" Deku muttered.

"Tch" Bakugo clicked his tongue.

'When will this class end' Cain sighed as he looks out the window.

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