Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 127: Training

Eastern Zone - Melee Training

The clang of steel reverberated through the air as melee fighters clashed with conjured opponents, each more challenging than the last, pushing the fighters to their breaking points.

The draconic instructors didn't hold back—they demonstrated advanced combat techniques and demanded perfect execution from the trainees.

With the training chamber's abilities, countless scenarios were simulated: battling against overwhelming numbers, defending against ambushes, and maneuvering through dangerous terrains.

"Your stance is too wide," one instructor barked, shoving a soldier back with a single sweep of its massive arm. "Correct it, or you'll leave yourself open to a killing blow."

The soldier nodded, sweat pouring down his face, and adjusted his footing. The next strike was sharper, more precise.

"Good. Now, keep your center of gravity low and your movements fluid. Do not waste energy on unnecessary flourishes."

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months as the fighters honed their swordplay, their muscles aching from the relentless training.

The Draconic Awakened taught them to embrace the pain, to channel it into strength. As time passed, each fighter's movements became sharper, their strikes more devastating.

Northern Zone - Ranged Training

Archers and marksmen stood in a clearing dotted with levitating targets that zoomed through the air at unpredictable speeds.

The training chamber provided different types of scenarios to improve their skills—targets that zigzagged erratically, enemies with varying elemental resistances, and even multi-target elimination drills to sharpen their reaction times.

The Draconic Awakened in charge of the zone demonstrated how to breathe evenly, aiming with calm precision rather than haste.

"Breathe in—hold. Feel the wind, predict your target's path, and then… release." The arrow left the instructor's bow with a whistle, hitting a tiny, rapidly moving target with pinpoint accuracy.

The trainees struggled at first. Their shots were erratic, often missing the targets entirely. But under the stern guidance of their instructors, they began to find their rhythm.

The chamber introduced new challenges—shooting while dodging attacks, launching arrows through elemental barriers, and even hitting invisible targets by relying on sound alone.

One by one, the archers started hitting their marks. Then, as their accuracy improved, the instructors increased the difficulty—faster targets, trick shots through narrow openings, and even shooting while on the move.

"Remember, precision is key. A single well-placed arrow can decide a battle's outcome."

Western Zone - Mana Training

The mages stood amidst an arcane field, the air thick with raw mana. Every breath they took burned with the power of a thousand spells.

The chamber simulated a variety of magical environments, from chaotic mana storms to null-magic zones, forcing the mages to adapt and refine their casting under varying conditions.

The Draconic Awakened tasked with their training taught them how to channel mana more efficiently, how to cast without wasting energy, and how to maintain control under immense pressure.

"Do not force the mana to obey," a draconic mage instructed, its voice calm and steady. "Feel it, let it flow through you. Only then can you truly master it."

The mages struggled at first—spells fizzled out or erupted too violently. But as they adjusted their mindset, following the instructors' guidance, their control improved.

Fireballs grew hotter and more focused, lightning danced at their fingertips with precision, and barriers formed without a single crack.

The chamber summoned powerful elemental creatures, each embodying a different aspect of magic, to test their limits and abilities.

"Excellent. Now, let's test your abilities against a real challenge."

Southern Zone - Support Unit Training

The support units focused on bolstering their defenses and coordinating with one another.

The training chamber simulated various battlefield scenarios—mass healing under siege, creating protective wards against magical bombardments, and coordinating with melee units to provide backup at crucial moments.

The Draconic Awakened taught them how to create stronger barriers, how to heal more efficiently, and how to read the flow of battle to provide support where it was needed most.

"Do not merely react—anticipate," the draconic instructor urged as it observed a group of healers. "Predict when your allies will need your aid and act accordingly."

The support units learned to work in perfect harmony, weaving spells and abilities together to create impenetrable defenses and seamless healing networks. They practiced shielding allies from surprise attacks, neutralizing poisons and curses, and even redirecting enemy spells back at them.

As the weeks turned into months, the people of Everhart Manor pushed themselves harder than ever before.

The Draconic Awakened proved to be ruthless yet effective teachers, driving each person beyond their limits.

Besides training separately, once a week, they would combine all the forces and train their army formations as well.

They would then have mock combat with features of the training chamber that simulated a battlefield with shifting terrains, dynamic weather conditions, and enemy forces.

Adrian, too, did not remain idle. He and his family—Isabella, Sophia, Seraphina, Eve, and Chris—underwent rigorous training.

The chamber seemed to respond to their growth, adjusting the challenges and pushing them harder with each passing day.

Adrian honed his skills with daggers, spells, and his Dragon Vein Mana Circulation, steadily pushing his limits to the brink.

Not only Adrian, rest of his family members also went through their own tailored training provided by system to Adrian, who then gave them to his family.

The time they spent inside was grueling, but it bore fruit. By the end of the year, each of them had undergone a transformation—both physically and mentally.

One day, nearly a year into their training, Adrian felt a tug in his mind. The special item that he had purchased from the system was now signaling him that he should get out of the chamber to complete his plan.

Adrian called his family over, his expression serious. "My time inside is over now; I should head towards Mortimer's territory."

Sophia's brows furrowed. "Already? I don't have any sense of time since coming here and training so hard."

He nodded. "I need to make preparations outside and ensure everything is in place. I'll bring everyone out when the time is right."

Seraphina placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll be ready. Go and do what needs to be done, my dear Adrian."

With a final nod to his family, Adrian activated the token. In a flash of light, he was transported out of the chamber, returning to his estate where he had originally activated the voucher.

Back in the familiar surroundings of Everhart Manor, Adrian took a moment to steady himself. The transition from the intense mana-rich environment of the chamber to the calm air of the manor was jarring. He headed to his room, took a long, hot bath, and rested briefly. There was no time to waste.

He had already planned for this moment. During his training with Seraphina, he had arranged for the fastest mount—a monstrous beast bred for speed and endurance—to be prepared for him.

He had also hired some escorts, as he didn't want to be bothered with fighting bandits and monsters and be delayed. He also had them under a soul contract to prevent any leakage of information. Every detail had been meticulously handled.

Adrian donned his combat attire and slipped out of the estate and headed towards the designated location where the team and the beast he had hired and bought waited for him.

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