Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 126: Entering The Training Chamber

The remaining soldiers and staff stood straighter, their resolve hardened.

They were ready—ready to follow Adrian to the ends of the world, to shed blood if necessary, and to prove that their loyalty to the Everhart family was unbreakable.

Once the contract ceremony was over, Adrian led his people to the entrance of the Everhart Manor, where Seraphina waited, a small smile playing on her lips as she observed the aftermath of Adrian's decisive actions.

Her gaze flicked to the bodies of the traitors, still lying cold on the floor.

"Efficient and unwavering," she murmured approvingly. "As expected of my husband."

Adrian nodded but looked beyond the immediate. The stakes were high, and he had no intention of failing—not with his people, not with his family, and certainly not with his ambitions.

"Now, it's time for the training chamber," Adrian announced, his voice carrying over the assembled soldiers and staff.

He used the Virtual Training Chamber Voucher, which shimmered with an ethereal glow. He glanced at Seraphina, who understood the assignment and waved her staff to make it as if she activated the portal.

As Adrian activated it, a large portal materialized before them, swirling with vibrant colors and emitting a powerful aura of mana.

"This portal will take us to the training chamber, where we will spend the next several weeks—condensed time, of course—perfecting our skills and pushing our limits. By the time we return, each of you will have increased your combat prowess significantly."

He turned to Seraphina, who nodded and stepped forward. He had thoroughly explained the function of the training chamber to her the previous night, wanting everyone to believe it was her magic at work.

With a commanding presence, she took the lead and addressed the crowd.

"You will be separated into smaller groups within the chamber," she explained, her voice calm but firm.

"Each group will face a variety of challenges tailored to your current abilities. The chamber's environment can be adjusted to simulate different terrains and enemy types, allowing for comprehensive training."

There was a murmur of excitement among the crowd. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, a chance to hone their skills in a way that would be impossible outside the chamber.

"For most of you, advancing your combat abilities by even a single level could take months or years. But here, under our guidance, you will be able to achieve that and more in a fraction of the time," Seraphina continued.

At that moment, she raised her hands, and the air around her shimmered as an intricate magical formation appeared beneath her feet.

With a flourish, she summoned Adrian's draconic batalion—which was composed solely of draconic  awakened, that radiated raw power.

"These are your instructors for this one year, inside this chamber." Seraphina announced, her voice resonating with authority.

"Each of you will be paired with one of them. They will guide you throughout the training. Treat them with respect and heed their instructions well."

The draconic awakened moved to stand before the soldiers and staff, each one exuding an aura of strength and command. As they took their positions, Seraphina began assigning them to the different training zones.

"Melee units, head to the eastern zone," she instructed. "Ranged units, move to the northern zone. Mages and spellcasters, to the western zone. Support units, proceed to the southern zone."

The soldiers and staff quickly separated, following their designated instructors. The draconic awakened led them through the portal, disappearing into the swirling vortex of mana.

Seraphina stepped through last, and as she did, the portal closed behind her, sealing them inside the virtual training chamber.

The chamber's interior was vast, far larger than anything the Everhart Manor could contain. It resembled an expansive, mystical realm, with floating islands, towering mountains, and dense forests stretching as far as the eye could see.

The air buzzed with mana, thick and potent, making every breath feel energizing.

"This place is incredible," Adrian murmured, taking in the surroundings. The chamber was a masterpiece of magical engineering, capable of simulating any environment and challenge.

Seraphina walked up beside him, her gaze sweeping over the assembled people. "I've set up several training zones throughout the chamber," she explained.

"Each zone will test a different aspect of combat—speed, strength, endurance, and magical ability. I'll be monitoring everyone's progress and adjusting the difficulty as needed."

Adrian nodded, impressed by the scale of the chamber. "We'll start with basic drills to assess everyone's current abilities, and then move on to more specialized training."

With that, the draconic awakened began leading their respective groups to the designated zones, issuing commands with sharp, authoritative voices.

Adrian could see the determination in the eyes of his people—the desire to prove themselves, to rise above their current limitations.

"Alright, let's begin," Adrian said, clapping his hands together. "First, we'll conduct an assessment to see where everyone stands."

Over the next few hours, the chamber was filled with the sounds of clashing weapons, shouted commands, and the crackling of spells being cast.

The draconic awakened moved among the groups, offering guidance and demonstrating advanced techniques. Their presence was both intimidating and reassuring, pushing each person to their limits.

In the eastern zone, a group of melee fighters faced off against a series of increasingly difficult opponents conjured by the chamber.

The draconic awakened critiqued their stance, their attacks, and their defenses, pushing them to execute each move with precision and power.

"Don't let your guard down," one of the awakened instructed, its deep voice reverberating through the air as it observed a group of swordsmen.

"These creatures may be illusions, but the pain they inflict is real. Treat every encounter as if your life depends on it."

In the northern zone, archers struggled to hit fast-moving targets that darted through the air. A draconic awakened demonstrated how to steady their breathing and focus on predicting their targets' movements rather than just reacting.

"Focus on anticipation, not just reaction," the awakened advised. "A calm mind and a steady hand will lead to accurate shots."

The mages in the western zone grappled with the intensity of the mana in the chamber, their spells faltering under the pressure.

A pair of draconic awakened offered guidance on mana control, demonstrating how to regulate their flow to avoid burnout.

"Let the mana flow through you," one awakened urged, its voice low and soothing. "Do not force it. If you try to overpower it, you will only exhaust yourself. Adapt, and you will thrive."

Slowly but surely, the soldiers and staff began to adapt. Their movements grew more confident, their spells more controlled. The training was grueling but effective.

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