Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch117- Not Fun At All!

Feitan leaned against a nearby stall, his eyes never leaving the mask vendor. "Actions that defy logic or the natural order of things."

She seemed to think for a moment, tapping a delicate finger against her chin. "There are times when I've seen contest takers perform incredible feats. But whether that's due to their skill or some external force, I wouldn't know."

Komugi, ever the curious one, excitedly chimed in, "Have you ever seen someone do something magical? Or something that you can't explain?"

The woman's eyes twinkled. "Every day, dear. But it's all part of the beauty of Antokiba. The wonder it holds."

Phinx interjected, "So you've never questioned the source of these wonders? Never wondered how such things are possible?"

She laughed lightly, "To question is to take away the magic. I simply enjoy the beauty and leave the mysteries to those who seek them."

Canary, with a gentle frown, turned to Haruto, "It seems they don't see the world the way we do. It's as if they're unaware of the boundaries and laws of nature."

Komugi, clutching a plush toy she'd picked up earlier, observed, "They live in their reality, and we live in ours."

Haruto nodded, his posture straight, giving off an undeniable aura of authority. "We should continue our quest. Understanding the nature of this world is crucial."

Seeing the restaurant, they walk in. Dopff au Moulin, Caveau de Riquewihr, seemed to hold an air of rustic charm and nostalgia. The ambiance was warm and welcoming, but there was a ripple of tension in the air as they stepped inside. The group soon spotted Killua, Kurapika, Gon, and Leorio at a table, engaging in a heated discussion with an angry Cat Waiter, whose fur seemed to bristle with irritation.

“You need to pay for your food!” the Cat Waiter hissed, his tail twitching in annoyance.

“We’re really sorry, but we didn’t realize how expensive it would be,” Gon tried to explain, his eyes wide and sincere.

Leorio, looking embarrassed and frustrated, added, “We’ll find a way to pay you back, we promise.”

Haruto and his group watched from a distance, gauging the situation. Feitan smirked, recognizing the familiar banter. He strolled over, ruffling Killua’s hair as he arrived. “Short on money, shorty?”

Killua's eyes narrowed, looking up at Feitan with a playful challenge. "Shorty? That's rich coming from you." He smirked, leaning back in his chair.

Feitan raised an eyebrow, a smirk on his lips. "At least I know how to manage my money. Unlike some people." His gaze flicked meaningfully at the empty plates of spaghetti on the table.

Haruto, taking the situation in, approached the table with Canary and Komugi by his side. The surrounding patrons of Dopff au Moulin, Caveau de Riquewihr turned their heads, instinctively recognizing the authority he exuded. Even the angry Cat Waiter seemed to falter a little, his bristling fur settling slightly.

"Is there a problem here?" Haruto inquired, his voice calm but holding an underlying power.

The Cat Waiter hesitated for a moment, then replied, "They need to pay for their food." The irritation was evident in his voice, but he was also clearly trying to be respectful to Haruto.

Canary, her face softening, looked at the plate. "It's the spaghetti challenge, isn't it?"

The Cat Waiter nodded, his tail twitching slightly. "Yes, if they can finish it in half an hour, they win a 'Galgaida' card. But they haven't paid."

Komugi, ever the enthusiast, clapped her hands with excitement. "That sounds like fun! Haruto, can we try it too?"

Haruto nodded then turned to the waiter, “Put their bill on our tab as well,” his voice calm and decided. After addressing the waiter, he gracefully took a seat, his movements fluid and precise.

The others quickly found their seats, arranging themselves naturally around the table. Killua, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio, now standing at the side, expressed their gratitude with sincere thanks and relieved smiles.

With everyone settled, Haruto turned his attention to the four, “Tell me what you learned,” he prompted, his gaze sharp and focused.

Kurapika was the first to respond, his voice steady as he began to explain, “The people here, they don’t know that this is all a game. They’re not aware of their existence as non-real entities.”

He paused, glancing at the others to see if they were following, before continuing, “We’ve tried to explain it, to ask about it, but it’s like the concept is completely foreign to them. They live in their world, and it’s as if the rules and boundaries we understand don’t apply to them at all.”

Haruto nodded, his expression contemplative as he processed this information. The bustling atmosphere of the restaurant continued around them, but there was a bubble of intensity at their table as they delved into the intricacies of the game world.

“It’s fascinating,” Komugi chimed in, her eyes wide with interest. “They’re created from Nen, yet they have no knowledge of it. It’s like... they’re a part of a grand performance, and they play their roles without question.”

Canary, her eyes flicking from face to face, added, “It’s an elaborate creation. The details, the personalities, everything is so finely crafted. It’s almost eerie.”

Feitan, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. “It’s a game, after all. And we’re here to play, not to philosophize.”

Phinx nodded in agreement, “Right. Let’s focus on what we need to do. Learn the rules, play the game, and win. That’s what matters.”

Canary snorted at the two of them, “You know we are here to learn the details such as this, right?” Her voice held a mix of amusement and a tiny bit of exasperation.

Phinx, slouching a bit in his chair, responded with a sullen tone, “That’s not fun.”


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