Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch116- NPCs

The group soon reached Antokiba, a city bustling with energy and excitement, positioned conveniently close to Greed Island’s starting point. Komugi’s eyes sparkled with curiosity as she took in the vibrant surroundings, her enthusiasm infectious.

“This place is amazing, Haruto! Look at all the people and the shops!” she exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder.

Haruto smiled, appreciating her joy but remained vigilant, his eyes scanning the crowd as he assessed the other players in the vicinity.

Feitan and Phinx, standing close, shared Haruto’s skepticism. “These players...” Phinx started, his voice low and filled with a hint of disdain, “they’re hardly worth our time.”

“Indeed,” Haruto agreed, his voice steady, “but we’re not here for them. We’re here to understand the game better and find clues to the items we need.”

The group decided to move through the city, taking note of the various shops and events advertised on posters. The 15th of the month was approaching, bringing with it a major contest and a chance to win a valuable slot card.

“Haruto, there’s a contest on the 15th. Think we should participate?” Komugi asked, her voice filled with excitement.

Haruto considered her words, his chin lifting slightly as he pondered the idea. “It could be beneficial. We need to gather as many cards as we can."

Haruto then looked at the locals, NPCs created out of Nen, an integral part of this game's intricate world. A spark of determination lit up his eyes as he decided to approach them, intending to learn more about the game's mechanics and the potential use of Nen in various situations. “Let’s talk to them,” he called, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

Without further ado, the group navigated through the bustling streets of Antokiba, their eyes keenly observing the people around them. Haruto took the lead, his stature tall and confident, as they approached a vendor selling colorful trinkets.

“Good day,” Haruto greeted, his voice calm yet commanding attention. The vendor, an older man with a kind face, looked up and instantly straightened, sensing the authority in Haruto's presence.

“Hello, young man! What can I do for you today?” the vendor replied, his tone respectful.

Haruto inspected the man closely, his gaze sharp as he navigated through his thoughts, pondering whether the NPC’s responses were predetermined or controlled in some manner. “Tell me,” he started, his voice steady, “what can you tell us about the contest happening on the 15th?”

The vendor’s eyes brightened as he launched into an explanation, his words flowing smoothly. “Ah, the contest! It’s the highlight of the month here in Antokiba. Players from all around come to try their luck and skill. There are games, challenges, and at the end of the day, a lucky winner walks away with a rare items.”

Haruto listened intently, noting the enthusiasm in the man’s voice. It didn’t seem rehearsed, but he decided to press further, asking a more complex question to test the waters. “And have you ever seen someone use Nen during these contests? Something out of the ordinary?”

The vendor's brows furrowed in confusion. "Nen? What is that?"

Haruto's sharp gaze bore into the man, trying to discern the genuineness of his reaction. "It's a... technique," Haruto began cautiously. "Have you noticed players or individuals doing something extraordinary, something that defies logic?"

The older man scratched his head, clearly puzzled. "I've seen players do all sorts of impressive things during the contests, but I can't say I've noticed anything particularly unusual. It's all part of the spectacle."

Feitan leaned in, narrowing his eyes at the vendor. "How do you explain the phenomena in this game, then? The magic, the creatures, the unnatural happenings?"

"That's just how things are here," the man responded with a simple shrug. "Antokiba has always been like this—full of wonder and surprises."

Haruto's gaze drifted across the busy street, where players were shopping, conversing, and preparing for the upcoming contest. "Let's move," he suggested, prompting the group to follow him.

As they wandered, the streets of Antokiba were abuzz with life. Everywhere they looked, there were posters advertising the various contests and rewards.

Canary, walking close to Haruto, softly asked, "What do you think? Could Nen really be a part of this game without the NPCs realizing?"

Haruto paused, watching a street performer magically juggle flaming balls with ease. "It's possible. This game is crafted with Nen; it wouldn't be a stretch to think it can manifest in various ways."

Komugi, with childlike wonder, pointed to a stall with plush toys. "Look, Haruto! They're so cute!" she exclaimed, momentarily distracted. It was a fleeting moment of levity amidst their quest, and Haruto couldn’t help but smile at her genuine delight.

Feitan, spotting another vendor, suggested, "Let's ask him."

The vendor, a young woman selling ornate masks, greeted them with a warm smile. "Welcome! Interested in one of my masks?"

Before Haruto could pose his question, Komugi interjected excitedly, "Oh, these are beautiful! Did you make them?"

"Yes, all handcrafted," she replied proudly.

Haruto, seizing the opportunity, asked, "Have you ever noticed anything unusual about some of the players or the contests?"

The woman tilted her head, genuinely surprised. "Players?" She echoed. "Do you mean contest takers?"

Canary stepped closer, her eyes searching the woman's for any hint of understanding. "Yes, exactly. Do you know where they come from?"

The woman smiled warmly, her eyes taking on a distant look. "Everywhere. The world is vast. I see new faces every day. People come and go. Life is like a river, constantly flowing."

Haruto nodded, a thoughtful expression painting his face. He looked around, absorbing the everyday activities of the NPCs, the routines that felt so lifelike. "Tell me, have you ever noticed any... anomalies? Unusual activities?"

She chuckled softly. "Anomalies? Life here is full of wonders and oddities, young man. But what do you mean by unusual?"


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