Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

V2Ch-14-Yuki’s Success

Choosing to tactfully ignore the grin on Raina's face, I then ask Yuki to follow us and start walking towards the library.


The library might not be the best place to teach people, but since I have not built a lecture hall, it was the best place we had.


Taking the two techniques off the desk, I set down one of my last blank books and a pencil while pulling out the chair.


I then motioned to the chair for Yuki to sit and walk to the front of the library.


Checking my crafting menu while watching Yuki sit down, staring confusedly at the book and Raina making a chair and book appear out of nowhere next to her, I start looking for some support that I need.


It takes me a while to look through the menu as I also watch Raina sit down next to Yuki, causing her to get flustered and try to push her chair away from the desk. She was unable to, though, and from the fox-like grin spreading across Raina's face, I could guess why.


I eventually found what I was looking for as Raina started telling Yuki to calm down and pick up the pencil so she could take notes.


I then ordered the crafting system to make a medical skeleton prop, which needed 206 bones to make, a medical muscular system dummy, and some wall-hung diagrams of things like how skin and bone marrow work.


With that done I turn to the other two people in the room and leverage my newfound skill in teaching to give a verbal introduction to biology.


When the new props are finished after about sixteen minutes, I tell them that we are taking a break and go to start setting up the props.


The skeleton had every bone on the human easily accessible, and they even had small, almost invisible markings on them telling you which one they were. The muscular dummy had it where you could remove each individual muscle and even combine it with the skeleton. These two were clearly made to be used together.


Finishing my inspection of the two large props, I move to inspect the diagrams I had crafted. These were all within my expectations, so I put them up on the wall.


When I was done messing around, a little over ten minutes had passed, so I called the break to its end and started the important part of the lesson.


Most of what Yuki needed to know was about the different parts of the body and where they were placed. Other than that, she did not need to know much more.


For most of this lesson, I had Yuki play with the models and write notes.


By noon, we still had a quarter of the lesson left, but I still took a break so I could set the steel to be made in the workshop.


After that, I got back to the library and prepared for the final part of the lesson.


When I finished prepping, the break had been going for around ten minutes, so I called an end to it and started the lesson again.


This part of the lesson went surprisingly quicker than I thought it would, so I decided to quiz Yuki on the lesson.


She was initially flustered but started to answer each of my questions easily. She even answered with some of the more obscure things that I had only said once.


This left me curious, so I used something that I had never seen a reason to use on a person previously: the systems inspection function.


It was able to be used on living targets, and from what I learned from all the books, the information gained from inspection is never reliable for combat, so I never used it.


{Scanning Target}


{Compiling Information}


{Status Ready}

[Name: Yuki Lochheart]

Race: Human

Height: 1.8034 Meters (5' Ft 11" In)

Physique: None

Spiritual Root: Mutated Ink Spiritual Root

Realm: Mortal

Qi pool: Non-existent


 STR: 9 (7)

 END: 8 (6)

 AGI: 10 (8)

 INT: 10 (Limit)

 SEN: 10 (7)

 ENE: 10 (8)

Abnormal statuses:

[Cultivation Reversal Formation]

{Currently fading} <80%>

[Viscious Dragon Slave Seal]

{This slave seal ensures absolute loyalty and obedience to whoever holds their blood contract and also siphons off the cultivation of the marked to fuel the cultivation of the one who placed the seal upon activation of a hidden function or reaching a designated cultivation realm.}

{Will automatically activate upon reaching the golden core realm}

{Open SubWindow to show the current seal?} <YES/NO>


When I saw the window I was surprised that she had a mutated spiritual root as they were a fairly expensive option in the character creator.


From what I could tell, the more expensive the option, the rarer it was, like how mine was powerful enough to give the elders of the sect pause.


My spiritual root was also considered to have never been seen before as not even the old records recorded it, or at least that is what Lou Xia's parents told me.


Besides this revelation there was also the fact that Yuki had an intellect at the limit of the world.


I had expected something like this, and I just wanted to double-check to see how drastic it was. However, an intellect at the limit of the world was slightly unexpected.


It was when I looked at the abnormal statuses section that I started to get angry.


My tail started to lash about, and the temperature around me started to rise quickly.


Remembering some of the stories that I read in my past life and how they got around these seals, I chose to open the seals subwindow.


Taking out a piece of paper, I looked at the sub-window that displayed the seal and started copying it for research later.


With that done and plans made for later, I grabbed the Gaias Awakening Technique manual and placed it on the table.


Calming myself down and restraining the lashing of my tail, I asked Yuki to sit down at the table again and review the manual.


Both Raina and Yuki clearly wanted to say something, but I ignored that and walked over to Raina, asking to see what she had written down from the lesson.


My actions caused them to drop what they wanted to say for now, and Raina handed me the small booklet she was holding.


Opening it I started to review everything that was written there and found nothing that was wrong.


There were a few errors in the metaphysics surrounding meridians, but that was something that was wrong with what I had said and not with what Raina had written down.


Marking those errors and correcting them, I then clarified the mistakes I made to Yuki while handing the book back to Raina.


After that, I waited for Yuki to finish reading through the manual before explaining and recounting some of my experiences with it.


This went on for another half an hour before we were finished, and I asked Yuki to grab the manual and follow me.


My words got confused looks from both of them, but when I walked out the door, they both followed as I walked to the shrine in the middle of the garden.


The old men who were working in the garden watched as I entered, with Raina and Yuki following me.


When I walked into the shrine, they all stopped what they were doing and watched us even closer.


Now, in the outer area of the shrine, I turned and asked Yuki to sit down in the shrine's area of effect and review the first stage of the manual once more.


She looked around nervously for a moment before following my orders.


When she finished reviewing the first stage of the manual, she moved on to attempting to cultivate it without any prompting from my side.


This attempt went on for a few minutes with nothing happening before I saw all the light particles in the area start flying towards her.


Anticipating what was about to happen, I silently walked up behind her and got ready to provide assistance.


It was at this point, when the first particles of light touched her, that my precaution was proven necessary, though my ears were regretting it.


This was because when the first particle of light touched her and followed her guidance, a blood-curdling scream ripped free from her throat.


Placing my hand on the base of her skull, I tried to do something I had only just thought of.


Guiding the Qi in my body, I moved it into Yuki's and tried to use it to surround her spinal cord.


This proved harder than I thought, but it only took an additional second before I was able to do it.


I then poured my intent into my Qi and willed it to prevent any pain signals from reaching Yuki's brain while giving the occasional jolt to keep her awake where needed.


This seemed to work as her screams died out, and she closed her eyes to concentrate on what she was doing.


About twenty minutes later, a flash of golden light that emanated from her body gave the signal of the first stage's successful completion.


Now, the only thing left to do was pull my Qi out from her body while reverting any changes it may have caused and to also do something about her slave seal.

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