Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 20: A Goddess Appears!

With that settled, we headed to the counter with my few items.

"Is this all you would like?" The small old man behind the counter asked, but I shook my head.

"Just a price and inventory check," I said, handing him the items.

The name nodded and started to point to each thing. "10 copper for the blanket, since they are large. 6 for the pillow. The flint comes with the pot and cooking stand, so 3 silver for them. I have 12 blankets, but I will check in the back to see how many pillows I have left."

The man was about to go back, but I stopped him. "First, do you import your goods from other places, or do you, or someone in this town produce them?"

"Hmm? My wife and kids make all of them. All the wool comes from a local island that raises Flying Wool Horns," the man explained, and I nodded.

"Good to know. I will take all the blankets you have, along with pillows, and the blankets one size down," I explained, and both the old man and Aria stepped back, each with an arm up and shocked looks on their faces. 

What did I say this time? Sure it was a lot of stuff, but the blacksmith had given me 200 gold, so I figured that wasn't a ton of money. Though, the items here are pretty cheap if that is the case...

"Are you sure, Mr. Hero?" The man asked, and I pulled my bag of gold out from my inventory, making them both take another two steps back, Aria almost knocking over a display. "You can use the inventory skill as well?!"

I nodded. "Along with a couple other things. This is the two hundred gold I got from the blacksmith for clearing the Crystal Cavern," I said, and the man suddenly relaxed.

"Ahh, I see. Mayor Reece gave you this money, and since you are from another world, you don't understand the value of money here, right?" The man asked, and I nodded.

"True, but since you told me the cost, I would guess that 100 copper is 1 silver, and 10 silver is one gold?" I returned, but the man shook his head.

"Close, but it takes 100 silver to make 1 gold, but it takes 1000 gold to make one platinum coin. I personally have never seen one in all my years, but I barely have as much as you do after saving for 50 years of working so my kids might do something better," the old man explained.

Holy shit, Catman! I was loaded! And Mr. Blacksmith was actually the mayor as well? All interesting things that begged more questions, but now wasn't the time.

"Thank you for the information. Now, after you get me a price for what you have, I would like to order more things. I will pay half the cost upfront, and then the rest when you have it ready," I explained. "Does that work for you?"

The shopkeeper nodded, still processing the fact that I had handed him 200 gold without flinching. "Yes, that works. Let me get the total for the items you have here first."

After a few calculations, the man gave me the total. "For the blankets, pillows, and camping supplies you have here, it comes to 9 silver and 9 copper. I should have the rest ready by the end of the week, and then you will owe me 3 silver and 15 copper."

I handed him 2 gold coins and the old man blinked at me, looking slightly bewildered. 

"You only need 1 gold coin and I will get you the change!" The man said, but I shook my head.

"Keep it. Think of it as an investment," I said, plans whirling in my head, but I didn't want to get ahead of myself. Giving this man the extra would make sure that I got the best stuff, and set up a good trade partner for the future.

The ultimate guide to being lazy first requires that you put in a lot of effort to get your ducks all in a row. Once everything started to move like a well-oiled machine, there was little effort to be done. 

Printing was my goal, but unlike in my last life, I had more than just me to worry about. That meant I needed to start all over again, make a home, and provide for it. My last life I had done that with my printing alone; selling figurines in pieces, constructed, and even painted. 

This life didn't seem like that was going to be a reality, so my best option was to start setting up connections with trustworthy people. Then, I would use the ultimate skill that almost all Isekai protagonists used.

Otherworld knowledge!

While the shop owner went to collect my other additional items, Aria approached me.

"Leon, may I ask why you're purchasing so much?" she inquired, her curiosity evident.

I smiled at her. "Well, we're planning to camp out in the cave for a while. It's safer there, and we can figure out our next steps without any interruptions. Plus, I have a ton of demons to worry about, and two other women, so I want to make sure everyone is comfortable."

"You really seem like a good person!" Aria exclaimed, jumping a bit, but it made her hood fall back for the first time. Both our eyes connected, and I stepped back in shock.

Beautiful was a gross understatement of the living embodiment of perfection that stood before me. It was like I was looking at a completely different face, and I could feel my own face heat up.

"Woah! What just happened?! Not to be rude, but you just got... no... you didn't get more beautiful! You turned into a goddess!" I exclaimed like an idiot, unable to shut my embarrassing mouth. 

Her face flushed, and she quickly pulled her hood back up, avoiding eye contact. "Th-thank you, Leon. I... I appreciate the compliment. I didn't mean to trick you, but this is a special robe that makes the wearer look dramatically less attractive. I wear it so I don't get abducted while traveling, or, you know..."

I put up my hand to stop her from going on, tipping my head with closed eyes. I had made up my mind, no matter how shallow the choice was! She had already given me more than enough reason to want her in my party, but that face! 

Her blinding beauty had been burned into my eyes! Her worries instantly became my own, and I silently vowed I would not just protect this woman with my life, but I was going to marry her too!

I opened my eyes back up and looked her in the eyes with a determined look. “Aria. Would you please join my family?”

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