Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 19: Average Looking Healer

I looked at the girl and shrugged. "Sure. I don't really know my way around here, so you can help speed up the process."

She had a bit of blonde hair sticking out of the hood she wore, but the tan robe she had on made her body look formless without any definition. It almost repulsed me for some reason, even though I didn’t think the girl was ugly, just super common.

"Thank you!" She nearly shouted and bowed to me again. This girl was really something else.

"Can you take me to a place that sells blankets, and whatever else I will need to camp outside?" I asked, and then the girl straightened up with a determined look on her face and nodded. She was about to turn, but I put my hand up to stop her. "Let's at least exchange names. I'm Leon."

I offered my hand, and at first, she looked at it like it was a snake, but then nervously took it slowly. "My name is Aria," she replied, blushing slightly. "Nice to meet you, Leon."

With our introduction complete, Aria led the way through the streets of the town. The setting sun cast a warm, golden glow over the buildings, and the town was gradually transitioning from the bustle of daytime activities to a quieter evening atmosphere.

As we walked, Aria explained that there was a general store nearby where I could find blankets, camping supplies, and other essentials. She also mentioned a few other shops that might have items of interest.

We reached the general store, and Aria held the door open for me. The store was well-lit with shelves neatly organized with various goods. A friendly-looking shopkeeper greeted us.

"Welcome! How can I help you today?" he asked.

"I'm looking for blankets, camping supplies, and anything else I might need for outdoor camping," I explained.

The shopkeeper nodded. "Certainly! We have a selection of blankets over there, and our camping supplies are on that aisle. Take your time and let me know if you need assistance."

As I perused the aisles, Aria stayed close, occasionally suggesting items or sharing information about their uses. It was clear she was knowledgeable about the town and its resources.

After selecting a blanket, a pillow, and some other camping necessities, we headed to the counter. Before we got there, Aria hesitated, putting her hand on my arm to stop me. I turned to her, but it was a moment before she spoke.

"Um, Leon, if it's not too much trouble, may I join you on your journey?" she asked, her gaze earnest.

I raised an eyebrow, surprised by her request. "Join me? Why would you want to do that?"

Aria blushed, looking down at the floor. "Well, you saved the town, and I've always dreamed of going on an adventure. Plus, you seem like a really nice person."

I considered her request. Having someone familiar with the area and its resources could be beneficial, but I also had to be cautious about who I allowed to travel with me. This also wasn't something I could just decide on my own.

I wasn't good at interviewing people, and I was also new to this world. Basically a newborn when it came to the world's customs, concepts, commerce, laws, and history. Since this was the case, I would just have to word my response in a way that would make her tell me everything that I wanted to know. Even if I don't know exactly what to ask about.

"I would ask that you give me a bit of time to think about it, okay?" I asked, but then added, "I have taken on a lot more responsibility than I had planned for when I entered this world. If you were to join my family, I would protect you just like the others. The problem is that I have no idea how strong I am compared to the strongest person or monster in the world. Basically, I need to consider the pros and cons before making any choices that could affect the lives of the people I care about."

After I finished my long-winded request for more time, I looked at Aria but then hopped back despite myself. Her face was ready to challenge a tomato, and swore I could see the waves of heat coming off her face. Aria's hands were at her mouth, and her eyes looked like they were going to start spinning around in her head.

"Umm, Aria? Are you alright?” I asked.

At my words, she blinked and slapped her cheeks a few times before shaking her head. "Sorry. I... never mind... I am a healer, but I also have read a great number of books in the capital of Reshan, Marquisto. I specialize in healing magic and herbs, but my true passion is these floating islands! The rest of my studies have been devoted to exploring them!" 

"Oh?" I questioned. That was pretty useful. 

Being a healer alone was a good enough reason alone to take her, but an expert on flying islands? That was exactly what I was looking for, and not a suspicious reason for wanting to join me. 

Still, now that I knew about the golden curse marks, I would have to check her body over... or get the girls to. I still wasn't sure about Aria, since all I could see of her was the parts of her face that weren't covered by her hood or hair. 

Not that I was all about looks, but from the way she acted, this felt more like a harem application, rather than a party. Sure, Aria told me all the things that made her useful as a party member, but she had been blushing and flustered the entire time. I had watched enough to know what this personality was!


I coughed, covering my mouth with my fist, and concentrated on Aria. "As far as I can tell, you would be a great fit for our party, but I have to ask the other two first, okay?"

Aria's eyes widened in surprise, and then she nodded eagerly. "Of course! I understand. Please take your time to discuss it with the others. I'll be waiting for your decision."

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