Red Alert 1895

Chapter 974

Chapter 977 – 2 The End Of The Devil (Part 1)

?The trade opening treaty between China, Britain and Germany has begun to be signed, but this treaty is relatively low-key, and there is not much publicity. And the real internal propaganda is about China taking back Hong Kong, and the day when the Chinese take back Hong Kong is set within one month. And this news also made everyone feel excited and excited, because this last colony was also taken back again. And from now on, the land ceded by openly signed treaties during the Manchu and Qing Dynasties has also been taken back again. In this way, everyone feels very excited and excited, and it can be regarded as taking back all the territory.

“The imperial court took back the land lost by the former Qing Dynasty. After we took back these lands. That’s right! The English, the most powerful country in the world, also took the initiative to return the land to us. So what do we have to be afraid of? The land ceded by the former Qing Dynasty has also been taken back, so it is truly powerful. Even the British have to choose to return the land, which is really great *pig*pig* island *small* said huzu. In the future, we will still Which barbarian dares to discriminate against us, and which barbarian dares to bully us casually?”

“Yes! The British have to return their land, so why should we worry about it? The imperial court has become stronger and stronger, so we can really feel proud!” “Did you see that? Those arrogant foreign devils, Now they are all very afraid here one by one. When they see our eyes, they are also full of fear, and they dare not look at me with those arrogant eyes in the past.”

In Hong Kong, everyone knows that Hong Kong is now less than 30 days away. In less than 30 days in Hong Kong, those British people in Hong Kong also knew that things were irreparable, especially those businessmen who bought real estate in Hong Kong, and they were extremely painful. Because these real estates belong to China according to the treaty, the funds they used to purchase the property rights of these real estates are completely in vain. As for those British businessmen who did not have real estate, many people began to feel nervous in their hearts. Because some of them have used disgraceful methods when doing business. If these methods were used by the British to rule Hong Kong in the past, they would be nothing.

But now the Chinese are here, although the Chinese promise not to confiscate those legal properties. But many of their properties are illegal properties, and there is no legal property at all. Because these British people don’t have any courtesy, justice and shame at all, they pay attention to cost in almost everything. If they find that the cost of robbing is far lower than legal business, they will not hesitate to rob. So during the period of British occupation, could they resist the temptation so much and not use their privileges to invade? This is almost impossible. Anyone who has official or private contacts with the British government also uses their privileges to usurp the wealth of the Chinese, so they have used too many privileges to obtain wealth.

Although Wang Guorui may not really be sentenced to death in accordance with the law, those who have no homicides are generally not sentenced to death, but the property may not be preserved. The wealth accumulated over the years has been wiped out like this. Can they not worry about repaying it like this?

Even, they are now facing those navies who are blocked outside and are ready to review their wealth after taking over at any time, and they are all desperate. It is impossible for them to break out now. They may only have the army and government officials to leave, and it may be difficult for ordinary businessmen to leave. They will pay the price for their original actions, and the wealth they may have accumulated for many years will also be wiped out. But who can blame this one? People like them are calculating and calculating, but they forgot a sentence, don’t look at the fun today, just be afraid of making a list tomorrow.

When they bully others and bully those who are not as good as themselves, their bandit thinking will hurt themselves sooner or later. Chinese people may pay attention to kindness, but most people pay attention to being a human being and keeping a line so that we can meet each other later. Unless it is the irreconcilable absolute contradiction of fighting for hegemony, other businessmen, even most of the time in political struggles, will not punish each other to death, and they all adhere to the idea of being a human being and keeping a front line. This approach certainly looks a bit stupid, although it looks a bit stupid.

In most cases, even if the Chinese make unequal transactions, at least they will not punish people to death, and will still leave some room for them to survive. This may seem stupid to Westerners, but it represents that there is still a bottom line in Chinese culture. But such a bottom line maintains the survival of the vast majority of people, and few people can do too brutal and brutal things for their own interests.

But those British people only calculate the only calculate the cost. When they find that the cost of violence is lower, they can’t help but use violence, even mercilessly, and they will not give up even if they want to kill people. But now, the retribution will come soon, and they can’t face these Chinese who have risen again.

“The British are going to leave soon?” “Yes! Are they going to leave soon?” “Well, they will gradually withdraw within a month, and they are already counting the days.” “Yes! The British Ready to evacuate!”…

In this era, the status of Hong Kong people is actually very low. Most of them still regard themselves as Chinese. Of course, this is also because colonialism is still very strong in this era, and the British hardly recruit Hong Kong natives to join the management class. The rise of the real colony, and the large number of Hong Kong people joining Hong Kong’s government agencies and various power departments, was after World War II. After World War II, the general collapse of colonialism in the world, the “indigenous” status of the colonies was greatly improved. At that time, the colonists of Macau and Hong Kong also had to absorb many local “natives” to join the management. And it is precisely because of this that those local vested interests have ideas and ambitions.

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