Red Alert 1895

Chapter 973

Chapter 976 – Yingde Drinking Poison To Quench Thirst (Part 2)

?The agreement between China and the United Kingdom and Germany was also announced soon. First of all, the treaty between China and the United Kingdom stipulated that the United Kingdom would withdraw various civil servants and armed personnel within one month, and then China would take over the management. And there is a lot of content in it, and even the treaty on the disposal of Hong Kong is also agreed. Real estate sovereignty belongs to China, but the legal floating wealth of British businessmen still belongs to them, and China will not confiscate it. The next second treaty shocked everyone, because Britain actually took out its own shipbuilding technology and gave it to China in exchange for China’s market opening power.

And this treaty makes everyone feel that the British are crazy, right? He actually gave all his housekeeping skills to the Chinese. Didn’t the British rely on their powerful navy for so many years? Of course, the navy is powerful, but civilian ships are not bad either! You must know that shipbuilding is an industry that can be used by both military and civilians. As long as military engines are installed on civilian ships, they are also civilian. If civilian ship engines are placed on smaller warships, it is not impossible to drive warships.

This kind of shipbuilding industry is the so-called equipment manufacturing industry, which is the core of a country. Regarding national security and national defense, the core technology must be kept as secret as possible. But the British actually gave it to China for civilian use? Even if it is only for civilian use, who knows if the Chinese will get inspiration from it, and then gradually improve it quickly? In terms of high-end equipment manufacturing, the whole world also knows that China’s self-production capacity is very poor, and they all have to rely on the so-called “organization” to ask for or purchase. This time the British actually lost their minds and gave all their housekeeping skills to the Chinese? This is simply astonishing compared to giving Hong Kong back to China. If all the housekeeping skills are given to others, isn’t that “benefiting the enemy”?

The whole of Europe knows that the Chinese will inevitably become the enemy of the whole of Europe in the future, but the British actually do such stupid things?

And then, something that made the small European countries even more crazy happened. Germany has also joined the ranks of this market-for-technology exchange. Germany has opened up various German industrial universities on a large scale, and does not restrict Chinese people from studying any majors. Moreover, the top factories in Germany are open to China to train technicians. In the future, 10,000 Chinese technicians will receive training. This makes them feel crazy even more, and the Germans are also joining the ranks of “enemies”.

Once these people go to learn these industries, they can truly build up an industrial technology system when they return to China, and they can make blood by themselves without relying on blood transfusions from outsiders. The Germans are so stupid that they use this method to capitalize on the enemy?

But they heard that Wang Guorui used this method of exchanging the market for technology, which caused high-level officials from various European countries to scold at the same time.

“Fuck! Is there still such a game?” Many European politicians almost fainted.

European politicians know Wang Guorui’s methods. Wang Guorui’s market for technology is really amazing. He actually used his powerful power to maintain his control over the domestic market, coupled with the centralization of power by the state, it prevented local powerful factions from opening up the market without authorization. That is to say, if foreign goods want to enter the Chinese market, they cannot bypass the Chinese central government.

However, the Chinese central government divides the domestic market and uses them to negotiate conditions, especially with the United Kingdom and Germany. If Britain and Germany do not agree to the conditions of the Chinese, then Wang Guorui will open the market to the other party unconditionally.

This is a disastrous consequence. If Germany gets the huge market of China, the UK will be under unprecedented pressure. Therefore, in order to avoid the rapid rise of Germany, the British naturally had to agree to many conditions for China, even if they gave China part of their housekeeping skills, they would not hesitate. Because no matter how China is, it is also ranked after Germany. The primary enemy of the British is the Germans, and the Chinese can only rank second, or even third and fourth. The main enemy of the British is currently in Europe, so it is impossible for them to force China to open its market to Germany in order to contain China. This will be a rocket-like improvement for Germany’s economic development. Of course they are afraid.

But the Germans all over the world can’t find the temple door with their pig’s head. When they heard that China was going to open their market to the UK, they all hurried over. Of course they don’t want Britain to get the Chinese market, so they can only bite the bullet and negotiate terms with China. If the UK is allowed to get China’s huge market, then what else does Germany play? There was still hope for a challenge, but if the UK gets a huge market, they will also have an extremely huge role in stimulating the UK’s economy, and Germany can only bite the bullet and follow the British to compete.

So, this time it’s China’s turn to be the farmer here. He is the emperor’s daughter who doesn’t worry about marrying, let them compete by themselves, and then kill three people by them play by themselves.

“It’s too cloudy, the Chinese are too cloudy, anyone can only jump down this pit! The contradiction between the Germans and the British is destined to make it impossible for them to cooperate. Moreover, if they even cooperate, the Chinese will Don’t be afraid, the meat in the hands of the Chinese is too fat. The British and Germans seek his market far more than they seek their technology. The Chinese may develop themselves slowly, but foreign technology is not necessarily needed. But If Germany or the United Kingdom alone gets the Chinese market, it will be disastrous for the other party. Therefore, they have to bite the bullet and bet against each other.”

And William II looked at the draft contract, and then he sighed and said: “The Chinese, unexpectedly turned a bad card into a good card! He took advantage of the contradiction between our Germany and the United Kingdom, and hung out A carrot, but we have to fight with the UK itself, and then let him watch the show. This method is too powerful, and the contradiction between us and the UK cannot be eased. And their Chinese market is a catalyst, enough Catalyze our national strength. If we let the British get it alone, then we are probably going to die. But if we get the Chinese market alone, the British are also in danger. Therefore, we cannot reconcile the two sides, we just Being able to bite dogs in front of the Chinese, we can’t be safe at all.”

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