Red Alert 1895

Chapter 945

Chapter 948 – Disgruntled Portuguese

Although the squadron cut off the land and water traffic in Macau, it did not cut off the electromagnetic wave communication. At present, there is no way to cut off and suppress electromagnetic waves, so the situation in Macau will soon be known to the Portuguese. The senior officials in Portugal did not dare to underestimate it, and they all got up for a meeting regardless of the time difference. And this Portuguese is very angry. You must know that the Portuguese are already in decline at this time, and the colonies such as Brazil have also become independent. As for the other colonies, there is actually nothing to talk about. Although the current land area of Macau is relatively small, it has a very good geographical location. Not only guarding the economically developed place of Guangdong, China, but also an important colony of Portugal in Eastern Asia, which is a place with very developed commercial trade. So although the area is small, the income is not low, so of course the Portuguese are not willing to give up.

But now the squadron has been overwhelmed by soldiers, so they forced them to leave immediately, which made the Portuguese very unwilling. This Macao is an important hub of trade between the East and the West, and its geographical location is very suitable, it can be used as an important transit of the trade between the East and the West. In the past, since the Ming Dynasty, they also attached great importance to Macau, but now they have to face the result of China taking it back. How could they be willing to give up this fat and oily place? So they got angry right away!

“How could the Chinese be so shameless? How could they do this? It was a treaty signed by the Chinese government that gave us permanent governance power. How could they do this?” someone said angrily.

But someone smiled bitterly and said: “The Chinese have already said that they don’t recognize all the treaties of the so-called Manchu Empire. They say that the Manchu Empire is an invader and belongs to robbers. They don’t recognize the inheritance of the Manchu Empire. All the debts, treaties, etc. of the Manchu Qing Empire were not recognized. That’s what they did, they didn’t admit it at all, and they didn’t continue to fulfill the so-called various reparations. So what can we do? They have now The soldiers are overwhelmed, what shall we do?”

“What should we do? In order to safeguard the honor of the empire, we will not hesitate to fight!” An officer shouted.

But everyone also looked helpless, the Portuguese had long since declined, and it was impossible to compare with the currently rising China. They are now at war with China. They are the birthday stars eating arsenic, and they are impatient to live. At present, Portugal’s economic strength and war potential are not at the same level as China’s. How many troops can the Portuguese mobilize? There are so many people in Guangdong, China, even if everyone in the family spit, they can drown you.

There are not many other things in China, that is, there are many people, and the East is China’s home field. Are they rushing to die? There is no need to worry about logistical supplies or anything, there are countless people who can take them out. Backed by a population of 40 million people as a backup group, it really doesn’t have to be so easy to clean up the Portuguese. Although Wang Guorui would not send troops to expedition to Europe, taking Portugal was only a matter of an order.

The Portuguese are not the Portugal they were back then, they are simply vulnerable, especially in the face of China.

“Could it be that we lost our colonies like this? Back then, the British had tens of thousands of troops and forced China to surrender, and casually asked them to cede land and pay compensation. They obviously won the battle, but they all chose to surrender. We Is it necessary to compromise like this country?” A military officer said unwillingly.

Although the officer shouted very loudly, everyone knew in their hearts that China was no longer the Manchu Qing Dynasty it used to be. And in fact, the strength of the Manchu Qing was far stronger than the comprehensive strength of Western countries, and the war potential was actually far stronger than that of the Manchu Qing. Population is also a huge advantage, but Man Qing was afraid that his Aixinjueluo family would lose the ruling power, so he naturally chose to compromise and was unwilling to fight. But Wang Guorui is not like this now. Of course he is not afraid of war. In order to protect the rights and interests of the country, he will not be afraid of war. At least, he is not afraid of going to war with Portugal. If Portugal dares to go to war with China, the Portuguese must die.

The strength of a country cannot be measured purely from the economic aspect. The economic aspect is only a reference, and it is not even the most important factor. Regardless of the population, it may not be important sometimes, but the “high land” will be averaged. But before the invention of nuclear weapons, that population was a real combat power! Old Maozi was called the European steamroller back then. Their economic strength and weapons and equipment were not the best, but they relied on their population advantage to fight to the death of countless countries. In the face of this crowd tactics, as long as the gap is not too large, as long as the army If there is no generation difference, it is inevitable to crush the opponent to death. As long as it is not cold weapons against mature hot weapons, or ordinary hot weapons against informationized troops, there will be no obvious generation difference, and if there are no nuclear weapons, the population is the factor that determines the war potential, even the most Key factor.

With a population of 400 million in China, the Portuguese are simply unable to compete with China at present. If you go to the east, the crowd tactics are enough to crush the Portuguese to death, and you are not afraid at all.

“People are not even afraid of the British, what can we do?” Someone complained.

However, it is clear that some people are still unwilling to give up, saying: “Then can’t we unite with European countries and put pressure on them together?”

“European countries? Are European countries willing to launch an expedition of millions of troops for the benefit of us Portuguese?” Obviously not everyone is an idiot.

There are a lot of dirty things behind the scenes in European countries. The British and French are suppressing the Germans. The British are too busy to take care of themselves. Will they unite with European countries to deal with the Chinese for the benefit of the Portuguese? Even if they are willing to fight, how many troops will it take to defeat the Chinese? It is useless to send fewer troops. Sending more troops, the logistics are enough to make them urinate blood in Europe. And they didn’t dare to send troops until they solved the ace rocket loli in Wang Guorui’s hand. This Rocket Lolita is a good player in the logistics of sneak attacks. Isn’t the logistics supply of the hundreds of thousands of Russian troops cut off by the Rocket Lolita? Before there are enough means to contain Rocket Lolita, it is not too easy for Rocket Lolita to attack the enemy’s logistics. Millions of troops without logistical supplies are no different from millions of pigs. Expecting millions of pigs to defeat the well-prepared Chinese is a joke.

What’s more, there are a lot of tricks and dirty things behind the scenes in European countries. It is obviously not so easy to unite Europe, not only because of national culture or historical conflicts. The Chinese are different. The Chinese culture is almost highly unified. It can almost be said that it is a single-ethnic country. Even a small number of ethnic minorities are strongly sinicized. Li Siguang is a Mongolian, those who don’t know him don’t even know that he is a Mongolian, and he is completely the same as the Han. So the cultural identity is strong and it is easy to unite.

Unlike Europe, which is a mess of loose sand, the most precious thing left by the Chinese ancestors is population, that is, culture. They allow tens of millions of people to have “one heart”, unlike the scattered Europeans who have their own ghosts. Perhaps many people criticize the ancient cultural policies, thinking that they are feudal dross, but it is precisely these cultures that have created China’s dominance in the East, allowing them to have an innumerable population, which can prevent the ethnic population from decreasing too much, and thus maintain China’s leadership power. In this ancient agricultural society, population was wealth, and population was the source of all wealth. Whichever nation had the most population would definitely dominate.

Therefore, let alone how Western countries fight after sending troops, there are problems in how they fight. It is not so easy to say that they want to get several big countries to come together to send troops to China. So it is impossible for them to fight against China this time. Not only is the East China’s home field, but even they cannot persuade so many countries to send troops to China! The possibility of victory after sending troops is also very low, so no country is willing to send troops.

“I we can’t use force to fight against China, I might as well use some other means to fight against China. What do you think? I think it is not impossible for the Chinese to deal with the past. We As long as the right method is found, it is not impossible to solve.” Someone said.

“What can we do? The Chinese have already overwhelmed Macau, so what should we do? Who should we talk to? It is impossible for the British to fight against the Chinese for our Macau, especially now that Macau is already a Chinese food. The meat on the board, the Chinese eat whatever they want. In fact, the Chinese have already mastered the Strait of Malacca, and we are useless. Not to mention that the Chinese do not control Sumatra Island. Although Sumatra Island is still the territory of the Dutch, the Netherlands What is the relationship between the human queen and the Chinese emperor, no one in Europe knows now, it is just the difference between the left hand and the right hand.”

“Hey, it’s because of the relationship between the emperor of China and the queen of the Netherlands that we have the opportunity to make a fuss! You know, in our Europe, the marriages between the royal families of various countries are very complicated, and the bones and tendons are broken! So , why can’t we make some ideas in this regard? We must know that we can do something in this regard, and I’m afraid that the emperor of China will be the one who will be in trouble.”

“Anyway, we can’t beat us, and we can’t even beat them. However, using this method, maybe we can force them to back down. Even if they fail, we can ask for more compensation!” (To be continued.)

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