Red Alert 1895

Chapter 944

Chapter 947 – Soldiers Come To Macau

After receiving the telegram order from the Communist Party headed by Wang Guorui, Li Yuanhong immediately started to mobilize his troops. He asked his more than 30,000 marines to start preparing to divide into two groups, one of which was responsible for landing from the Guangzhou Bay area on the sea, and was ready for landing operations at any time. Then there is another part responsible for cutting off the way for Macau to escape outside, and then blockade all of Macau. Although **** has issued an order, even Li Yuanhong knows that it is one thing to issue an order, but he does not have the right to initiate a war.

Wang Guorui’s order was only for him to prepare for action, and then put pressure on Macau. As for whether to take the initiative to go to war, this is not something Li Yuanhong can do. According to international practice, any war must be declared. If there is no declaration of war, it is undeclared war. Undeclared war has a very bad reputation in the world, and Wang Guorui also has to care about it.

Of course, if the interests are really big enough, such as the Japanese Pearl Harbor, the interests are big enough, and it is also possible to fight without declaring war. After all, if the benefits are huge enough, then anything can be done. However, in the face of this Macau, although it is to regain the homeland, it is only a tiny place after all. It is really inappropriate to create an undeclared war for this territory that will inevitably return.

“Governor Gao Shide, our mother port is surrounded by the Chinese. Their marines have surrounded us outside, and they have cut off our traffic to the outside. Our port and all sea vessels are also prohibited. Then even if we wanted to go out, we were forced back by them. However, they have not started a war yet, but maybe as long as their central government gives an order, they can attack at any time, and then they can land in Macau, then we Neither can escape. We are already surrounded, and it is almost impossible for us to escape by sea or land. As for going north, it is impossible, because the north is the territory of the Chinese, and our death is even worse!”

“Governor, we in the north have been surrounded by the army troops in the southeast theater of China. Although they are not the regular main force, they are just some militias and reserves in the theater, but they all have a rifle in their hands. Although there are not many artillery pieces, But for us, that is also a huge pressure!”

『⊙『⊙』⊙『⊙, m.←.o↓m

In less than a day, almost all of them were mobilized, and the Marine Corps had already started to move, and then they cut off the channel of Macau’s external communication. Maybe only the electromagnetic waves in the air cannot be cut off, but this is meaningless. There are marines blocking the south, and they can land and attack at any time. And there are reserve troops in the north, although their number is only tens of thousands, and there are not many artillery. But for these so-called Portuguese troops stationed in Macau, there are already too many people.

The reason why they can mobilize so quickly is thanks to the new mobilization system, which allows them to gather tens of thousands of troops in one day. Of course, this Macao is located in Guangdong and borders the territory directly controlled by China, so that all kinds of troops in Guangdong can reach their destinations without even preparing logistics supplies, so the assembly speed is of course fast. The most time-consuming thing to organize an army is to organize logistics, and if you don’t need to organize logistics, the speed of army assembly is simply unimaginable. If there is no need to organize logistics, it is not only not strange to gather tens of thousands of troops that day, but it is very normal.

“Portuguese in Macau, listen, our squadron is ready to take over Macau, please get out of the way as soon as possible! All of you Portuguese, the administrative agency of your so-called Macau Governor’s Palace, must be disbanded within forty-eight hours, and then we China’s southeast war zone temporarily implements military control over Macau. If you don’t obey the arrangement, we will take over Macau by force. At that time, we will not be able to guarantee your safety, and all responsibility will be on your own Be responsible. Out of respect for life, we give you 48 hours to prepare, if you refuse to follow the order, then we will attack!” An officer shouted with a loudspeaker.

And the Governor’s Mansion in Macau suddenly became a mess, and they didn’t know what to do, especially the so-called troops in Macau, these troops existed in theory rather than existed. In fact, these troops have nothing to do. In front of tens of thousands of Chinese troops and tens of thousands of marines, it is nothing at all. These troops in Macau are actually only a few hundred people. If such a few hundred people are in front of the naval guns, they will almost survive a single shot.

So with such a small group of people, they are of no use at all.

“Governor, what should we do?” someone asked.

The governor, Gao Shide, was suddenly a little unsure: “They didn’t attack directly, so could they be worried that if they took the initiative to attack, it would cause a war?”

The officials of the Governor’s Mansion next to him are also dizzy, this is simply too idiotic, isn’t it?

“Governor, don’t make such extravagant hopes. Look at these Chinese people. They have fought the Japanese, the Russians, the Spaniards, and the Dutch. Even now they are fighting The Americans went to war, although they did not directly attack, but both sides declared war. And we Portugal…”

This staff member obviously means very obvious, what kind of thing are they Portugal? Chinese people care about their feelings? What the Chinese care about is only their own reputation in the world. After all, it is really inappropriate to go to war without declaring it. For the sake of one Macao, it is not suitable to make an undeclared war, and we still have to save some face. It would be too shameful to fight undeclaredly for one Macao, and the strategic benefits are not worth the loss!

That Gao Shide also finally despaired, he obviously knew that it was impossible to resist the Chinese here. They’re not idiots, which must have been very troublesome in this case. Gao Shide already had a premonition that he would become the last governor of Macau.

“Go and call that Chinese representative, I want to ask them!” Gao Shide still hoped to make the last effort.

“Mr. Gao Shide, I am the liaison staff officer of the Southeast Theater, with the rank of captain. Do you have anything to do with us?” the liaison staff officer asked.

Gao Shide was very angry immediately: “I am also the governor of Macau anyway, and my status in Portugal is equivalent to that of a government minister? Did you just send a captain to negotiate with me?”

“Governor of Macau? When did China appoint the governor of Macau? Moreover, what is the relationship between Macau and Portugal? Why don’t I know? I just know that our Marine Corps is going to station in Macau. All the international regulations I remember are Every sovereign country has the right to garrison troops on its own territory. We only belong to the internal mobilization of the army. What can we do? We send troops to station in our own territory Macau. How complicated is it? I don’t know The mobilization of our squadron’s troops needs to be approved by Portugal?” asked the liaison staff officer.

“You, you China leased Macau to us? So of course I, the governor of Macau, was appointed by the Portuguese government!” Gao Shide asked.

“When did China lease Macau to Portugal? Why didn’t I know? As far as I know, you started from the Ming Dynasty, and you also asked to be stationed here under the pretext of drying the goods in the water, and then the stolen goods did not leave. We have some records, and even heard about it in a deified “Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio” back then. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it accurately records that you ‘red-haired people’ asked for a blanket-sized territory under the pretext of Then steal the facts about our Macau.”

Regarding the Portuguese occupation of Macau, it was also mentioned in “Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio”, but perhaps Pu Songling just heard the story and didn’t really go to see it in person. And maybe there are some false rumors in the hearsay, and finally a group of “red-haired men” made a blanket bigger and and finally it was bigger than a city. But this cannot conceal the fact that the Portuguese have occupied Macau for hundreds of years. This is beyond doubt.

“I think, even if you asked the local officials to find a place to dry the goods that got into the water, it should have been done for hundreds of years, right? I think it’s not the goods that got into the water, but your Portuguese heads , Your Portuguese brains are flooded, and you haven’t dried them out for hundreds of years!” The liaison officer said with a poisonous tongue.

“You, we signed a relevant lease agreement with your Chinese government. This is a treaty that was officially signed more than ten years ago. This is a treaty signed with your Chinese government at that time. Don’t you agree?” Gao Shideyi Asked in a positive manner.

“The treaty you signed with the so-called Manchu Empire is invalid. They are invaders. We do not recognize them as the legal system of China. We have expelled the Manchus and restored our ruling power in China. As for the so-called Emperor Guangxu of the Manchus, You go to them to be responsible. We did not inherit the legal system of the Qing Dynasty, but the legal system of the Ming Empire hundreds of years ago. It seems that the Ming Empire did not sign such a treaty with you, right? If you can come up with the Ming Dynasty The treaty signed between the empire and you, then we will implement it according to the treaty of the year. If you can’t come up with it, then our squadron will change the garrison on our own territory. It seems that you don’t need to come to the Portuguese to approve it? So, Take care of yourselves!” (To be continued.)

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