Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1642: Since the advent of the media age

There is no need to ferment for such a long time "overnight", almost at the moment the auction ends, the whole world knows that Li Mu's dog has earned Li Mu $ 26 million.

Most people are just amazed, it feels incredible, and a small number of people are angry at how easy it is to make money for Li Mu, and the mentality of being rich is driving them to launch various personal attacks on Li Mu online.

Zhao Kang, who has devoted most of his energy to the navy, soon discovered that on the global Internet, there are people who deliberately take the rhythm of Hei Li Mu. Who is behind these rhythmic people? It does not come out, but it is certain that many people with ulterior motives hope to use this enthusiastic auction to use the hatred of some netizens to destroy Li Mu's people.

He told Li Mu his findings for the first time, and even thought of a plan for the PR of the Internet, but Li Mu told him: "Don't get involved, let the rumors fly for a while."

Based on Zhao Kang's understanding of Li Mu, he immediately knew that Li Mu must already have a holistic plan. He must have countermeasures for this disharmonious voice.

Therefore, no one has ever asked about negative public opinion in the development of the Internet.

People with rhythms seized Li Mu ’s “money-thirsty” argument and continued to ferment. Li Mu did not care at all. In order to reward Li Gouzi, who just earned 26 million US dollars, Li Mu deliberately gave him a few more cookies. In the past, this snack was eaten for four or five yuan a day. Today, Li Mu simply fed it a round belly.

Li Gouzi, who earned back $ 26 million, had no idea how much credit he had given to Li Mu. Just because Li Mu fed him more delicious snacks, he excitedly ran and jumped around Li Mu. Call non-stop.

Li Mu found a tennis ball and took it to the yard for a while. When the little guy couldn't run, he took it back to the house and wiped his little paws clean.

Leaving Li Gouzi on the first floor, Li Mu himself went back to the bedroom upstairs. After taking a bath, he opened his Weibo with a laptop in bed.

At this time, in his Weibo, there were tens of thousands of comments and reposts in a short period of time, and about 20% of them were blaming himself. The point of view is nothing more than the fact that he lost his money.

He ignored all comments and repost tips, and wrote a new Weibo in the input box.

He said: "I think the Internet industry has entered a new era tonight. This era, in my eyes, is called the self-media era, referred to as the self-media. English can be called me-media. In this brand-new era, the media is not Then it ’s the vocabulary of any company. In Weibo Titter, you can make yourself a brand new media. You can have your audience and publish the content you want to publish. You are both a media. "

"Of course, everyone will say that this has been the case since the launch of Weibo Titter. Why did you enter the era of self-media today? The answer is simple, because before today, we have not found a considerable and stable realization Channel, any kind of entrepreneurial project, if there is no stable monetization channel, it cannot be called a qualified business model. I am glad to announce here that Weibo Titter has found a considerable and stable traffic monetization channel from the media. I believe that in the near future, more and more people from the media will find their value on the Weibo Titter platform. "

After posting this Weibo, Li Mu directly turned off the computer and fell asleep in bed.

When he went to sleep, his remarks about self-media were spreading rapidly on the Internet.

People finally realized what kind of monster Weibo Titter is.

It is not a platform for communication, socialization or display. Its essence is actually a media platform, but it is not the media itself. The hundreds of millions of accounts on it are the real media and self-media!

Users can not only create their own media here, publish their own content, but also make use of the influence of their media to earn income. This healthy industry model has officially brought the Internet into the age of self-media in advance.

In this new era, as long as there is basic support provided by the self-media platform, everyone can become a media of great concern, even a dog is fine.

The popularity of Li Gouzi's Weibo overnight is the best proof of this new era.

Netizens don't have to focus on a certain information portal. They can freely choose the point they want to focus on. It may not be a certain media, a large institution, or a large platform. They can focus on one person or even one. On the dog.

In the traditional media era, such things are unthinkable. The cost of TV media is extremely high. It is impossible for individuals to set up a TV station of their own. Not to mention TV stations, even radio stations, newspapers and magazines are very difficult and can do it. It is rare.

Everything is different now.

Prior to Li Mufa ’s Weibo, only a small number of people smelled huge business opportunities from Li Gouzi ’s Weibo auction. Unfortunately, their keen sense of ancestors did not help, for several hours. After that, Li Mu's Weibo completely disclosed their findings, making more people aware of the business opportunities from the media.

So, on this night, countless people around the world are flexing their muscles and want to be their own self-media on Weibo Titter.


Meizi took a nap, and woke up early the next morning, refreshed.

Today I will go to the Forbidden City to participate in a formal donation ceremony with Prince William. Yesterday's rehearsal was mainly to clear up the rhythm of the donation ceremony and let CCTV develop a detailed shooting plan. Without accident, all can be done today. nailed it.

Li Mu changed into a formal suit, and after being properly packed, Li Ziwei and the team arrived at Ziyun Villa.

Li Mu got into the business car, and the team went to pick up Prince William before going to the Forbidden City.

Prince William also dressed himself as an exceptional gentleman today. The suit he made by hand in London was much more refined than the production suit on Li Mu.

At the sight of William, Li Mu found that this guy was in a very good mood today, laughing on his face and walking with wind, so he couldn't help asking: "William, why are you so happy today?"

William didn't think about it, and said cheerfully, "I can go back to London tomorrow. Of course I'm happy. Having spent so long in China, I'm almost bored to death."

Only then did Li Mu realize that William would be bored most of the time when he was invited to Huaxia by himself this time.

On the one hand, he did n’t have time to entertain him. On the other hand, the buddy was very popular in China, and he became an old friend of the Chinese people immediately. Such people walking on the street will surely be taken by many people. Recognized, so as long as you go out, it is bound to be the bodyguards and staff on the third and inner floors, not even the plainclothes agents specially arranged for him by Huaxia.

In this case, William has almost only one option, that is to spend all day in the hotel.

Soaking in the hotel all day is not a comfortable errand, so William's greatest joy every day is to cook his girlfriend Kate, who is studying in Scotland, in the hotel.

Kate heard that he was going back tomorrow. He deliberately made excuses to ask for a week's vacation with the school. Today, he has returned to Scotland from Scotland in advance. The young couple won't win the wedding, although William is still in Huaxia, his heart flew away. London, mingled with his girlfriend.

As soon as Li Mu saw William's silly expression, he knew that the old English girl was not fascinated by him. He secretly talked to you about a prince and let a white lotus eat it. How could this work? It seems that I have to give you some trouble, otherwise you will still be able to escape her clutches in the future.

So Li Mu said to Li Ziwei in Chinese: "Ziwei, you will call the Queen later, and say that William is too infatuated, you must set up some insurmountable obstacles for him and his girlfriend, you said I have Two suggestions, first, wait for the kid to return to London and arrange countless business affairs for him, whether it's 3321, a press conference, or any other public welfare event. In short, let the kid be busy and reconnect, busy No chance of breath. "

Li Ziwei glanced at William and said cautiously, "General Manager Li, you can speak directly to him, is it okay?"

Li Mu waved his hand and laughed: "Relax, he doesn't have much Chinese background, and he will be hello if you say it, thank you, I love Huaxia and the like, I can understand even a few words, I guess he can Hear the words London. "

Li Ziwei smiled and nodded, and said, "Okay, then I'm relieved. I took the first point, and the second?"

Li Mu laughed: "Let the queen find a way to arrange. Isn't that girl and this kid both attending the same university in Scotland, let that university strictly attend to that girl's attendance, so that she cannot leave school during the rest of the day. "

Li Ziwei chuckled a smile ~ ~ said: "You are going to take a nap ..."

Li Mu laughed: "This is not the love between He and He, it is the love between He and Da Ge."

William couldn't understand what Li Mu was talking to Li Ziwei, and he didn't bother to know. He had been looking at the scenery outside the window, and he was extremely happy, only looking forward to finishing today's affairs and returning to London as soon as possible.

However, William didn't know that Li Mu had dug a series of pits for him, and wanted to go back with his girlfriend, you and me? Sorry, it doesn't exist.

What Li Mu thinks of has not yet been achieved. In his opinion, with his full-scale intervention from the perspective of God, William and his girlfriend must not enter the halls of marriage, and William ’s emotional development, Li Mu has Planned for him, no matter who William will be with after breaking up with Kate, he just wants William to be a Chinese son-in-law, this is the best win-win situation for China and Britain.

As for whether this matter is feasible or not, Li Mu feels completely ok. Do n’t say the bloodlines and titles of European nobles. Those are all false. Only interests are the most practical!


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