RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 28 – Konoha Northern Forest (Wild Beast)

Historically the strongest beings this world had were the beasts. They were the top of the chain able to roam freely while some humans also worshiped them as guardians. However, one day all of that changed when beings from beyond that called themselves the Otsutsuki arrived.

They were beings with power and strength that they could not oppose. It was their first time seeing a humanoid being that was that powerful. It was from then onwards that the beast lost their standing in the world.

Later as time passed while the Otsutsuki domination faded away, the ninjas came into existence replacing them as the dominant force in the world. The ninjas in their nature were even more violent in nature and love conflict, they predominantly use their powers to wage wars and subjugate others.


As time goes by to avoid being embroiled with the ninja wars, prominent beast clans especially the ones that gained sagehood such as the frog clan from mount Myoboku, the snake clan from Ryuchi cave, and the slug clan from the Shikkotsu forest decided to separate themselves from the ninja world as they started to seclude themselves. Only allowing selected humans they deem worthy to enter their domain.
Looking at what was going on other stronger beast clans followed suit. Some of the stronger ones that were still being worshiped by the humans also secluded themselves leaving the weaker ones to fend for themselves.


In the end, the weaker beasts that were left out had to fend for themselves. They were embroiled in the wars that the ninjas created. Most of them were killed as they defended their lands that were being forcefully taken by humans. The strong ones that opposed were killed while the weak ones were slaughtered or fled. It was a dark period in the beast history.

In time, those beasts were given the term wild beasts by the ninjas. 


As time passed, some ninjas developed a way to make contract with the beasts. Recognizing the benefits of this, ninjas began to make contact with stronger beasts hoping to have a contract with them. It was the start of the recognition of summon beast term. Most of the beasts being termed a summon beast were treated differently, the ninjas were amicable towards them, their treatment were completely different compared to wild beasts.
This however only benefited the strong beasts clans, for them it was a good start but for the others especially the weak beast clans that survived the ninja expansionism they looked at those beasts and ninjas in scorn. To make matter worse it is as if the summon beast were not their kind at all. They joined their ninja summoner with their killings of their own kind. This just deepen their hatred towards both them.


Although they wanted to get justice, they do not have the capability to do so. They wanted justice towards the humans and they wanted justice towards those beast clans that sided with the humans. However, they were forced to only grit their teeth and endure. As time pass the wild beast were forced to migrate deeper and deeper into seclusion in hope to avoid being persecuted by the humans.

When hope was all lost, a young tiger cub was born. A wild animal by any standard of measurement by the beasts. The cub however was different compared to the others. It demonstrated unbelievable skill, strength and cunning at a very young age. Its growth rate was staggering and within a few years, the cub evolved to a beast. It was an unprecedented event that was never seen before. After that, things changed for the wild beasts. It gain recognition by many other wild beasts through its capability, soon many decided to be subordinates to the young tiger. In a matter of months the young tiger became the sovereign of the wild beasts in the land of fire western alps.



Initially when he meet her, he thought it was a joke. A young tiger not even at its teens at the age of four wanted him the ruler of the western alps to be her subordinate. He of course decided to teach her a lesson.

When he first saw her, he knew that her chakra level was not as high as he was and that was enough for him to see her as a weakling but she showed him a near death experience that he never thought possible. Everything else about her is unfathomable to him. From then on, he submitted to her and for him it was the best decision he had taken in his whole life.


She opened his eyes to new possibilities. She showed him and many others that there is a different way to be stronger. When they decided to submit to her, they did not know about various terms she was saying, they just agreed with it.

Nevertheless, with just that agreement they got to know the term beast cultivation. Although they really do not know what it is but they know it was something they need to grasp as tight to their heart as possible. After practicing it, they knew it was their chance. Their chance to actually be strong, strong enough to get back what they lost, strong enough to get back to the top.


It was three years since then and it was the first time that the beasts got orders by their new leader. It was particularly true to him, a silver wolf. For him, it was a glorious day, many was envious that she picked him to execute the order. She told him that some ninjas were killing off the wild beast that submitted to her discriminately.
The orders she gave were to regroup the beast that was on their side in the area and observe the human activity there. If there are wild beasts that wanted to join, he is authorized to welcome them in their fold as temporary subordinates under him until he bring them back for her to see. As for the humans, he was given the approval to kill if they continued in attacking and killing the beasts what was her approved subordinate. After receiving her order, he was excited and left immediately.



It was late at night when the silver wolf beast arrived at the border of the Konoha Northern Forest. The beast wondered around while thinking on how to relay the regroup order to the others, while thinking about it he thought that it will be easier for him to just call every wild beast around to just join up. It will accomplish the regroup order as well as getting more beasts to join their ranks. Although its temporary it would be a great honor for them to join their group. Deciding the course of action the beast started to concentrate its inner energy, he then howl, within the howl it communicated to the beasts aligned with the group to regroup, it also include the offer for other wild beasts to join their ranks if they wanted to.


The howl was loud and it lasted for a duration of time. Not only that it was heard by many, the range covered almost the whole Konoha North Forest. The beasts that was aligned with the western alps beasts were glad that a strong beast had come to help them in their predicament. The wild beasts on the other hand were shivering as an unknown strong beast has arrived. However, after receiving the full message that was being relayed many decided to join. After the message was conveyed, many beasts started to move towards the howling location.


For the ones that were guarding the forest during the examination it was their first time experiencing a mass movements of wild beasts. Not only that the type of howl is something that they never experience before however the sound energy output is eerily similar to something they faced several years ago. Some still remembered the Kyuubi roar and the energy emitted in the sound roar is similar to the current one they are hearing now.


Hearing the howl and looking at the movements of the wild beasts, they fear that something big will happen. The ANBU guarding the parameter decided to end the exam early so they can prioritize in the current situation. They informed the examiners that was with them to regroup and gather the remaining student teams to the final point while they send teams to scout the wild beast movements.

Kakashi and Itachi were with the ANBU group guarding the parameter and agreed with their suggestion, they decided to go with the examiners while the three ANBU teams scout ahead.


Meanwhile at the final mission location, Azuma was in his room meditating. He was trying to discover more insights about his new improved sensing chakra when the howling of the silver wolf beast disturbed his chakra flow. It woke him out of meditation. The howl was something he experienced the first time in this world but something within him felt that it was something that he actually recognize. He cannot identify the feeling of familiarity nevertheless subconsciously it told him to be serious. Since it was like that, Azuma decided to act upon it. He decided to leave two of his shadow clone active to be his substitute while he move to find out the source of the howl.


Since Azuma decided to move out he started to equip himself properly just in case he meet into trouble. Azuma took out his stored battle suit that he designed during his experiments in fuinjutsu. He had engraved many test inscriptions that mimic certain capabilities of the battle suit he wore in his past, although he did not have time to test its full potential it was better than nothing. His suit comprises of a pair of a tight fit long-sleeved shirt along with long pants, leather boots, body armor, as well with arm and leg guards. The suit was also perfectly designed for night combat with a camouflage design pattern with shades of black, dark blue, and grey. After he suit up he opened his window while wearing a mask and flickered away living both of his shadow clone in the room.



The ANBU followed the trail of the wild beasts to a western field beyond the Konoha Northern Forest. When they reached near the area, they felt hesitant to continue further as one of the sensory ANBU alerted them that the concentration of wild beast there is beyond their capability to handle.
The sensory ANBU informed that of the many chakra signatures, there is six chakra signature which is stronger than the rest. Five of them have a chakra level that slightly surpass a Jonin level ninja while another one made him fear for his life the first time he sensed it.
He initially thought it was a tail beast at first glance but after calming down as he started his scanning again, he discovered it was not one. Nevertheless the chakra level he sensed is stronger than Gamabunta, a summon beast the fourth had summoned. With that knowledge, they knew that the beast was not to be trifled with so they decided to just continue monitoring a far and convey the initial scout report back to the meeting point.


No matter how good the ANBU has hidden their presence, the Silver wolf beast had already noticed the ANBU teams when they arrived. However, he decided to ignore them as per order as he just continued looking over the gathering of the wild beasts.

Although he was following orders as instructed, he was devious enough to not relay the orders he received to the others. It was a way for him to actually hope that one of the beast that was aligned with them to take notice of the ANBU teams monitoring them and take action. With that, he could do what he truly wanted against the humans.

As he expected it would happen one of the five beast, a grey wolf that was aligned with them noticed the one of the ANBU team member. It was an unfortunate event for the ANBU teams as the wind changed direction and the beast took notice of their scent when that happened.
The beast howled and charged towards the hidden ANBU that it notice, other wild beasts near the grey wolf heard its howled and followed its lead.

The ANBU that was noticed panicked and decided to move away quickly giving its position to other wild beast as more followed the charge. Looking at the predicament of one of the ANBU member the remaining ANBU teams decided to reveal themselves as well. Looking at the current situation they decided to retreat as well, but in acting the way they did they hope to divide the beasts that was charging apart. That way it will reduce the pressure of every team while retreating. The decision made by the ANBU teams were successful as it made the other four beast act as well as they split off bringing some of the wild beast with them for the chase.


The Silver wolf waited for the time to strike, he just need to wait for either the grey wolf or the other four to be attacked and hoping one of them to be killed so he can start his killing spree. And It did not take long for his wish to come true.
Due to the situation at hand, the ANBU that was discovered by the grey wolf thought that killing the alpha beast that was directing the charge would disrupt the charge long enough for him to increase the distance between them. Due to the urgency, he forget that the real Alpha was not the one chasing them but was the one that is just waiting for them to take action. He along with his team fell into the silver wolf scheme as when he took action his team also took action to support him. Their attack killed off the alpha beast along with most of the wild beast that was chasing them.


It was what the Silver wolf beast wanted, right after the ANBU killed the gray wolf, he was in glee. It was what he was waiting for, for a long time. The silver wolf moved, its action made every ANBU team in shock. The silver wolf in an instant created two clones and all of them moved in a flash. Within a few seconds, it already intercepted all three ANBU teams. It was something unexpected by the ANBU teams and the action surprised them. It was something that they feared deep inside when they first took notice regarding the beast at the first time.

Due to the silver wolf beast action intercepting them, it allowed the other wild beasts time to catch up and surround the ANBU teams.


When Azuma arrived to the howling location what he saw is an aftermath of a ferocious battle. The battlefield was littered with bodies of wild beasts killed by ninja weapons. There were various evidence scattered around in the battlefield that showed the use of high-class ninjutsu. Ninja weapons is also seen scattered around the area. As he was looking through the battlefield, he saw dismembered bodies of ANBU members scattered around three different locations in the battlefield which made him look grim.

The situation far exceed his expectation, he did not expect that the wild beasts were capable of dealing with the ANBU members. The more he observe the more grim he became, just from looking at the various dismembered bodies around he estimate that there is about ten dead ANBU scattered around the whole battlefield. As Azuma was still analyzing the area, he heard an explosion not far from his current location.



‘Hmm… A class level beast?’


As Azuma arrived to the explosion area the ANBU ninja was already on its last leg, the explosion was its last ditch effort. When Azuma arrived the first impression of the beast he got was that the beast was A class level. The beast looks like it is a subspecies form a bear species but he was not sure as it also had a long tusk and a horn at its head.
The beast was currently walking towards the ANBU when Azuma decided to act, he need the ANBU to be alive so he can get some Intel about the situation.


Azuma took out several kunais as he threw them towards the beast to attract its attention. The beast noticed the sudden attack and evaded the kunais. The action done by Azuma successfully attracted the beast as it finally ignored the ANBU to look towards its new target.


The ANBU notice the sudden kunai attack and thought that reinforcement had arrived as the ANBU sigh of relief. As soon as that happen the ANBU went unconscious.
The beast was staring down towards Azuma as it was measuring him, wondering about the new opponent.


‘A kid? What a joke… and I thought there are more of them. Anyway, I will finish that kid quickly and join up with the others. Tonight will be a glorious night!’


The beast then charged towards Azuma, its speed was at a completely different level of the wild wolfs in the exam. However, for Azuma it is not a problem. Azuma moved back while throwing more kunai to test out the Beast. This time the attack was the best he could perform. The beast noticed the kunai thrown towards it, but this time it ignored it. Azuma observed as the kunai hit the beast and bounced away from its thick hide, the kunai did not do any damage towards it.

Noticing that the kunai did not do any damage Azuma then decided to throw a kunai with an explosion seal attached. The beast noticed Azuma action and it assumed it was the same attack so it continue to ignore it while it continue its charge. As the kunai reached the beast it bounced back as the beast expected, however right at that time the beast shivered as it instinctively jumped to the right while it quickly enveloped itself with a layer of chakra.


“BOOM!” The explosion seal detonated at point blank range. The beast took on the blast as if it was nothing, there were no damage seen by the blast explosion. As the beast walked out from the explosion smoke staring at Azuma.

During the time, Azuma was always observing the actions of the beast as he noticed the beast emitted a layer of chakra around it.


‘Oh a rudimental shield for defense, this is unexpected…’


The beast roared in anger towards Azuma, for a beast of its caliber it felt that it was being out played by a kid. The beast decided to kill Azuma swiftly so it started to flow its chakra concentrating the chakra towards its paw and made a swipe. The swipe created a pressurized air slash as it moved towards Azuma. Azuma looked at it amazed.


‘Wow, it could generate an air pressured attack!’


Noticing the air slash Azuma immediately took action to evade the beast ranged attack, as he continue to observe the beast looking for its future action. The air slash, which Azuma evaded, continued and crashed upon a tree as the tree slashed into half.


‘Its chakra level is around B, threat level about A, as for others… it could ignore normal kunai attacks, it also has quick instinctual actions with an ability to generate a shield to protect itself… I guess A- for that… what more could it do…’




The beast was furious as it saw Azuma successfully evaded its air slash, so roared as it continue its charge towards Azuma. Azuma notice its charge and decided to go along with it for a melee combat. Before reaching melee range, the beast again generated another air slash while it used its other paw to swipe, while Azuma noticed the beast moves as he successfully evaded both its combo attack.

After a few more exchanges, the beast decided to use another air slash again which Azuma continuously evaded them. Azuma was increasingly annoying the beast with his constant successful evasion while it also made the beast angrier in the process. The beast in the end finally notice that the battle was not going as it supposed to so it decided to go all out against Azuma. It started to control its charka flow as its body suddenly started to emit a layer around its body similar to before, but now while doing so its speed and strength also increased by multiple folds.


The move of the beast caught Azuma off guard as the beast finally manage to lay a successful swipe towards Azuma. Azuma took the paw swipe directly, because of that he was flung away as he crashed consecutively against several trees. The beast finally felt ecstatic as it finally manage to deal a blow to Azuma as it slowly move towards the location where Azuma crashed.


As it was walking towards Azuma clash location, it saw Azuma body lying on the ground. However, the beast was shocked towards what was going on while looking at Azuma.


‘Phew, that was a close one. It was right decision for me to design one although I will outgrow it by a year or so but it was really was a correct decision. I suppose the inscription design worked but damn the chakra consumption is great. It consumed about fifty percent… I seriously need to rework on it later.’

When the beast enveloped itself with chakra, Azuma noticed the change. Although he did not know what was going to happen he decided to activate his inscription armor just in case. Luckily he did it in a nick of time. The inscription armor envelop a multi-spatial shielding around him protecting him while the beast laid its paw swipe at Azuma.


‘However, luckily I inscribed a multi-spatial shield instead of others. If it was other type of physical shielding the impact shock would probably kill me or at least gave me severe internal damage.’


‘I need to reevaluate that beast to A+ class now, damn I thought that chakra cloak showed shielding capabilities but it is not, it is more than that. It is similar to those AA classes and above invaders energy cloak. Just thinking about it will make me think twice before engaging them; there is just many variables to consider. For the beast in this world to be capable of this feat…’   


After Azuma reevaluation, he finally got serious as the beast demonstrated capabilities similar to what he experienced in his past life. Meanwhile for the beast it was still in shock, it did not expect that Azuma was undamaged after its attack.

As the beast was still in shock it suddenly felt the environment changed, when the beast came back into senses it felt the air was colder than usual. It did not know the reason but now it instinctually felt fear towards Azuma. It was the first time it felt that towards him.


The air was getting colder by each moment as Azuma was walking towards the beast, the beast on the other hand was instinctually moving backwards while looking at Azuma in fear.

Before the beast noticed it, Azuma was already forming an icicle bullet. Right before Azuma flung the icicle bullet towards the beast, a chakra inscription was seen midair and it enveloped the icicle bullet.

The beast realize that it need to defend that unusual attack hence it immediately envelope itself with chakra and this time the beast gave everything it got.


The icicle bullet accelerated towards the beast, when it reached the beast chakra shield it pierced through it and although the bullet acceleration slowed down slightly, it continued its trajectory. When it reached the skin of the beast, it pierced it slightly to latch on the hide. The beast noticed that and it thought it was over.
The beast however felt the part where icicle bullet that latched on it was burning. The beast did not expect that the icicle bullet had that side effect. As the beast decided to remove it the icicle bullet it felt a sudden feeling of death. A foreshadow regarding its death.
The beast fearfully looked over towards Azuma and what it saw was several more icicle bullet had a slightly longer length being formed.

‘The chakra shield deviated the piercing direction, I will need to take that into account, I need its body intact and preserved as good as possible for study… I suppose this next one would do it’

The first bullet that Azuma shot was actually trying to find out the complete defensive capability of the beast. It was inscribed with speed and sensing chakra.
Azuma had two reasons to include the sensing chakra in the bullet. The first reason is that he did it to avoid unnecessary waste of chakra in his following attack. He need to conserve his chakra pool he did not want to waste excessive chakra towards the beast leaving him defenseless if another beast arrived. The second reason is that he wanted to find a way to kill the beast but to preserve its body as intact as possible for study.

After the first shot, Azuma used the sensory capability he inscribed on the bullet to calculate the defensive ability of the beast as well as finding out the beast internal body structure. Since he got all that he needed to completely overcome the defensive capability of the beast as well as the best location to direct his next attack to the beast, Azuma followed through on his next move.
While directing the next bullet towards the beast Azuma cladded the bullets with wind chakra to improve its piercing capability. The icicle bullet he created this time was also slightly longer compared to the previous bullet. The reason for that is because he needed the space to inscribe the bullet with additional speed boost with a coordinated freezing capability.


“ROAR!!!” The beast roared when it saw the following icicle bullets formed, it was its final roar.

The beast only saw that the new icicle bullets was being inscribed, however it did not notice the following step at all.
The beast only noticed the icicle bullets later when it pierced him, the bullets pierced into different location of its body completely sealing its chakra flow in the process and then it felt a freezing sensation all over its body. It was the last thing the beast felt as the ice completely encased it sealing it within.




“Kakashi, Itachi, what’s happening at the border? What do you know about the howl?”


When Kakashi and Itachi arrived at the villa that is what they were asked. They informed them about the wild beast movements and that the ANBU teams with them decided to track the movements of the wild beast ahead and they should be getting their initial report soon. They also informed about their decision to stop the continuation of the exam, and they already informed the monitoring examiners to pick up the students that are still undergoing the examination.

The examiners guarding the villa agreed with their suggestion to stop the examination, they also told Kakashi and Itachi to help in increasing the defense of the villa.


When both of them inquired about informing the fourth on the current situation, the examiners told them that they had already sent a messenger bird. In the report they have include a report regarding the unusual wild beast that was reported by Azuma examiners, they also included the current situation about hearing the howl.
When Kakashi and Itachi heard about the unusual wild beast Azuma team encountered, they wondered if it had a connection to the current situation they are facing.


While Kakashi and Itachi was assisting in securing the parameter of the villa the ANBU team messenger bird arrived. The report form the ANBU team was bad. They knew from their report trouble is brewing and they may be facing a extremely serious situation. The only slight relief about the report is that another messenger bird was also sent directly to Konoha which helped in relaying the emergency situation to the fourth sooner. Now the only thing they can do is get the defensive barrier ready as well as getting the students to the villa bunker.


Have a nice weekend.

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