RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 27 – Konoha Northern Forest (Encounter)

The Performance exam is still ongoing, but what Azuma and every student did not know about was what benefits they got by completing the exam early. When Azuma and his team reached the final mission point, they regretted their decision slightly by not completing the mission as soon as possible. They did not expect to find a vacation spot in the middle of nowhere, even Ino did not know about the existence of this place. After they got brief by the exam monitor, they then know that the Senju clan built the villa and it was a spot for Uzumaki Mito the first Hokage wife to relax and meditate. However, after the passing of Uzumaki Mito the place was left deserted until Uzumaki Kushina took the initiative to refurbish the place for her own use. 


When they reached the place not many teams arrived yet, but what shocked Azuma was Naruto’s team was the second to arrive after Sasuke team. Both of them arrived the previous day, while Azuma’s team was the third team arriving the day after them. Later that day Shikamaru and Shino teams arrived. When the night came Choji team arrived as well. At the end of the fifth day, a total of six teams have reached the final mission point.




Beyond the Konoha Northern Forest deep within Land of fire Western Alps untouched by humans. It was a location lush in natural greeneries and wonders, it was also a place the wild beasts roams freely. Within a cave, one beast in particular woke up sensing the death of several its subordinate at the east. It looked towards the location where the Konoha Northern Forest is located.


‘Hmm… killed? Several of them within this few days… One or two is something natural but this is unnatural. I suppose I need to check out… hmm…’

The beast concentrated within its mind reading the soul imprints it has placed at each of its subordinates…


‘Oh, there are humans in this world as well? I did not know that… Humans…’

The beast did not know about the existence of humans in this world, it then started to think about the bizarre incident that happened in her past life.


She remembered that she was actually not originally from this world. Her race was ordered by the higher beings to aid in the invasion on the human universe and so they did. She like many others was not keen in doing it but they have to follow the order of the matriarch and so they followed through.

In her last mission, she was ordered to aid in combat that was happening around the area she was at. Therefore, she went to the area specified and when she arrived she was immediately being embroiled in intense battle between the humans. It was during that time no one realize that the day was their last.

She was shocked that a ship by the humans started to emit an extremely powerful energy. The energy form that she never expected the humans could do, it was very similar to natural energy. The shock was short lived as a bizarre field was then seen expanded from the ship, what she saw made her fear for her life. Every single cultivator be it human or beast that touched the field felt pain and then their body crumbled.
Looking at what was going to transpire she immediately tried run away, first she tried to open a spatial portal to jump in but she realize it was futile attempt as the humans already developed a way to prevent them to do so during battle. She was in cold sweat, it was her first time ever happening in this universe. Desperate she started to move away as fast she could while increasing her defense in anyway possible. When the field reached her she thought it was the end of her but she saw that her defense was successful in protecting her and she survived, the field passed her. When she thought it was over the field contracted and she was dragged along with the field contraction towards the ship emitting it. Before she realize what was happening she lost conscious and when she woke up, she was already here. Every time she think about it made her fearful and reminded her to never ever underestimate any humans in different universe again.


‘… I cannot judge their battle potential properly with the ones that died… however looking at the way they are dealing with them they seem unimpressive. Humph why must I be afraid of them they are different and they truly got the gall to kill my subordinates. Nevertheless it’s better to be safe, let me direct a stronger one there and see what you all are capable off…’




‘It has been seven years since I was reincarnated. I can say that I know this world and I can also say I do not. I know about this world uniqueness particularly the existence of chakra. However, I do not know if it is unique in this planet or that it spans beyond this planet. Does it cover this universe or a possibility beyond this universe as well?


Beside that because of the existence of chakra in this world, it changed the way the society works here.

I could see it in the society as well as the technological advancements. Their communications, building constructions, sewage system, electricity, even rudimental computing is seen in this world. Then there is transportation… I can only look at it in a way that only the sewage system was the odd one out, all those advancements I have seen actually helps the ninjas.

My guess they do not need land transportation because they already have the speed and the stamina to go long distance, while the use of spatial seal scrolls is used for logistics. The only ones that need a proper land transportation will be the non-ninja civilians, any advances for that purpose was practically non-essential.
In this world Ninjas usually get the first priority, it is seen easily by someone like me. All of the technological progress as well as the society perception was towards them. I suppose they were blindsided to other possible advancements particularly for the benefits of the civilians.


On the other hand there is my existence, I seriously do not know whether this is really the ‘Naruto world’ that I watched. However form what I already know, even before I was born it is already different. Then because of me just being born, the butterfly effect just continue to grow. For me to actually predict the changes in this time period is very difficult to almost impossible.

For instance, just in general if it was the original world as I know from the anime I already see differences comparing them. I can see that the technological adoption has been accelerated greatly. I could only use Konoha as a template for the observable change. However, based on what I know about Konoha, it could be describe as a town, there is proper building constructions, sewage system, electricity, but for communication and computing technology, as far as I know it is extremely rudimental, only being used in official political business between the konoha higher ups to the daimyo.

Now however it is completely different. I can only summarized that capitalism and consumerism is the probably one of the major reason of the change, the rise of Uzufuyuki as a business organization changed everything. I have not seen the global impact of it but from what I have seen in Konoha, I could assume that it will be big.


The Uzufuyuki itself is an enigma, I already know about the origins but what grew out of that origin is probably one of the greatest influencer towards the changes that is happening. From the beginning of making and selling quality seal scrolls, it expended to an organization that if it wanted to declare independence I suppose it will be another super power by their own right. I already see that Uzufuyuki is dabbling in various industries and it include Military, consumer goods, construction, as well as logistics. I seriously do not know how it happened but it did.


Because of those reasons, I have already planned to actually go on a journey, to see this world…


That was my initial plan, my only plan. To go for an adventure to experience what this new world, this universe could offer. I do not actually care about this world power struggle, I sort of know what will transpire in the future but due to the changes I cannot predict it accurately. However as far as I know every power struggle is mostly contained within the ninja world, although the civilians are effected the majority of them will be left out of it. So why must I fall into this world’s quagmire which is practically self-contained.
I will let everything go by the flow, as it should. What is going to happen will happen, since it is assumed that Naruto is still probably the child of destiny in this world. It will end great if it is, so I will be able to go on a journey as supposed to it will be good for all.


However now I have to include other plans during my journey…

It was mainly for my own personal fulfillment, a dream to learn something that my world could not offer which is the chakra. Then will use what I learnt with a purpose of self-defense as I was planning on going for an adventure in this world.

Then I learnt about Uzumaki fuinjutsu and it lit up my desire that I thought was not going to flare after my reincarnation. My original goal, my hope to be able to equip an individual to combat toe to toe against a S, SS, or even the fabled SSS class being personally. For it to actually flare up my desire again.

As for test subjects at least in this world based on my understanding from the original anime there is a few that I know off. Based on the Union ranking grade, the best that this world could offer would be the S+ class from the Otsutsuki, while the revived Madara will probably be second around S class. As for Naruto and Sasuke at the climax, they are barely rated around S class under certain conditions but they are definitely within the S- class.

To develop the best to counter the best. I was not able to do in my past life but now I think I will achieve it in this life…


In addition, there is the Uzumaki and Danzo situation. I seriously do not know why we have not taken any action yet. Judging from the Uzufuyuki influence it will be extremely easy to suppress him, if we wanted to kill him it would be easier. However I can’t see through the reasoning to allow this to continue … ’




“Knock! Knock! Knock!”

“…” ‘… It was unexpected for me to have a reflection dream… sigh… I do not know why it happened now but I guess it help me in making priorities…’

“Azuma! Open up, I am board lets go check what’s beyond the area.”


Azuma woke up from the knocking of his door by Naruto.




The performance exam is still on going and there is two days left for the students to complete the test. Azuma and Naruto were exploring the surroundings where Ino, Hinata and Shino joined them after a while. For Ino she was interested in the flowers growing at the area while Shino joined to collect bugs, Hinata on the other hand joined to past her time. Azuma and Naruto tried to invite Shikamaru and Choji but they declined, one excuse was it was a drag and he rather sit at the roof gazing at the clouds while another was tired from the journey and wanted to rest some more.


The day pass by and more teams arrived completing the performance exams. At night while everyone was sleeping.


A wild beast was walking towards the Konoha Northern Forest…   


Sorry for the late chapter. While writing this chapter I decided to update my prologue chapter 2.
Initially Azuma/Lei Reflection dream was extensive, as it covered his previous life as well. During my edit I thought it was better to expand this in the prologue chapter instead of writing it in this chapter. I want to keep the Naruto universe contained within most chapters and not involve other universes at the moment if possible. I have inserted few extra paragraphs which is around 600+ words in chapter 2 feel free to reread it.

For the ones that don't I will only include a summary about the class classification below.

Grading scale of analysis is through mainly the raw energy (i.e. chakra or other form of pure power), threat level and other parameters (like skills).

Fans could argue all they want but based on how I see it I have my reasons arranging it as it is especially based on a War scenario.
In general all of them can blow up a city using one skill but for the scale of damage, I think the Otsutsuki will take the crown if they wanted to, the same goes with Madara as well compared to Naruto and Sasuke.
Its better explained in chapter 2 as the way the Union categorize the invaders/cultivators.

Another note some fans of Nanoha would have guessed that it is similar to the mage rank grading system. 
Have a nice weekend.

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