RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 21 – Attending Konoha Ninja Academy

The following day, Azuma woke up early to prepare to go to the Academy. His mother was also preparing as she is going to take him there as well as attending the new comers ceremony at the Konoha Ninja Academy.


“Dear, are you ready?”

“Yes, mom.”

“All right, let’s get going then~”


“So, Azuma it is your first day how are you feeling.”

“Hmm… nothing much…” ‘What can I say… school life… I can’t compare it with my past life. But from what I know about this world school life err, Academy life it will probably be a walk in a park for me.’


“… Sigh…” ‘My son… he is capable in many things but I worry about his social upbringing. Hope that his time in the Academy will help him on that …’


“But, I think it could be fun being with Shikamaru, Choji and Naruto. Oh there is also Ino and Sakura as well.”

“Oh, Ino and Sakura?” ‘Those are girls names… He didn’t mentioned them at all until now...’

“Yea, I met them when Naruto was bringing me to meet up with Shikamaru and Choji yesterday; they were together with Shikamaru and Choji at that time. I also gave them the candy presents that I got with me.”

“… Ahem… It’s good to know you are getting to know more friends.” <smiles towards Azuma> ‘Oh I did hope that he will be better in his social life but… he just arrived and he already know how to give a first impression to two girls. Way the go my son! To actually use those presents as a first meeting presents...’


“Azuma! Over here.” – Naruto

“Yuna-chan~” – Kushina

“Good morning Yuna-san.” – Mikoto

“Ah, good morning Mikoto-san, and this two would be your son’s rite?” – Yuna

“Yes, come Itachi, Sasuke introduce yourself to Aunty Yuna.” – Mikoto


‘Sigh Kushina just can’t stop with that greeting… It is probably her only attachment to Uzushiogakure, I guess she probably won’t stop until she get over it ...
Oh, they are the Uchiha. Itachi, Sasuke and Uchiha Mikoto… did I miss something? Although I do not know much about this world timeline, I am quite sure that the Uchiha massacre should happen already. Or did I get estimates wrong that it’s going to happen real soon… with the changes happening and with Minato around, how will it affect the Uchiha decisions? Do they still actually have a plan for coup d'etat or there is no intent at all for that?’


“Good morning Aunt Yuna, I am Uchiha Itachi.”

“Emm good morning aunt Yuna, I am Uchiha Sasuke.”

“Good morning, Azuma come introduce yourself.”

“… Ah, good morning Aunt Mikoto, nice to meet you Itachi-san and Sasuke-san I am Uzufuyuki Azuma.”

“Oh, such a good boy. Sasuke since you have attended the Academy longer help Azuma out. The new class allocation is today I hope you all will be together in the same class. Be good friends with Azuma and Naruto.”

“Yes, mum.”

“You too Azuma, be good friends with Sasuke as well.”

“Yes, mum.” ‘Huh? New class allocation? Something is different. Yesterday from my conversation with Shikamaru and others, they already started studying in the Academy two years ago, but now… I do not know what is going on.’


“What are you snickering about Narutoo~ you better be good friends as well…”

“Ah… of course-dattebayo”


“Yuna you’re here as well?”

“Oh, good morning Mizumi… oh, what do we have here.”

“Hinata, good morning.”

“Naa-ru-to-kun… good mor-ning.”

“This should be your son, Azuma rite?”

“Yes, come Azuma introduce yourself to Aunt Mizumi.”


‘Oh, little Hinata! So cute! Hmm, Muzumi? Hinata mother is she alive. Hope it is all nice and well for Hinata now, with her mother around she probably will not be like in the original time. Hinata and her younger sis … I don’t know much about her though…’

“Hello Aunt Mizumi I am Uzufuyuki Azuma, nice to meet you, and it is nice to meet you two as well.”

“Oh my, come Hinata introduce yourself to Azuma.”

“Ah… he-llo- I am Hyu-ga Hinata, nice to me-et yo-u”

“Hanabi do you want to introduce yourself to Azuma as well.”

“… Good morning, I am Hyuga Hanabi, nice to meet you Azuma-niisan”

“Nice to meet you Hanabi-chan, you too Hinata.”


After the introductions, some time passed, Shikamaru and Choji arrived with their fathers followed by Ino and Sakura with their parents as well. Azuma could see that Sakura vision is directed towards Sasuke, it look as if she want to strike a conversation to him somehow. However currently she is still hesitating. As for Ino on the other hand, she looked troubled, when she saw Sasuke she manage to keep her calm and from time to time she kept looking over Sasuke and Azuma.


‘Hmm… now this is different, I thought that Sakura will run towards Sasuke and start fawning him like a crazy. Ino as well will probably do the same. But now what I see is different from what I assume it to be. Based on how Sakura is acting, she knows Sasuke but Sasuke do not know her. Naruto on the other hand seem to know everyone while able to be in a friend relationship with all of them. I can base that change because of the existence of Minato and Kushina. However, even for him to not a completely be head over heels towards Sakura something is different…

Ah, I think I get it now. The class allocation! Is this the time that every major clan child be group into the same class?
Yes, this should be it. This year if based on the original timeline is where the Uchiha massacre happened. Sasuke cool attitude should be after that incident, with his academic achievements, good looks, as well as that cold distant attitude which made many girls think it’s cool. All those will then make them to be fangirls as there is no one like that around beside him. As for Naruto’s like/love relationship with Sakura it probably grew out that situation as well.

Enough about that, anyway is there a need for this type of grand attendance ceremony like this? I thought that it was only an entrance ceremony for the new comers. While the ones that already are attending will not be here for the ceremony. But now they are here even with their parents, what is happening?’


Soon the opening ceremony started, awhile-later Azuma saw Minato and Hiruzen together. Minato started his greetings and started the opening ceremony, after his opening speech, it was Hiruzen turn to give his speech. Based on how Minato announce Hiruzen entrance, apparently he took the position as the Academy headmaster now after his retirement as Hokage.


It was Azuma first time hearing Hiruzen complete ‘Will of Fire’ speech, what he can say is that his speech have a well good intention. In his point of view, bringing up kids like this is somewhat ok but there has to be a limit. To be overzealous about it is just a no go.
It is good, providing them a vision of a good future. To strive to achieve that future while experiencing difficulties towards that vision. If they can actually achieve it then there will peace and understanding among others.

However based on his life experiences all that he could say is that the real world is not so forgiving and lenient. It cannot be forced or be thought. To view everyone the same like be in a family, the problems they will face will be great. Hell even real families have their circumstances. In their way forward, they will experience first-hand the difficulties to achieve that vision. But once achieved it will be a turning point in this world history.


Based on what Minato and Hiruzen continued speeches and announcements, Azuma found the reason that there is a grand ceremony.
There will be changes in the Academy due to the Daimyo insistence to start opening up the Konoha Ninja Academy to allow the citizens within the land of fire particularly the capital to attend the Academy. This year was the start of the changed Academy policies.


‘So this is what’s going on. Of all reasons, it is to be the Daimyo insistence. This is quite a change. He did not actually play any major part in the original world beside the election of the hokage. But I for one agree with the Daimyo on this.
In general looking at the current world situation for the country to maintain peace is for them to have a capable military force. Konoha is a place in land of fire that base practically all of their strongest military assets in one location. It is also a place to train one of the best troops in this world. Not utilizing this place fully to train up land of fire forces is a no brainier action for a ruler of a country… However, I wonder why is there such a change now, what changed that made the Daimyo decide on this kind of action.


By the way since its happening … hmm, ah I found them’


What Azuma was finding were the kids from the capital Owari. He only manage to identify the kids of the influential people in the capital; all of them have connections with the Fire Daimyo either in politics or in business. They were proud kids, looking towards the kids in Konoha as country bumpkins. However, when a few of those proud kids noticed him they shun away looking elsewhere after looking at Azuma gaze towards them.


‘… The capital kids, still acting like that here… hope they realize sooner that this is not the capital, your political influence will not actually work here in this place… heh, for them to actually avoid eye contact…’


Azuma sighed when that happen as in the capital the Uzufuyuki is a power that no one can contend. They had the Daimyo at their palm of their hands. The Uzufuyuki manage to gain the daimyo wholehearted support because of Uzufuyuki businesses. The taxes and income he got from them made is eyes glittering, he is happy and in glee always. It made other neighboring Daimyos envy, which made him even happier. It is something that he can brag but no Daimyos can refute him at all. He was also at ease, as Uzufuyuki was not interested at all in politics. Which made him not to worry about being usurped by Uzufuyuki.

Because of the relation Uzufuyuki have with the Daimyo all other clans, families, and business that have connection with the Daimyo knows how to thread carefully with Uzufuyuki or incur the wrath of the Daimyo and the financial magnate Uzufuyuki.


After the speech, the class allocation proceeded; the class allocation placed Azuma alongside all the major clans and family kids of both Konoha and Owari in one class with a few exceptions, such as Sakura because of her good exam results during her previous years in the Academy.


‘Hmm… as I thought I am going to be in the same class with Naruto and others, but for those capital clans and family to be in the same class as well... Only time will tell.’


“Azuma lets go.” – Choji

“Oh, yea. Thanks.”

“Heh, no problem you are new here.” – Choji

“Guys hurry up the seating is first comes first served, I want a place that is good for me to take a nap.” – Shikamaru


As Azuma, Choji and Shikamaru walked to the class, they found their seating. It was at the second last line in the hall and they manage to sit at the middle of the line. Naruto, Ino, Sakura, and Sasuke followed suit picking their seats. As expected Sakura tried to sit next to Sasuke while Naruto followed suit sitting near to his presume rival as well which ended sitting next to Sakura. Azuma sat and observed the sitting of the students, while having small talks with Choji and Shikamaru.

After a while, the instructor came and he introduced himself as Umino Iruka. He will be the main class instructor for most of the time; based on his explanation sometimes-veteran ninjas will come by as instructors as well.


Academy life... I wanted to breeze through it but I think I probably will include a few chapters for better development. It will also help me in gaining experience in writing this type of setting. 
I didn't plan this in advance so it will take some time. I have plans for the start of the cannon but not this...

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