RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 20 – Staying in Konoha

The entrance ceremony for new students is coming closer, one day Azuma was with his family having a joyful dinner. After the dinner…


“Azuma, since you have competed your beginners training. I think it is now time for you to continue your training by your own.

We will not interfere on your personal development going forward.

It will be up to you to decide on what kind of ninja you want to be. We will be around when you need us but we will not interfere in your way going forward.” – Ren


“Yes, your Academy entrance ceremony is two days later.

Which means that from that day onwards you will also have new experiences.

What you do and learn from them, the experiences you have from that we hope that it will help you in your growth to be true to yourself.” – Nagi

“Ah… to be true to myself… yes, I think I sort of know … grandpa, grandma, pa~ and mum~ …”


Hearing Azuma calling them they just smiled at him, while Azuma noticed the familial love he got.


“Oh, another thing Azuma, when you are in the academy keep a low profile regarding your capabilities particularly your chakra control and ninjutsu skills.

It would be better to only show your taijutsu and weapons techniques but do not show too much of it as well.

If you want to use ninjutsu skills, only show any ninjutsu skills that is being taught at the academy. I think you already know why you need to do it.” – Ren


‘Keeping a low profile in this manner, I think I know which Academy I am going to attend. When I was learning fuinjutsu with father, he told me about my seal. Sigh… anyway for me to be able to go to Konoha Ninja Academy… I think Aunt Kushina and Uncle Minato have something to do about that.’

“Yes I think I know what to do.”


Azuma just smiled and they smiled back at him feeling gratified and happy that the little Azuma is growing up.


‘Three years of training…Three years! At least I learnt practically all that I wanted to know about chakra and ninja techniques. I am also currently in the process towards developing something revolutionary.

Although there is more that I want to learn like the sage method, I do not think that my family knows about it.
After completely reading every book and scrolls in the family library… I manage to gain many information regarding Uzumaki and Yuki clan legacy; however, there is still no reference towards the sage method.
From what I know only selected few know the method.

Nevertheless, now that I got all the time I want. I will start collecting information about it on the side. But for now is time to expand my experiments… hmm… where to start… ah I also got to attend the Academy in two days as well, I do not expect much but hope it is fun.’


The following day, Yuna and Azuma packed their belongings.

It was as what Azuma assumed. He would be going to Konoha Ninja Academy. After a while, he saw Minato and Kushina arriving to bring them to Konoha.


“Yuna-chan~ I have arrived~” – Kushina

“Ah, Kushina-chan~ welcome back” – Yuna

“Azuma-chan it’s been a long time I didn’t see you, I missed you a lot. Come here I want a big hug from you” – Kushina


‘It has been a while since I last saw them around, they probably only visits when I am at the training lodge.

I guess uncle Minato did not have a marking position on the lodge, as I know that grandpa did provide them a room for uncle Minato family during their stay here, he can teleport freely while not interrupting everyone.

From here, they will bring Naruto to visit the capital sometimes as well. Anyway… sigh, it is necessary just give in to her hug before she throw a tantrum…’



“Ah… recharging time…” – Kushina


After a while as Minato watched Azuma face, he chuckled and decided to help him out.


“Kushina, I think it’s time to go Naruto is waiting to meet up with Azuma back at home” – Minato

“Yes! I almost forgot… come Azuma-chan, Yuna-chan.” – Kushina


Yuna and Azuma place their hand on their luggage while Minato place his hands behind their backs; Kushina on the other hand was hugging on Minato.

After saying their goodbyes Minato teleported back to his family place in Konoha where Naruto is waiting.


“Azuma! At last, you has arrived. Come I have told Shikamaru and Choji that you are coming as well. We can’t let them wait long.” – Naruto

“Errm … Mum?” – Azuma

“Go ahead I’ll get Minato-san to help in sending the luggage to the apartment; you do remember where it is right?” – Yuna

“Yes I think I know. Is it the new place that father and grandpa showed me when they brought me before? They said that it would be the new Uzufuyuki business zone in Konoha, I think I remembered father said that an apartment is also being built there as well.” – Azuma

“Yes that’s the place. Remember to be back before dawn.” – Yuna

“Yes mum, bye aunt Kushina, bye uncle Minato, and thank you for helping… Naruto lets go…” – Azuma

“I am off dad, mum… come Azuma follow me…” – Naruto


Yuna, Kushina and Minato smiled as they watched the two kids went off. They felt at peace looking at that scene. After that, Minato helped Yuna in transporting the luggages to the apartment before going to work while Kushina brought Yuna around to meet a few friends at the Konoha teashop.


‘Sigh… all this acting is more troublesome compared to all those training I have… oh well it is a new life so lets continue living with it… plus I am still a kid now.

Even in my previous life, I envy those lives I saw when watching them, though there are fights, battles and wars in this world as well. However, the magnitude, scale and consequences is completely on a different scale when compared. Because of that life is always on edge even with all those luxuries that we had in my past life, the life now is way better…’


“So where are we going Naruto?” – Azuma

“Shikamaru and Choji will meet us at the field.” – Naruto

“And then, what are we going to do after meeting up?” – Azuma

“… I did not exactly planned anything more than that…” – Naruto

“Hah… sigh…” – Azuma

‘I really should not have asked, he is really a single minded person when it comes to this…’


“Why are you looking at me like that!!” – Naruto

“Nothing~ lets hurry up and meet up with Shikamaru and Choji” – Azuma

“Yeah!” – Naruto


When they were running along the way, someone called them…


“Yo, Azuma! Naruto! Over here…” – Shikamaru

“Ah, Shikamaru, Choji why are you here, I thought… Sakura-chan~ why are you with Shikamaru and Choji.” – Naruto

“Ooi Naruto… what a drag...” – Shikamaru

“Apparently he cannot hear you… hi Azuma” – Choji

“Hi guys...” – Azuma

“Narutooo do not butt in the conversation like that, it lack of … ah and you are…” – Ino

“Oh yea, Sakura-chan, Ino this is probably the first time you meet Azuma he came from the capital. Azuma this is Sakura-chan and this is Ino.” – Naruto


‘So this is Sakura and Ino when they are kids, quite cute.’ – Azuma mind


“Hi, it is nice to meet you, let me introduce myself; I am Uzufuyuki Azuma I just moved from the capital. I will be attending the Ninja Academy starting tomorrow.” – Azuma

“Hello, I am Yamanaka Ino, nice to meet you.” – Ino

“Ah, I am Haruno Sakura. Nice to meet you as well.” – Sakura

“It is nice getting to know two cute girls.” – Azuma


‘Ah, he called me cute~’ – both girls blushing and mumbling


“Azuma you’re attending the Academy here as well?” – Shikamaru

“Yea, I think Aunt Kushina and Uncle Minato persuaded my family to attend the Academy here instead of the capital.” – Azuma

“Oh, so troublesome… but nice to know that you will be attending here.” – Shikamaru

“Yes, its good news. Let us celebrate; I know a place to celebrate for you moving here and attending the Academy with us.” – Choji

“Azuma-san you called the fourths, Aunt Kushina and Uncle Minato are they your…” – Ino

“Ah, Aunt Kushina is my mother childhood friend, when I first meet them I was still a baby, and they visited often, especially aunt Kushina.

That’s why I called them Aunt Kushina and Uncle Minato.” – Azuma

“Oh, that’s why…” – Ino

“Everyone come, let’s go to the place Choji is going to suggest to celebrate. Sakura-chan join us…” – Naruto

“Yes, come, I am already hungry already…” – Choji

“I’ll join as well.” – Ino <sneaking a look at Azuma>

“Me too.” – Sakura <You damn right I’ll Join>

“Soo troublesome lets go already.” – Shikamaru


When they were following Choji to his recommended place…


“So Azuma are you transferring from the capital Academy? I do not exactly know much about other Academies.” – Shikamaru

“Eh, I am not transferring. Tomorrow will be my first time going to any Academy, I do not know anything about it until my parents told me that I am going to attend the Academy.” – Azuma

“What? Azuma are you saying that you are just starting your Academic year now.” – Shikamaru

“Yes. Is there anything wrong?” – Azuma

“Erm, I do not know. However, here in Konoha we all started our Academic studies two years ago at the age of five.

It was so troublesome… anyway; I do not know how they will be arranging your placement tomorrow. You may start from the beginning so you probably won’t be attending the class with us.” – Shikamaru

“Oh, I do not know about that. Anyway in the past two years what did you guys learn?” – Azuma

“Eeh…errm I slept most of the time so err… you probably need to ask the others.” – Shikamaru

“Ah, I guess I need to ask errm… Ino and Sakura?” – Azuma

“Ooi what about me!” – Naruto

“Then do you know about what you studied the last two years Naruto?” – Azuma

“Eh… there is … err …” – Naruto

“See that is what I meant, sigh…” – Azuma




“So Ino and Sakura could you tell me about it?” – Azuma

“We girls have more in our plate compared to the boys with our kunochi training as well, but other classes are the same. We have reading, writing, mathematics, geography, taijutsu, weapons and ninjutsu training, this year I think we will also learn trap settings as well.” – Ino

“Yea, there is also genjutsu, hand seal and chakra control training as well.” – Sakura


‘Hmm… from what they listed I think there is a chance I will attend the same class with them if strings are pulled but I probably need to take additional classes as well to cover the ones that I do not know. I am interested in their geography and trap settings as for the others… I do not think the standard of Mathematics even come close to what I know.

While all the others like taijutsu, ninjutsu, weapons training I think I have a very good grounding about them.

As for the genjutsu… it make me shiver every time I think about it, I seriously think that my father genjutsu training is the best in this world. It was the only time that make me think that all that I learnt on my previous life seem like peanuts.’


“Thanks you two, here have this…”



Poof, two package appeared in Azuma hands.


“Oh what’s this?” – Ino

“It is a specialty sweet from the capital. I think my family will also be selling it here soon. Each sweets have different flavor to it some are even sour.” – Azuma

“Specialty Sweets! Thank you Azuma.” – Ino & Sakura

“Oooi Azuma where’s my share…” – Choji

“Yea don’t give it only to them, where is ours.” – Naruto

“Soo troublesome…” – Shikamaru

“Hehehe… here are yours the packaging is different though as those two are packed specifically for presents but the ones here is not.” – Azuma

“Ah, thank you again Azuma I didn’t know about it.” – Ino

“No~ there is nothing to thank, you helped me understand the Academy curriculum it’s a thank you gift.

I thought about what to give you and I remembered that those were popular gifts given to girls in the capital so I just…” – Azuma

“Oooh this one is sour, but its good, thanks Azuma.” – Choji

“Likewise Choji, hehehe…” – Azuma

“Hehehe…” – Choji


Thank you for your continue reading, and thank you for your feedbacks.
I welcome constructive feedbacks as I am still learning how to write a story well.
Have a nice day to all.
Edited version.

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