
Chapter 14-Celebration

As Iris closed the red book, a daunting realization settled over her like a heavy fog. Planning a birthday party in a single day seemed almost impossible. The clock was ticking, and the enormity of the task loomed large in her mind. Panic began to creep in, threatening to paralyze her with indecision. She could almost hear the seconds slipping away, each one a reminder of the precious time she had left to make Xavier's birthday special.

But then, a steely resolve took root within her. This wasn't just about a celebration, it was about honoring a memory and fulfilling a promise. Her future self's wish, the silent plea for a different outcome, resonated deeply within her. Iris knew she couldn't let fear or doubt hold her back. She had to act, and she had to do it now.

Taking a deep breath, Iris pushed aside the encroaching panic and focused on what needed to be done. She began mentally organizing the essentials, decorations, a cake, gifts, and a venue. She would need help, and fast. But for her friends and the chance to change their fate, she was ready to tackle any obstacle. Iris felt a surge of determination. Today was not just about throwing a party, it was about creating a cherished memory and laying the groundwork for a brighter future.

She quickly began working with a newfound sense of purpose, determined to make this day unforgettable for everyone, especially Xavier. The race against time had begun, but Iris was ready to meet the challenge head-on, driven by the hope that she could alter the course of their intertwined destinies.

Iris quickly bolted out of her room, urgency propelling her forward. Noticing the elevator was full, she leaped over the railing, her heart pounding. With a flick of her wrist, flames erupted around her, slowing her descent. The fire left scorching marks on the floor as she landed, adding yet another instance of property damage to her growing list. It was a miracle she hadn't been reprimanded yet, but right now, that was the least of her concerns.

She sprinted down the corridors, her small flames boosting her speed. The scorch marks traced her path, a fiery trail that led to Wallace's office. She was sure Wallace and Markus would help her with her plan. As she approached the office, Iris heard a familiar voice, Fate. She quickly hid behind the door, her curiosity piqued.

“Well, I should take my leave, I dislike being away from my library for too long,” Fate said, his tone dismissive as he prepared to leave.

“Wait a minute, you're not leaving until you answer my question!” Wallace's voice was firm, laced with frustration.

“I refuse to answer any questions related to her. No matter what, I will not answer,” Fate responded, equally frustrated.

“Why now? You've offered the answer to every question we've ever asked before. What's so special about her?” Wallace's tone was almost desperate.

“Might I ask why you have taken such an interest in her? Depending on your answer, I may provide one as well,” Fate countered, his voice measured.

“I tested her blood. It isn't entirely hu—” Wallace began, but Fate cut him off sharply.

“Not another word. You have a student here for you,” Fate said, his tone brokering no argument. As he left, his gaze briefly met Iris's, and she felt a strange, unsettling connection to him, as if their destinies were irrevocably intertwined.

As Fate walked past, a shiver ran down Iris's spine. She couldn't shake the feeling that this enigmatic man was somehow crucial to her future. But there was no time to dwell on it now. She had a mission to complete, and with Wallace and Markus's help, she was determined to make Xavier's birthday unforgettable.

Iris stepped into Wallace's office, and immediately a look of shock flashed across his face. He had almost blurted out sensitive information, and now, with her standing before him, he quickly composed himself, trying to mask his initial reaction. His mind raced as he desperately hoped she hadn't overheard the crucial details of their conversation.

“Ah, Iris,” Wallace greeted, forcing a smile and leaning back in his chair. “I didn't expect to see you at such a late hour. What can I do for you?”

There was a slight edge to his voice, a subtle tension that Iris couldn't ignore. She noted his rapid shift in demeanor, the way he seemed to collect himself as if bracing for her questions. Wallace's eyes flickered with a mix of concern and curiosity, betraying his attempt at casualness.

Wallace watched Iris closely, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Who was that man you seemed to be arguing with?” she asked, attempting to dig deeper into the encounter she had overheard.

Wallace shifted in his seat, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice. “Oh, him? Just a colleague, nothing more. The argument isn't something you need to worry about.” He forced a casual smile, but Iris could sense the tension beneath his facade.

She narrowed her eyes, her suspicion growing. There was clearly more to the story, but she decided to let it go for now. Her focus was on something more immediate, Xavier's birthday. “I want to celebrate my classmates' birthdays, and I was hoping you could help,” Iris requested, steering the conversation away from Fate.

Wallace's eyebrows raised in mild surprise. “What a coincidence, Xavier’s birthday happens to be tomorrow. Normally, we don't bother with birthdays here, but I’ll help you,” he said, his curiosity piqued by the seemingly fortuitous timing.

“Why don't you celebrate birthdays here?” Iris inquired, genuinely puzzled.

“We've just never had the time,” Wallace admitted with a shrug. “But maybe it would be good to start making time. I'll talk to Jonathan about setting up a more regular celebration. Just curious, though…this isn't just a ploy to get your own birthday party, right? It's on September 14th, a week from today.” He eyed her with a teasing grin.

Iris shook her head, a hint of a smile playing on her lips as she tried to appear nonchalant. “No, it's not about me. I just happened to find out Xavier's birthday is coming up, and I wanted to celebrate it,” she explained, trying to keep her voice steady. She hoped Wallace wouldn't probe further into how she knew, especially considering her future self's influence.

Wallace leaned back in his chair, studying Iris with a curious expression. “That's thoughtful of you,” he said, tapping a finger on his desk. “Xavier's a good kid, quiet but with a lot of potential. He could use a little joy in his life, you all could”

Iris nodded, feeling a warmth in her chest at his words. “Yeah, I think it would be nice for everyone to get together and celebrate, especially with everything we go through here,” she replied, her voice sincere.

Wallace smiled, the tension from their earlier conversation dissipating. “Alright, I'll help you out. We can arrange for a cake, decorations, and maybe a few gifts. I will handle most of the preparations. As for Markus, I have a special role for him,” he said with a chuckle.

Iris grinned, relieved that he was on board. “Thank you, Wallace. It means a lot,” she said, her eyes shining with gratitude.

Wallace waved a hand dismissively. “No need to thank me. Just doing my job,” he said with a warm smile. “But,” he added, leaning forward with a more serious expression, “I have to ask, how did you find out about Xavier's birthday? It's not exactly common knowledge around here.”

Iris hesitated, feeling a pang of nervousness. She had to think quickly. “I… overheard a conversation,” she lied, trying to keep her voice steady. “Someone mentioned it in passing, and it just stuck with me.”

Wallace raised an eyebrow, but after a moment, he nodded. “Alright, I'll take your word for it. Just be careful, Iris. Sometimes, knowing too much can be… complicated,” he warned, his tone gentle but firm.

Iris swallowed, nodding slowly. “I understand,” she said quietly, sensing the underlying caution in his words. She stood up, feeling a mixture of relief and lingering unease. “I'm going to head back to my room, I’m starting to get tired.”

Wallace watched her go, his expression thoughtful. “Just remember, Iris,” he called after her, “we're all in this together. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need help.”

She paused at the door, turning back to him with a small smile. “I won't. Thank you, Wallace,” she said before leaving the office, her mind racing with the weight of her secret and the task ahead.

The moment Iris returned to her room, the weight of the day's events hit her like a tidal wave. Exhausted, she collapsed onto her bed, barely managing to kick off her shoes before curling up under the covers. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, plans for Xavier's birthday, the unsettling encounter with Wallace, and the cryptic figure known as Fate. As sleep quickly overtook her, she drifted into a dream that felt strangely vivid and unsettling.

In the dream, Iris found herself standing in a dimly lit room, the air thick with an oppressive aura. The walls were lined with bookshelves, but one book stood out, the red book, sitting open on a small desk. The soft, flickering glow of candlelight illuminated a figure hunched over the book. Iris realized with a start that the figure was herself, older, with lines of worry etched into her face. Her future self was crying, tears falling onto the book's pages, smudging the ink as she wrote. Each tear seemed to carry the weight of unspoken sorrows, a lifetime of regrets, and unresolved pain.

As Iris looked closer, she noticed the room was not just any ordinary room, it was a birdcage, large enough to encompass the entire space. The cage hung precariously over a pit filled with bones, a chilling reminder of the consequences of her actions. The bars were thick and menacing, casting long shadows that seemed to reach out and grasp at her. The air was cold, and the scent of despair was palpable. The entire scene felt like a twisted nightmare, a macabre reflection of a future she could hardly fathom.

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind her future self. His presence was a dark stain on the already somber atmosphere. His form was blurred, shrouded in a haze that made it impossible to discern his features. Yet, the aura that emanated from him was unmistakable, pure malevolent evil. It was as if the very essence of darkness had taken shape. This was not just any villain, this was a demon, an entity born from the darkest corners of existence. His presence filled the room with a sickening aura, a suffocating miasma of dread and malice.

The demon leaned in closer to Iris's future self, whispering words that Iris could not hear. The sound was like static, a grating noise that sent shivers down her spine. Yet, even without understanding the words, the meaning was clear. Her future self's face contorted in anguish, a silent scream of despair that echoed in the silence of the room. It was a look of utter hopelessness, a resignation to a fate worse than death. The tears flowed freely now, each drop a testament to the suffering she endured.

Iris felt her heart clench as she watched, powerless to intervene. The scene was a stark reminder of the stakes she faced, the potential future that awaited her if she failed to navigate the treacherous path ahead. Her mind raced with questions and fears, each one more urgent than the last. What could have led to this moment? What horrors had she faced to end up trapped in this cage of despair?

As if sensing her presence, the demon slowly turned his head to look directly at Iris. Despite the blurred features, she could feel his eyes boring into her, piercing through the veil of time and space. His gaze was cold and calculating, a look that promised nothing but pain and suffering. The static in her ears grew louder, more insistent, as if he were trying to communicate something to her. But the words were lost, drowned out by the overwhelming sense of evil that surrounded him.

Just as the tension reached its peak, the scene began to fade. The demon's form blurred further until it was nothing more than a shadow, and the surrounding room dissolved into darkness. Iris woke with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt a wetness on her cheeks and realized she had been crying in her sleep. The tears were real, though the reasons behind them were still shrouded in mystery.

As she lay there, trying to steady her breathing, Iris couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. The vision had been more than just a nightmare, it felt like a warning, a glimpse into a future she desperately needed to avoid. She knew then that the demon, whatever he was, had to be stopped. She had to find a way to alter the course of her destiny, to ensure that the horrors she had witnessed would never come to pass.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Iris wiped her tears away. The road ahead was uncertain, filled with dangers and unknown challenges. But she was determined to face them head-on. For herself, for her friends, and for the future that depended on her choices, she would fight. She would not let the darkness claim her, no matter the cost. As the first light of dawn crept into her room, Iris steeled herself for the battles to come, her resolve stronger than ever.

As Iris awoke, the remnants of her unsettling dream lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over her morning. The sharp sound of banging on her door snapped her out of her thoughts. She quickly got up, straightened her clothes, and opened the door to find Wallace standing there with an enthusiastic expression.

“When your classes are over, bring your entire class to the third gymnasium. None of them know about this, so it will be a nice surprise for everyone,” Wallace said, his eyes gleaming with a rare warmth.

“Got it. Once again, thank you so much for this,” Iris replied, her voice bubbling with happiness and gratitude.

“No, thank you. You all should be treated as children and be able to enjoy your lives. You’re not weapons used for the sake of protecting mankind,” Wallace said, his tone gentle but firm. With a nod, he turned and left, leaving Iris with a profound sense of appreciation for the man who, despite the secrets he kept, clearly cared for them.

As the door closed, Iris wiped away a stray tear from her eyes, the weight of Wallace's words settling in her chest. She knew that today wasn't just about a celebration, it was about giving her friends a taste of the normalcy they deserved. With renewed determination, she prepared herself for Xavier's party, eager to make it a memorable day for everyone.

The school day seemed to drag on as Iris impatiently awaited its end. Each minute felt like an eternity, but finally, the last class concluded. With a surge of excitement, Iris stood atop her desk, ready to make her grand announcement. The entire class turned to look at her with curious expressions, except for Xavier, who had dozed off.

“Didn't you fall the last time you did that?” Charles remarked dryly, his hands already glowing with aura, just in case she needed saving again.

“Don't worry, I will be fine. Anyway, I have an announcement to make,” Iris declared, her voice brimming with excitement.

As she gathered her thoughts, the rest of the class watched with interest, waiting for her to continue. Xavier, however, seemed entirely uninterested. He yawned and stretched, preparing to leave the room.

“I require everyone to follow me to gymnasium three. It's absolutely important. It has to be everyone,” Iris insisted, her eyes darting towards Xavier.

“I’m not particularly in the mood today. If you don't mind, I’m just going to leave and go back to my room,” Xavier mumbled, his tone indifferent as he headed for the door.

“Charles, catch him!” Iris ordered, her voice sharp with urgency.

In an instant, Charles's aura wrapped around Xavier, lifting him effortlessly into the air. Xavier squirmed slightly, but Charles's grip was gentle yet unyielding.

“Thank you, now off we go to gymnasium th—” Iris began, but in her excitement, she misjudged her balance and stumbled off the desk.

Before she could hit the ground, Charles's telekinetic abilities caught her once again, gently lowering her to her feet. He smirked, shaking his head.

“How many times will I have to save you, dummy?” Charles teased, his tone light but affectionate.

The class chuckled at the exchange, and even Xavier managed a small smile from his suspended position. Despite the chaos, there was a palpable sense of camaraderie in the air. Iris grinned, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and excitement. She quickly gathered herself, leading the way as Charles gently set Xavier down, and the group followed her out of the classroom, buzzing with curiosity and anticipation. Today was going to be a day to remember.

As Iris led her classmates to the gymnasium, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with a tinge of anxiety. The doors swung open, revealing a transformed space that left the group momentarily speechless. The room was a whimsical paradise, infused with the vibrant life of nature, Jonathan's handiwork, no doubt, he used his ability to save money on the decorations.

The first thing that caught their eyes was the balloon-like orbs emerging from peculiar blueish plants with small spikes, floating up like ethereal bubbles. They bobbed gently in the air, casting a soft, luminescent glow that bathed the room in an otherworldly light. The ceiling was adorned with cascading roses, their petals gently detaching and floating down like a delicate rain of color. The air was filled with the sweet, subtle fragrance of the blooms, mingling with the savory aromas from the banquet table.

A large, verdant vine stretched across the far wall, supporting a hand-painted banner that read, “Happy Birthday Xavier.” The words were embellished with intricate floral designs, adding a personal and artistic touch. Beneath the banner, a banquet was spread out, rivaling even the best offerings of the school's cafeteria. Platters of fresh fruits, savory appetizers, and colorful desserts beckoned the group, arranged with an eye for both taste and presentation.

At the center of it all stood a grand cake, a confectionery masterpiece. The cake's white frosting gleamed under the soft lighting, and vibrant red strawberries were artfully placed on top. The centerpiece was adorned with candles shaped like the number twelve. The flickering flames added a warm, festive glow to the room, accentuating the celebratory atmosphere.

But perhaps the most surprising and delightful sight was Markus, standing near the cake, dressed as a clown. His costume was a riot of colors, with oversized shoes, a frilly collar, and a comically large red nose. His face was painted in a classic clown style, with a bright smile that contrasted with his usual serious demeanor. He juggled a set of colorful balls with surprising skill, adding a playful element to the room.

As Markus saw the group, he gave a theatrical bow, his expression a mix of amusement and mild embarrassment. The sight drew a collective gasp and then a burst of laughter from the group, breaking the initial silence.

Xavier's eyes widened in astonishment, his usually sleepy demeanor replaced with genuine surprise. For a moment, he seemed at a loss for words, his expression softening as he took in the scene. Iris felt a swell of pride and relief, the effort to bring a smile to Xavier's face was already worth it.

“Surprise!” Iris exclaimed, her voice filled with joy and a hint of nervousness.

Xavier blinked, still processing the scene before him. “I… I don't know what to say,” he murmured, clearly touched by the effort.

“How about thank you?” Charles teased, nudging him with a grin.

Xavier chuckled, finally breaking into a warm smile. “Thank you, everyone. This is amazing. I never expected… anything like this.”

Markus, still in character, honked a clown horn, drawing everyone's attention. “Well, it's not every day we get to celebrate such a special occasion,” he said, his voice exaggeratedly cheerful. “So let's make it a day to remember!”

The room erupted in applause, and as the group gathered around the cake, Iris felt a deep sense of accomplishment. The decorations, the food, and even Markus's clown act, all of it came together to create a moment of pure joy. This celebration was not just about Xavier's birthday, it was about giving them all a rare moment of normalcy and happiness amidst the chaos of their lives.

As they sang “Happy Birthday” and Xavier blew out the candles, Iris couldn't help but think of the promise she had made to herself. She would cherish these moments, protect them, and ensure that no more futures were stained by tragedy. For now, they were just a group of kids celebrating a birthday, and that was more than enough.

Inside the dim, suffocating confines of the birdcage, Future Iris sat, her shoulders hunched in a posture of quiet defiance. The room was dark and cold, save for the occasional flicker of ghostly light that seeped through the cracks, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The cage itself dangled precariously above a pit filled with bleached bones, a macabre reminder of the consequences of failure.

The Demon entered the room with an unsettling grace, his form now disturbingly clear to Future Iris. His presence was a void, a deep chasm of malevolence that seemed to swallow all light and warmth. His eyes glowed with an unnatural hue, and his lips curved into a mocking smile. His voice, an echo infused with a shadowy resonance, reverberated through the room, making the air feel thick and heavy.

“Would you like to know how today's event went?” he said, the question laced with a sinister delight.

Future Iris lifted her gaze, her eyes hardening as she met his. “Just tell me already,” she snapped, her voice steady despite the dread curling in her stomach. “We don't need to go through this every day.”

The Demon chuckled, a sound like dry leaves rustling in a winter wind. “An absolute success,” he began, his tone dripping with false sweetness. “Though Jonathan was a bit of a cheapskate with spending on decorations, and due to it being so last minute, there were no presents. However, the birthday he never got to celebrate with you will become his happiest memory, until his death.”

At his last words, Future Iris's eyes flared with a fierce intensity. He will live a long life,” she retorted, her voice edged with steel. “They all will. You will not orchestrate their tragedies anymore. My past self will stop you, you bastard!”

The Demon leaned closer to the cage, his expression darkening. “For one of your upcoming messages,” he said, his voice taking on a silken, dangerous quality, “I would like you to edit the contents. Have Iris save Wallace. That day will be too boring if she's not put in harm's way a little bit.”

Future Iris's eyes narrowed, her lips curling into a grim smile. “I was already planning to,” she replied, defiance dripping from every word. “Wallace's death during the invasion is a tragedy that cannot be repeated. I will help my past self rewrite all of their deaths.”

The Demon grinned, a chilling sight that sent a shiver down her spine. “That's what I love about you,” he said, a mocking affection in his tone. “You always take risks, no matter how improbable. And you always bring results. But why struggle so much? This timeline will not be fixed even if hers is saved.”

Future Iris's gaze remained steady, her resolve unbroken. “I wonder why,” she mused, her voice a taunting whisper. “Sadly, nothing in our contract forces me to tell you, damned demon.”

The Demon's smile faltered for a moment, replaced by a look of cold fury. “Fine, be like that,” he snarled, his voice losing its mocking edge. “Though you'll regret it, I promise you. Your past self will be brought to an even worse ending than the one you currently are stuck with.”

With that, he turned and walked away, his figure dissolving into the shadows. The room grew colder, and the silence that followed was suffocating. Future Iris watched him go, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew the road ahead for her past self would be treacherous, but she held onto the hope that, with her guidance, they could change their fate. She wiped a tear from her eye, her resolve hardening. The demon's words were a reminder of the stakes, but also of the strength they would need to find to overcome the darkness that threatened to consume them all.

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