
Chapter 13-Memories of an Avoidable Future

As the night wore on, Iris found herself pacing in her room, the lamp casting ominous shadows across the room. The red book lay on her desk, its cover still partially open, as if beckoning her to delve deeper into its dark secrets. The weight of the future self’s message pressed down on her, mingling with the strange sense of familiarity she felt towards the book. It was a connection that transcended time, a haunting reminder of the choices she had yet to make and the consequences she would have to face.

Her mind raced with thoughts of the book's enigmatic power. It had drawn her in, granting her the power to save her life. But now, with the warning echoing in her mind, Iris was faced with an impossible choice. The temptation to uncover the truth was almost unbearable, yet the fear of the unknown consequences held her back. She knew that one wrong move could alter her destiny in ways she couldn't foresee, potentially leading her down a path of darkness and despair.

With a heavy sigh, Iris closed the red book and locked it away in a drawer, her hands trembling as she did so. She couldn't shake the feeling that the red book had already set events into motion, like a catalyst waiting to unleash its full potential. The paradox of her future self's advice, both urging her to use the book and warning against it, left her more confused and anxious than ever. What could have driven her future self to send such a cryptic message? And what was the true nature of the price that came with the book’s power?

After a while, Iris finally collapsed onto her bed, exhaustion overtaking her. The questions continued to swirl in her mind, but for now, she had no answers. All she could do was wait and hope that, when the time came, she would know what to do. The book, with its mysteries and promises, would remain locked away, at least, for now.

Time passed in a blur of routine and fleeting moments of contemplation for Iris. The unsettling encounter with the book lingered at the back of her mind, like an unsolved puzzle she couldn't quite set aside. She tried to focus on the daily responsibilities that grounded her, but the memory of that cryptic message from her future self haunted her dreams. A day later, she chose to look through the red book, not to draw upon its power but to seek answers on what its uses and price truly were.

The red book was a mysterious artifact, its cover a deep crimson hue that seemed to pulse with an eerie energy. The material felt almost organic, warm to the touch, as if it were alive. Its surface was adorned with intricate golden filigree, curling and twisting like vines around a central emblem, a symbol that was both mesmerizing and unsettling, evoking a sense of ancient, forbidden knowledge. The pages inside were made of a parchment-like material, aged and yellowed, exuding an aura of antiquity and mystique.

The contents of the book were written in an unknown language, filled with arcane symbols and cryptic runes that defied comprehension. It was a script that seemed to dance and shift on the page, as if hiding its secrets from unworthy eyes. Iris could only decipher the meaning through the vivid illustrations that adorned each page. These illustrations were intricate and detailed, each one depicting a different object or scene, a bow shimmering with ethereal light, a pair of wings unfurling as if ready for flight, and a sword engulfed in flames. Each picture hinted at the powers that could be summoned from the book, offering a glimpse into its vast potential. However, despite the clarity of these images, the book did not indicate the price for using these abilities. The absence of this crucial information left Iris with a deep sense of unease, as if the book itself was withholding the most important truth.

Each night, Iris received a message from her future self through the enigmatic red book. These messages, filled with cryptic hints and poignant reflections, often spoke of memories that had yet to occur, each one about a different classmate. One particular message stood out, evoking a mix of emotions that left Iris both intrigued and embarrassed.

“Charles, at one point I only thought of him as an annoying distraction, someone who would disrupt class each day. He’d try to throw a desk at the teacher only to get defeated, yet he had more desire to become stronger than anyone else. The more I learned about him, the more I felt sorry for him. His parents were bad people, but he never knew that, he was just a kid and A.E.G.I.S took his parents from him. If you can, comfort him and try to become someone for him to rely on. He never made any friends, the only time he had someone was when the class would drag him to hang out together. I have a soft spot for him, he was our first kiss, after all.

—Your future self, Iris Blackwell”

As Iris read these words, a deep blush spread across her face. The revelation was unexpected, not just for the intimate detail of a first kiss, but also for the insight into Charles' life and struggles. She had never considered him more than an occasional nuisance, yet here was a future self hinting at a deeper connection and understanding. The mention of their first kiss left her flustered, a surge of emotions she couldn't quite place washing over her. Why had her future self included such a personal detail? Was it a gentle nudge toward a future that held more than she could currently comprehend, or simply a fond memory shared out of nostalgia? The message lingered in her mind, adding another layer to the mystery of her future self's intentions and the enigmatic nature of the red book.

The next morning, after classes, Iris decided to seek Charles out, curious about what her future self had seen in him. She found him alone in one of the lounges, a rare sight since he usually kept to himself. The room was empty, likely because Charles had scared everyone else away. He sat on a worn-out couch, engrossed in a cartoon playing on the TV, the colorful animations a stark contrast to the darkness that seemed to surround him.

“Hey, Charles, funny running into you here,” Iris greeted, trying to sound casual despite her intentional search for him.

Charles glanced at her with a glare, then looked away. “Get out now. I don't want to be around any of you unless I have to,” he muttered, his voice laced with bitterness. As he spoke, small objects near him began to levitate, a subtle display of his telekinetic power.

Iris ignored the hostile tone and took a step closer. “Why are you always pushing everyone away? I just want to be your friend,” she said, her voice filled with concern.

Charles's eyes darkened, and he clenched his fists. “You’re all nothing more than a bunch of idiots, blindly trusting A.E.G.I.S. I heard about how most of the people here were 'rescued.' They always show up at your worst moments, but never prevent them. But for me, it was even worse, they caused it,” he spat out, a single tear escaping from his eye.

Iris felt a pang of empathy. “Charles… I understand how you feel. I won't deny I have some resentment for them not saving my parents, but isolating yourself and holding onto that anger won't fix anything,” she pleaded, hoping to reach him.

In an instant, a pen lifted by Charles's telekinesis shot toward Iris, narrowly missing her head and embedding itself in the wall. “Just get out, please, get out!” Charles shouted, his voice cracking with emotion. More objects began to float around him, TV remotes, pencils, and books all swirling in a chaotic dance. They hovered menacingly, poised to be hurled at any moment.

Iris stood her ground, her heart pounding. She realized that beneath Charles's anger and hostility was a deep well of pain and fear. She had touched a nerve, but she couldn't leave him like this. As the objects floated threateningly around them, she knew she had to find a way to reach him, to show him that he wasn't alone, no matter how hard he tried to push everyone away.

“You’re the one being an idiot, Charles!” Iris shouted, her voice unwavering with determination. “What’s your big plan to avenge your parents? Get tied up by the teachers every day until you get lucky enough to defeat them? And then what? You’ll just end up like your parents, committing a horrible crime and facing the consequences.”

Charles's face contorted with rage, and all the objects in the room, books, chairs, and even the TV, rose into the air, swirling around him in a violent maelstrom. The room was filled with the sound of whirring and crashing, and it seemed that at any moment, the storm of debris would come hurtling toward Iris.

“If you want revenge, stop this stupid behavior,” Iris continued, her voice cutting through the chaos. “Train properly, pay attention in class, and become stronger. Take over this entire place and reform it if you hate how they do things. Or, at the very least, become so invaluable to them that they have to listen. You see how Mr. Markus is, a complete goofball around us. Many people here are annoyed by him, yet they're all in awe of his strength. You’re easily one of the strongest in our class, so do it! Become stronger than anyone and fix this place!”

Charles's fury began to wane, his eyes flickering with doubt. “D-do you really think I can do it?” he asked, his voice wavering.

“Of course I do, you dummy,” Iris replied, a reassuring smile spreading across her face.

As her words sunk in, Charles's anger fully dissipated. The objects that had been levitating in the air suddenly dropped to the ground with a deafening crash, utterly wrecking the room. The noise of the destruction echoed around them, but the tension in the air had lifted.

“Let’s get out of here quickly,” Charles said, grabbing Iris’s hand. They bolted out of the room together, not wanting to face the consequences of the mess they'd just caused.

As they ran through the hallways, Charles's eyes sparkled with a newfound determination. “Fine, I’m going to become so strong I take over this horrible place. I'll kick out the leader and make it better.”

“I'll support you the entire way,” Iris said cheerfully, her heart light with the thought of a future where Charles could find his place and make a difference.

Later that night, Iris decided to start a diary, choosing a blue notebook as its vessel. If the red book detailed the important future, then this blue book would hold the essence of her present and past. With deliberate care, she began chronicling the events of her day, hoping to capture every nuance of her experiences. Just as she finished the first few lines, a new message from her future self arrived, materializing in a familiar, eerie fashion.

“What an odd method you used, but I liked it. I should mention, that while the changes you make will not fix my timeline, I will be aware of what happens. The devil I made this pact with is connected with the version of himself in your time, so he is aware of any changes you make. He has decided to let me keep sending you messages as long as I do not reveal his identity. Charles will be a great ally, and this time, for you, he won't die alone because he refused to be a part of a team with anyone. So, thank you.”

Iris's eyes scanned the message, and her heart sank at the thought of her classmates' potential fates in her future self's timeline. A sense of urgency gripped her, the weight of responsibility growing heavier. How many of them had met a tragic end? Would she be able to save them all?

Continuing with the letter, she read the next part, which was about another classmate.

“Jacob, he was always a happy child, so energetic. Of our entire class, besides us, he is the sole survivor. Overall, he is the least likely to worry about; however, please note that the changes you will make may lead to unforeseen consequences. He once told me a wish, one that he would like you to grant. Please gather the class and watch a movie together. While Charles did join a few group events, it was difficult, and Jacob always wanted the class to bond together. So, please, grant his wish.

—Your future self, Iris Blackwell”

Iris sighed deeply as she put down the red book, her mind racing with thoughts and questions. The weight of her future self's message lingered in the air, filling her with a mix of dread and determination. She felt an overwhelming urge to protect her classmates, to change the course of their destinies. Her mind buzzed with possibilities and plans as she considered how to honor Jacob's wish. Amid her thoughts, a resolve began to form, she would do everything in her power to ensure a better future for all of them, even if it meant rewriting their fates.

The next day in class, everything seemed surprisingly calm. Mrs. Stone usually braced for some disruptive antics from Charles, was taken aback to see him quietly engaged. He didn't throw any objects or make sarcastic remarks; instead, he took notes and participated in discussions. It was a pleasant shock, but she still found herself warily waiting for some kind of outburst. Nonetheless, she was pleased to see such a positive change in his behavior.

As the day drew to a close and everyone began to pack up, Iris sprang into action. Climbing onto her desk for a bit of dramatic flair, she caught everyone's attention.

“Wait, wait, before everyone leaves, I have a request,” Iris called out, her voice carrying across the room.

“What is it? Also, be careful up there,” Jacob asked, glancing up at her with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

“I want to watch a movie with everyone,” Iris declared, her tone decisive.

“Ooh, what kind of movie?” Jacob responded, his excitement evident.

“How about a fantasy?” Alice suggested, her voice thoughtful.

“A-anything but horror is fine with me,” Celia added, a slight tremor in her voice.

“As long as my sister enjoys it, I’m fine watching anything,” Theo chimed in, nodding in agreement.

“Ooh, ooh! Since we're practically superheroes already with our powers, how about a hero movie?” Jacob exclaimed, his enthusiasm contagious.

“I'm fine with anything with action, so I'll agree,” Charles said, his voice steady and surprisingly cooperative.

The group exchanged glances, stunned by Charles's unexpected willingness to join in. His participation was a rare occurrence, and it brought a ripple of surprised smiles and nods.

“I'm fine with this as well,” Alice said, smiling. “I've read a couple of comic books when Wallace was giving me a check-up. I guess Markus occasionally leaves them there by accident.”

“Can we get snacks first?” Xavier asked, his eyes lighting up at the thought.

“Of course, since everyone has agreed, we're going to watch a superhero movie!” Iris announced, jumping for joy on top of her desk. Her excitement was palpable as she beamed at her classmates.

However, as she bounced a bit too energetically, her balance faltered, and she began to topple off the desk. The room gasped collectively, but just before she could hit the ground, a sudden surge of telekinetic force gently lifted her back into the air. Charles's telekinesis had intervened, holding Iris aloft with a subtle, but effective grace.

Charles, his eyes twinkling with a rare hint of amusement, quipped, “Here I thought I was the dummy here.” His teasing tone broke the tension in the room, and a few chuckles erupted from the group.

Iris, momentarily stunned by the unexpected rescue, quickly regained her composure and joined in the laughter. “Thanks, Charles! I guess I owe you one.”

“No need,” Charles replied, his usual scowl replaced by a small, genuine smile. “Just don’t make a habit of falling off desks.”

With everyone on board, the mood in the room lightened. The idea of a group movie night brought a sense of camaraderie, a chance for them to bond outside the pressures of their unusual circumstances. As they began to discuss movie options and snacks, Iris felt a small sense of accomplishment. She had taken a step toward fulfilling her future self's wishes and bringing her classmates closer together.

As the seven friends entered the movie theater, their eyes were immediately drawn to a vibrant, eye-catching poster that dominated the entrance wall. The poster was a dazzling display of superhero grandeur, showcasing the film they had all eagerly agreed upon: *Wonderman, The Man of Titanium*.

At the center of the poster stood Wonderman, portrayed by none other than Markus. He was depicted in a striking red jumpsuit that gleamed under the spotlight, complemented by a flowing blue cape that billowed heroically behind him. His muscular physique was accentuated by the sleek, metallic sheen of his suit, hinting at the titular “titanium” element of his persona.

The suit featured a bold, silver “W” emblazoned across the chest, its design a fusion of classic superhero aesthetics and futuristic technology. Markus's expression was one of determined intensity, his eyes focused and piercing, capturing the essence of a true hero ready to face any challenge. The background of the poster was a dynamic swirl of colors, with hints of explosions and high-tech cityscapes, setting the stage for an action-packed adventure.

“Yeah, A.E.G.I.S owns just about everything superhero-related,” Markus explained with a hint of resignation. “Both M.C. and Darvel are under their control. The comics and movies generate a lot of revenue. I lost a bet with the boss, so now I'm stuck playing 'Wonderman.' He’s a hero from the planet Argon.”

“Why does A.E.G.I.S control both major movie franchises?” Charles asked, his curiosity piqued.

Markus shrugged. “Originally, the boss wanted to send a message that using your powers as a ‘superhero’ would inevitably bring harm to your loved ones. But the genre became so popular that A.E.G.I.S decided to dive into it. Now, they have a whole branch dedicated to creating these comics and movies. Plus, you'd be surprised how many Awakened joined just to handle the special effects themselves.”

Jacob’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Can you join us in watching the movie?”

Markus gave a half-hearted nod. “Sure, let me just grab Wallace and Jonathan,” he said, turning to walk away.

Markus returned with Wallace and Jonathan in tow, and without waiting for their input, led the group to a row of seats. Once everyone was settled with popcorn and drinks, the theater lights dimmed, and the screen flickered to life.

The opening scene of *Wonderman, The Man of Titanium* burst onto the screen with a kaleidoscope of colors and sound. The film’s retro aesthetic was a nod to the 1970s sci-fi era, complete with exaggerated special effects that clearly showcased the talents of A.E.G.I.S’s Awakened.

The movie's narrator introduced Wonderman, a hero from the tumultuous planet Argon. The visuals depicted a world in chaos, with planets and asteroids colliding in slow-motion. Despite the campy feel, the special effects were impressive, thanks to the high level of expertise involved.

Markus, in his role as Wonderman, appeared on screen in a striking red jumpsuit and a flowing blue cape. The character struck dramatic poses, his suit’s silver “W” gleaming with each flex. Wonderman’s powers—super strength and ice beams shot from his eyes—were showcased in an over-the-top display of stunts and battles. Villains, some of whom were played by A.E.G.I.S agents, provided ample opportunities for Wonderman to demonstrate his heroic prowess.

The plot was straightforward but entertaining: Wonderman fought to thwart the evil plans of Commander Jod, who aimed to transform Earth into a replica of his home planet, Argon. The climax saw Wonderman imprisoning Commander Jod in the “Spectral Area,” a realm of eternal confinement.

As the credits rolled and the theater lights gradually brightened, the group was filled with a mix of laughter and satisfaction. The movie, while campy, provided a welcome distraction and a moment of camaraderie among friends.

As the group began to leave the theater, Wallace’s mood shifted from amusement to disbelief. “I have to say, that was a great movie. When’s the next one, Markus?” he asked, a teasing grin on his face.

Markus chuckled. “Well, they’re rebooting the franchise, so you’ll have to wait for the next heroes to get their movies. And yes, I heard you’ll be playing the ‘Neon Lamp.’” His laughter rang with a hint of mischief.

A blank expression settled on Wallace’s face. “Wait a minute, what do you mean I’m getting stuck playing that? The boss can’t do this, right?”

Jonathan, who had been quietly observing, stepped in. “Since you’re technically under my jurisdiction and employment, I signed off on it.”

Wallace’s eyes widened. “Oh come on, why did I get the ‘Neon Lamp’? The last one bombed. And if I become a movie star, won’t missions be more difficult? No way, they can’t make me do this,” he said, trying to convince himself.

Markus smirked. “They used makeup to slightly alter my face and gave me a fake name, though 'Valentine' as a last name already sounds like a stage name, to be honest.”

Wallace slumped in his seat, a look of defeat spreading across his face. The rest of the class gathered their things, chuckling and chatting as they exited the theater. As they walked out, a post-credit scene played, a mysterious pod that resembled the one Wonderman had arrived in, hinting at future adventures.

Later that night, Iris settled into her room, pulling out her blue diary. She carefully wrote down the day's events, capturing the camaraderie and the amusing turn of events involving Wallace. Once her daily log was complete, she set the diary aside and waited for her nightly message from her future self. The familiar chill of anticipation settled over her as the message began to appear.

As Iris opened the red book and look at the message from her future self, she felt a weight settle over her heart. The words were both poignant and cryptic, revealing glimpses into a future she was determined to change.

“The Wonderman movie, a good choice. My first date with Maxwell was to see ‘Virtue Alliance 3,’ a crossover event featuring Wonderman and all the other heroes. Markus’s acting was never exceptional after his first movie, which is hardly surprising given what happened. I hope you can alter that event as well, but that task is for another day.”

Iris’s heart raced. Who was Maxwell? And why did her future self seem to reveal so much about past relationships? The more pressing issue was Markus’s mysterious past and the hint at an unresolved event. She pushed those thoughts aside and continued to the next part of the letter.

“The lonely winter child, Xavier. His parents were A.E.G.I.S. scientists, leaving him by himself in his empty home most of the time. His birthday was perpetually forgotten, and he often found solace only in his dreams, where his parents seemed to be present. One year, we decided to make up for lost time by celebrating each other's birthdays. Charles even joined in, although Xavier’s birthday remained a secret at that time. He had gone so long without celebrating it, he had given up on ever doing so. We eventually discovered it, but on that very day, we were called out on a mission we ended up running into world’s strongest monster, the Boogeyman. Xavier perished in my arms while trying to protect me. We can seek justice for his future self in due time, but for now, please give him the birthday celebration he never had. His birthday is tomorrow. Good luck, and cherish these fleeting yet precious moments.

—Your future self, Iris Blackwell”

Iris gently closed the red book, the weight of its revelations settling heavily on her shoulders. The gravity of Xavier's tragic fate and the poignant request for a belated birthday celebration stirred a profound mix of sorrow and resolve within her. Her future self’s plea was not just a call to action, but a heartfelt reminder of the fragile nature of their lives and the bonds they shared.

She took a deep breath, allowing the quiet of her room to envelop her. The night seemed to hold its breath with her, the only sounds the soft rustling of the book’s pages and her own steadying heartbeat. Iris felt the burden of responsibility settle over her like a cloak, but it was a burden she was willing to bear. The vision of her friends' futures, stained by loss and tragedy, fueled her determination to rewrite their destinies.

Tomorrow, she would throw Xavier the birthday party he had been denied, a celebration filled with laughter, warmth, and the joy they all needed. It would be a small victory, but one that could shift the balance of their collective fate. She vowed to make this day special, to honor the memory of her future fallen friend, and to strengthen the bonds among her classmates.

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