Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.458 Green’s Family

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Across the vast, shimmering ocean, a stunning bridge spanned the horizon, its graceful arches reflecting the gentle waves below. 

Sunlight danced on the water's surface, creating a breathtaking spectacle of light. 

From the distance, the sound of a train broke the serene silence, growing louder as it approached the bridge. 

As it moved across, the rumble of its wheels blended with the soft whisper of ocean waves.

Above, a flock of Pidgeys soared, their cheerful presence a contrast to the mechanical invader. The train's horn sent a ripple of surprise through the flock, scattering them in a flutter of wings and hurried squawks.

Inside the train, a different world unfolded. A Chatot perched on a small platform, announcing their imminent arrival at Sevii Island with a clarity that belied its avian nature. 

The conductor, a man whose appearance spoke of years spent traveling these routes, watched over his passengers with a thoughtful gaze. 

His uniform, navy blue with gold accents, and his cap, though slightly worn, were worn with pride. 

Among the few passengers, a young girl caught his attention. 

With her long brunette hair and a simple black dress contrasted by pristine white gloves, she seemed to carry a story untold. A Jigglypuff, asleep in her lap, enjoyed her gentle caresses.

The conductor approached her, his steps quiet, his smile gentle. 

"Miss," he said softly, "may I see your ticket?"

The girl handed it over without a word. As the conductor inspected it, confirming her details, he read the name "Leaf Amber Green" aloud, then returned the ticket after punching a hole into it.

Leaf turned her gaze back to the window, lost in thought. 

The quiet of the train offered a rare moment of peace, a stark contrast to the chaos that had tangled her life. 

Memories of her mother, fragments of a past both cherished and painful, began to surface. 

The train's steady rhythm lulled her into a state of reflection, a brief escape as the world outside passed by in a blur of blue and green.


[ 4 Years Ago ] 

In Pallet Town, a small and peaceful place surrounded by lots of green trees and pretty flowers, the sound of Pidgey birds singing and a stream flowing quietly made everything feel calm and happy. 

In a warm house in this lovely town, Leaf Green was sitting at the kitchen table, not really eating her breakfast.

Leaf, who was only 8 years old, was full of energy and always looking for fun.

 Lily was very beautiful, with long, curly hair that looked golden in the sunlight coming through the window. She and Leaf had the same amber-colored eyes. 

"Green," Lily said, a little bit upset, "stop playing with your food."

Green made a face. 

"But, Mama! I don't like porridge. I want chocolate cereal."

Lily looked at her husband, Leaf Fuji, for support. 

Fuji, who had some gray in his dark hair and kind eyes, was busy reading the newspaper. He was thinking hard, probably about his job with Professor Oak. 

Without looking up, he began, "Hey, let's just let Green eat..." but then he saw Lily's serious look.

With a sigh, Fuji put down his paper and smiled at Green. 

"Come on, Green. Eat your breakfast, please."

Green's eyes sparkled. 

"Does that mean you'll get me ice cream like you did last time?"

Fuji stopped, realizing he'd made a mistake, and Lily looked at him, surprised. 

"Ice cream? What ice cream?"

Green grinned. 

"Daddy bought me ice cream yesterday! But we weren't supposed to tell."

Fuji felt embarrassed. 

"Green," he said, "you're not supposed to share secrets."

Green looked confused. 

"But Daddy, you always say I should tell Mommy the truth."

Fuji didn't know what to say next, but Lily hugged Green tight. 

"That's my girl," she said, giving her a kiss. "Always be honest with Mama."

Trying her luck again, Green asked, "So... ice cream?"

Lily tapped Green's nose playfully. 

"No, no! Eat your breakfast."

Just then, they heard the school bus outside. 

Green quickly ate her porridge. 

She didn't want to miss school!


On the bus ride to school, filled with the chatter and laughter of children, Green was excitedly talking to her friend about their favorite TV show. Suddenly, the bus screeched to a stop, sending everyone lurching forward. 

"Ouch! What happened?" a boy yelled from the back.

Green, trying not to cry, "Are you okay?"

Her friend, rubbing her head, replied, "I think so... but what's happening?"

Everyone was asking each other if they were okay, wondering why the bus had stopped. Then, without any warning, a loud explosion made everyone freeze. The top of the bus was ripped open by a giant bird Pokémon, Fearow, its eyes scanning the inside of the bus and locking onto Green.

"Do something, Mr. Jenkins!" a boy called out to the bus driver. 

But the driver didn't move; he just sat there, looking lost.

Fear and panic filled the bus as the children screamed for help, but Mr. Jenkins was not responding. 

He looked like he couldn't hear them or was too scared to act.

Before anyone could do anything, the Fearow's claw grabbed Green, pulling her from her seat. 

Sarah screamed for her, but it was too late. The Fearow flew off with Green, her cries for help fading away.

Left behind, the children on the bus were crying and screaming in shock. 

Some were too stunned to make a sound, just staring at the hole in the bus's roof.

The wind outside seemed to swallow the sounds of their fear as the Fearow disappeared into the sky with Green.

That morning was the last time Green saw her parents. 

She had been taken by that monster; Masked Man.


[Present Day]

[Sevii Islands]

Stepping out of the train station onto the Sevii Islands, Green clutched a photo of her mom tightly in her hand. 

She looked around, hoping to find someone who could point her in the right direction.

"Excuse me," Green approached a passerby, her voice hopeful. "Do you recognize this woman?" She held out the picture of her mom.

The person barely glanced at it before shaking their head and walking away without a word.

Undeterred, Green tried again with another person. 

"Please, it's really important. Have you seen her?" she asked, showing the photo.

This time, the person stopped to look but then shrugged. "Sorry, never seen her," they replied, not unkindly, before moving on.

Feeling a bit discouraged, Green continued to ask around, but most people either ignored her or simply didn't know her mom. 

An hour later, Green spotted a delivery boy sorting parcels by his scooter.

"Hi, sorry to bother you," Green started, approaching him. "I'm looking for this woman," she said, showing him the photo. "She's my mom."

The delivery boy took a moment to study the picture carefully. "Hmm, I don't know her personally," he began, seeing the disappointment form on Green's face, but quickly added, "But she looks a lot like someone I've seen around the local orphanage. The director, I think."

"Really?" Green's eyes lit up with a spark of hope.

"Yeah, the orphanage is not too far from here. Just down that road, then take a left. It's the big building with the blue roof. Can't miss it," the delivery boy explained, pointing her in the right direction.

"Thank you so much!" Green exclaimed, her heart racing with the possibility of finally finding a lead.

"No problem. Good luck!" the delivery boy called after her as she hurried off in the direction he had indicated.


In the heart of the orphanage, tension crackled like a live wire. A group of local thugs, self-proclaimed members of Team Rocket, were making a scene, demanding protection money from the orphanage staff. The staff formed a protective barrier in front of the kids, while the director, an unexpected sight with a garbage bag over her head and a broom in hand, stood defiantly before them.

"Listen here, we're running a business," one of the gangsters sneered, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "And your little 'home' falls under our protection. That'll be 500 Poké dollars a week."

The director, undeterred by the threat, stood her ground. "Piss off! We're not giving you a single coin. This place is a sanctuary, not some cash torus for your fake Team Rocket nonsense."

A second thug laughed, releasing a Zubat from its Poké Ball. "Looks like we gotta teach you a lesson in respect. Zubat, ready!"

As the standoff escalated, a voice cut through the tension. "Blastoise, use Hydro Pump!"

The gangsters barely had time to register the command before a massive jet of water struck them. They and their Pokémon were hurled against the wall, knocked out cold.

The orphanage staff, bewildered by the sudden turn of events, turned to see a figure walking towards them: Green. 

The staff instinctively moved to shield the children. Despite having just saved them, there was something about this girl that seemed far more formidable than the thugs sprawled on the ground.

Green ignored the staff's wary reactions, her focus solely on the woman wearing the garbage bag. With swift movements, she pulled the bag off, revealing a woman with curly hair beneath. Green's eyes welled with tears as she recognized her mother, Lily.

"Was the trash bag really necessary?" Green asked, a teasing smile playing on her lips.

Lily gave a small laugh, the tension easing from her shoulders. 

"I thought if things got too heated, I could pretend I wasn't really part of the orphanage. Make myself a decoy for them to focus on," she explained.

"That's so like you, Mom," Green said, her smile broadening.

As Lily looked more closely at Green, she noticed the birthmark on Green's hand, visible now that she had removed her gloves. The sight overwhelmed her with emotion, tears welling up in her eyes as she pulled Green into a tight hug.

"You... remember?" Green asked through her tears.

Lily smiled, her voice choked with emotion as she kissed Green's tears away. "Of course, my dear. What mother wouldn't recognize her beautiful daughter?"

Green clung to her mother, a surge of relief washing over her. 

After years of uncertainty and loneliness, she had finally found her family. 

She wasn't alone anymore.


[Omake Paragraph]

Although today they are explained as Vigoroth running out of energy, this is an area where religion contradicts folk explanations. According to scripture, Slaking became lazy because Arceus sealed their power, for they possessed the strength to overthrow the gods. Able to beat ordinary pokemon easily, they challenged the gods to battle after battle. Although each Slaking won as many matches as they lost, there were far more Slaking than gods; before long, the gods retreated to the heavens. Now unopposed, the Slaking proceeded to shape the world with their massive power as the gods had before them.

The story of the Slaking has two contradictory endings which theologians feud over and apologists try in vain to explain away. The first is that Slaking were an accident, a pokemon to whom Arceus had given too much power. When they created nothing but chaos beyond chaos, Arceus decided to seal their power. This is proof that Arceus is not omniscient; Arceus had created a species too powerful for Arceus' own designs and sealed their energy to correct that error.

The second school of thought ascribes to Arceus omniscience of all except the divine, but not omnipotence, merely an enormous creative power. In this view, Slaking were intended to dominate the earth as the gods dominated the heavens. Yet the other gods were protective of their own power over the earth, and loathed the Slaking for treating them as nothing more than strong pokemon, so they revolted and forced Arceus to seal their power. Arceus, forbidden from creating life which could physically best the gods, yet determined to grant mortal life the power to rule the earth, created a creature whose power was not dependent on raw strength, but on intelligence, language, and the opposable thumb. And Arceus called it Man.

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