Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.457God and Sin part 2

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[ Present Day ]

Blaine and his Charizard raced through the sky, their speed a blur against the backdrop of the night. 

Abruptly, they halted, confronted by an eerie sight. 

Before them stretched a vast expanse where reality itself seemed to unravel, dissolving into a void of glitches and distortions, as if the very fabric of the world was coming undone. 

This path of chaos twisted through the landscape, a visual representation of reality breaking apart, only to come to an abrupt halt, as if cut off by an unseen force.

Suddenly, a shape burst from the treeline, hurtling towards them with unnerving speed. Blaine's reaction was instantaneous. "Flamethrower!" he commanded. 

Charizard roared, unleashing a torrent of flames that engulfed the approaching figure. But as the fire met its target, it too began to glitch, warping in mid-air.

Through the flickering flames, Blaine caught a glimpse of the creature's eyes, and a chill ran down his spine. 

"MissingNo.," he growled, recognition dawning. The anomaly before him was no stranger; it was the same creature he had to trap in the facility.

"Looks like you came for revenge," Blaine taunted, his voice steady despite the gravity of their situation. 

"Don't worry, like last time, I'll put you back in your cage!" 

With a fierce cry, Charizard unleashed an Air Slash, a blade of compressed air that cut through the air towards the glitching entity. The attack struck true, forcing MissingNo. downwards through the anomaly it had created, momentarily gaining the upper hand.

Blaine reached for his Pokeballs, his gaze fixed on the form of MissingNo.

"This is going to be hard," he muttered to himself.


[ God's Facility - Project Eve's Room ]

As Jessie and James cautiously pushed open the door to Project Eve, they were greeted by a sight that was as mesmerizing as it was terrifying. 

Suspended in mid-air was a figure, its arms spread wide in a haunting imitation of a crucifixion, bound by cords that gleamed with an unnatural light. 

Below, the floor was adorned with a complex pattern, a symbol or magic circle drawn in vivid red, the hue of blood or a dark ink meant to signify something arcane. 

Around this ominous circle, candles flickered with a purple glow, casting eerie shadows that danced along the walls.

A silent exchange passed between Jessie and James, a mutual recognition of the dread that filled the room. 

Without words, they both understood—this entity before them was far from human. 

An inexplicable revulsion surged within them, a primal instinct to destroy the creature that seemed an affront to life itself.

"That's... mom." Jessie's voice barely whispered, her words caught in a throat tight with emotion.

Unknown to them, Miyamoto was cursed by Mew, which invoked a deep-seated animosity from the very essence of life. 

Meowth, paralyzed by a terror far deeper than his companions could perceive, stood frozen. 

His heightened spiritual sensitivity, a trait more pronounced in Pokémon, made him acutely aware of the divine wrath they faced. "I ain't moving, ya," he managed to gasp out, his struggle to breathe palpable in the charged air.

In that moment of despair, the dagger Sabrina had given them—a beacon of hope previously unnoticed—sprang to life. It glowed with a fierce light, casting an aura around the trio that seemed to push back against the malevolence suffusing the room. This light, a protective embrace, shielded them from the curse's venom, offering a semblance of sanctuary in the midst of darkness.

"What now?" James looked between Jessie and the cursed figure, uncertainty etched on his face.

"I don't know. Meowth, ya gotta come up with somethin'," Jessie implored, her voice tinged with desperation.

"Well, I reckon we oughta use that there dagger on it," Meowth suggested.

"You're crazy!" Jessie screamed, recoiling at the thought. "I am not stabbing my mom."

"It's just a dagger, darlin'," Meowth reassured.

"I think he's right, Jess," James interjected softly.

Jessie hesitated, her emotions a whirlwind. Finally, with a resolve born of desperation, she grasped the glowing dagger tightly. 

She approached the suspended figure of Project Eve cautiously and touched its skin with the tip of the dagger. 

Instantly, the cursed figure was enveloped in blueish flames.

Startled, Jessie let go, but the dagger remained embedded, sinking deeper into Project Eve's flesh. 

The Mystic Flame raged for a moment, then as quickly as they had flared up, died down, leaving nothing but a pile of ashes where the cursed abomination had been.

From the ashes, a woman emerged, collapsing to the ground with a soft thud. Miyamoto was back.


In the depths of the forest, Blaine stood battered and bruised, his Charizard by his side bearing a deep slash across its body. The air was thick with the scent of blood; around them, their other Pokémon lay injured and unconscious.

Blaine clenched his teeth, pain and anger mingling in his expression. 

As MissingNo surged forward in a chaotic attack, it suddenly glitched, its form becoming unstable. 

With a violent tremor, it crashed into the ground, its body convulsing wildly before exploding in a shower of static.

Watching the spectacle, a realization dawned on Blaine. 

"Oh!" he exclaimed, piecing together the clues. 

"MissingNo was created using Project Eve's blood. They're connected." The disappearance of MissingNo, then, heralded the end of Project Eve as well.

"I must hurry and go to the facility!" 


[ Limbo - Soul Realm ]

Within the ethereal bounds of the limbo realm, a place beyond the confines of earthly understanding.

Mew floated in a state of serene detachment. 

This realm, a canvas of swirling colors and soft, whispering echoes, existed in the spaces between the seen and unseen, where time and matter intertwined in an eternal dance.

Suddenly, Mew paused, an otherworldly intuition causing it to turn. 

A ripple of realization spread through the liminal space. 

"My blood was burned away," Mew reflected, a sense of disturbance touching its ancient consciousness. 

"That human escaped my psychic realm."

The realm around Mew seemed to pulse with curiosity, the very air waiting for its decision. 

"Hmm, what do I do now?" Mew pondered, its voice a melody that resonated with the energy of the universe itself. The dilemma was clear: return to Earth to renew the curse upon the human who had eluded its grasp, or continue its sacred quest, searching through the vast expanse of the cosmos for the souls of its lost cubs.


[ Austin's Mansion ] 

Austin slumped in his chair, the urge to headbutt the wall growing with each passing second. The joys of creating his own company were turning out to be more masochistic than he'd anticipated. 

"Making a company is about as fun as a root canal," he muttered to himself.

From the corner of his office, Lucario, peeling a chocolate orange with an almost smug grace, chimed in, "Stressed out, are we? Sucks to be you, kiddo."

Austin shot Lucario a glare that could curdle milk. 

"Shut it, you overgrown furball. Why are you loitering in my office, anyway?"

Lucario, unbothered, flicked a chocolate segment into his mouth. "Well, let's see. Yellow's out cold, the rest of the Pokémon squad is licking their wounds in their therapy, the new house staff have the personality of a wet mop, Gengar's playing hide and scheme, and frankly, pestering you is the highlight of my day."

Austin's gaze sharpened, his patience thinner than a Ditto in disguise. "I swear, Lucario, you're two seconds away from being a rug."

Just then, Austin's phone erupted into life, the ringtone slicing through the tension. He snatched it up, "Hey, Green. What's the catastrophe this time?"

"Austin," came the solemn voice on the other end.

"Yeah?" Austin leaned back, bracing for impact.

"I found my mom," Green declared, with a gravity that made Austin's heart skip.


[Omake Paragraph]

Vigoroth are considered among the most difficult pokemon to train, even though they are fairly powerful and will obey any command except one: Rest. These pokemon are awake twenty-four hours a day and spend none of those hours in anything remotely approaching relaxation. The pokeball, so often a means of ensuring a trainer's rest as much as their pokemon's, can not contain them long. Most trainers install exercise equipment near their homes or take their Vigoroth to a park to give them something to do at night, but they must still train themselves beyond apparent human limitations simply to keep up.

It was once said, as a way of explaining this restlessness, that Slakoth laze so they can store energy and when they can store no more they evolve into Vigoroth. When they become Vigoroth, they burn up that stored energy constantly until it runs out and they evolve (or perhaps devolve) into Slaking. Although this explanation is not taken seriously today, for Slakoth survive on a minimal number of leaves and Everstones can delay evolution, it does raise the question of just how Vigoroth can maintain such a vital spirit without eating like a Snorlax.

Some have speculated that Vigoroth are a sort of living perpetual motion machine and have taught them to turn generators in order to harness their nigh-infinite power. In some places they have replaced the Pikachu and Shinx normally used to create electricity, despite most of them not even knowing a single electric attack. Although the concept of a perpetual motion pokemon would require the laws of physics to be completely rewritten, research into Vigoroth metabolism has concluded nothing more than a striking dissimilarity to all other living things. The idea that Vigoroth defy thermodynamics has yet to be proven wrong.

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