Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.44 An Elite of the Tech School

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Brock just kept drooling on the picture causing Misty to lose her patience. "Miss top student, what's so great about her?" She muttered as she began stomping towards the school. "I'll show her a thing or two."

"Should we stop her?" Brock asked a little scared by how she was acting.

"I'm not sure," Austin said as they began to follow her.

"So you nearly came here?" Joe asked Yellow, looking a bit nervous as she gave a nod. "Why didn't you?"

"I got the chance to travel and I don't regret it one bit," Yellow said with a smile. "Ash was right about how you learn plenty of things by travelling."

"I see," Joe said before Austin spoke up.

"Hey, where are the teachers anyways?" Austin asked as they entered the school itself. "Or the security?"

"The Teachers are the security with their Pokemon," Joe explained to them. "And they don't get involved unless someone is greatly injured or criminals enter the school, but it's kind of not needed considering every student has their Pokemon to defend themselves."

"I see," Austin said that little bit surprising him before they came to a room full of green arcade machines.

"Giselle always practices here by herself," Joe explained as they entered. "Even if you win in a fight it won't matter to her, here in Pokemon Tech it's your skill that matters more than one battle."

"I know what you mean, last week we ran into a guy who trained and nearly won a hundred battles in a row before he began travelling and he was tough," Austin said as he remembered the battle. "I'm training to get ready for my third Gym Battle so maybe battling Giselle would be a good challenge."

If anything maybe her skill is different like how Brock, Misty and AJ were better than canon.

"Giselle is the top student, that's better than having three badges," Joe said crossing his arms. "Even though I have the lowest score I'm way better than someone with two."

"Excuse me?" Austin said frowning as he forgot that Joe was a little snobbish as well before Misty pushed him to the side.

"Hold up, I learned how to be a Trainer at the Cerulean Gym, are you saying that you could beat me?!" Misty asked in anger.

Joe calmly walked to one of the machines. "Oh Cerulean City, water Pokemon?"

Misty blinked. "How did you know?"

"I always beat them on the simulator, see?" Joe asked as he had a game version of Weepinbell oneshot a Starmie as Misty looked like she was about to explode.

"This won't end well," Austin said.

"No, it will not." Brock agreed.

"What's this?! A simulation is one thing but this is real life!" Misty snapped and Austin tensed as he remembered how this was nothing but Anime in his world. "Let's battle."

"You'll be sorry," Joe said with a grin.

Austin took a deep breath to try and think straight again as he knew that this was real, and he should be used to it by now.

But even after two months, it was still too surreal.

Shaking his head, Austin tried to talk some sense into Joe. "Joe you don't want to do this, Misty has a lot of experience-."

"It doesn't matter, I have the type advantage," Joe said looking confident, a big change from how he was earlier.

Maybe it was because he was getting used to talking to them.

"Ash butt out, I have the Cerulean City Gym's reputation to defend." Misty snapped when Austin was about to tell Joe that type wasn't everything.

Looking between them, Austin sighed and backed up. "Joe needs this." 

Joe held his Pokeball as he sent out a Weepinbell right as Misty sent Starmie out. "Alright, Weepinbell it'll be just like the Simulation," Joe said as he waved to the rest of the group.

Joe didn't get a chance to attack as Starmie launched a Water Gun against Weepinbell, knocking him out.

"W-What? But Weepinbell is strong against Water Pokemon." Joe said in disbelief.

" ( ~ Snort ~ ) You are an embarrassment to this school losing while having a type advantage, fancy a round with me, Joe  ."  As if to make sure that his point reached the other boy, the green-haired boy's pokémon—a rather intimidating brava.

Austin narrowed his eyes as he felt he knew this boy from somewhere.

Joe shook his head. "It won't change anything. I just lost because I was distracted and I'll just lose to your pokémon because of type disadvantage."

"You know," Austin spoke before he realized it himself. "Type advantage can only take you so far. There are ways to counter it just as easily."

It seemed that his sudden comment was what made the boy—Drew, notice him. Pushing himself off the ground, joe gave a withering glare to drew and said "Really? You think that you can back up your words against this guy?" He sharply pointed towards the green-haired one, who seemed to be preening at his hard-earned praise.

"Really? You think that you can win against Drew?" Another rather short, black-haired, bespectacled boy who stood right next to the green-haired one—Drew, Austin guessed was the same rival of May from the anime—seemed to look through him. "Drew has the highest score in all of the simulations, and he is the one who's successfully won through each of Sabrina's and Surge's simulations without a single loss."

Brock and misty frowned at the boy's words while yellow was confused

Austin's facial features contorted, as his lips almost twisted upward, failing to keep from smirking.

"-and his pokémon are all at 90+ levels, with a perfect team taking into account all possible type advantages. By my calculation, he is currently at Semi-finalist level for the Indigo League Conference."

Knowing fully well that there was no such thing as levels in this world, a slight throaty sound was the only indication that Austin had tried and failed to hold back the chuckle.

"—and by the end of the year, he would be able to beat the Elite Four's pokémon, based on the simulation data I gathered from his performances."

Austin couldn't stop himself any further. He guffawed, his palms hitting his thighs as he nearly fell into laughter, much to the other boy's confusion.

Brock and Misty had to stop themselves from laughing while yellow just naively tilted her head to the side. 

"What? Is there something funny?" The bespectacled boy questioned. Drew simply looked half-amused, half-bored at the group's shenanigans.

"Sorry, sorry!" Austin held up his hands in surrender. "I couldn't stop myself when you started comparing him to the Elite Four."

"—I'm not comparing!" The bespectacled boy retorted in aggravation. "It is based on my calculation of the simulations."

"Listen uh—what's your name again?"

"Miles ." Said the bespectacled boy replied, his glasses shining with a hint of condescension in his voice.

"Right, Miles. You cannot just blurt things out like that based on simulations. A real battle out there with the Elite is a completely different thing than the simulations you might face here." He wasn't joking. He knew for a fact that Lance he had encountered could easily defeat him without batting an eye, should they battle.

"Big words," Miles claimed. "Care to prove it against him in a—" Miles used air quotes to emphasize his next words, "—real battle?"

Drew raised an eyebrow gracefully as if waiting for him to deny and walk away with an excuse.

"Uh… sure. Why not!" came the nonchalant reply.

It might just have been his tiredness playing tricks, but Joe felt a strange premonition that by asking Ash to battle with Drew, he had set forth something terrible at Pokémon Tech Academy. Perhaps that was why, despite his wish to see the outcome of the battle between the two, Joe acted on his sudden urge to flee and bring the issue to someone with more voice at the Academy than his green-haired classmate.


"Ivysaure is unable to battle." A shell-shocked Miles muttered out, amongst an equally stupefied audience.

Austin folded his arms on his chest, staring at the green-haired trainer in front of him, who seemed to have a certain level of trouble digesting the fact that his no-doubt intimidating specimen of an ivysaure had folded like a pack of cards against his Pikachu.

It had taken twenty seconds. Twenty fucking seconds.

"But—how?" Miles bawled. "Ivysaure held better stats and used all the correct moves to absolute precision. There is no way an electric-type should-"

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