Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.43 The Infamous Tech School

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" Thanks, Scyther," Austin said as the Mantis cut some of the branches for Firewood while both he and Yellow carried some. "We wouldn't be able to find any without you."

"Ther." Scyther gave a nod as he returned, and they continued walking.

"Oh, and thanks for the help Yellow," Austin said as Yellow gave a nod. "You didn't have to."

"I know," Yellow said and that was when Austin noticed that Yellow was walking a little closer.

'Man it's been two months, I was hoping that she would get over her crush by now.' Austin thought feeling awkward.

"Hey, what's that?" Yellow's voice caused Austin to look ahead to see a bright light.

"Pika Pi, Pikachu!" Pikachu cried out pointing at it.

"You think it's a fire?" Yellow asked as it did look like one. "I wonder who it is."

"One way to find out," Austin said as he tried remembering who it was, but he was at a loss until the people came into sight and he grimaced.

It was the Pokemon Tech crew.

He admits he kind of hated the episode with how stuck-up these people were and how they looked down on people basing test scores on the number of badges that people have.

"Alright, what's this one?" One of the kids showed a picture card as another kid, a brunette in a blue uniform was running on a treadmill.

"Is it a Zubat?"

"Listen, just because it's foggy out here doesn't mean that your brain is foggy." One of the three boys snapped.

The kid looked again as he had an embarrassed frown. "It's a Pidgey."

"Nice guess, you just got lucky." The boy with red hair said with a scoff.

The green-haired boy spoke. "Okay, tell us what its special attack is."

"Pidgey's attack is Gust, at Lv. 5 Sand Attack." The Treadmill boy panted as Austin raised an eyebrow.

He forgot that the original anime used the level terms before it was dropped entirely.

"Everyone knows that, now can you tell me at which level Pidgey evolves?" Red hair asked with a smirk. "And what's the name of Pidgey's advanced stage?"

"Uh." The treadmill boy looked lost.

"You better hurry up and answer." A boy with teal-colored hair snarked. "Or you'll have to run faster."

The boy just kept running before he slipped and fell off the Treadmill. "Sorry." He said dejectedly as he pushed himself up. "I forgot."

"You forgot?" The Red Hair boy repeated with a shake of his head. "And you call yourself a Pokemon Tech Student? You are just embarrassing the school-."

"I think that's enough," Austin said.

"I think you should mind your own business." Red Head said not even sparing Austin a look. "This is a private training session."

"There's no room in our school for losers who don't know a Pidgey's evolved stage, we have to maintain standards." Green Hair said.

Austin just gave him a look as Yellow put down her firewood to help the Treadmill boy up. "The only losers I see are the ones standing in front of me." He said looking at them. "There's a difference between a training session and straight-up bullying."

"You tell them, Ash," Misty said coming out of nowhere causing Austin to raise a brow, wondering where she came from. "If you don't stop bothering that kid you'll have to answer to us, right?"

"Right," Austin said turning his glare back at them as Pikachu had a nod of agreement.

"We don't fight." Red Hair said shaking his head as Green Hair laughed.

"Fighting is for Cavemen, this isn't the stone age you know."

"And if we just ended up fighting an insect like you, it'll only make Pokemon Tech look bad-." The boy with long black hair began as Austin scoffed.

"You don't need any help with that, you're already embarrassing yourselves right now by how you handled this 'Training Session'," Austin said using his fingers to empathize with it.

They glared before the Green Hair looked at the Treadmill Boy who didn't budge after Yellow helped him up. "We'll see you back at Tech Joe."

"Okay," Joe said surprising everyone as the Tech Students left.

"So those are the infamous Tech Students," Brock said coming out of nowhere causing Austin to jump as the man had a whisk in a metal bowl, mixing something.

"Tech Students?" Yellow asked in surprise.

"Pokemon Tech, I think it's short for Pokemon Technical a school for Pokemon Trainers," Misty said rummaging in her pockets. "I know I have a paper here somewhere, yeah here it is."

"I know about Pokemon Tech, Uncle Wilton was going to enroll me before I went with you guys," Yellow said surprising Austin.

Brock took the flyer. "Let's see what it says about this place." He said as Pikachu began messing with the Treadmill, accidentally turning it on as he began running on it. "Pokemon Technical Institute, a boarding school for Serious Pokemon Trainer Preparation all students guaranteed to enter Pokemon League upon Graduation-."

"Any bets that they're easily knocked out by people who travel?" Austin asked in a bored tone.

"Hey," Joe said looking at him.

"Sorry, I'm talking about those other guys," Austin said giving him an apologetic look.

"Pokemon Technical is the educational facility for top students who want to become Pokemon Trainers in a very short time," Brock said not paying attention as he leaned against the treadmill, pushing a button causing it to go faster as Pikachu was struggling.

Austin sighed and grabbed him before he did a face plant, causing Pikachu to sigh in relief as he was panting, giving the Treadmill a slight glare.

"Oh, so that's the story," Brock said placing the paper down.

"So technically it's one of those snobby rich schools?" Austin asked earning a nod of agreement from Misty.

"Yeah the ones who think they're better than everyone," Misty said.

"That's not true," Joe said looking down as the group badmouthed his school.

"So where is this school anyways?" Yellow asked Joe who went a little red before pointing in a direction as the fog was disappearing showing the school nearby.

"The class for Fog Techniques is just ending, tomorrow's lesson will be snow competition secrets."

Joe sighed. "Oh well, I guess tomorrow they'll make me a snowman again."

"Do they treat you like that all the time?" Yellow asked Joe who gave a nod.

"My friends are just trying to help me-."

"Joe, right?" Austin asked causing the kid to look at him. "Trust me those are not your friends, have they ever supported you being in this place?"


"Have they ever been there for you without picking on you?"

"No-." Joe tried to continue but Austin wouldn't have it.

"Then they're not your friends," Austin said looking at him.

Brock gave a nod agreeing with Austin. "With friends like that, who needs enemies?"

"But they helped me learn a lot in this school," Joe said not meeting their eyes.

"You don't need this school to learn about Pokemon," Austin said to him. "Just travel around and you'll learn plenty of things that you can't learn in books."

"Pi." Pikachu agreed with a nod.

"I can't, my parents worked themselves to the bone to send me here and if I drop out I'll only be disappointing them," Joe said looking away. "I'm only in the beginner class anyways so the most I could ever get would be two badges."

"Wait, a beginner is the same as two badges?" Yellow asked curiously as she was learning more about the school she was nearly sent to.

"Yeah beginner has the same qualifications as two badges, intermediate is four, and advanced is six," Joe explained to them before pointing to a tree that had an older guy reading a book. "That guy is in the beginner class but he's been stuck in it for years."

"This is a messed up system," Austin said as he remembered how school was back home, sure he didn't like school but at least it didn't have a system like around here.

"I'm happy that I didn't go if this was how it is," Yellow said as she shook her head.

"Do the teachers even know what's going on?" Misty asked as Joe shrugged.

"The one in charge is Giselle," Joe said taking a picture out to show them a brunette girl.

"Whoa, she can violate my rights any time," Brock said with a goofy smile.

Austin felt like he should give Brock a little talk about how he probably creeps some girls out but Misty spoke up. "If she's making your life miserable then why do you carry a picture of her?"

"I hate the way she treats us but I like the way she looks," Joe said in embarrassment.

"Looks aren't everything," Austin muttered.

Brock just kept drooling on the picture causing Misty to lose her patience. "Miss top student, what's so great about her?" She muttered as she began stomping towards the school. "I'll show her a thing or two."

"Should we stop her?" Brock asked a little scared by how she was acting.

"I'm not sure," Austin said as they began to follow her.

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