Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.419 Yellow vs Ariana and Pierce

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Ariana and Pierce exchanged a cold glance as they faced Yellow, knowing that they needed to work together to kill their psychic opponent. 

The air was charged with tension as the trio prepared for battle, each trainer summoning their Pokémon.

Yellow was the first to act, releasing her Pokémon team: Chu-Chu, the Pikachu; Iny, the Dratini; Dody, the Dodrio; Dish, the Oddish; Omny, the Omastar; Tenty, the Tentacool and Kitty, the Alpha Beedrill. The six Pokémon formed a half-circle around their trainer, eyes filled with determination.

Ariana unleashed her Pokémon: Arbok, Vileplume, and Murkrow. They hissed and cawed menacingly, ready to take on Yellow's team. 

Pierce sent out his own Pokémon, consisting of Houndoom, Weezing, and Nidoking. With their Pokémon by their sides, Ariana and Pierce felt confident that they could take on Yellow and her team.

The fight began with a burst of energy as Dody, Yellow's Dodrio, darted forward and unleashed a powerful Tri Attack, aimed at Pierce's Nidoking. Nidoking, however, was quick to respond, countering with an Earth Power that erupted from the ground, sending Dody crashing back.

At the same time, Ariana's Arbok slithered forward, lunging at Yellow's Pika with a Poison Fang. Pika narrowly dodged the attack, leaping into the air and retaliating with a powerful Thunderbolt that sent Arbok reeling

The fight began with a burst of energy as Dody, Yellow's Dodrio, darted forward and unleashed a powerful Tri Attack, aimed at Pierce's Nidoking. Nidoking, however, was quick to respond, countering with an Earth Power that erupted from the ground, sending Dody crashing back.

At the same time, Ariana's Arbok slithered forward, lunging at Yellow's Pika with a Poison Fang. Chu-Chu narrowly dodged the attack, leaping into the air and retaliating with a powerful Thunderbolt that sent Arbok reeling.

Pierce's Weezing floated above the battlefield, releasing a Smokescreen that filled the underground parking lot with a thick, noxious fog. This, however, did not deter Yellow's Kitty.

Under Yellow's psychic vision pierced through the fog.

" X Stinger!" 

Under Yellow's command, Beedrill threw her stinger at Weezing sniping it from the air as the stinger erupted in an X shaped energy slamming Weezing into a nearby concrete pillar and breaking it.

Ariana's Vileplume took center stage, unleashing a Solar Beam that lit up the dimly lit parking lot. The powerful beam of light streaked across the battlefield, forcing Yellow's Pokémon to scatter and evade the deadly attack. Chu-Chu, however, countered with a well-timed Thunderbolt, the two attacks colliding and creating a dazzling explosion of light and electricity.

Yellow's Dody, now airborne, engaged in an aerial ballet with Ariana's Murkrow. The two Pokémon darted and swooped through the air, their speed and agility on full display as they clashed with a series of aerial moves. Dody's Drill Peck and Murkrow's Pluck created a stunning display of feathers and fury, each vying for control of the skies.

Pierce's Nidoking stomped the ground, sending a shockwave through the concrete floor as it unleashed an Earth Power attack. Yellow's Omny, responded with a perfectly timed Hydropump, the two attacks rippling across the parking lot and creating a maelstrom of mud.

As the battle raged on, the Pokémon's movements grew more intricate and precise, their attacks weaving together in a mesmerizing display of power and skill. Yellow's Kitty and Ariana's Arbok engaged in an intense game of cat and mouse, the Beedrill's swift movements and physical attacks proving a worthy match for Arbok's venomous assaults.

Pierce's Weezing, having recovered from its earlier setbacks, floated above the fray, releasing a continuous stream of Toxic Spikes onto the battlefield. Yellow's Tenty sensing the danger, sprang into action, using its incredible speed and agility to dismantle the traps and absorbing the Toxic spikes before they could do any harm.

In the heat of the battle, Ariana and Pierce decided to revert to their underhanded tactics, using every trick they knew to try to gain the upper hand against Yellow and her team.

Ariana ordered her Vileplume to release a cloud of Stun Spore, hoping to incapacitate Yellow's Pokémon. However, Yellow's Omny countered with a powerful Whirlwind, blowing the spores back towards Ariana's Pokémon, leaving them temporarily paralyzed.

Pierce instructed his Houndoom to create a Smokescreen, filling the underground parking lot with a thick, choking fog. He hoped to obscure Yellow's vision and create confusion among her Pokémon. However, Yellow's Dody used its keen eyesight to guide the team through the haze, coordinating their movements and ensuring they were not caught off guard.

While the battle raged on, Ariana and Pierce continued to resort to dirty tactics. Pierce's Nidoking unleashed the concrete floor of the parking lot to crack and split, hoping to destabilize Yellow's Pokémon and disrupt their footing. But Yellow's Gravvy quickly responded with a well-timed Magnet Rise, lifting itself and Yellow's other Pokémon into the air, avoiding the potentially devastating attack.

Ariana's Vileplume, having recovered from its earlier paralysis, released a barrage of Poison Powder into the air, aiming to afflict Yellow's team with debilitating poison. Yellow's Kitty, however, utilized its Safeguard move, forming a protective barrier around her team and repelling the poisonous particles.

Undeterred by their failed tactics, Ariana and Pierce pushed their Pokémon to fight even harder. Ariana's Vileplume combined its Solar Beam with Pierce's Houndoom's Flamethrower, launching a massive, blazing inferno towards Yellow's team. Yellow's Omny and Dody worked together, countering the fiery onslaught with a synchronized combination of Surf and Air Slash, dousing the flames and creating a powerful gust of wind.

The underground parking lot echoed with the sounds of the fierce battle, each strike and counterstrike punctuated by the roars and cries of the powerful Pokémon. The trainers, fully engrossed in the intense struggle, called out orders and encouragement, their voices blending with the cacophony of the fight.

Yellow's psychic powers continued to surge, her focus and determination growing stronger with each passing moment. As the kaleidoscope of colors swirled around her, she guided her Pokémon through the chaos, skillfully navigating the ever-shifting landscape of the battle.

In a final, climactic moment, Yellow's Pokémon prepared to unleash their full potential. They had been pushed to their limits throughout the battle, but their bond with Yellow and their determination to protect her drove them forward.

Chu-Chu began to charge up its Thunder attack, sparks of electricity crackling around its small body, while Dratini's eyes glowed with an intense energy as it prepared its powerful Dragon Pulse. Dody took to the air, its wings flapping with incredible speed, creating a gust of wind around itself as it readied its Drill Peck.

Dish spread its petals wide, absorbing the sunlight filtering through the small vent in the ceiling, charging its Solar Beam to its maximum power. Omny's ancient stone began to glow with an eerie, pulsating light as it mustered its Ancient Power. Finally, Kitty's eyes took on a pinkish hue as it charged up its Psybeam, the psychic energy swirling around its small frame.

Yellow watched with a mix of pride and determination as her Pokémon drew on their deepest reserves of power. She knew that they needed to end the battle quickly, or Ariana and Pierce's relentless tactics would eventually wear them down.

As the energy of each Pokémon reached its peak, Yellow gave the signal, and her team sprang into action. Chu-Chu released a devastating Thunderbolt, the crackling electricity surging forward like a bolt of lightning. Dratini unleashed its Dragon Pulse, a brilliant, spiraling beam of draconic energy that tore through the air.

Dody dove towards Ariana and Pierce's Pokémon, its Drill Peck attack transforming it into a deadly, spinning projectile. Dish fired its Solar Beam, the concentrated beam of sunlight incinerating everything in its path. Omny's Ancient Power materialized as several glowing orbs that circled the Pokémon before hurtling towards their opponents with incredible force. Finally, Kitty's Twin Needle shot forth, the two venomous stingers slicing through the air like razor-sharp blades.

The combined force of Yellow's Pokémon's attacks was a spectacle to behold. The various elemental energies collided and intertwined, creating a dazzling display of light, sound, and sheer power. The underground parking lot shook under the incredible force, the echoes of the battle resonating throughout the entire structure.

Ariana and Pierce's remaining Pokémon tried their best to withstand the onslaught, but the combined power of Yellow's team was too much for them to handle. One by one, they fell, overwhelmed by the sheer force and coordination of the attacks. The echoes of the final clash reverberated through the air, signaling the end of the intense battle.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Ariana and Pierce stared in disbelief as their Pokémon lay defeated on the battlefield. Yellow and her team stood triumphant, their strength and skill having carried them through the intense struggle.

Ariana gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with frustration and anger, while Pierce clenched his fists, a look of bitter defeat etched on his face. They knew they had been outmatched and outmaneuvered by the young trainer.

Yellow, however, displayed no signs of gloating or arrogance. Instead, she looked at her opponents with a mixture of sympathy and resolve, knowing that she had been fighting for something much greater than personal victory.

" Pierce !" Ariana screamed as Pierce sighed.

" Yeah, yeah, I know." 

Yellow looked confused at the strange conversation between the two.

They exchanged a knowing look, realizing that they still had one last trick up their sleeves.

Ariana smirked, "You think you've won, but you haven't seen our true power yet." Pierce nodded, his eyes narrowing with resolve, "Get ready for a taste of our secret weapons."

Ariana reached into her pocket and produced a shimmering Venusaurite, while Pierce revealed a gleaming Houndoominite. The two trainers locked eyes with their respective Pokémon, Venasaur and Houndoom, and gave a determined nod. The time had come to unleash the full extent of their Pokémon's power.

As Ariana and Pierce activated their Mega Stones, a brilliant light enveloped Venasaur and Houndoom, their forms shifting and growing more powerful. Mega Venasaur's thick vines and vibrant flower blossomed even further, while Mega Houndoom's mane blazed with an intense inferno, its sharp horns radiating a menacing energy.

Yellow's eyes widened as she witnessed the transformation, realizing that the battle was far from over. 


[ Omake Paragraph ]

There are those even today who claim that Ho-oh perished in the flames which burnt down the Brass Tower, that even a fire-type could not survive that inferno, and that any claims to the contrary are the work of a priesthood trying to regain its relevance after Ecruteak turned its back on its god. There are a few who claim that Ho-oh never left, that it made a nest on the neighboring Tin Tower and watches silently and protectively over Ecruteak to this day. And there is the story which every child knows, which the priests teach to this day:

Ho-oh, its tower burned while war raged around it, rose from the ashes only to turn its back on the world. It will return only when humans and pokemon have truly learned to live together in harmony. Before it flew away, it left behind two holy items. One, a Sacred Fire it lit in the center of the ruins, maintained by the priesthood, which has burnt for centuries without consuming a thing. The other, the pile of Sacred Ash it rose from, which is said to be infused with the power to raise pokemon from the dead. Many pilgrims visit the ash every year in the hopes of not having to lay their dear pokemon to rest, though few are rewarded for their journey.

Today, humans and pokemon rarely wage open war, and this age is more peaceful than the time when Ho-oh first came to Ecruteak. However, the time for Ho-oh's return has still not come, for too often pokemon habitat is seized by civilization, and too many trainers treat their pokemon more like servants than friends. Yet sometimes, when people are truly kind to pokemon, a rainbow appears without rain; it is said to be Ho-oh's approving wing.

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