Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.418 Silph Co.

In the tension-filled room, Austin leaned close to Pikachu, who was perched on the threshold of the machine. "We've trained for this, buddy," Austin murmured, a soft seriousness in his tone. "Once we pull this off, it's your favorite ketchup ice-cream." He winced playfully. "Though I still say that's an affront to both ketchup and ice-cream."

Pikachu's eyes sparkled with a mix of bravery and the thought of the promised treat, a small, determined smile on his face as he stepped into the device.

Dr. Akihabara and Bill were the picture of concentration as they hovered over the control panels, their fingers dancing across the keys with practiced precision. "Everything will proceed as planned," Bill intoned confidently, flipping a switch that caused the machine to whir to life.

As the machine hummed into action, its inner workings a symphony of scientific achievement, Green, Yellow, and Lucario sat back with their popcorn, the kernels almost vibrating out of the bowl as the machine's power resonated through the room. This wasn't just another day at the movies; this was real science—tangible, electric, and utterly thrilling.

"Activation in 3... 2... 1..." Dr. Akihabara counted down, his voice betraying none of the nervous flutter in his stomach.

At his cue, an intricate dance of machinery began. Gyroscopes spun into harmonious rotation, stabilizing the machine's orientation. Superconductors cooled to just above absolute zero, eliminating electrical resistance and facilitating an unimpeded flow of power. Magnetic fields coalesced, forming an invisible lattice that would guide and amplify Pikachu's natural abilities. Every component, every circuit, every line of code had been meticulously engineered for this moment.

Hair stood on end—not just a cliché, but a literal effect of the electromagnetic field that now permeated the room. A faint blue glow outlined the machine, the air crackling with potential.

"Alright, Pikachu, let's show them our power," Austin commanded with a confidence that bolstered the resolve of all present.

Pikachu's cheeks sparked, a visible manifestation of the energy surging through him and into the heart of the machine. This was more than an experiment; it was the culmination of effort, trust, and a friendship that defied the odds.

Austin turned to the others, his expression somber. "I'm not good with speeches," he began, his gaze serious.

"No shit," Lucario quipped, the twinkle in his eye betraying his amusement.

Austin shot him a brief, exasperated look before continuing. "Anyway, just... stay alive, okay? Let's cure the plague that is Team Rocket."

Heads nodded in unison, the mood a blend of tension and determination.


In Saffron City's heart, the monolithic Silph Co. stood as a beacon of progress now overshadowed by an impending sense of doom. Dark, gravid clouds loomed overhead, spitting occasional streaks of lightning that etched the foreboding scene in stark relief. The once vibrant metropolis now lay under siege, its usual hum of activity replaced with the cacophony of chaos wrought by Team Rocket's advance.

Beneath the storm's fury, the orchestrated march of boots on concrete echoed a relentless rhythm, as a sea of Team Rocket grunts surged toward their target. Precision and purpose marked their steps, their formation tight, disciplined—a stark contrast to the pandemonium their presence had instigated.

In the vanguard, Team Rocket's elite executives navigated through the whipping winds, their vision unobscured by the ensnaring fog. Cloaked in their customary garb, the black-clad figures emanated an aura of menace. Amidst them, Giovanni's silhouette was unmistakable. His imposing frame was sheathed in a suit that seemed to absorb the scant light, his expression an unmoving mask of calculated ambition.

The plan had been meticulously crafted—Silph Co.'s capture was but the means to an end. Giovanni's eyes were set on a prize far greater than the building itself: the Master Ball, an unrivaled piece of technology capable of capturing any Pokémon without fail. Control over such power would mark a turning point in Team Rocket's crusade, rendering them an unstoppable force in the world's underworld.

With military precision, the Rocket grunts fanned out, creating a perimeter as the executives encircled their leader, safeguarding their strategic centerpiece. Their eyes, hidden behind reflective lenses, constantly scanned for threats, communicating silently with subtle gestures, their hands never straying far from their holstered weapons.

The entrance to Silph Co. gaped before them, a maw leading into the depths of corporate secrecy. As the executives breached the threshold, a symphony of electronic warfare commenced. Hackers in their ranks deployed portable devices, interfacing with security systems, weaving through firewalls and dismantling defenses with practiced ease.

The building's labyrinthine corridors lay bare, a ghostly echo of abandonment. Desks were deserted mid-task, coffee cups still steaming, the hasty evacuation palpable in the disarray. Giovanni's command to seize the building had been expected, but the void they encountered was not. The unsettling silence within Silph Co.'s walls hinted at a stratagem unseen.

Floors were swept with tactical rigor, each room cleared with cold efficiency. Giovanni, surrounded by his most trusted enforcers, ascended towards the heart of Silph Co.—the executive suite where the Master Ball prototype was rumored to be held. His plan extended beyond mere acquisition; he sought to commandeer the entire corporation, bending its vast resources to his will.

As they scaled the edifice, the building seemed to pulse with hidden life. Giovanni's intuition warned of an ambush, his eyes searching for the telltale signs. Team Rocket had expected resistance, a last stand from Silph's finest, yet the stillness hung as thick as the fog outside.


The first captain, whose countenance bore the mark of battles past—a scar trailing over his eye—led the formation with a veteran's caution. His tenure with Team Rocket had seasoned him, every encounter hardening his resolve. Yet, the desolation of Silph Co.'s halls unsettled him deeply. "This silence... it reeks of a setup," he murmured, his instinct on high alert.

The next in command, a woman with hair cropped close to her scalp and eyes like flint, scanned the vacant lobby with tactical precision. Known among her peers for her acumen, she too sensed the trap that seemed to yawn before them. "An empty hive often hides the deadliest bees," she mused aloud, her hand instinctively moving to the Poké Ball-themed device at her side.

Their tech specialist, a slender man with an edge of perpetual anxiety, ran diagnostic checks on his equipment. His tools were his arsenal, designed to manipulate technology, to bend it to their will—yet now they blinked ominously with unexplained errors. "Our presence has triggered something... an alarm, maybe," he suggested, voice tight with apprehension.

"Focus," the scarred captain commanded. "The Boss has entrusted this to us. Let's not disappoint." His words cut through their unease like a blade.

The team activated their Poké Ball multi-tools, devices capable of performing a myriad of functions from hacking to communication, even transforming into defensive shields if necessary. Every member was equipped with Poké Ball tech modified to their specific skill sets.

"Stay sharp," he ordered, and with a coordinated motion, they advanced, each step an exercise in control.

The oppressive silence of the building clawed at their nerves. "It's as if the building itself is holding its breath," the tech specialist muttered, his hand absent-mindedly reaching to adjust his gadget, its screen flickering erratically.

As they ascended the stairwell, a crackle of static burst from their communicators, a staccato intrusion that made the hairs on their necks stand on end. The voice that followed was distorted, unfamiliar, "Proceed to the seventh floor," it commanded with cold authority.

The unit exchanged wary looks but moved as directed. Their training was absolute; orders were to be followed without question.

Upon reaching the specified level, the team felt a sudden shift. As each member stepped onto their assigned floor, heavy steel doors slammed shut behind them, and reinforced shutters clamped down over the windows with a series of mechanical thuds, shrouding the rooms in darkness.

"What in the name of mew..." the female captain breathed, her hand now gripping a modified Poké Ball designed to emit a potent electrical charge. "We are sealed in."

"It's a trap," the scarred captain stated, a twinge of respect underlying his concern. Whoever had orchestrated this had outmaneuvered them—for now.

Their communicators crackled to life once more, but only static answered their calls. "Our lines... they're jammed," the tech expert said, dismay creasing his brow as his device failed to penetrate the interference.

"We need to think tactically," the scarred captain asserted. "We're blind and cut off, but not helpless. Keep your senses sharp."

As they prepared to mobilize, the realization hit them—their teams, the clusters of grunts they had led into this maze, were now nowhere to be seen.

"Where are the others?" asked the female captain, her voice steady despite the surge of adrenaline.

Isolation descended like a shroud, the trap drawing tight around them. Now, it was not just about the mission—it was about survival. Each captain, now alone on their floor, knew the game had changed. They would need to rely on their wits, their experience, and their specialized Pokémon tech if they were to escape and unravel the mystery of the empty Silph Co.—a building that had become a silent enigma, an enigma that had swallowed them whole.


The Team Rocket executives led Giovanni up to the top floor of the CEO's office, their footsteps echoing loudly in the silence. Ariana and Petrel walked ahead, their expressions tense as they glanced around at the opulent surroundings. Proton brought up the rear, his analytical mind constantly working to assess the situation.

As they entered the room, Giovanni strode confidently ahead, his eyes scanning the area with a look of fierce determination. Suddenly, the large metallic door behind them slammed shut, causing Ariana and Petrel to jump in surprise. Petrel let out a chuckle, clearly amused by the sudden surprise, while Ariana's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Proton, meanwhile, was already taking stock of the room. His sharp eyes scanned the walls, the plants, and the windows, trying to determine if there were any traps or hidden dangers. He couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking into a carefully laid trap.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps echoing up the stairs towards them. The executives turned as one to face the sound, their bodies tensed and ready for anything. As Yellow and Green stepped into the room, the executives tensed even further. Ariana and Pierce exchanged a look of recognition as they spotted Yellow.

Petrel snickered under his breath. "Looks like we have some pests to deal with," he muttered.

Ariana's lips curled into a sadistic grin as she looked at Yellow and Green with cold, calculating eyes. 

"How cute," she said mockingly. "And where is that little brat, Ash? I have a score to settle with him."

Green replied, "You have to pay up if you want any information."

Petrel asked, "How much?"

"25,000 Pokedollars," Green replied.

Petrel chuckled. "And how do you suppose we get that money?"

"Huh, don't selling organs make much money these days? Oh wait, that's been shut down," Green quipped.

Petrel chuckled, while Ariana and Pierce narrowed their eyes at Green. Proton spoke up, "He is in there, with the Boss."

Everyone's eyes widened at Proton's words.

"Come on, you just had to destroy my deal. Well, anyone, which two do you want to fight?" Green asked Yellow.

Yellow adjusted her strawhat she gazed upon Pierce and Ariana.

As Yellow raised her palm, a soft, warm glow emanated from it, enveloping Pierce and Ariana. Suddenly, the world around them seemed to shift and twist, and they found themselves in a completely different environment.

The underground parking lot of Silph Co. was dimly lit, with fluorescent lights flickering overhead. The concrete walls were gray and unadorned, with the occasional rusted pipe running along them. The sound of cars driving on the road above could be heard faintly in the distance.

The air was thick and musty, with a slight hint of gasoline lingering in the background. The floor was slick with oil and other liquids, making it difficult to maintain traction. The only source of natural light came from a small vent near the ceiling, which cast a dim beam of light on the ground.

Despite the grim environment, the kaleidoscope of colors that Yellow's teleportation had caused was still present, making the environment seem surreal and otherworldly. The colors danced and swirled around Pierce and Ariana, creating a dazzling display that contrasted with the dreary surroundings.

As Pierce and Ariana looked around, taking in their new surroundings, as they saw Yellow standing away from them.

The two looked at each other realizing that their opponent was a psychic.


Lisa stood atop the building, her hair whipping in the wind, as she watched the psychic dome consume the city. Her Alakazam was at her side, its eyes glowing with a strange and powerful energy.

"This is just the beginning," she said, a wicked smile spreading across her face. "With the power of the psychics at my fingertips, the world will tremble at the sound of my name."

But suddenly, Lisa's communicator buzzed to life, cutting through the silence like a knife. She listened intently as Orm's voice crackled through the speaker. He told her that Sabrina wasn't in the Saffron Gym. Lisa's frown deepened as she listened, knowing that this could only mean trouble.

Before she could react, however, she heard a voice behind her. "How cruel," the voice said, and Lisa turned to see a stormy sky.

As she heard the cling clang of heels, she looked back and saw Sabrina Sabrina standing before her with her back to her as she gazed upon the stormy sky above..

Suddenly, Lisa felt a sharp pain in her chest, and her whole body went numb. She looked down to see a sword made from the iron of the blood of the psychics she had killed, lodged deep within her chest. Her partner, the Alakazam, was lying on the ground, its eyes bleeding as it took its last breath.

Lisa struggled to stand, but her legs gave out beneath her, and she fell to the ground, gasping for breath. Sabrina looked down at her with a cold, hard expression, her eyes blazing with a fierce intensity.

Lisa realized, with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, that she had underestimated Sabrina's power. She had thought that she could control the other psychic, use her for her own purposes, but now she saw that Sabrina was a force to be reckoned with.

As Lisa struggled to stay conscious, she heard the sounds of footsteps approaching. She looked up to see Sabrina's back as she stood gazing upon the stormy sky, her sword still lodged in Lisa's chest.

Lisa tried to speak, but her voice was barely a whisper. "Why?" she managed to gasp out.

Sabrina turned to face her, her eyes filled with a cold.

" My student, didn't like that you touched her lover." 

As Lisa watched, Sabrina raised her hand, and a blast of psychic energy erupted from her fingertips. The blast hit Lisa full-force, and she felt her whole body go numb as she fell to the ground, dead.

Sabrina stood there for a moment, gazing down at the body. She knew that she had just taken a life, and that there would be consequences for her actions. But she also knew that she had done what she had to do.

As Sabrina turned to leave, she heard a voice calling out from behind her. It was the old dojo master, a gruff and imposing figure who had once held the position of Gym Leader before Sabrina had taken over.

"Sabrina," he said, his voice crackling through her communicator. "I finished these weaklings. I don't know why you were worried about them. If you are this weak, maybe I should come back to reclaim my position as Gym Leader."

Sabrina bristled at the dojo master's words. She knew that he had always been a tough critic, but this was too much. She could feel her anger rising within her, a hot, searing rage that threatened to consume her.

"If you don't want another ass whooping," she said, her voice low and dangerous, "I suggest you shut up."

There was a moment of tense silence, as the dojo master seemed to be considering her words. But then he spoke again, his voice filled with irritation.

"Now, this isn't how you're supposed to talk to your elders," he said. "Show some respect."

Sabrina rolled her eyes, feeling a surge of annoyance. "Ok, boomer," she muttered under her breath, before turning her attention to the Silph Co. building.

The old dojo master continued to grumble on the other end of the line, but Sabrina paid him no mind. Her focus was on the mission at hand, the task of taking down Team Rocket and protecting the people of Saffron City.

As she gazed up at the imposing structure of the Silph Co. building, she felt a surge of apprehension.

"Hmm," she said to herself, her voice low and contemplative. "I wonder if I will be able to cut the head of the serpent, Ash Ketchum, or if I will fall."

There was no one there to answer her, as she couldn't see a clear future. 


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Some say that Lugia's claims to lead the other legendary birds originated as nothing more than an empty boast by the people of the Whirl Islands, a silly claim that their god was better than those of Kanto. Yet its casual acceptance even in the other birds' homes belies the weakness of that explanation, and perhaps the real reason is the same reason why it was once worshiped like it was Arceus, and even today is called its assistant. Humans may be eager to ascribe weather or strange occurrences to the gods, but they find it difficult to imagine how birds or dogs or even Arceus itself can create. Lugia, however, has hands.

According to many of Lugia's followers in Johto, it was these enormous hands which crafted the continents themselves and hurled the stars and moon into the sky. Across the lands it is said that Lugia grabbed the elements themselves and fused them to other flying pokemon (which ones change in each region) to create the legendary birds. In the far north, it is said that Lugia is locked in a perpetual embrace with Ho-oh, the sky is Lugia's arm-wing, and the northern lights are Ho-oh's wing peeking through Lugia's fingers. For the fishing communities of the whirl islands, conversely, Lugia sleeps beneath the waves, and the islands themselves are its heavy fingers; its many whirlpools and earthquakes are created when Lugia must adjust its position beneath the weight of the lands which have grown upon it. Many more stories have been ascribed to Lugia's hands; they are too numerous to even attempt to summarize here.

In reality, Lugia is a psychic-type, it creates with telekinesis, and its hands are mostly for decoration: it can not even use doubleslap.

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