Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Special Chapter: The Festival With The Villainess (I).

Special Chapter: The Festival With The Villainess (I).

The highlight of the play was the main actors. Even on the first day, the theater was packed. The students who were supposed to be receiving the tickets were having their box full of it.


“Thank you for seeing the play, enjoy your time.” The guests nod in, the academy’s royal theater was nothing cheap. It had high view VIP seats and lower ones to see the huge stage. “You can choose any seats that you like, food is allowed but please remember to clean up after.”

The commoner audience looks around in awe at the school theater, they all wore their best clothing for this event. One of the joys in life was watching a play, live- what’s more is that the ones holding it are noble children.


As the play starts, going through the middle and then ending everything was suspenseful.

“Will you become my Queen? Through sickness, in health and all our remaining years?” (Lord Ein) stares at the villainess in a loving way before holding her hand, making everyone inside the theater squeak and glee.

“Yes, yes I will, my prince.”

“And they lived happily ever after.”

As Lord Ein does his little trick, pretending to kiss the villainess as the curtain closes on the audience, leaving many in tears.

“Bravo! Bravo!” The noblemen and the commoners watching inside gave a standing ovation as they clapped loudly, some of them were the parents of the students who came to watch.

“The play was quite splendid! I cannot believe that it was produced by just students! Everything seemed professional!”

“Goodness! That was immaculate, one of the best plays I've ever seen bravo!”

“Indeed the play had a full on twist compared to the original novel and I enjoyed the new parts, the witch’s acting was superb!”

“The background set and props didn't seem cheap! I must ask where the director is.” The class could finally rest and breathe hearing the feedback and comments that they had on the play, making all of their stressful days worth it.

The only job left was escorting all of the guests out and fixing the background props to get ready for tomorrow.

“Well done everyone!”

“This was a successful first day!”

“Yeah! All hail our prince and princess! They really liked the play! It’s all thanks to Lord Ein and Lady Evelyn!”

Lord Ein and Lady Evelyn were just glad things were over, heading on to where the rest of their classmates were crowding them and telling how much of a good work they did on the first day.

“No, no you are too kind. Everyone did wonderful, thank you for your hard work and contribution.” (Lord Ein) smiles at the ladies, but stops looking for someone.

Lady Evelyn was itching to get out of her dress and find someone else too. “Well the rest of the afternoon is everyone's time off. You guys go ahead and check out the other year's booths.”

Everyone cheered as they excitedly chatted about roaming around the school to check out the other booths set up in different areas.

“Yes~! Hey, let's go check out the maid cafe quickly!” The student who was dressing up as a criminal bandit yanks his friend, excited to see the cute girls in maid uniforms.

“Yeah I'll change out of my stuffy costume first.”

“Whew, that was fun!” (Analissa) takes off her tree costume with ease, the crowd's happy and satisfied expression on their faces were enjoyable to see.

“The play was a success. I should also get changed.” It was pretty hot and stuffy being a tree, she really didn't mind it and she had a great view thanks to her role.

‘The other years and class sections set up their own booths. I should explore so I know where they are when I tour Farrah tomorrow.’

Analissa went out to the changing rooms without a word, buttoning up her uniform and getting outside when suddenly-


“Losimer- aghk!”

A bird flew against her forehead, chirping in a crying way. “Tweet, tweet!”

He was congratulating the heroine for doing such a good job for being the tree… also that he's hungry and that he wants food.

“What are you saying?” (Analissa) gently pats the bird's head with a slight chuckle before hearing someone walking towards her side.

“He's saying that he's hungry… and we should browse around the other booths uh… together.”

Lady Evelyn shows herself, still in her princess dress as she asks the heroine out to check out the other booths together. “I mean if you don't have any plans after this. The students of other years told me to visit and bring a friend.”

Analissa gasped for a moment, admiring how the villainess is beautiful in her princess dress! Now this is something that the original game hasn’t pulled out!

But suddenly she remembered to be casual, professional and not overreact.

She's been getting asked out by the villainess often for hang outs recently. This is not a date, her braincells are hyping her up but this is not a date, this is just a friendly hangout together with her friend.

“Sure, I'll be busy tomorrow afternoon. I'm free now and I want to check out the other booths each class has.”

“G-Great! I'll change into my uniform first. I'll be right back.” (Lady Evelyn) hurries into the changing room, closing the door very loudly.


It seems that she was a little bit excited to be hanging out with Analissa Blanchet who waited for her friend outside with her bird.

“Tweet.” (Losimer) shakes his head, his master was usually so cool and composed. If he knew all it would take is some blonde girl this pretty he would've found Miss Analissa sooner.

“I guess she's just that excited. I have some seeds for you while we wait.”

“Tweet!” Tweeting happily, Losimer considers Miss Blanchet her second master now thanks to all the bribery.

Official School Poster of the detailed events!


Day 1

9:00 am | Academy Opening Ceremony

10:00 am | Official Opening of Booths and Events

12:00 pm | Lunch

4:00 pm | Closing


First Year Events

Higher Section: The Princess and The Frog Play

Lower Section: Maid Cafe

Second Year Events

Higher Section: Magic Shooting Range

Lower Section: Haunted House

Third Year Events

Higher Section: High Class Tea Party

Lower Section: Potion Stall

Fourth Year Events

Higher Section: Broomstick Racing/Le Sport de Voliant

Lower Section: Wedding Booth


You can contact the student council for any problems regarding the booths and tickets! The school map is posted on the entrance! Hope you have a fun time at the Royal Academy!


The two girls walked together side by side, Losimer didn't have to choose where to sit because she chose the heroine's fluffy and soft head.

“This is the poster flier that they gave me. It details all the lists of booths that they have this year.” (Lady Evelyn) shows Analissa the list, the blonde girl holds her chin and thinks.

The magical shooting range is a must-!

But she decided that the two should take it slow because they both had all the time they needed to explore them all.

Analissa overhears that some of their classmates were going to check out the maid cafe, and decided on suggesting it to the villainess. “Our classmates were talking about going to the maid cafe first, how about you lady Evelyn?”

The villainess nods, not minding wherever they'll go as long as they are together. “I'm quite alright with whichever one we'll go to.”

“I want to see what their uniform looks like! I'll eat tons of things too. I'm sure the lower section booth is good!”


Honestly, the whole thing felt like another date.

Lady Evelyn felt like this was so wrong and so right, to be hanging around Miss Analissa Blanchet.

And spoiling her too much.

“To the maid cafe first then.”


First Year: Lower Section

The Maid Cafe


The first year lower section were busy with the bustling guests and their ticket prices became harder to come back because of how much in demand it was.

“Whoa! The lower section really went all out with the design!” (Analissa) could see their classroom being made into a small cafe with the smell of coffee and freshly cooked scrambled eggs lingering.

“Welcome esteemed guests, to the Maid cafe with a twist~ nyah.”


Two students from the lower section greets them by the entrance holding a menu in hand and the other was a poster advertising their booth.

“Oh it appears to be a cat themed maid cafe.” (Lady Evelyn) sees the usual maid uniform being worn but with cat ears being added as an accessory- she couldn't understand why it was rather popular with the public.

“S-So cute?! Your uniform and everything is so lovely face to face!” (Analissa) was squealing over the fact that their whole vibe and aesthetic is just what she needs.

This Otome game setting of the festival reminds her of home. The area where she lived near had many maid cafes. This scene of the Otome game was included, she couldn't believe it but here she was.

Enjoying it without a love interest!

Just… she's with the antagonist but that's alright!

“I love your cat ears, the vibe of your booth and you look so pretty in your maid uniform miss!” Her weeb heart started pouring in, she just couldn't help but be honest when it came to cute things like these.

“Aw thank you! You're so sweet, the uniform's a rental though.” The student from the lower section became bashful after being complimented by one of the popular and rumored commoners in the academy.

She had a pair of Calico ears and a happy smile while her partner, however with the black cat ears, rolled her eyes, letting out a forced welcome.

“Yes nyah. We've been outvoted… nyah. I'm being forced to talk like this or else I'm going to get beaten up but she already does that everyday… nyah.”

“Shut up and don't scare out customers! She's just kidding, I don't beat her up everyday!” The calico cat girl from the lower section pushes her friend away gently before focusing on the customer next.

“Ahem, please follow me. I'll have a table prepared for you at once. You can also have this!” The student with the Calico cat ears, gave her a little gift for being so nice and supportive of their booth. “They're cat ears~ we only have one left and you look really cute so I thought this will fit you.”

Analissa takes the cat ears from her hands and thanked her for the gift. “Oh thank you.”

It seems cute… she has worn a cat ears headset for her streams but never a headband. She decided to give it a try, and immediately her charm level rose by +100 more.

“Lady Evelyn how do I look nyah?” (Analissa) asks Lady Evelyn who was stunned on where she stood.

The villainess covered her reddened face and tried not to think so much of how she wanted to see her in a maid uniform wearing those cat ears. “T-The… uh… you look like… you know… that… maybe you should…”

“I think I broke my companion, is seeing me with cat ears that weird?” (Analissa) asks the girl who was wearing the Calico cat ears only to find out she was also stunned and reddened!

“E-Eh?!” The blonde girl quickly took notice of the effect. She quickly took off these cursed items and only then did the two go back to their senses. “Actually this is a little embarrassing to wear but I'll keep it in my inventory thank you.”

Analissa chuckled awkwardly as her braincells found a possible advantage she could use in the future. ‘Cat ears plus the heroine halo is a stun effect. It is… affecting girls now too? That shouldn’t be possible.’

Lady Evelyn, who had gotten out of that stun, held her chest and began to fear what power those cat ears hold- if her fiancé ever sees her in that! “Y-You should probably only wear that when we're alone next time.”

There's a next time?!

“W-We should get seated- don’t mind it, Lady Evelyn. Miss if it's alright could you lead us there?”

“R-Right about the seats! You can follow me.” The two followed the girl who offered them their seat, right by the windows and gave the menu. “Please do call me when you've settled on an order dearest customers.”

“Thank you, we’ll check the menu now.”

The heroine and the villainess read the menu, full of the generic food you could see in a maid cafe even back in the modern world. It seems that the booth even has fanservices, where they’ll pour ketchup in your omurice order and cast a magic cat spell or something.

“Hmm… what should I order.” (Analissa) has already forgotten the cat ears incident but someone in front of her couldn’t.

‘Miss Blanchet with cat ears… Miss Blanchet with cat ears-! Avoid the crown prince, we must avoid him at all costs. If he sees her in them, who knows what he’ll do?!’ (Lady Evelyn) was having conflicting war plans of booth routes in order to not run into her fiancé or making an escape route plan inside the maid cafe booth just in case he comes in.

“Well I think I’m going to order the omurice, fried rice with the magic spell service and some blueberry cheesecake as dessert. How about you, your ladyship?” (Analissa) was hungry for the food while Lady Evelyn had just snapped out of her thoughts and realized she didn’t have enough time to look at the menu.

“I’ll have what you’re having.”

“Oh! Alright, I’ll tell the miss that we’ll have the same order of omurice and blueberry cheesecake.”

The villainess ended up paying for everything because she insisted.

Everything was pretty filling and good.

“Okay~ our dearly beloved guests nyah! We’re going to perform a magic spell to make your food even more delicious and yummy.” The calico cat girl from before has dragged her friend once more holding a ketchup, looking like she doesn’t want to be standing there any longer. “In order for the spell to work, you’ll need to say it with me! One, two, and three! Become delicious moe moe kyun~!”

“Moe moe kyun!” (Analissa) who knew what was going to happen after ordering the magic service package was having fun, even doing a little heart using her hands.

Lady Evelyn on the other hand-

‘A-A noble shouldn’t do something like this but Miss Blanchet looks happy so…’ (Lady Evelyn) awkwardly tries to copy the heroine but her movements were rather stiff.

“B-Become delicious… moe… moe… I can’t.”

She gave up.

The calico girl hears this and just nudges her partner to write onto their food. “You both did really well, please enjoy!”

The final verdict score of the first year lower section.

Analissa's Review

Food: 8/10

Service: 9/10

Lady Evelyn’s Review

Food: 5/10

Service: 11/10

The service was really high because of the Analissa cat ears incident, Lady Evelyn- She was thankful to see that wonderful image of the heroine very much.


Second Year: Higher Section

Magic Shooting Range


The next stop they had to go after being full was the second year’s shooting range booth. “Next is the shooting range for the second year. They placed it right next to the field so they are free to place targets wherever they want.”

“So how does their booth work?”

“On the magic shooting range, we'll be using wands- one that is licensed and allowed to be in the academy. Wands are listed as a military grade weapon after all.”

“Oh I see.”

‘I guess in this world the equivalent of wands is like the guns in this world… a weapon but in this case students are allowed to use it since magic is normal in this world and wands are a tool in helping them improve themselves.’

“They merely amplify and help your magic control. Wands are a great tool for students starting out to learn magic as well. If you want you can just cast your spells bare hands, but the targets here move and it's hard to take aim if you're not that experienced.”

“In our second year we'll be able to gain our wand privileges like our seniors.”

“That's next year!” (Analissa) was happy that wands were mentioned so early in the game, then again first she has to survive the first school year before celebrating.

“Indeed, I have a student council friend here who manages the booth. We'll say our greetings then try what they have.” The villainess leads them to the entrance and ticket stand where they have to give them tickets bought with money to play and try their booth.

One of the ticket holders noticed Lady Evelyn and immediately greeted her with a smile on his face.

“Vice president, nice to see you out here glad you came to visit. I heard your play is successful?” A timid looking man, with black hair covering the side of his face and thick glasses to accompany it.

“Greetings senior, our play has just finished. When you're free tomorrow I suggest visiting if you can. It is the last day after all, we’ll be busy overseeing the dueling event on the third day.”

“Hah I'll try, I’ll have someone else handle the ticket booth because there’s no way I’m missing that. By the way, who's this lovely lady beside you?”

“This is Miss Analissa Blanchet. Miss Blanchet, this is Lord Rumiere Arden. He is a good friend of mine in the student council, being the reliable secretary and leader of the Wand Tools research club.” (Lady Evelyn) introduces the two to one another.

Analissa smiles, greeting the nobleman who seemed disinterested in her. “Good day to you, Lord Arden.”

Lord Rumiere blinks, hearing of that popular name.

Isn’t this the rumored girl that the crown prince fancies and the other noblemen around the academy? “Oh nice to meet you! Hahaha welcome to our booth then! I won't be troubling you so you can just go ahead and give the tickets here, choose a wand of your choice.”

“We only managed to get five wands to be in public use. Since you're only in your first years and you haven't earned your wands yet this could be a good experience for you.” The friendly second year asks one of his peers to handle the ticket booth as he tours around his two juniors into the practice range.

“Thank you so much, Lord Arden.”

“Thank you, senior.”

In the practice range, a small table with five wands arranged neatly could be seen. “I’ll explain some of the wands here.”

“We’ve managed to get five wands in total because each wand represents an element that you can use, each of them has an elemental stone and other magical components that makes the wand a powerful weapon.”

“Wands are useful, if you don’t possess a certain element you can use them instead by pouring a little mana in them. This is why you’re allowed to use them in the second year, because in your first year you’ll be training and mastering the element that you were born with.”

The villainess nods, crossing her arms in agreement. There have been a few complaints by the first year of why they couldn’t grasp the reason why they can’t hold a wand just yet when they are unaware of how to master and control their own given element. “Quite fair, one should learn how to control their element first before diving onto others.”

“Yes, and as the leader of the Wand Tools research club we are the nerd club as you can see. We make some simple harmless wands that’s academy approved, safe and only there to serve its educational purpose.” (Lord Rumiere) puffed his chest up, looking proud of his life’s purpose of being in the nerd club.

Analissa looked through all of the wands, counting it was five. Water, Fire, Earth, Wind and LIght. “So five wands, does that mean you have a light element wand?”

Lord Rumiere laughs nervously hearing the girl’s words, he wishes it was a light wand but shaked his head. “Oh no… that’s just an extra fire element wand. It’s one of the elements in demand, there is no way we can get a light wand in the academy.”

“O-Oh right, it’s pretty rare.” The heroine looked at the five wands lined up neatly once more, feeling like she’s missing something important… something one of her streamers has told her before.

The villainess held Analissa’s shoulders, seeing the sad expression on her face but it is understandable as to why a light wand is nearly impossible to make or find. “It’s impossible actually, this is why you’re a special case, Miss Blanchet.”

“The light stones that wand makers like Lord Rumiere here are scarce compared to the others.” She continues and the lord agrees with her wholeheartedly- but he wonders why someone who possesses light magic is not knowledgeable of that?

“The element of light can only be given to a few or even one person in a century. You are the only recorded person in our kingdom who has it, I believe there are a few in the neighboring ones too.” (Lord Rumeiere) tells the heroine who’s ears perked up upon hearing that.

So she’s not alone.

Hah, what are the chances that those girls who have light magic could be vessels of souls from another world too?

“Also the ability to heal or regenerate wounds is limited to some but with the power of light, that ability is endless. You can also turn light into a weapon if you know how to control it. One of the magic's fundamental characteristics is its high-speed property, which grants its users the ability to move and attack at blinding speed.”

“You… are also… something valuable to this kingdom.”

“I… I am?”

“The demon lord possesses dark magic, the opposite of light. You are one of the only things that can hurt him.”

One of the things that can hurt him…

“Ahhh!” (Analissa) had a huge lightbulb almost forgetting about the easter egg that one of her streamers had told her on chat. She remembered not being able to unlock it because of the time limit it had and gave up after one or two tries!

That’s right-! On the demon lord’s route, if you have this wand you can kill him with it but you also die in the process! Using this festival there’s a secret weapon that the heroine can unlock if you input some codes the developers leaked on their socials!

On the third day of the festival! That’s where it’ll be!

The forgotten wand of light!

“Miss Blanchet, are you alright?” The villainess was startled by her sudden burst of energy.

Analissa nods, quickly making up an excuse. “Yes! I am just so excited to try the wands that I screamed!”

But in reality she was too excited about trying the limited event of gaining a powerful weapon, if she doesn’t get it in time it’ll all be for naught! “Apologies for getting sidetracked, I almost gave you the whole history of wands. Lady Evelyn, you are capable of using them right?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Then I will leave your friend in your hands. Teach her properly because I’ll be taking a quick break. I need to eat.” The lord waves goodbye and leaves the two online in their own world, shooting at the targets as Analissa almost destroys a tree.

“You have to hold it like this, grip it properly, Miss Blanchet.” The villainess was just starting out to teach the heroine how to control the wand with the element of water inside. “You decided to try the water element, a good choice.”

“It is the element you have, Lady Evelyn that is why I wanted to try it.”

“I am honored, then please aim at that target and cast a simple spell. I will teach you one of mine, [Water Bullet].” (Lady Evelyn) explains the premise of the spell and Analissa decides to try it out.

“[Water Bullet]!”

A rush of mana was absorbed by the wand, creating a fast and strong bullet that missed the target and ended up destroying a tree. The loud sound of wood breaking, the water bullet left a huge hole in the middle as everyone in the range had their heads turned towards the blonde girl who stood there in silence.

‘So physically the heroine is horrible, but her mana reserves are insane. I’m not even trying so why did my magic with the water element explode?!’

“I-I think I’ll just leave this wand back where it belongs.”

The villainess eyes the huge hole on the tree and couldn’t believe that the blonde girl did that all on her own. “Y-Yes, um… were you always this strong?”

“I do not know but I think it’s just luck- in any case maybe the wand malfunctioned.” (Analissa) panicked and hoped it really was just a malfunction.

The final verdict score of the second year higher section.

Analissa's Review

Lesson: 10/10

Service: 11/10

Lady Evelyn’s Review

Lesson: 7/10

Service: 11/10

The two had to apologize to their senior, that they missed a target and hit a tree instead.


“The next one is the haunted house!”

“It's my first time getting into one.”

“Mine as well. I have not been into a haunted house, my former academy is too strict with paranormal beliefs like these.”

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