Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 60: The Play (IV).

Chapter 60: The Play (IV).

The school festival is underway.

Official School Poster of the detailed events!
Day 1

9:00 am | Academy Opening Ceremony
10:00 am | Official Opening of Booths and Events
12:00 pm | Lunch
4:00 pm | Closing

First Year Events
Higher Section: The Princess and The Frog Play
Lower Section: Maid Cafe

Second Year Events
Higher Section: Magic Shooting Range
Lower Section: Haunted House

Third Year Events
Higher Section: High Class Tea Party
Lower Section: Potion Stall

Fourth Year Events
Higher Section: Broomstick Racing/Le Sport de Voliant
Lower Section: Wedding Booth
You can contact the student council for any problems regarding the booths and tickets! The school map is posted on the entrance! Hope you have a fun time at the Royal Academy!


Everyone got to the academy bright and early to prepare. Many noble children have contacted their suppliers and settled with the final papers needed to station their booth, the school ceremony has just finished.

“As the principal, I hereby open the school gates and welcome our guests- parents, friends and students from other schools. I hope you enjoy your day today as we celebrate the academy’s foundation.” The principal, a handsome middle-aged human, talks over the mic as everyone claps.

The moment he cut the red ribbon with the scissors, the dismissal began and soon everyone was preparing for their own plans.

“Hey don’t drop that! We still have to use the set tomorrow, don’t overwork our artists!”

“I saw the other class’ event posters! The lower section is going to have a maid cafe, want to go?”

“After the play, definitely!” Analissa’s classmates from the high section were pumped to have the play done soon. It will only be done once a day. Still, it lasts a whole one and a half hours so they have to act fast.

The academy has two sections for each grade: the high section and the lower section.

The first year of the high section is the heroine’s and the villainess’ class.

The high section is where the aristocratic children of different years are enrolled, while the lower section is where the commoners of different years are enrolled. There has been some debate that the two factions are rather competitive when it comes to competitions and events.

Due to some special circumstances in the game, lore wise- the heroine has been given a scholarship to attend the academy because of her affinity in light magic. The Japanese Streamer knew of that fact, but she mostly just thinks the writers were too lazy to give an excuse to why a commoner like the heroine was in the high section.

“Farrah will be coming in tomorrow to watch, Losimer- do you think I look silly in this tree costume they made for me?” The blonde girl asks the red bird who sits on top one of the costume’s branches shaking his head.

“Tweet.” (Losimer) says in such an amazed manner, that even if she wore rags or a silly fat tree costume- she would still be beautiful to him and his master’s eyes.

The two of them were inside backstage, preparing for their part. Everyone else was busy with their make up and changing into their costumes, memorizing their lines.

“Stop right there and give us your things!” One student practices with his friend that holds out a knife, menacingly making his voice lower.

“A princess like you should have a lot of money! Give it to us and we'll leave you alone!” He yells, but soon freezes after forgetting his line. “I only have three lines but damn I can’t remember them at all.”

“Mwuahaha I am the witch that curses you greedy and ignorant prince, thou shall not go back to your human self not unless thou has found true love's kiss!” The witch with freckles in her face finishes memorizing her lines, just before breaking out of character and notices the heroine watching her act. “O-Oh um… I might need to practice somewhere else.”

The heroine however, just thought that she needed to go to the bathroom to pee.

“Man, everyone's doing so good. Even the witch who looked like she’s ready to go pee is one good actress.” (Analissa) walks slowly with a smile, even if all she got was a minor role she was having fun. “I wonder what the final frog design of the costume is like.”

It would be like a big version of kero keroppi. A huggable cute frog creature that ten out of ten you won't hesitate on kissing just to get the prince’s dough. She designed it of course, she just wasn’t sure if it was going to be tailored just the way like she wanted.

“Miss Blanchet, you look beautiful in your costume.”

Analissa, being busy with her thoughts, did not notice the beauty that is the villainess herself and was startled when she saw her. “L-Lady Evelyn?!”

“Tweet!” (Losimer) was shocked to see his master looking so- well regal! But he was also a little annoyed that he wasn’t included in the greeting.

The villainess walks over to the heroine, who just finished changing her attire to the princess’ costume. It was green, lovely, and beautiful like all of the same time. The necklace pieces on her neck really showed her collar.

“You really flatter me, milady but the beautiful one here is you. Your dress-! It's beautiful and Lady Serene did a wonderful job on designing it.” (Analissa) compliments the dress, it was something completely out of a fairytale and hey- if the lackey ever needs a job it looks like she can make a career out of dressmaking.

The lackey who was not too far away overhears her compliment and scoffs, “...Hmph.”

She wasn't happy with that praise, not at all.

“In any case if you're here, where's Lord Ein? A princess must be with his prince right?” (Analissa) asks, looking around to find a certain blue haired boy in the backstage area where they were but he was nowhere to be seen.

‘Yabai, he better be ditching me to be his replacement or something- on the first day too!’ She would start planning her revenge if he does. Something in her stomach was not letting her rest, screaming warning messages that he’ll do something ‘fun’.

Lady Evelyn replies, “I saw him in the changing room last time I checked. He should be resting in the makeup area, it seems like everyone is good to go on forward with the play.”

“Oh that's good he didn't leave me- I mean he didn't leave.”

“Why would he leave?”

“Um… to go to the bathroom! Because I need to go and talk to him about- his costume! Yeah! His frog costume that I designed. I want to see it!” (Analissa) managed to make up a good excuse on this and it made the villainess laugh, she did see the infamous lord inside a frog costume which is a very rare scene to see.

“Pfft- he looks ridiculous in it.” (Lady Evelyn) covers her smile as Analissa raises an eyebrow.

“The cute kind of ridiculous?”

“Yes, the cute kind. He also did the sizing and it perfectly fits him. Would you like me to accompany you to meet him?” She clasps her hand together hoping they could spend more time.

“Uh…” But for the heroine’s case, she can’t talk to Lord Ein alone freely if the villainess was there and I guess that goes for Losimer too.

“No need! I think I'll be fine on my own, besides you still have to practice milady. I'll go check up on Lord Ein, Losimer, I’m sure you missed your master too so why don’t you stay and accompany her for a while?” (Analissa) takes the bird off her shoulder and places it on Lady Evelyn’s hands.


“I’ll be back before you know it!” Without another word she leaves, leaving the two alone as she tries to find Lord Ein in the backstage area.

“Ah, alright.” (Lady Evelyn) was a bit lonely after the heroine left, holding her familiar who was the same as her, doing the pouty expression.

The lackey sees this and walks over to her best friend- honestly, these days it doesn't feel like they're best friends anymore.



Lady Serene eyes her costume, impressed at her own work. “You look like a true princess in that dress, beautiful- my work is really astounding.”

For her friend wearing one of her most beautiful pieces yet, it is giving her a sense of pride and that she was proud of it.

“Yes, I suppose it is beautiful. You’ve always been one to make beautiful gown designs like these when we were little.” The villainess could remember the good times when they were together when they were young, some arranged playdates and tea time… things have changed now.

And the lackey can see it.

“But you're not… happy are you?”

Lady Evelyn bites her lip, being honest was her weakness. 

Was she happy? It was clear on the look on her face that everything is not fine.

“...No, I'm not.”

The red hair girl lowers her head, clenching her hands and balling it into a fist, angry with herself. “I was… late to see it.”

Recitals, practice, studies, manners, etiquette, her friends, the way she speaks, her expression and her whole future.

Her marriage.

The list goes on.

Everyone wanted to decide what was best for her- she was tired of it all. If she doesn't follow, she'll be put in a box. Evelyn Alarie was like a marionette, once put into good use or if the strings are broken… useless puppets go back into the box. “Truly I was undeserving of the role, I much preferred something else but what is done is done. Just like always, I don't get a say in what I want.”

“I know you mean well… but I don't think you just understand.” The villainess knew that it was partially her fault, because even if Serene was her friend she couldn't tell her truly what she felt.

She knows what she is in her eyes.

Someone that is to be the next queen, but lately she's slowly getting tired of it.

“Evelyn I am-!” (Lady Serene) wanted to tell her that she made a mistake, she was sorry and she wants to have things like the way before!

“I have to go and retouch, thank you for the wonderful costume. Miss Blanchet said that she likes it.” The villainess composes herself as she turns away, managing to calm down and not turn this small conversation into a big thing.

They are still friends, she just needs some time away from someone like her.

“I am sorry, I really am.”

The apology was said late as the Villainess excuses herself before she could hear it. Lady Serene became guilty and uncomfortable with herself, but what's done is done and reminded herself that she should focus on the play.


In the backstage makeup room.

Analissa was on her way to find Lord Ein, it wasn't hard to find him, thankfully.

“Lord Einsel, your makeup is all done. Is there something else that you need?”

“No, no I'm quite alright.” The knight shakes his head, thanking the make-up artist of a classmate for fixing him up. He was wearing his prince outfit that was supposed to go with the frog one placed underneath.

“Hello there, would it be alright if I have a moment with uh- Lord Loucrat?”

“Oh, of course, Miss Blanchet.” Her classmate seemed in a chipper mood seeing the heroine, after saving them from the double homework that Professor Fraeya almost gave them- their hate on her lessened.

“Thank you.” She thanks the girl who nods, giving her a smile.

“Do call me if you both need something, the play is only just two hours away after all. Good luck!”

The heroine blinked at the whole interaction, realizing that her classmate didn’t snob her or ignore her. This was a new feeling, the moment she left she asked Lord Ein if this was all a dream. “Huh… this is the first time that anyone other than you guys are treating me well- like a normal classmate.”

“Hmm well you did save the whole class from the extra load work off of our shoulders, I heard a little circle inside our classroom is forming.” (Lord Ein) was a little happy that his friend is turning her reputation around inside the classroom.

Still the only awkward thing is the rumor that they're tiptoeing around, Analissa being his secret mistress inside the classroom is still an annoying thing to have.

“What's that got to do with me?”

“Oh well, you know, they noticed your good relationship with Lady Evelyn and- sorry I don't think I'm in a good mood.” The young boy sat down in a slump, his eyes looked like they were somewhere far away.

Analissa believes that this is the first time he's ever seen Lord Ein like this. She sat right beside him and asked, “Why, what's wrong?”

“It's something Professor Fraeya said, back at potion brewing class.” (Lord Ein) overthink too much about what the professor meant.

“Oh that… I know you got the lowest marks but-”

“It's not about the marks. It's about my fiancé.”

The revelations of a former love interest opening up has suddenly opened a new past lore, one that the Japanese streamer has never expected to unlock.

“Lady Serene?”

Lord Ein chuckles, “We're engaged by our parents, I thought I could see our future together… then Jackie came along and I betrayed her feelings.”

“Jacqueline- the person who stole your family's heirloom?”

“It fathoms me how much you know, it hasn't been revealed to the public. I wonder where your source comes from.”

“H-Here and there… but don't mind me, please continue.”

“After getting paired up, I thought I could just hang in there and act like everything's okay. Serene isn't that kind of person. She remembers and boy can she hold a grudge for long.”

“I know.” (Analissa) agrees with him, but there were also points in the game where if you get Lord Ein in his route there will be times where you can help the lackey through some of her troubles she'll remember it and become somewhat indebted to the player. “But I also know when you do her good, she remembers for a long time. I just think Lady Sinclair doesn't give out second chances, not unless you deserve it.”

“Did you talk to her lately?”

“I just… know. The way her aura gives off, it just gives me that feeling- wow she's that kind of person.”

“I'm just scared, one day we'll actually get married. Have kids, live together on one roof, grow old together… I never really- thought about it until now.” (Lord Ein) could almost bury his head in his knees. “My head was never this clear, clear to think, to see the future.”

Analissa was curious, if managing to make an error inside the otome game world… Maybe in this case Lady Evelyn and Lord Ein are an anomaly now?

One that doesn’t follow the code and rules anymore?

“Is it like… a curse has been lifted or broken? Example, before you can't move your body the way you want to- you're aware of what you're doing but something is stopping you from doing what you want?”

Lord Ein’s eyes widened in disbelief, is she a psychic doctor because she was right on the money!

“Yes, something exactly like that. Miss Analissa, ever since I met you, the day you insulted me and I felt so happy-”

“Okay, getting a little weird.”

“Apologies, ahem. What I mean is my future with Serene- I don't think it'll be a good one.”

“You never know that.”

“We can't even make a proper potion together. What more when we're married and having even more serious choices?”

“Then… there's other noble ladies available that you might fancy, if not and the marriage does go through one can love someone or at least care about them in a platonic way.”

“Marriage of convenience.”

“Yeah that!”

“Get through marriage and still be on the journey of finding yourself!”

He really envies the positive outlook of his friend, Lord Ein sighs a little tired but at the same time felt like a bit of the heavy burden he was carrying was lifted.

“I am very glad we had this talk.”

“By the way did you see your savior in her princess dress? Quite the looker, everyone's eyes were glued on to her for hours.” (Lord Ein) could swear that the boys were hesitating on taking a second look before Lady Serene could poke their eyes out.

“Hah~ she is beautiful.” (Analissa) swoons, wishing that the game has this garment on the official list of skins they can buy.

The heroine sees the script beside Lord Ein, edging into the last part where it says the two must need to kiss. Her heart sank, when they practiced they really didn’t do it- but now that they’re at the day of the play…

“Lord Ein… on the script, you know I memorized and remember all of it. I was curious about the last part.” She couldn't help but ask.


“When you get turned into a prince, battling the witch- Do you really have to kiss Lady Evelyn?”

The young man could almost die from just thinking about them attempting to kiss, one he would never kiss the duchess because he'll be killed by her personally.

And two, he's not going to do anything bad to his friend's crush.

“Heavens no, we'll be doing a fake kiss. There will be two scenes, the first one is when she breaks the curse and the second one in my human form at the happy ending. Actually, I'll show you a little trick so you can also do it next time we do a little practice.”

“I'm not doing it with you.”

“I know.”

“So you take your thumb as you hold your partner by the cheek, you place it by their lips and then kiss that instead.” (Lord Ein) uses the frog head that was beside him instead and practices there.

“They can't tell with the distance and I hope this will calm your heart, I won't do anything that girl won't like.”

“That's actually pretty smart. I've never been to watch plays or musicals- this is my first time.”

“Well that's a good date idea when there ever comes the time.”

“We can go as friends on a friendly date if that's what you mean.”

“Oh… uh- I was talking about another person but you're too kind.”

As Lord Ein finishes teaching Analissa how to trick the audience by faking a kiss. They both got ready on the stage as the students started piling up, gathering their tickets and buying popcorn that was outside the theater.

Analissa pushes Lord Ein who got into the frog costume and excitedly went out to the stage with a smile. “Hurry, Lord Ein! Good luck out there!”

“Thank you, make sure to watch me properly.” He waves his hand goodbye as his classmates check the sound effects and lightning one more time. “You'll need it.”

“Three, two, one! Action!”

Thank you to my patreon!



Andres Gtz


Asteria Urbanska

Blake Roberts



Drac_ Sage

Luis Cardenas

Marius Lunde


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Author's note: We're back and on track! Currently four chapters are ahead in my patreon! Soon it'll be five! If you want to donate or support the author and artist please do subscribe! Or if you want to help me financially by donating privately please tell me!

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