One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 247: Lonely Top, Crushing Opposition and Assault

_________ POV Narration_________ 


Two streams of compressed stream scorched the earth as a gigantic muscular man huffed. 

A muscular uncovered abdomen filled with various closed scars, a missing arm and one holding a large spiked club.

His back was covered by a black-furred coat, and his lower body was covered by a pair of green pants and black shoes. 

On his head was one horn pointed to the side, the other looked as if it was cut off. His features were rough and mocking, his eyes glinted with a purple light.

It was none other than Kaido, the King of Beasts. 

He had suffered many defeats as of late, but not anymore. And certainly not that day.

In front of him were the broken and bloodied Red Scabbards. They were not dead, but not far from it either. 

They had tried to face him, to follow in Oden's footsteps in glorious battle as true Samurai of Wano. 

"What a Joke..." Kaido muttered as he looked at the weaklings in front of him. He had only held back from killing them on a whim, he wanted to see just how easily he could take them out. 

But they were a complete disappointment by all observable measures.

Let alone put a scar on him, they didn't even make him feel slightly threatened like their predecessor Oden had in the past. 

But what did the Dragon Emperor even expect at the end of the day?

'As I am right now, even Oden is nothing more than a weakling... I've already surpassed the likes of Xebec by defeating Guzman...'

Kaido couldn't help but sigh in frustration.

The top had always been a lonely place. But at least in the past, there were others that he could look at for a good fight.

The other Emperors and the Marines for example.  But now Kaido was sure that he had far surpassed all of them. 

'Even that bastard Enel wasn't strong enough...

His people are still somewhere in Wano, he should also still be alive somewhere... But what threat does he even pose when he doesn't even dare face me directly?'

At that moment, the Dragon felt both lonely and content. 

He knew that he was likely going to be attacked again by Enel and his associates at some point. But currently, he no longer saw them as a threat. 

His next objective became rather obvious...

'Since they are all still preparing for the War, why don't I just help hurry things along?'

The Dragon planned to pull the carpet from underneath both Enel's army and the Government and start the gigantic war on his own terms. 

He no longer had to be a weaker third party. He had the power to be the main actor in the chaos that would ensue. 

He had the power to follow his dream and pull down the arrogant nobles from their thrones.

After all, true rulers could only be decided on the battlefield.

He didn't care about who was to become a ruler, but if he was to meet his end, then it was going to be while waging his own war against the world, not while partaking in another man's fight. 

But a more momentary problem...

"What should I do with these Samurai..." Kaido huffed once again, tilting his head while his spiked club dragged on the ground for one second.

He did need more fodder for the war, the Beast Pirates had fallen off quite a lot. But at the same time, he knew from experience that Samurai were notoriously difficult to break. 

'It's useless to keep them... So I might as well get rid of them.' 

Kaido grinned before raiding his spiked club to the sky.

"All of you can die now. Die in shame at having achieved nothing of note... Die not even being able to voice out your regrets!" Kaido shouted as he brought his club down with a smirk on his face.


Kaido's burly arm stopped as he heard a loud screeching shout from above.

His gaze immediately turned to the skies above Onigashima and his eyes widened... And a wide smile spread on his face.

"So they're here!" 

A gigantic mountain lowered on top of Onigashima from above the clouds, Kaido's shaped teeth screeched as he watched that mountain be compressed into a gigantic nail as it continued falling down towards him.

At that moment, he didn't even think or care about the weakling samurai that he had just taken down, but his club was still above them, so he might as well finish the job right?

"Chase him, Python!" 

A blackened arm stretched out from the skies falling much faster than the gigantic nail as it reached Kaido's club in an instant.

The fist collided with the club but seemed to bounce off as the Dragon Emperor engulfed his club in a powerful layer of Armament.

Both the fist and the club bounced off, Kaido grunted a bit and scowled before bringing his club down again. 

"Bah, stupid brat! Let me show you how to throw a punch!" 

The Dragon's eyes widened as it heard another voice above it, this time a much more familiar one... 


At that 

In that instant, Kaido felt his entire body being pressed through the roof of his castle as the bodies of the Red Scabbards disappeared, replaced with... Rocks?

Kaido cringed slightly as the entirety of Onigashima shook to its core and he plummeted through countless floors, right down to the ground floor of his gigantic castle. 

With his eyes wide and a thin line of blood coming from his lips he slowly got up.

"Hah, good one Marine! Let's make a proper entrance!" 

"Lion's Majesty: Divine Nail!" Shiki's voice sounded out as the gigantic mountain he had compressed into a nail finally came down upon Kaido.

The Dragon Emperor only narrowed his eyes as his entire body became covered in scales as soon as the tip of that nail passed through the hole Garp had made in his roof.


Kaido's laugh could be heard as his body turned into that of a gigantic dragon which easily wrapped around the nails and flew upwards to the sky, his eye glinting as he gave a sideways glance to the entire group that had gathered to fight him. 

They were all standing on top of the earthen nail. Or at least he presumed so.

"Where's Enel?!? No trace of that coward is there? Sent his lackeys to die for him!" Kadio's thunderous voice shook the skies and parted the clouds.

"S-shit... We're really fighting that?" Sanji grunted as the cigarette he was smoking burnt out in seconds. 

"Yes stupid cook! Don't waste time!" Zoro took out all of his blades and immediately dashed along Kaido's gigantic body. 

"KAIDO!" Luffy, already in Snakeman form dashed towards Kaido's head with a roar.

Garp smiled as he watched his grandson's back, and immediately rushed to follow him. 

"Attack his body! Biggest target, close and impossible to miss!" Francisco immediately steered the others away and convinced the others to follow his directions.

He knew that constantly going for Kaido's head wasn't going to help them much, they needed to attack the parts that Kaido couldn't actually do much with... Such as his gigantic torso. 

Just as they moved to attack him, Kaido's body curled around the nail and crushed it completely, breaking thier footing.

Law scoffed and was about to use Takt to stay in the air a little longer, but Shiki's control was much more precise, there were already rocks underneath all of them before they ever got to fall.

"Shiki! Hold him down!" Francisco scowled and shouted as he took out his saber and immediately turned it black, a red aura hovered around it as the pirate started overcharging it with Haki.

"I'll see what I can do!" Shiki immediately raised his hand and grasped, turning it into a fist.

"Lion's Majesty: Earth Bind!"

In an instant, all of the large pieces of stone that Kaido had broken meshed together and coiled around Kaido, forming what looked like a gigantic hand.

But it was still relatively small compared to the overall size of Kaido, who soared over the clouds and just laughed at their efforts.

"Is that it?!?" Kaido roared as he motioned to move his body, arching it and using it as a whip to break out of the entanglement and send all of his attackers flying. 

"None of you can stand before me!" Kaido huffed as his mouth seemed to steam up, and in a few seconds his mouth filled with flames, which then turned dark.

"Devastation Breath!" The Dragon roared as he spat out a stream of concentrated black fire towards the entire group.

Even if they were slightly split up and currently flying away, the radius of his breath was so wide that it seemed to be able to completely engulf them.

"Shit! Shiki!" Francisco reached out to his companion, who immediately seemed to understand the task.

The legless swordsman immediately flew by his companion's side and brought his blades together.

At the same time, he helped the others regain their footing and moved them further away, in an effort to allow them to dodge at the very least. 

Francisco smiled as he crossed his blade with Shiki's, thier wills overflowing as Kaido's flames crept in closer and closer.

"Hakai!(Supreme Sea)" 

In an instant, their willpower meshed together and blasted forward in a wave of destruction which resonated from within their blades.

Their combined flying slash clashed with Kaido's Breath, both losing and gaining ground at times as they two strikes struggled for dominance.

"Black Mamba!" But as the rest of them were struggling below, Garp, Luffy and Zoro had finally managed to climb up the Dragon's body.

They hadn't allowed themselves to get shaken off earlier, and continued climbing.

Luffy's hardened fists moved at inhuman speeds, punching at the side of Kaido's head with fury, the Dragon continued releasing his breath onto the others below while scowling at the attempt.

Zoro's flying slashes didn't seem to deter him much either. 

But his breath was immediately interrupted by the next attack.

"Galaxy Divide" Garp's fist seemed to tear through reality itself as the clouds as his fist connected to Kaido's jaw.

The Dragon's maw was snapped shut as it then blew some more fire towards the cold vacuum of space before huffing and using its head to slap the old Marine Hero away.

"Gramps!" Luffy immediately rushed to aid his grandfather while Zoro decided to finally use Enma.

His arm turned black as the blade was covered in pure aura, he grunted as he raised it over his head and made eye contact with the gigantic dragon.

Kaido seemed to snort, but Zoro didn't stop, he swung his sword down and released a gigantic flying slash.

The Dragon Emperor made no effort to dodge, instead, it opened its mouth and closed its maw around the flying slash, sparks flew for a few seconds.

And in that instant, Kaido's body reeled back as Francisco's and Shiki's combination attack hit his midsection unhindered. 

"GAh!" The dragon gasped as it seemed to get thrown slightly upwards, lifting most of its body away from Onigashima. 

Zoro's flying slash also drew blood as it cut into the dragon's gums before finally breaking under the pressure of its maw. 

"Pesky ants!" Kaido's roar managed to then blow Zoro back toward the ground at insane speeds.

Zoro's gaze turned to panic as he looked down during his descent, he didn't know if he could break his fall in time.

His grip was still firm on his blade, and he grunted as he tried to break his fall. But the air pressure was too much.

And he surely would've splattered on the ground had it not been for Law's assistance. 

"Thanks!" The swordsman voiced out as he looked around to see everyone's state.

Despite the rocky start, everyone was still in top shape, no one seemed to actually be injured yet. 

But Kaido was now sporting a rather large and bloody gash right where Hakai had connected with him. 

It was small in comparison with his overall body size, and it was pretty much a minor wound at best, but it was a good start.

"Let's keep this pressure up! We can win this!" Francisco's voice rang out in encouragement, as everyone was preparing to keep up their assault.

In the distance, Enel was observing the entire situation with his arms crossed. 

Around him were the collapsed bodies of the remainders of Kaido's crew.

The Emperor had decided to do what he knew best, and he had convinced the rest of the samurai in the land to follow his lead with the help of Kozuki Sukiyaki. 

A rebellion was in order, and it had come and gone very quickly, with the majority of Kaido's upper echelon being taken down by either him, Robin, or the rest of the straw hats that weren't participating in the fight with Kaido.

'Kaido's empire is close to falling... But he is soon no longer going to care about his surroundings and just go all out.

I just hope the others can manage to keep his attention for a bit longer.' 


Hope you liked the chapter! Had to stay up a bit later to write this up, so I'll just finish uploading and go slep

Doing a bit better with the cold, but still got one so it is what it is 

Story Shoutout : Hell Difficulty Tutorial

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