One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 246: Plan of Action and Onwards to Onigashima

_________ POV Narration _________ 

"What do you mean by 'jumping' him?" Zephyr and Garp both seemed to be quite confused.

It wasn't just them of course, just about everyone present was confused.

Robin just rubbed the bridge of her nose and shook her head.

"He means that you will ambush him together, all at once..." She had already been informed of the scope of Enel's 'plan', so she had some idea of how things were going to go down.

Well, at least on paper. 

The world was a strange place.

The instant she said that just about everyone seemed to want to protest.

The Supernovas were especially hotheaded about it since they all seemed to have something to prove. 

Francisco was one of the few who didn't protest, already having experienced how strong Kaido had gotten on his own skin.

The Right Wing of the Sky King sighed when he saw just about everyone lashing out verbally at Enel in protest.

"Kaido right now is much stronger than Xebec used to be back in the day... It's unwise for any of us to attempt to fight him one-on-one." 

His words seemed to quiet down all of the people present, likely reminding them of Francisco's state after facing off against Kaido alone.

Luffy was a bit horrified by Francisco's state when finding him, the only reason he had calmed down quickly was because Francisco himself was really nonchalant about it.

He knew that as long as he was alive he would be fine thanks to Bonney. And he knew that Enel wouldn't leave him to rot in one of Kaido's slave camps. 

And hey, he was right. Everything worked out in the end when it came to that. 

But to Luffy, it was horrific seeing him like that. Especially when he remembered seeing him healthy only a few months back when he was still training with Ace.

Especially since he remembered Francisco being strong enough to make Rayleigh uneasy with just his presence alone. 

At the end of the day, Luffy was still unsure if he had even surpassed Rayleigh. Francisco seemed stronger, but even he lost to Kaido...

So he didn't know where that left him when facing Kaido a second time. Even with his Haki improved, he was still at a very big disadvantage. 

Kid and Law had no delusions about defeating Francisco either. Kid especially had seen him while breaking out of prison, taking down scores of Kaido's men while being essentially half-dead/dismembered. 

Now that he was magically back to normal Kid knew that Francisco was stronger than him, even if he wasn't ever going to admit it. 

Law seemed to recognise Francisco too, which made him hesitant at the idea of even going after Kaido.

Garp, Zephyr and Shiki all seemed to be taken aback as well. They all knew Francsico had lost badly, but they didn't know the circumstances at all.

But not one of them expected to ever hear Francsico claim that Kaido was stronger than Xebec by a wide margin.

Garp himself couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that statement. He was sure that he was now close to Xebec in fighting power, but he didn't think that there would be anyone above that level. 

Well... With the exception of Enel anyway.

Garp was not stupid enough to think he was stronger than Enel just because he could punch harder.

After all, what Garp could do with ten serious punches, Enel could do by raising his hand. His powers were absurd and destructive. 

Up to that point, he hadn't thought much back to the day when they all arrived in Wano. He figured that Enel's attack was only dwarfed because the Sky King decided to retreat and go in hiding.

But now things were starting to look very different.

"So we'll be fighting him together then? I guess that'll make things more simple. Though we aren't really used to working together..." Zephyr looked around with narrowed eyes and a wide grin.

He eyed the Supernovas with interest, seemingly curious to see how much they would end up contributing. 

"Teamwork will certainly be an issue for you all, but I'm sure you'll manage. You old timers are all already more or less used to each other's fighting styles... And the Supernovas may be weaker, but they should prove useful too." 

"The fuck's that supposed to mean..." Kid mumbled under his breath, but decided to keep quiet otherwise, not wanting to offend another Emperor while on their way to fighting Kaido. 

"I will do my best to provide support throughout the fight..." Kidd seemed to be fully accepting of his role, he nodded and looked at Enel with determination in his gaze.

Shiki smiled and patted him on the back. "Hah! You'd make a great subordinate brat! Interested in joining my crew?" The Golden Lion didn't even know the full extent of Law's devil fruit, he just liked the Death Surgeon's attitude it seemed. 

Law just politely declined while Garp seemed to finally realize something.

"Wait a goddamn second... You said we'd fight Kaido?!? What about you?" The Old Marine Hero pointed at his current captain with a strange expression.

"Me? I have other stuff to attend to! I'll mainly be on standby and make sure that your fight doesn't kill off the entire country of Wano, how about that?" Enel crossed his arms and announced his role with his chin held up high.

"Keh-... I doubt it's going to be that bad..." Killer spoke out, restraining his laughs as he twitched slightly.

"Well, Kaido will certainly not care about his attacks reaching Wano. I will minimize casualties to the best of my abilities and give you all a helping hand if needed."  Enel didn't seem bothered to speak to Kid's right hand-man either. 

To him, everyone that was going to take part in the fight against Kaido was an ally of equal standing. 

"I think Killer meant that he doesn't think his attacks will reach that far." Kid decided to clarify for his friend. 

"Oh... I should mention then, that Kaido can most likely destroy Onigashima in its entirety in a few attacks. Just so you know what to expect."

Enel gave Kid a shaky smile as he remembered Kaido wiping out the flying island they were using for transportation in seconds. 

"T-that's... Absurd." Law sweated a bit as he thought about how far his room could reach and if he could even help in any way at that point. 

"If Kaido is so strong... Then can we really defeat him?" Ussop, the Straw Hat sniper, also decided to voice out his fear.

He sweated a bit as he looked around at all of the people present. The atmosphere was as tense as could be. 

He and most of the weaker people present were getting quite nervous if they weren't already.

Fighting an Emperor was bad enough, hearing that he was even stronger than usual was just overkill. 

Even if they didn't have to be personally fighting an Emperor, they were all still worried for their captain, who was going to face off against Kaido even if out of stubbornness alone.

"Obviously!" Luffy shouted out, his tone determined and lacking any fear. He didn't care that he was weaker than Kaido. But one thing was sure in his mind.

"He needs to go down! For this country to finally be free... I will take Kaido down!" Luffy patted himself on the chest as he spoke out with a loud tone.

His eyes burned with passion, he somehow seemed to motivate his crew with just those words. 

At that point, Enel couldn't help but notice the glint of pride in the corner of Garp's eye. He felt so prideful in fact that he couldn't bring himself to ruin that moment and show his affection to Luffy.

Instead, he crossed his arms and smiled. Zephyr also mirrored his smile.

'Some grandson you've raised, Garp...' The old man still didn't like pirates. But he didn't consider every kid who sailed around with a flag to be a pirate.

Luffy to him was nothing more than an adventurer. 

Francisco thought the opposite. He saw Luffy's promise and conviction as something else.

'A true conqueror, huh? I guess monsters will appear in every generation.' 

Luffy wasn't asking for a go with Kaido, he wasn't questioning his chances, he was merely stating that he would win. And that was the mindset that a conqueror needed to have. 

Shiki just scoffed at what he heard and turned to Enel, who was just smiling and listening.

"I'm assuming you want us all to go right away, huh?" Shiki smiled as he looked at his captain with a ferocious gaze.

"Of course! We will be leaving right away. I'm sure you've noticed it already... Some of the others might have as well." Enel gave Shiki a feral grin before tapping his foot on the ground.

"Notice what?..." Was the reaction of most.

Enel continued speaking with the same grin on his face.

"This mountain has been split from the rest of Wano... Shiki, if you will." 

The Golden Lion only nodded at his captain's orders. He crouched down and touched the soil with his right hand, and in an instant, the entire mountain range was airborne. 

"Shit!" Kid, Killer, Law and most of the Straw Hats lost their balance, stumbling a bit as the mountain range started flying in a specific direction.

"Onwards to Onigashima! We'll call this little patch of stone our gift to Kaido." Enel's eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms and turned around. 

"Holy shit this is happening!" One could hear the shrieks of fear from the weaker members of the Strawhats.

Law had stabbed his blade into the ground and was holding on while sweating a bit. Kid and Killer both stood up tall, seemingly anchored to the ground. 

Same for most of the old folk around, with the exception of Shiki, who was floating around, and Bonney who was being held in place by Francisco. 

Luffy's eyes shined red and then turned dark as he looked in the direction of Onigashima.

"Kin'emon... Everyone... I hope we won't be too late." 


Hope you liked the chapter!

I didn't get much time to myself this holiday season, so I took it as a bit of a recreational break, thank you all for sticking through it and bearing with me here.

I will try to get back to uploading more consistently now. I am still having some issues at home, but at least now I have my internet fixed :))

Anyway, Happy New Year to you all! 

Story Shoutout : Hell Difficulty Tutorial

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