Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 35: Xuan Wanshan

“I don’t care if you’re ugly, if you have Profound Veins, I’ll accept you!”

“I am only looking for beautiful looking disciples, male or female! I only like beautiful things!”

“Want to be an Expert in no time? Follow me!”

“I will make you a Core Discipline within one year if you follow me!”

“I am looking for handsome looking disciples with a decent talent. Preferably Fire and Earth Attribute.” Said a certain shameless pretty female Teacher.

The introductions were getting worse and worse with each new Teacher.

They all wanted to outdo each other and had to come up with some crazy introduction.

The Elders watching this had to wipe the sweats off their forehead listening to these idiots.

“What the fuck! I have already warned them that the Sect Master is here watching them! And here they are, doing such a stupid thing!” An Elder said.

“There’s no use cursing. Every single new Teacher here is competing against each other, trying to get more disciple.”

“But what use is it if they accepted some idiot lured in by their stupid crap?! What Core Disciple within a year? What becomes an Expert in no time? Bullshit! This crap is clearly swindling!” This Elder was really mad.

The Sect Master even said not to disappoint him, yet here they are doing exactly that!

“Wait till this shit is over! I’ll personally punish them!” He said.

“Forget about that and look, that’s Xuan Wanshan, our Sect’s last generation Chan Jingyi.” He pointed to a beautiful woman. Although she only looked like she was in her mid 20’s, she had a developed body and a face like some young housewife.

She had a sharp and cold Aura around her.

Her sharp gazes made many new disciples shiver, even some of the Teachers.

With her perfect long legs, she stood there like a goddess before a war.

She had her slender arms crossed against her chest, lifting up her beautiful pair of breasts.

“Xuan Wanshan? She should be 27 this year… Aiya, only 27 and already a Spirit King. She’ll definitely become a Sky Realm Expert before 30…”

“With her personality, I wonder what kind of disciple is she looking for? She’s already guaranteed to ascend in a few years, yet she stayed behind to become a Teacher, I wonder why.”

They perked their ears up and listened carefully.

“I am Xuan Wanshan and I am only looking for one disciple! That’s all.” She said coldly and went back.

“….” The Elders almost coughed up blood.

“That’s it?! How the fuck are we suppose to know what kind of disciple you want?!”

“Only one disciple? With your talent, you can make many powerhouses!” They both cursed in their heart.

If they had someone like her to teach the disciples, most of them would grow up to become powerhouses, yet she only wanted to teach one!

What a waste! They need to convince her to take more disciples in later…

The Teachers around her looked at her with a frown on their face.

“Only one? So you’re that confident in getting one? So arrogant!”

“Hmph, why bother becoming a Teacher if you’re going to ascend in a few years?”

“I feel sorry for whoever is going to be your disciple if you even get one!” They all sneered in their heart.

Although they didn’t like her, they didn’t dare to voice it out.

Not only was she way stronger than them, but she was also known for being unreasonable and shameless!

The new disciples were excited about her, mostly males.

Not only is she a city wrecking beauty, but she is also a Spirit King!

Out of all these 240 Teachers here, she is the only one with a Cultivation of Spirit King, and not to mention she is also the youngest here!

To have a strong and beautiful Teacher like that is every young man’s dream!

Although they do not know her requirements, they will still try!

But some of the smarter ones sneered at these idiots who could only think with their other head.

“So what if she is strong and beautiful? She will ascend in a few years, leaving you here alone. Why get a Master if you know they’re going to leave in a few years?”

The introduction went on, until an hour later.

“The Teacher’s Introduction is now finished, go select your own Master!” An Elder said.

Right after that, all the new disciples stood up and ran to their chosen Master, trying to be first.

The 26 Professional Teacher had the most disciples surrounding them.

Each of them had around 10; some had more.

The new Teachers, on the other hand, had bitter faces. Many of them did not even have one, and these that had them had no more than 2!

But Xuan Wanshan alone had more than 20!

They all watched her with a face full of envy.

“Fuck! Because she’s beautiful?! Because she’s a Spirit King?!”

“She’s even leaving in a few years, why bother?! Are they really that stupid?!”


* * * *


Xuan Wanshan stood there, staring coldly at the disciple in front of her.

The first one to stand in front of Xuan Wanshan was a handsome male around 18 Years Old.

He was already shivering from her gazes.

“I-I am—” He tried to speak.

“No, go away.” She said with a calm voice.

“What?!” The young man was shocked.

He did not even get a chance to introduce himself and already got rejected!

“Why?! I did not even say anything yet! I am at the Initial Profound True Qi Realm, and I am only 18!” He tried to change her mind with his talent.

“I said go away.” Her eyes narrowed.

“Yes, Senior!” He instantly ran away.

That stare alone made his skin felt like daggers were piercing it!


The disciples behind him turned nervous.

He got thrown away before he could even speak!

The next one is another handsome young man.

“I am at the Peak True Qi Realm and Age 17!” He spoke in a hurried pace, afraid that he would not get a chance to.

She looks at him for a second.

“What do you want from me as your Master?” She asks him.

The young man dazed out for a bit.

She actually asked him a question!

“I only want Senior to guide me to the right direction, turning me into a Dragon amongst men!” He bows.

“Rejected, next.” She said with a calm voice.

“?!?!?!” The young man was shocked again.


“But?” She stared daggers at him.

“Nothing Senior! Sorry to bother you!” He ran away.


The disciples behind him now had sweat coming out of their forehead.

“She kicked him away after asking him that? Does she not feel shame?!” They cried out in their heart.

She literally just made that young man’s hope go up, just to step on it the next second! Brutal!

The next one went up with trembling legs.

“G-greetings Senior. I am 20 Years old, and my Cultivation is at the Advanced Profound True Qi Realm…”

“What do you want from me as your Master?” She asked the same question.


The disciple started to think as hard and fast as he could.

“I will do whatever you want me to do because I trust Senior will be able to guide me properly!” He finally said.

“Then why do you want me to be your Master?” She asked.

The disciple was happy; he got through the first question!

“Because I believe that Senior will definitely be able to make me into an Expert!” He said with confidence.

“Rejected, next.” She said.

“?!?!?!?!?!??!” He almost fainted from shock.

He did not say anything and left biting his lips!


The disciples behind him were now regretting it.

Three disciples already rejected and they still did not know her requirements!

The next one in line is a young boy.

He went up with his whole body trembling from fear.

“I-I’m 14 Years Old, Advanced True Qi Realm…” He said in a low voice.

“If you could only save one of these two, who would it be? Your Mother, or your Wife?” She asked a whole different question!

“??????” The young boy did not know what to say.

What kind of the question is that?! What did that have anything to do with taking him as a disciple?!

“Uhh… M-my Mother?” He answered in a low voice.

He is only 14 Years Old, so he will obviously choose his Mother!

“Rejected, next.”


He didn’t even look surprised and left with his head down.

The next one came up, and this time around, it was a female.

“Your Mother or Wife?” She did not even let her introduce herself.

“My Wife!” She said with confidence.

“What wife? You’re a female. Rejected.” She said with a straight face.

“WHAT?!?!?!” The female actually coughed up blood from anger!

“But you asked the question, and there was no husband in the choices!” She felt wronged and complained.

“If I gave you a choice to kill yourself or kill yourself, which one will you pick?” Xuan Wanshan said in a calm voice.

“….” The disciples turned speechless!

The choices were the same! Shameless!

Of course, she will say that she would rather not kill herself!

“Bullshit! Is this a trick question exam or a Master Selection?!” She cried in her heart and left with a red face.

Another one went up with a bitter face.

“I am already 27 this Year, should I get married already?” She asked him.


“WHAT KIND OF FUCKING QUESTION IS THIS?!” He cursed in his heart.

“Senior, you’re such a beautiful woman, it does not matter when you marry because you will always be beautiful, with many men asking for your hand.” He decided to flatter her!

“Oh? Is that so.” She nodded like she understood something.

“Yes! It worked!” He laughed in his heart.

“Then who do you think I should marry?” She continued asking.



“She is definitely bullying me! What Master Selection! This shit is a scam!” His eyes turned watery.

“T-the one you liked the most… Maybe?” He still answered…

“And who’s that?” She asked.


“I am sorry Senior, but you are too good to be my Master! Excuse me!” He left in large strides!


The disciples waiting in line left too!

She was definitely not here to pick disciples but to play with them!

The other Teachers watching this felt their whole body heating up from anger.

“What the fuck! Are you even here to pick a disciple?!”

“The Sect Master is also watching this right?! I hope he punishes her after this!”

“Let me see which idiot dares to ask her again!” They cursed her in their heart.

They wanted to go up and beat her up, but they knew it was impossible!


* * * *


Xuan Wanshan looked around, “No more? Boring. Too bad the last one couldn’t last any longer. He was kind of interesting.” She thought and closed her eyes.

Although she acts cold on the outside, she is actually the opposite on the inside.

She only acts like that to add character to her boring life, making it more fun.

She wished for a fun life, doing exciting things, but her parents did not let her.

All she has done since she was young was Cultivate and nothing else.

Although she did not want to keep on Cultivating, she had to, for her parents.

Her parents were extremely thrilled after finding out that she was a Supreme Genius with Double Spirit Veins.

She had Water Attribute Heaven Veins and Wind Attribute Profound Veins.

To have Double Spirit Veins is something that only happens once every thousand years, being extremely rare in the Mortals Realm.

And because of that, her parents even begged her to Cultivate.

She felt empty, yet she did not refuse and still Cultivated to this day.

“What’s so fun about sitting still for days nonstop? What’s so fun about Cultivating?” She always asked herself these questions.

She promised herself that if one day she reaches the Apex of Cultivation, she will live a fun and exciting life!

Now that she is a Spirit King, being at the top of the Pagoda, she decided to take a rest from Cultivation and look for a disciple that will take away her boredom.

This is why she was asking these crazy questions, to find someone interesting and someone that will keep her away from being bored!

Not someone who wanted to become a Dragon amongst men, and definitely not some horny disciple like the first one! He had a lustful gaze, and it made her angry, so she kicked him out on sight!

She knew she was being unreasonable, but still, she wanted someone interesting!

She wanted to make up for all these years of being bored! This was her current dream!

While she was thinking that, she heard the people around her gasping in amazement.

“What could be—” She opens her eyes to see a normal looking young man in front of her.

“Another one? He dared to come after seeing me being so unreasonable? Interesting!” She felt joy in her heart.

She double checked her cold character and nodded in her heart.

“If you could only save one of these two, who would it be? Your Mother, or your Wife?” She asks him in a cold voice.

“Both of them.” He said.

“I said pick one.” She frowns.

“Why can you only save one? Who said that you couldn’t save the both of them?” He asked with a confused face.

“Because that is the question—.” She was a bit surprised at the unexpected question.

“Hmph, I don’t care who’s question it is, I will save who I want to! Who is he to tell me who to save? God? Even if he is, I dare him to make me choose who I want to save!” Was his answer.

“…” This time it was her turn to be shocked!

“What kind of answer is that? Are you proclaiming yourself as someone higher than God?!” She said in her heart.

“T-then I am already 27 this Year, should I get married already?” She asks him.

“I am not a female, so I do not know!” He said straightforwardly.

“Then who do you think I should marry?” She asks.

“It’s your life, not mine. You choose your own partner.”

She did not expect this answer either!

“Who might that be?” She did not give up.

“I don’t know!”

“….” He was even more stubborn than her!

She liked where this is going and decided to kick it up a notch.

“What do you want from me as your Master?”

“I don’t care as long as you can make my life more exciting.”

“!!!” Her eyes went wide after hearing that.

“Does he also feel the same way as me?” She thought.

“Even if I can not guide you properly and do not teach you any Cultivation Techniques?” She asks.

“I don’t need any Cultivation Techniques or guidances!” He said.

“What? Then why are you in a Sect?” She was shocked again!

But she did not believe that he does not want any Cultivation Techniques or guidances! Why else would he be in a Sect?

“Because I wanted to know what it was like to live as a disciple!”

“What about Cultivating? Why do you Cultivate?” She wanted to know his thoughts on Cultivation.

“I do not like Cultivating! I only Cultivated because my old man forced me to and I did not want to disappoint my Mother!” He said with a sincere voice.

“!!!!!!” Her body trembles hearing that.

He was in the same shoe as her! He understands her feeling!

“I will definitely make him my disciple!” Was her decision.

But she did not want to end it so quickly and asked more questions.

“What do you think about Cultivating? Is it fun?” She asks him.

“It’s boring! All you do is sit around all day absorbing Spirit Power!”

She trembles even more.

“T-this…” She could not believe how much they were alike!

He is literally a split image of her!

“What will you do if you reached the Apex of Cultivation?” Another question.

“If I am already at the Apex, why Cultivate? Will I get anything out of it? I would rather go around and explore for fun!”

Her heart starts to beat faster and faster from excitement.

“Why do you want a Master?”

“Because it makes my life more fun and I’ve never had a Master!”

“Then why do you want me as your Master? Why me and not the others?”

She looks at the young man in front of her, waiting for his answer.

He said with a smile, “Because we’re alike. You also hate Cultivating and being bored.”


She felt her mind being struck by lightning!

“Y-you… How did you know?” She was now scared! How did he know her feelings that not even her parents knew?!

“Ah, I was born with this ability.” He giggles.

“…” She looks at him with a quietly.

“Who are you?” She asks him with a serious face.

“My name is Tian Yi.” He said with a calm voice.

“Tian Yi… Tian Yi…” She repeats it, trying to engrave this name into her memories.

“Tian Yi, are you willing to become my first and last disciple?!” She suddenly said in a loud voice, making everybody there look at them.

“Yes, I am!” He said with a serious face.

“Will you promise me that you will never abandon me as your Master?”

“Yes, I promise!”

“Will you promise me to keep me away from being bored?”

“I promise to try!”

“Good! Then I, Xuan Wanshan will now officially make you my one and only disciple for life!” She cuts her palm with a small dagger.

Blood starts dripping, staining her beautiful pale hand blood red.

“You also do the same and follow my lead!” She said to him.


Tian Yi also cuts his own palm, but only a drop of blood came out.

Xuan Wanshan found that odd but did not care at the moment.

“Now hold onto my hands and let our blood mix, officially making us Master and Disciple!”

Tian Yi suddenly grabs her hand, which made her tremble a bit.

She was not prepared for that!

This is the first time she has ever touched a male like this and with this much intimacy!

With their hands linked perfectly, their blood starts mixing.

A second later, “T-this! What is this?!” Her entire body trembled and she starts panting heavily.

She was shocked and did not know what was happening to her body!

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