Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 81: Medical Proficiency Showcase

Lynn concluded his explanation, expecting the medical apprentices to nod in agreement, acknowledging their familiarity with the discussed topic. However, to his surprise, their expressions revealed a mix of admiration and awe, which left Lynn feeling a sense of unease. This unexpected reaction only reinforced his previous sentiment.

"I think I overestimated the level of medicine in this world," Lynn pondered with a deep sigh. It was clear that the apprentices regarded his knowledge and insights as something extraordinary and unfamiliar.

He couldn't help but frown as the realization sank in. The fact that this world lacked advanced medical techniques and was in a primitive state meant that his hopes of finding knowledge to quickly level up his class were low. The situation seemed to present a significant obstacle to his ambitions.

However, as Lynn frowned, the injured man noticed this expression and misinterpreted it. Assuming that Lynn's concern was due to his injuries, the man grew more anxious and scared. He recalled the description of his injury, and a hint of sadness crept into his own expression as tension once again gripped his body. His voice trembled with nervousness as he inquired, "Can my arm still be saved?"

Lynn snapped out of his momentary thought, refocusing his attention on the patient before him. He quickly responded, "Of course, there's no real problem in your case. Your arm can be treated. However, you must be able to lie properly for the treatment process."

With determined steps, he moved closer to the patient, effortlessly lifting him from the cold, hard floor. His gaze swept across the empty street, it was not an appropriate place for treatment.

He then turned his attention to the three hospital workers who stood nearby. Understanding the urgency of the situation, he asked them, "Can I borrow a bed in your hospital?"

The group exchanged uncertain glances, clearly caught off guard by Lynn's request. After a brief moment of hesitation, the young and enthusiastic apprentice with brown hair stepped forward.

"Borrowing a bed in the main facilities would be difficult” the apprentice explained “However, we have some beds in the medical education wing. It would be our honor to have such a knowledgeable doctor as a guest"

Lynn expressed his gratitude by nodding appreciatively at the offer "Thank you for your understanding. It will suffice. “

With the apprentices leading the way, Lynn carefully carried the injured person in his arms and proceeded to follow them toward the medical education wing of the facility.

The confident brown-haired man in black, who appeared to be the group's leader, introduced himself as Gregory. "It's a fortunate day to come across you. If you don't mind, can we watch from the sidelines?" he eagerly requested. "We would greatly benefit from observing you at work."

The other two apprentices, standing beside Gregory, chimed in and expressed their interest as well. Their voices carried a mixture of excitement and respect.

"We apologize if our previous behavior was inappropriate. We only intended to help based on what we have learned," he explained, his tone conveying genuine remorse for any misunderstanding that may have occurred.

Lynn nodded in understanding, acknowledging their sincerity. As they moved toward the medical education wing of the hospital, he didn’t immediately accept the request. "Only if the patient agrees," he stipulated, emphasizing the importance of patient consent and comfort.

Receiving treatment from Lynn, and finding himself in need of borrowing a bed, the patient couldn’t help but feel a sense of indebtedness towards them. Overwhelmed by guilt and self-condemnation, the injured man accepted Gregory's request. "It's okay, it's a free treatment, how could I refuse?"

In this cordial atmosphere, Gregory guided Lynn smoothly through the gates of a secondary building connected to the hospital's main facilities, without encountering any obstacles.

Curiously, after entering the building, Lynn found it surprising that neither the guards nor the staff questioned the presence of strangers or demanded any identification. This lack of scrutiny was likely due to Gregory and two other apprentices, who had inadvertently shielded Lynn from suspicion by walking in front.

Eventually, they arrived at a peculiar room that caught Lynn's attention. The room contained a single stone bed located in the middle, which appeared more like a platform than a traditional bed.

He carefully laid the patient on the stone surface. However, it became evident that despite Gregory's considerate gesture of placing cushions, the hard nature of the bed persisted, causing discomfort for the patient.

Adding to the room's enigmatic ambiance was another curious feature that did not align with the injured person's immediate needs. The room had a circular shape, with tiered seating that encircled a central area. The seating consisted of multiple rows of wooden chairs, gradually rising in height, allowing for clear visibility of the central space from any seat.

Having previously come across similar settings while reading medical books, Lynn recognized this room's resemblance to an anatomy amphitheater, a space specifically designed for the study and observation of human anatomy. Considering the patient's already distressed mood, he decided to not talk about it.

After assisting the injured man in lying down, he proceeded to remove his shirt. The affected area of the shoulder became visible, displaying a distinct shape that deviated from the normal rounded contour of a shoulder.

With nothing to hide the two shoulders, one could clearly see the contrasting difference between them. One shoulder appeared intact and healthy, while the other was visibly dislocated, causing a noticeable deformity.

To further evaluate the condition, Lynn carefully examined the man's other arm for any signs of abnormal movement or pain. Fortunately, there were no indications of such issues.

As Lynn prepared for the treatment, he noticed a gradual influx of individuals entering the room. They took their seats, resembling the atmosphere of a conference room rather than a typical treatment setting.

What had initially begun with just three apprentices and the patient's farmer companion had now grown to a gathering of more than a dozen people.

Lynn was not annoyed; in fact, he was quite the opposite. He eagerly anticipated the arrival of more people. While he was explaining the intricacies of a shoulder dislocation to the three medical apprentices, he noticed that his class experience increased by a negligible amount. It was only because of the system notification that he became aware of this subtle growth.

That’s why, despite having extraordinary abilities that would allow him to instantly treat the shoulder dislocation on the spot, without needing a bed, and gain valuable experience, Lynn deliberately chose not to do so.

Instead, he saw this as a golden opportunity to enter the hospital facilities and explore ways to quickly level up his class. Lynn understood the potential of the hospital as a rich source of knowledge and experience. It was a place where he could encounter medical challenges, and learn from other practitioners.

With this in mind, he deliberately chose to showcase his expertise and medical knowledge, carefully explaining each step of the treatment process to the apprentices and observers. He wanted to leave a lasting impression and ignite their curiosity about his abilities.

"Then I'm going to kick your bones back into place, relax, and don't resist,” Lynn said with a calm and reassuring tone, addressing the injured man lying on the stone bed as he positioned himself next to the dislocated shoulder. The room fell into a hushed silence as everyone eagerly awaited Lynn's demonstration of his medical proficiency.

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