Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 80: Explaining Shoulder Dislocation

As the three hospital employees continued their passionate debate over potential diagnoses and treatments, their enthusiasm grew with each passing minute. 

However, the farmer and his friend remained politely steadfast in his request for nothing more than medicine to alleviate the pain, refusing to participate in any medical intervention.

Amidst the fervent exchange of opinions, Lynn found himself deep in thought, pondering the unfolding situation.

He listened intently to the heated argument with interest. The passionate exchange of words provided him with valuable insights into the state of medicine in this world.

The fervor with which the men who seemed to be doctors advocated for outdated medical procedures, such as bloodletting, left him concerned and somewhat perplexed. He couldn't help but question their enthusiastic support for methods that had long been deemed obsolete.

"Perhaps modern medicine has not fully developed in this world or this region. That would explain their outdated practices," he mused, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

Recognizing that the situation was escalating and had the potential to turn volatile, Lynn swiftly decided to intervene and started to approach.

The farmer, who had been taking care of his injured companion, bravely stepped forward. Positioning himself between his companion and the insistent doctors. With a worried expression on his face, he started scanning the surroundings, desperately searching for assistance.

Because the sun began its descent, casting long shadows upon the land, there was no one around in the vicinity except for Lynn.

The farmer's gaze fixated on him, and immediately waved his hand this way and called out with a mixture of hope and anxiety, "That gentleman over there, can I ask you a favor?"

The hospital people appeared unsure of why this patient didn't want their assistance, instead relying on the help of a passerby. However, one individual took it upon himself to step in and provide an explanation for the situation.

"We are aspiring medical practitioners working at this establishment, and we coincidentally came across this injured individual," the man with a cheerful face, framed by luscious dark brown curls, explained with a touch of concern.  "It appears that he has suffered a broken bone. Could you please help us take him back inside?"

His understanding of the situation deepened as Lynn listened attentively to the story. It became clear to him that the apprentices' intentions were well-meaning, but their approach was misguided. 

They had encountered an individual who required medical treatment but lacked the necessary financial resources to afford it. Despite this obstacle, the apprentices saw an opportunity to apply their acquired medical skills and offered a free intervention. Their intention was twofold: to assist the person in need and to gain valuable practical experience.

The individual in question, clearly unwilling to become a subject for someone else's practice, hastily interjected, opening his mouth to refuse "No, no need to worry about me," he stammered, attempting to sound composed.

"Could you kindly assist me in purchasing some painkillers? Perhaps applying some ointment would alleviate the discomfort I'm experiencing." The perspiration on his forehead undermined his attempt to appear convincing.

"May I have a look?" Lynn inquired. "My name is Lynn, and I am a law enforcement officer with some medical experience."

This statement was a deliberate lie designed to establish a sense of trust. As he confidently spoke, Lynn reached into his attire and retrieved a silver metal badge. This emblem, meticulously crafted, was a symbol of authority worn proudly by law enforcement officers in this town, signifying their role in upholding justice.

Inside the record room in the sheriff’s office, nestled amidst neatly arranged files and folders, he found a bunch of unused badges in a box. Recognizing its potential as a valuable tool to assist him in the investigations, he decided to take one just in case. It was the very first time he had the opportunity to utilize it.

The injured man hesitated momentarily, his apprehension evident, but then relented with a resigned sigh. Slowly, he peeled back the sleeves of his left arm, revealing an extremely swollen and misshapen shoulder. The joint protruded at an odd, unnatural angle.

Observing the unfolding situation, the other individuals, particularly the apprentice doctors, watched with curious interest. Initially, when this unknown passer-by expressed his desire to inspect the injury, they were prepared to intervene. However, the presence of the silver badge immediately silenced their objections. Now, they observed attentively, hoping to glean some knowledge from Lynn's actions.

Maintaining a neutral expression, Lynn carefully inspected the damage, showing no visible reaction to the sight. With well-practiced hands, he gently felt around the shoulder area, noting the man's winces and sharp intakes of breath, which were clear signs of pain.

"A sudden, powerful impact can cause this kind of injury, have you experienced that recently?" Lynn inquired knowingly, his tone suggesting that he had already deduced the cause.

The injured man looked surprised, his eyes widening. "How did you know? I fell off my wagon a few hours ago when the horses got spooked. Landed hard on this shoulder."

Lynn nodded, confirming his suspicion. He hadn't asked the question without reason. The evidence was right there, subtly revealing the truth. On the sleeves of the man's arms, there were still marks left by the friction against the ground, indicating a recent fall. Additionally, he noticed some scratches on the man's hands, which had not been tended to at the moment.

After thoroughly assessing the extent of the damage, Lynn was pretty sure of the diagnosis of this injury. Observing the curious gazes of the people around, he decided to give a little educational insight.

With a self-assured nod, Lynn began to address the intrigued audience. "Based on my examination, I can conclude that this is a dislocated shoulder, and it appears to be rather severe," he explained, his tone conveying expertise. "It's crucial that we address this promptly through a process called reduction."

The aspiring medical practitioners seemed uncertain, their doubt evident in their expressions and hesitant questions. "Are...are you sure you know what you're doing?" one of them asked, his voice laced with skepticism.

Maintaining his composure, Lynn responded with a calm and confident tone. "Absolutely," he assured them. "I have treated this type of injury numerous times before. The key to successfully managing a dislocated shoulder is to realign the ball of the humerus back into the glenoid socket smoothly and swiftly."

However, Lynn noticed that the doubtful and confused expressions still lingered among the onlookers. Recognizing their struggle to grasp the concept, Lynn realized that an even more straightforward approach was necessary.

"When I mention a shoulder dislocation," Lynn began again, adopting a more concise explanation. "I mean that one end of the bone has fallen off from the shoulder where it was supposed to stay." He pointed directly at the injured person, helping to make the situation more tangible for everyone present. "In this gentleman's case, it seems likely that the dislocation occurred when he fell to the ground."

Lynn continued to speak slowly and clearly, ensuring that both the injured person, his companion, and the three medical workers understood the anatomy and dynamics of the injury. He wanted to provide them with a clear explanation and at the same time test if they already learned something similar.

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