Natasha the Halve

35 – Otherworld Justice.

I made a discord server if any of you lovely readers would like to chat, talk about the novel, or share dank memes with me or other readers. I struggled a little, but a kind soul helped me in setting it up. Did you know you can have bots that play music? Technology is truly outstanding!

Leaving the bathroom, I woke Yolin up for our daily morning exercise. Then, we had breakfast with everyone and went back to our place after agreeing to meet with Pokora in front of the Church. I was going to drag them all to court.

I fed Sonya as soon as we returned to the cabin, having bought a new bag of feed at the beginning of the month. Me and my girlfriends took a group shower and got ready. We again had to wait for our two furry friends.

At Alyssa's suggestion, I wore 'formal' clothing. That meant armor for my species, so I went with the Starforged Eternium set I used most of the time. I once again asked if the material rang any bells, considering a sun is literally called Eternia, but I only got amused expressions in response. 'You can't forge things in a sun' is what Lapia said.

Another thing added to the 'Questions for the Gods' list.

Shortly after, we made our way to Lakeview's Church through cobblestone streets and met with Pokora, who was waiting outside.

The building was pretty large, and sober in design. Wood was the predominant construction material and large windows with stained glass depicting individuals bathed in light decorated the thing. I gave them more than a passing glance, and saw golden and silver people standing over little animals.

Are those Halves? I wondered, looking at them as we walked into the house of worship. And those animals... the ancient species?

There were very few recognizable animals, the more common being felines. That wasn't a surprise since we were in a Tigea country. What caught my attention was the... rudimentary style in which they were depicted. They looked more like lynxes instead of the house cats I expected to see.

We moved towards a hallway and I saw a woman exiting a room. She noticed us and smiled.

[Egys Tigea, lvl 142 High Priestess]

“Sister,” she gave Alyssa a bow. “Welcome home.”

I'm sorry?

“Sister,” Alyssa replied, giving her a nod. “I'm home.”

“Sister,” the woman said once more, this time bowing to Yolin. “Welcome home.”

“Sup,” Yolin said with a smile. “I'm back.”

Excuse me? I thought, looking at my two girlfriends.

“Clergy culture,” Lapia next to me whispered.

“Your Excellency,” the woman said, bowing to me. “Is it safe to assume you've come for Sussanna's case?”

I nodded.

She waited a couple of seconds for me to say something. I just kept quiet and she gave me a nod.

“This way, if you would,” she gestured us to follow her as she turned around. “The trial will begin in thirty minutes.”

The seven of us followed her to a double door deeper into the building, where she knocked two times and opened one side.

“Please come in,” she said with a bow.

Stop that, you're going to develop back pain bowing that much, I mumbled in my mind as I crossed the threshold.

A literal courtroom welcomed us. A low wooden fence divided the audience and the place justice people did their justice thing. Wooden chairs were placed for, I assumed, the jury, where four out of five chairs were occupied by three Tigea and a Lupum. A dandy Tigea sat on the main seat where a judge would, and ten Watchers, seven Tigea and three Elves, stood vigilant in various spots around the room.

I noticed a cage to the side of the room, where I assumed suspects were kept.

The Judge lifted his head from some papers and gave me a nod, which I returned.

“Over here,” Yolin said, walking to the first row of seats.

We sat down and the Judge cleared his throat. His grey-ish hair covered most of his face, and round, tall ears crowned his head. His ears were not as tall as a Shishi's, nor as round as an Egys'. A white robe with golden symbols covered his body, with the recognizable golden eye of Danuva's Church on his chest.

“Your Excellency Natasha,” he began, his green feline eyes meeting mine. His voice sounded tired that early in the morning. “Thank you for coming.”

[Urkila Tigea, Lvl 178 Inquisitor]

I did all I could to hold back a sarcastic snort. The class name was beyond fitting. I just gave a nod in return, and he resumed his reading.

Though I had seen Urkila children, it was my first time seeing an adult of that particular race. I also hadn't seen the Dhar'Ji race yet, children or adult.

I produced the book Lapia gave me in Mountroad, 'Way of the Warrior, an Analysis of Skill Advancement', and continued where I left off as we waited.


A loud bell brought me back to reality and I looked to the source. A door opened and Sussanna walked into the room, escorted by two Watchers. They walked her into the cage and closed it afterwards.

Lorena, Lakeview Watchers' Captain, came in next, walking to the other side of the room, where a small podium stood.

Let Justice be done,” the Judge said in Kator, then fixed his seating as he cleared his throat. He continued in Common, “It is the twenty first day of the fourth month, year one thousand nine hundred and eighty, Yiama's Era, Fifth Age of E'er.”

Oh... didn't know that, I thought, looking at Lapia next to me. Well, that may come later in the curriculum she had prepared.

Lumin Kingdom versus Sussanna Indoz,” his voice was loud enough for everyone to hear. Turning to the Lupum, he gave a small nod. “Lady Sussanna, you are here today being charged of multiple felonies, to which you have confessed being guilty. Is that correct?”

The Lupum nodded.

As stated by Law, the endangering of children leads to no legal advice nor defense for the perpetrator. This was stated by the Divine Council at the beginning of the previous Age, and Lumin Kingdom, along with all Clerics under the teachings of Her Divinity Danuva, which Lumin Kingdom recognizes as the Lawful Authority, subscribe to. Is that understood, Lady Sussanna?”

The woman in question nodded again, her expression darkening.

Oh, so that's why she has no lawyer defending her... was that the term? I wondered, looking at the woman who tried to kill me. Pretty weird that I'm allowed to be here, as well.

Does the Jury understand this as well?” he asked, turning to the people in the chairs.

They all nodded.

Captain Lorena Oriz,” the man said, turning to the Watcher. “Please state the crimes Lady Sussanna has committed, so the Jury is aware.”

Yes, Judge,” the woman replied with a short nod from the podium. “Last night, Sussanna Indoz, in clear conscience and sound mind, attempted to kill a Protector,” she slowly declared in a loud voice. “She poisoned Her Excellency Natasha Novak's beverage, which she had access to as she was a waitress at the Sharp Paw, where Her Excellency was enjoying a break. Not satisfied with this, however, Sussanna convinced Olivia Yeliz, a child, to give Her Excellency a vial of acid, namely nikontia, in order to bring such foul crime to fruition. This endangered the life of a child, as Olivia could have opened the vial in her innocent curiosity, and a tragic and extremely painful death would have taken place.”

Whispers broke out in the room for a few seconds, the Jury saying a few words among themselves. Then, they returned to silence.

What about hypothetical scenarios?! I asked in my mind, glancing at Yolin. Do they consider that with children, but not with adults?

The use of children to commit crimes, or attempt to commit them. Possession of nikontia in highly populated areas. Conspiring to kill a Protector. Attempting to kill a Protector,” Lorena recounted. “Sussanna is facing these charges.”

I was getting a little bored, to be honest. I thought it'd be more... interesting to see. I had already experienced court on Earth, and it wasn't that different, even justifying the law with silly things like Gods. Though in this world it was more 'concrete' than a big scary phantom in the sky as far as I'm aware. I was a little glad they didn't use my species as justification for righteousness. That would have been cringe.

To kill boredom, I began singing in my mind.

To all the ladies in the place with style and grace, allow me to lace these lyrical douches in your bushes~

The Judge nodded, and proceeded to inform Sussanna of how long she's spend in prison: the rest of her life. She'd be escorted by Watchers to Paarjo after the Aphelion ended, then brought to the Endless Pit where she'd be tied and hanged with Numbing Rope until her last breath.

Justice prevails,” the Judge declared in Kator and slammed his hand on the podium in front of him.

Sussanna was taken out of the room, then Lorena approached me with an envelope.

Lady Natasha,” she called to me, offering the thing. “This is the information we managed to gather from Sussanna.”

Thank you,” I gave her a nod and received the envelope as I stood up.

I wish you plentiful spoils of war,” she said as she turned around.

I gave her a thumbs up, then our group left the room.

Plentiful spoils of war... Lady Dabrak and Yolanda said the same thing, I thought.

Walking through the Church, I put an arm around Lapia's shoulders.

Hey, Lala,” I softly sang.

Yes?” she replied, turning to me and giving me a cheeky grin.

What's with people saying spoils of war?” I asked. “You see, Pokora told me war is banned.”

An old saying,” she explained, wrapping her left arm around my armored waist. “It's not meant to literally refer to war, but to conflict. And it's something more often said to Halves, because you live and breathe conflict.”

Mhm...” I nodded, giving it a thought. “I haven't really faced that much conflict, though.”

Really?” she teased, smirking. “Then how about I give you something to pound?”

I looked at the Elf with wide eyes. She had the secret ability to turn any conversation into talks about sex. Truly a mythical skill.

Maybe I can give you something to keep that cheeky mouth of yours occupied,” I teased back, and felt my face heat up.

Oh, cock jokes,” she praised with an approving nod. “First I heard cumming from you.”

No,” I quickly tried to correct her, holding back a laugh. “I meant the other one.”

You sure it wasn't a slip of the tongue?” she teased me.

I looked away, covering my face with an armored hand.

Ahem,” I cleared my throat, trying to keep my blush in check. “Yeah, you win.”

She nodded.

Lapia twenty three. Natasha two,” she declared the result of our sex jokes so far.

I felt my face burn hotter. I can't come up with good jokes without rethinking them a few times, which makes them lose the funny in my mind. Maybe in a few years when I completely learn about the culture I can come up with funny shit.

We left the Church and I noticed dark clouds covering the sky. I produced the umbrella I bought in Mountroad and used it as a walking stick for the moment. I noticed everyone doing the same as we walked to the plaza in front of the building. I checked the time and it was a little past ten in the morning. The whole ordeal took around two hours. A drag, but I learned a lot.

How about we have something to drink?” I asked as I stored my armor, pointing at an open cafe. “Maybe juice or something to fight the heat?”

Though I didn't feel the heat I was talking about, drinking liquid is healthy and juice is tasty anyway.

Sure,” Lapia answered.

Sounds good,” Alyssa said with a smile.

Bonte nodded, giving me a thumbs up.

It does get hotter around this hour,” Bromisnar pointed out, fanning his face.

Sounds good,” Yolin cheered, holding Alyssa's hand.

Yes, please,” Pokora muttered.

Thus, we entered the shop.

A waitress received us and guided us to a large, round table where we sat down and she took our order.

Yolin sat next to me. Alyssa sat next to Yolin. Bromisnar sat next to Alyssa. Bonte sat next to Bromisnar. Pokora sat next to Bonte. Lastly Lapia sat between Pokora and me.

So,” I began, leaning back on the chair. “I talked with Pokora last night and invited her to join us since we could use an Archer. Also, she helped me a bit with the Lupum.”

The Elf in question nodded.

I... have been looking into something these last few years, and it would be a huge help if I could join your party,” she said with a straight face.

Lapia smirked, staring at Pokora.

Oh, right, I thought, remembering what my Elf girlfriend mentioned in Riverfield. Lapia has the hots for the Elmari race, I kind of forgot. Good luck, Pokora!

I am an Archer, as you may have guessed,” she continued her introduction. “Hunter, Ranger, and Sniper. My total level is 848. I come from Uuruhk, and was part of the army for twenty five years, then left to become a Chaser.”

I let out a satisfied hum and produced the envelope Lorena gave to me, and gave it a read.

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