Naruto: Mind over matter

Test mission with team 7

-1 day later-

-Hokage's Office-

Pov: Riku

"You will be joining team seven for there issued B-rank mission, this is a test to see how well you work with them and see if your skills are compatible- you will be investigating murders happening in a town a days trip from here, it is heavily suspected that ninja are at play here."

"Got it Tsunade-Baachan! Lets go!"

I pull on Naruto's arm before he can leave.

"Wait, which town? Do we have any more information than that?"

"Kakashi will fill you in on the way"


Everyone stares at me in silence...

Sasuke slaps his forehead and Windoor man scratches his cheek and chuckles, the most useful of people here actually lets me know who that is, Sakura points to Windoor man.

"Ohhhhhhh! Shit! I've just been calling you windoor man, okay- right sorry."

There is an awkward silence as we walk to the gates. Naruto professionally breaks this silence.


"So Kaka-"

"Ohhhh~ not windoor man?"

He looks at me ready to tease, luckily I'm shameless.

"Your right! Windoor man! We going to get that information?"

He sighs in disappointment before talking

"Nakakawa town is down the Naka river and its about a day away from Konoha, the information we have about the situation there is that murders keep happening, they were originally labelled as different causes until they kept happening- for example a couple died in a house fire, an old lady died of heart attack and someone else died by jumping off his house in front of a crowd"

Sasuke speaks up at that.

"That doesn't sound like ninja? Just a series of accidents and misfortunes?"

"You would be correct- However they were the last 4 of 12 killed in the last two days"

Everyone's eyes widen before they sharpen again and we start rushing through the trees, following the Naka river.


-1 day later-

Pov: Sasuke

"Okay my cute little Genin~ lets not forget my new- oh wait never mind easily forgeta-"

Riku shouts

"I told you I was sorry Windoor man! How long are you going to keep doing this?"

I sigh again... cant believe that idiot convinced me to stay... though its not certain- he was right, I have time to think on the best option.

"Maaa~ lets split up and do our investigations, Riku and Sakura go ask the towns people for any information you can get and Sauske, Naruto you two go get started on investigating the locations, ill be sniffing the area out for ninja"

Me and Naruto start walking towards the nearest building that Kakashi-sensei told us about... should I kill him? Naruto. I think on this every day and I never reach any answer.... to get stronger I must. But is Riku right? Do I admit that I'm weak if I leave?

"This is the one with the guy who tripped and hit his head right?"

Naruto mumbles... I need to get my head in the game.

"Yes lets enter."

We step inside and start looking around, no forced entry, no signs of struggle and nothing that my Sharingan can capture.

"Hn. Nothing"

"Yeah nothing, should we check the other places?"


We spend an hour investigating the burned house, the old ladies house, the street were that lady hung herself from a tree and the place were the old man sprinted into the river and drowned...

"Nothing here either. Lets go find the rest Naruto....Naruto?"

I look around and no-one is here...

"Hello? Dobe!"

Stepping outside I start walking around town and it is empty... I start sprinting and opening doors... no one at all.

What is happening?

"Oi Naruto! Sakura! Riku! Kakashi-sensei!"

A tingle runs up my back and I start sweating, turning around I see THAT MAN holding a blade through Naruto's gut.

HIS voice cuts through the eerie air around us.

"Too slow, too cowardly and too indecisive. I expected nothing more from my little brother"

"YOU! what are YOU DOING HERE!?"

"Show me your power. Proof of your worth."

I start to channel Lightning chakra through my hand and my eyes swirl as I rush at him-

Stop! I jump out of the way and I dispel the Chidori.... my sharingan dispelled the genjutsu... I nearly just impaled Naruto..

I look around and we are in a room full of mirrors, a basement.. everyone else is here and Sakura is crying holding a kunai, Riku is sitting peacefully while Kakashi is watching his hands in shock... Naruto is sweating profusely and he shouts.



I nearly impaled him... would anyone judge me if my sharingan didn't cut off the genjutsu? Would anyone care if I just pushed my chidori into his gut now?

I light my hand with lightning and I slowly walk towards Naruto...


Pov: Kakashi

I have been hunting this ninja for a while now, he is hiding outside of town and keeps weaving through the trees layering genjutsu as I rush after him.

Its been five minutes since I have been hunting him and all I can say is that he is a master of genjutsu, but pretty lacklustre at everything else...

Moving my headband I dispel his latest illusion and decide to dash and stab him in his hand with a Kunai before slamming his jaw with my palm- forcing him prone with a leg sweep I then pull another kunai and aim it at his throat.

"Who are you? Explain yourself. What is with the recent murders?"

Missing nin usually have a 'mission' or 'story' that they want to share with the world- prove that they were right to have left.

"Hahahahahah- you caught me! Lets see my blood! Yes! Yes!"

But it seems this one is just crazy.

"Come on! Come on! Split my throat open! You will be late to see the others blood if you dont hurry!?"


"Who's blood?"

"Your friends! The others! Come on! Can we go! Can we see!?"

Shit, I slit the mans throat and rush back to town, standing at the house I told Naruto and Sasuke to investigate first is Sasuke charging a Chidori and walking towards a stranger... the towns people are just walking by as if nothing was happening, Naruto is kneeling and crying on the side of the street mumbling stop...

Is it a long lasting genjutsu? I pull the stranger from sasuke as he pushes his Lightning coated hand through the air- Just were the stranger was. 

His eyes are flaring and bulging as three tomoe spin in his eyes now...

I put my hand on his shoulder and shoot chakra into him, shaking up any genjutsu that could hold him... there is foreign chakra in his ears... a sound based genjutsu.

"Hahaahahahaaa~ I did it... is this what you wanted ITACHI!? IS THIS-"

He hitches his breath as the genjutsu is dispelled from him.

I start to see the Kyuubi features form on Naruto and rush over to dispel his Illusion.

"What...? SENSEI!? Your ALIVE! I'm so sorry!"

Naruto jumps into my chest and I hug him back, turning to Sasuke I ask.

"There was a genjutsu. Did it make you see... Itachi? I think the caster wanted you to kill that stranger.."

He looks wide eyed and nods holding his face low.


Pov: Sasuke

Two layers of genjutsu... I thought I had killed Naruto.....


Did I want too?

I did...


Pov: Kakashi

"Haaa- we have to find the other two, keep flaring your chakra even if you think you aren't in a genjutsu- I killed a missing nin but he didn't use any sound based genjutsu.. I think there is another in this town."

We head into town and see Sakura huddled and crying over Riku, shaking him uncontrollably.

"Sakura..." Naruto approaches to tap her shoulder and I put my palm on her other shoulder dispelling her Illusion.

"What? Riku... where's Sasuke..."

She looks around and I explain the situation.

I look at Riku and go to tap him but he gets up and sits in a lotus pose. He utters to no one with his eyes tracing an invisible entity.

"So old man... died again huh?"


"Yeah.... But it was worth it...."

Died again? What Illusion is he in?

"So. I guess my soul is still not eligible for the afterlife? Called it- I just wish I didn't leave them all without saying anything... again.... thought I would learn from..."

He goes silent and looks sadly down to the ground.

"Your capable of sending letters right? No? Never mind"

I shake my head and place my palm on his chest dispelling his illusion- I should of done that sooner- secrets are kept for a reason... he died? I had heard he nearly died multiple times but...


Pov: Sasuke

I watch as Kakashi dispels the illusion over Riku. If Naruto had witnessed everyone he loved dying and Sakura had witnessed me dying and I saw that man and decided to kill Naruto... this is genjutsu based on our own thoughts, twisting them together...

He told me he has seen the afterlife before in our argument... was he being serious?

He gave up on everyone before? Thought he could never see his friends ever again?

My head hurts.

I have too much to think about.


Pov: Riku

Oh. I'm alive still. Kakashi explains to me the situation.

Ohhhh it was a genjutsu...

Pretty awkward. But what are they going to ask 'you saw the afterlife and talked with an old man'....

Ok well everyone is looking at me seriously, do they actually believe that? It happened to me and I sometimes think I'm just dreaming such nonsense...

Shit this is magic ninja world and I practically shouted it at Sasuke in the hospital.

"So If the genjustu is targeting our own brains does that mean if we see something that shouldn't be here we should dispel it?"

Kakashi thinks before nodding.

"Lets stay alert and together, watch for sounds that take your focus- most sound based genjutsu focus on grabbing your attention with a click or the sound of a bell, something distinctive and discernible"

We all nod at windo- Kakashi's words and we continue through the town.

Step after step we watch as the crowd of people thin and we reach the centre most building- the town hall which is old and unused and no one is around. Eerie and quiet the place is perfect to release any amount of noise and get us to focus on it in anticipation.

Like watching a horror movie and the main character is approaching that door that closed itself, or walking into the aliens nest, or when they stop running in the middle of a forest and you can only hear there breathing.

Sound. My not-puppets should be good for this.

[Summoning Jutsu] -Ace- -Anchor-

Cloud disperses and they appear before us, everyone is on edge as I pour chakra into them and split my mind. They disconnect as any genjutsu that effects me could possibly be used to get them.


Pov: Anchor

We walk ahead of the team- me and Ace that is and enter the town hall.

Ace expands his vision and I stand by as he looks throughout the building with Telekinetic vision.

He points upstairs and puts up three fingers and then left.

Three doors on the left upstairs.

The team enters with us.

But suddenly Sakura, Sasuke, Riku and Naruto attack each other, Windoor man gets in the way and splits them, he turns his head and waves his hand shooing us.

Alright then, Windoor man can handle the team we will hunt the genjutsu man.

We head upstairs and Ace kicks down the door, I send in my Chain-Blade coating it with [Force Burst] past Ace and use [Pathmaker Jutsu] to target the spot the Genjutsu user was in.

He dodges the blow and Ace charges to attack. Swinging his fists like Lee had taught us too.

The user is hit twice before realising we are immune to the clicking of his hands before he decides to take out an explosive tag- sending my chain towards his hands I knock the paper out of his hands.

He rushes over and Ace tackles him to the floor inches away from the seal, he reaches out his hand and I reach out mine from ten feet away [Item Pull]!

Its pulled into my hands and I throw it behind me and rush to execute the ninja.

But he disappears and is replaced by the very seal I just threw away [Body Shunt] me and Ace dash out the way and the floor crumbles under the explosion- pulling us all down into a kitchen.

I launch my blade at the enemy and Ace picks up any knife, pan or kitchen utensil he can to throw at the man. My blade hits his shoulder as the man holds his head that just got hit by Aces barrage.

I pull him to the side and Ace rushes up to him and does a flying kick- [Body Shunt]s, slamming his feet into the man and sending him through the wooden wall.

We walk through the hole and the man gets up- too late however as Sakura launches a kunai and rushes to hit the back of his knee, stabbing his thigh and knocking him down. Sasuke and Naruto jump in to pin him down as Riku gets his Illusion dispelled by Kakashi.

The lobby is covered in spiralling holes and blasts of lightning....

The battle is won.


-1 day later-

Pov: Riku

Just got back to Konoha and collected our pay, Sakura healed any injuries I got and stitched the two wounds I may have hit myself with- Genjutsu fights are terrifying when facing the right people... genuinely thought I was attacking the man and yet I somehow stabbed myself through the thigh and wrist.

Lucky I had Sakura who offered to heal me for free~ was going to buy a suit for the clan meeting in four days and needed the ryo.

Nevertheless it seems that the mission succeeded and I don't have to join another mission until Naruto leaves... so money problems solved with the clans both from buying my essence and selling myself into a clan for further profit... I get a month with a bucket load of money! Sounds like the travellers will be completed soon~


Pov: Rocks


-1 day later-

Pov: Riku

Just got back to Konoha and collected our pay, Sakura healed any injuries I got and stitched the two wounds I may have hit myself with- Genjutsu fights are terrifying when facing the right people... genuinely thought I was attacking the man and yet I somehow stabbed myself through the thigh and wrist.

Lucky I had Sakura who offered to heal me for free~ was going to buy a suit for the clan meeting in four days and needed the ryo.

Nevertheless it seems that the mission succeeded and I dont have to join another mission until Naruto leaves... so money problems solved with the clans both from buying my essence and selling myself into a clan for further profit... I get a month with a bucket load of money! Sounds like the travellers will be completed soon~

Rocks is MVP best character smh, thanks for reading :)


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