Naruto: Mind over matter

Eiko Hyuga

-4 days later-

-Clan meeting room-

Pov: Riku

"To clarify the earlier statements. You- Riku will give us your semen to artificially inseminate a lady of our choice from our clans which we will pay for. This is a one time thing that the clans cannot buy again until you and the clan you marry into decides to sell it once more- the price for what you labelled as a 'cup' will be 5 million ryo.- half the price of a standard S-rank mission. You have decided to accept the Hyuga clans offer and have come to the terms of one: becoming the fiancé of 'Eiko Hyuga' and marrying into the family officially when you are sixteen; if you wish to break this agreement you will be forced to pay a fine of 5 million ryo and help artificially inseminate 5 more women. Two: you accepted cutting the Hyuga's payment in half from 30 million ryo to 15 million ryo in order to instead have a house 'near' the Hyuga compound instead of in it, understandable as most spaces left in the compound you could 'own' yourself were undesirable; If you wish to break this agreement you may keep the house. Three: you will have the Hyuga clans backing when in troubles of court, council and any relevant politics; If you break this agreement the clan will no longer back you in the above situations. In the Hyuga clam you will be forced to follow there customs and traditions."

I light-heartedly reply and chuckle.

"Until Naruto changes them of course~"

Everyone in the room laughs. I do too but only to keep them happy, these guys wont believe it when Naruto actually gets to doing that.

"Apologies for the long tangent, Is everyone happy with these terms?"

Everyone nods still laughing. Half the serious statements I said have been treated like jokes today~ pretty sure they think I'm a funny and polite kid. Made getting what I want easier though~

As the meeting concludes I get up to shake everyone's hands and head out to leave the room with my new keys and Konoha account feeling full.

"(Distant) man that kid was a riot, shame we didn't get him"

Geez I'm pretty sure I said one actual joke?

Anyway I head to my new home!

Two stories tall with a big basement and a street or two away from the Hyuga compound, it is painted white with the lower half of the house having dark wooden panels, the building is sound and recently built after the sound/sand invasion- the aesthetic is very Hyuga but with hints of modern Konoha in there, fully furnished with dark wooden colours and white cushions, counters and more!

This is amazing! And Eiko will come over tomorrow so its the start of a new life for me~

Eiko wont actually be moving in with me until she actually marries me and I take up the Hyuga name.... Riku Hyuga.... hm. Anyway I have to actually get to know her so lets make sure I haven't filled my house with woodchips and creepy puppets.

I check the basement and it is mainly that dark wood, turning the lights on it looks like it was built to be one of those 'man caves' or gaming dens, but I'm going to make this an actual not-puppet workshop! And if I want to build any big not-puppet I can just summon it outside.

The living room is nice and cosy, wooden floors and very generous with its space, there is a whole room dedicated to eating in so goodbye living/kitchen/dining room apartment! Hello long dark wooden table~

That's a lot of dark wood.

The kitchen is again some dark wood with very light marble white counter tops and there is a nice garden in the backyard to perhaps plant whatever it is I wish. The first floor walls are bottom half wood and top half white smooth stone? Concrete? I forget the material but it is thick and un-punch able so that's good.

There is a master bedroom and a guest room upstairs alongside an office space and an upstairs bathroom to counter the one below and the walls up here are all white with wooden floors.

All in all I love it!

Lets go get my stuff and fill this place~


Pov: Rocks



-10 minutes later-

Pov: Riku


Moving becomes very anticlimactic and easy to do when you have 4 boxes of things and 3 bodies....

So now I guess spend my money? Yeah. Lets get some storage scrolls and buy some stuff to fill the workshop- tools, benches and more!

-1 hour later-

Huh. All my problems are being fixed exceptionally fast. I mean I have a fully functioning workshop, a house, money, a potential wife and best of all I'm alive!

I think I should have a shower and take a rest. I have to be my best for Eiko tomorrow.


-next day 10 am-

*knock knock knock*

"Ill be there in a moment!"

Washing my hands from the pizza sauce I have just made, I head to the door and open it to see the very slim Eiko in standard Hyuga wear.

"Greetings Riku-san, congratulations on your new house, I brought some flowers and oh! A hug!"

She reaches out to hug me and I hug her back, taking the flowers I guide her into my living room and find a vase to place them in.

"I'm making Pizza, do you want to pick your toppings?"


Chuckling I wave her hand to follow me.

"Yeah Pizza~ sorry but I have weird food cravings all the time and make some unique stuff"

She giggles at that and follows me into the kitchen where she proceeds to help make the pizza, laughing and having a good time along the way.

We place it in the oven and head into the living room.

"How are you enjoying the house Riku-san?"

"Eiko-san~ you know its fine to call me without honorifics no? And yes I love it! Couldn't of asked for anything better"

She giggles into her hand again.

"Well I suppose you should drop the Honorifics too yes? I heard you had interests in carving and a very unique jutsu related to that. Would I be able to see anything you have made?"

"Of course, let me just summon Javelin [Summoning Jutsu] *poof*, this guy here is a messenger bird"

A small wooden sparrow appears on the table between us. I pour one of my minds into it- I kept one today just to show her.

It stands up and floats towards Eiko's palms.

"Open the compartment on its belly, I usually keep snacks there"

She opens it gasps and takes out a small biscuit and thanks the little bird before eating it.

"The jutsu works by placing a little me in there, basically I'm hosting two bodies at once"

"Ooooo~ that's certainly interesting, can you see in this thing?"

"Hahaha- nope, no normal senses apart from my Telekinetic one"

"Telekinetic one? How does that work? Sorry I may or may not have fallen asleep during that part when my parents were informing me of you~"

Laughing light-heartedly I start explaining.

"So I can see the shape of things around me within ten feet. Like gold lines on a black canvas, but if I focus on a direction or area I can get detail such as colour and thickness of material, or the layers between ink and paper, it was all very weird to get used to but I enjoy it"

She pauses for a moment and blushes.

"Can- can you see through clothing? At a-all times?

I chuckle and scratch my cheek

"Yes but only if I focus on distinguishing the layers of cloth on a person, but normally my sight is like a golden outline of a person or sketch is more accurate... *cough* don't worry I'm not going to do that to anyone without there permission. Think of it as you activating the Byakugan, you don't see through clothes automatically, you have to purposely do so"

She coughs awkwardly and then sits up straighter.

"Umm how about the cooking- your cooking, is that a hobby?"

"Yeah pretty much~ I craved a lot of food when I was growing up and make lots of things, some that even the Akimichi clan head had no idea about, luckily you get to try them all huh~"

She giggles again and the lunch goes without a hitch, I made myself a meat lovers pizza and she just copied me- said she will try what I liked then see what else she can make another day.

Eventually however she has to leave. We say our goodbyes at the front door.

"Well Eiko I had a wonderful time, thank you for coming and come by whenever you wish, did you want me to walk you home?"

She giggles for the last time and replies.

"No I should be alright. Thank you for lunch it was very enjoyable"

She gives a bow that I return and she is off.

I go back to the kitchen to clean up.

I'm pretty sure she forgot that I can see through my bird as whenever I left the room she often started giggling to herself and sighing dreamily- her eyes sharp and dangerous as I stated before.... I have no idea what that means but I like her, she can have her crazy quirks! I have quite the few after all.... like talking to myself in my own head......

Soon enough the kitchen is cleaned and I start preparing for dinner, I spent roughly four- five hours with her and my friends wanted to come see my new house. All of them, so I have to start prepping now.

Thanks for reading :)

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