Naruto: Mind over matter


-two months later-

Pov: Sasuke Uchiha

My request was accepted, the new team made up of both team Kakashi and Team Yamanko have been merged into an Akatsuki hunting party, we complement each other flawlessly and everyone has their skillsets that differ and are better.

We just need to train together some more before chasing some leads on my brother and his partner.

Kakashi-sensei is as elite as ever, I always somehow underestimate the man and yet forget how great he is at assassinations and not the big fights that I am used to... when the teams are sensei's versus students Kakashi-sensei always manages to get behind me and poke at my heart... a mock way to say that if he had a kunai I would be dead.

Yamato-sensei is a different kind of powerful, he has wood release and many powerful ninjutsu designed to take any tank down and restrain people like Naruto easily... he is immensely powerful in the right situations which he knows how to get himself into and underneath all that he has that same edge that Kakashi has... Anbu training and the ability to throw a wooden pike at me before suddenly I feel a tanto at my neck... crazy.

Naruto is the same as ever, loud, dangerous and aggressive. And it suits him well, he has the stamina and chakra to fuck up most heavy hitters and keep going, he still uses the same jutsu as he did when he was a child but its like his two year training plan raised everything up a degree... and then he adds sage mode on top of that which makes him immensely powerful, add Kyuubi chakra on too and its almost impossible to fight him head on.. then he has a new Jutsu I haven't seen because he cant use it on allies... he couldn't use it at all unless he was in sage mode too.

Sakura... *cough* Sakura has been through some development... I mean in the strength sense... *Gulp*


Sakura has been through some development, she used to be weak and meek, now she can hurl boulders at you like nothing, punch you fifty feet away and is also one of the best medics in the village right behind the Hokage- even then she is catching up and quick- and that's not exaggeration due to my Sakura tinted glasses either. Sakura is a menace who is capable of fighting the strongest head on and heal Naruto and me back to full health mid combat... she is terrifying and I wouldn't want to face her as my enemy, the fact that our enemies can beat me and Naruto but she can just bring us back up is already enough... then she is also immensely powerful.

I have had some major upgrades as well, my chidori can be used in a multitude of ways,  be it extending it or applying it in various scenarios, my skills and finesse have gone up drastically- Kakashi-sensei complementing my swordplay as some of the fastest learning and strongest yet. I have the Mangyeko that can summon unending black flames and my other eye can control them, the original sharingan that has given me every jutsu that any enemy we face has... I have also been making a secret jutsu with the help of Kakashi-sensei and the Uchiha library filled with fire Jutsu... I will call this jutsu Kirin... just wait to see what it can do, I have grown stronger... just need to be as strong as possible to face that man...

Sai used to be root, so his skills are near perfect and his ability to be one of the best assassins is easily the scariest thing about him, he also has a painting based jutsu that can create a multitude of things that are so useful and varying that its outrageous. He has helped this team in so many ways and just by training with him for a few months I can tell he is a tough opponent- not for a one versus one but rather literally most other jobs a shinobi does... its amazing to be honest.

Wakana is the person I am most afraid of in this group, she seems Boring and like every other ninja out there with her tanto and minimal outfit... but she is root, meaning that if you underestimate her you die, I did and got my ass handed to me by her when I thought myself stronger and went in for Taijutsu, she isn't strong but she can pack a punch due to her insane speeds and quick reflexes, if she had the Byakugan I can say without a doubt that she would be on par with me using my Mangyeko... and on top of her surprising Taijutsu she has almost every stealth jutsu in her arsenal that makes her hard to track even when you are in a clear field actively looking for her... and when you blink- *slice* the blade is at your throat... yeah, terrifying.

Training for today ends as we all pick ourselves up from the floor.

"Maa~ it seems everyone is ready... lets go tomorrow morning so we don't lose our current leads.." Kakashi-sensei says and flickers away... alright, this time tomorrow my hunt officially begins.

Everyone eventually leaves and I head home to shower... halfway through my shower I hear a *creak* as the door opens to my bathroom and Sakura walks in to join me, pressing against my back she hugs me and kisses the back of my neck.

I may have given her a key to my apartment... I think I have found someone I can truly restore the clan with, side by side.

"It seems someone is eager to do some restoring~" Sakura says in a chipper and happy tone...

I look back as she reaches down towards my member...

It seems that we are going to be busy... make up time for when we are on the mission and all that...

Okay enough excuses, pride go away for a moment so I can enjoy this.

My eyes connect with hers.


Pov: Naruto Uzumaki

I head home after training and clean myself up, I had a date tomorrow with Hinata but... well we both have cancelled before so no problem, just want to see if she is available tonight- this mission may take quite a while if we cant find Sasuke's brother in time.

I put new clothes on and I head out for the streets of Konoha, arriving at the Hyuga compound I walk past the guards who greet me and I greet back, I knock on Hinata's door.


The door unlocks and opens- phew, glad it was neji, I have no Idea what I would do if I ran into Hinata's dad again...

"Hey Neji! Is Hinata home..?" I ask.

"I will go get her, wait here" He replies and five minutes later Hinata arrives at the door in her casual clothes... cute...

"Naruto? Did you need me for something?" She asks.

"Yeah, I am heading out for that big mission that might take ages tomorrow... want to have a date tonight? Before I leave?" I respond.

She looks around before closing the door behind her and whispering to me.

"I have time... can we go to your apartment?" She whispers.

I nod and smile... I know what this means!

We head off to my apartment as she Henges into Neji.

When we enter she undoes the Henge and walks around inspecting the place for dirt or grime... I am glad Riku made sure that I knew how to clean up after myself as she though that my 'clean' was her worst mess... I have gotten better at cleaning and she walks back to me giving a smile of approval.

"Lets eat some snacks and talk..." she says.

Yes! My favourite dates are always these ones! We just eat and talk all night and cuddle and kiss! She is the best dattebayo!

We sit down on my bed after grabbing a handful of different snacks and we eat together, talking about various things that interest us.

I love her... I am glad Riku helped her get me... I am happy she loves me.

We cuddle on my bed and our lips meet... she tastes like all the sweets we have been eating... delicious.

Hinata blushes and looks away, grabbing some chips and eating them.

Still very embarrassed but that's another part of her that I love, I chuckle and hug her as she faces the wall.

"How long is your mission?" She asks.

"Uhhhmmm... apparently its going to be very long, minimum 2 months I believe unless we stumble into Sasuke's brother before that..." I reply.

She nods her head and we fall asleep holding each other.


Pov: Ace

Anchor is done!

His chains fire rapid fast and can impale a tree without any supporting jutsu unlike before, and the weight shifting was a great bonus! Lee gave me some tips and now Anchor has the weight for his name and the ability to throw it around like a madman- he is capable of fighting as a special Jonin now for sure.

Which leads to my next set of stuff- I have a few things planned out for my next set of guys and some of them require seal work- nothing too bad, just some simple stuff, but even then the 'simple stuff' needs a professional to apply and use... meaning I need to head to R&D.

I am only going to do a minor upgrade for Javelin and that's removing his stomach storage and replacing it with a storage seal- the biggest and most open one I can get... expensive but simple.

So I will get to that with all my other sealing projects soon, I think I will upgrade Jewel in the meantime and by this time next month I should have upgrade Jaunt, Javelin and Emrys with seals.

Then after that I will be broke again... but I need money to pour more metal into Edge for a more heavy and condensed blade... hmmm, Danzo might have all the materials to upgrade it actually- considering how much he spent on it... I will ask the Hokage if there was any in storage or hidden around by Danzo... that will take a while to both convince the hokage and find the materials...

Plans are set I suppose...



-next week-

Pov: Sasuke Uchiha

Luckily we are hunting two people in very identifiable robes, a blue skinned shark man with a giant bandaged sword as it makes hunting them easier.

Unluckily my brother is one of the two people and is very adept at hiding from Konoha standard tracking and even Anbu standard tracking.

We have been on there tail for a week now and as soon as we get a scent or track which leads us right to them- they disappear and manage to be in some other town three days away... its mighty annoying.

But we chase them and chase them.


Pov: Riku

Turns out that having nine other selves that are both me and separate is like managing nine children.

"Come on~ its true-" Ace is interrupted by Edge.

"Shut the fuck up Ace, I don't take orders from you!" Edge yells aggressively.

"Both of you shut it. Continue your search" Almighty declares coldly.

"But boss~ we both know that the Augmenters are the support not the fighters like us! Its true that they should take orders from me, no?" Ace chuckles with mischief.

"WHY YOU LITTLE FUCK!" Edge screams into our mind.

"Edge stop screaming! Ace stop antagonizing the others- it lost its humour ages ago! Just focus and expand your senses" The rock sage- thank fuck I made that guy- takes command and scolds them both.

"Yes Sir Rock Sage!" Ace yells.

"Of course, sorry sir" Edge calms down and focuses on the task.


Good everyone's calmed down again, giving them personalities and identities was a great thing, don't get me wrong- but handling them is a nightmare, I don't know how I am going to handle them when they have bodies again...

"Ezra I can hear you thinking. Do not antagonize anyone" The Rock Sage declares before Ezra can add fuel to the fire.

My minds have a working order, me and the Rock Sage can process and have everyone's thoughts and memories, but everyone else cannot hear everyone else... so they are separate from each other and connected to me.

Makes some interesting working dynamics.

They also have hierarchy that I didn't do at all, they just declared it and that's how that works.

Ace, Anchor -- Almighty -- Rock sage -- Riku.

Javelin, Jewel -- Jaunt -- Rock sage -- Riku.

Ezra, Emrys -- Edge -- Rock sage -- Riku.

Our search is going well... kind of, we are spread in many directions and have bumped into many worlds... I was tempted to go to them or send my selves there but I want to get back to my home... back to Eiko and the people I love and protect.

Akatsuki needs to be dealt with.


-one month later-

Pov: Ace (Split self)

I have successfully convinced the Hokage to give me the remnants of Danzo's special metal and have spent all my money on the R&D departments help, well... all the money that I can use, there is still 5 million Ryo left for Eiko to buy sweets and pay for the houses stuff.

I just have to apply all the upgrades and everyone should be finished.

Speaking of finished in my spare time I completed Jewels upgrades.

He now has two major things.

His tail ejects much like his hands and connects to its base via a strong metal cable much like Sasori's- this did remove the inner storage however- the tail can bend and hold Jewels entire weight, meaning he can force burst grapple hook and glide over long distances, also he is carved to look like a much more realistic monkey.

He also has a new joint system which allows him to bend and flex in a multitude of ways, he is capable of using these new joints to dodge and weave easier than most humans, as well as being small and quick making him hard to pin down and great for stealing opponents stuff mid fight.

Just imagine you are fighting a shinobi and they go to throw kunai only to have none? Or how about taking their explosive seals? Or stealing their swords if they loosen their grip over it?

Jewel is a different kind of menace than the sentinels.

Now Javelin is going to be the easiest to upgrade and Emrys is going to be hard so I should try to get through my next upgrades quick.


Pov: Sai

Hmmm... these tracks are definitely another diversion... but they hurried this diversion meaning we are close... or maybe they want us to think that and we are stuck investigating this forest area for days...

"Yamato-sensei, tracks here but they could mean anything" I call out.

Yamato flickers to me and studies them.

"Ah, I see... but these are different... the last few tracks were left purposefully to keep us away while these ones seem like an attempt to keep us close... they are going to fight us soon, they must have realised that the Kyuubi Jinchurikii is amongst us..." Yamato mutters to himself and whistles, making everyone flicker to our location.

He suggests his theory and everyone nods before looking at each other, Kakashi explains our next step.

"We are reversing the tables here... we will now be finding the best spot to fight and wait until they show themselves... Itachi will wait till we are at our weakest so we need to be very perceptive and vigilant for the next month at least... down to the last moment" we nod in response to his words before taking off to a better location... a clearing in the forest with plenty of gathered firewood for substitution jutsu... we are more then them and being in the forest will be to our advantage.

The clearing is to make it easier spotting anyone approaching and we will probably be placing as many traps as possible in this area... lets hope it all works out.


Pov: Itachi Uchiha.


They understood, now I can postpone this fight for longer... when we get there I can leave Kisame with the rest and get Sasuke's attention before flickering through the forest for a private fight.

His mark is gone so getting him pissed off enough that Oorochimaru's fragment will pop out is no longer necessary, He has established himself well in the village and Danzo is dead.. the last thing I can do for him is give him my eyes, they are losing their light anyway...

I stretch and start warming up before doing various routine exercises.

"The tailed beast is here!? But leader-sama has already prepared to destroy Konoha! Tobi doesn't want to be shot for giving him that message!" The new member wiggles about and shouts when Kisame tells him about the situation.

"Simple, just let us do our job and leader-sama can destroy Konoha later" I say, in an attempt to make this easier... if Pein appears in any of these fights I will have to do my best to help Konoha...

"Hmmm...? Got it! Ill let Leader-sama know he can relax and put his feet up! Lucky guy!" Tobi screams to the world.

I lower my eyes as he disappears and Kisame chuckles... I will make sure that Sasuke burns that man if he dares get close...


Pov: Tobi/Obito/Madara????

"Go to Konoha in one month Pein... the Jinchurikii will be captured but annihilation of Konoha is something we must do.." I declare in my best Madara impression.

Itachi seems to be dragging this out and while he is busy facing his brother and the Jinchurikii I will destroy his precious village... or Pein will for me.

"..." Nagato nods and I disappear within my Kamui dimension and reappear at the Akatsuki base in the land of lightning.


Konoha will be destroyed but I cannot be there I am busy preparing for the fourth shinobi war after all...

"Kabuto... how are the corpses faring for you" I ask.

The now deformed and slowly transforming snake like Kabuto turns to me and smiles, his long tongue flickering.

"Perfect, have you acquired the next set? Should I move to Iwa? The previous Raikage's corpse is ready for my jutsu when you wish" Kabuto says and I think...

Yes... Iwa's last Tsuchikage will serve me well, his power will be immensely useful in many fights...

"Head to the base in Iwa, I will start to secure more and more corpses for you" I declare and he smiles freakier...

Lets head to Iwa.


Thanks for reading :)

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