Naruto: Mind over matter

Itachi and Kisame!

-two weeks later-

Pov: Ace (Split self)

Okay... all the upgrades are here, let me just organise everything and go over what I have done...

Ace: Chakra flow network to make me more lasting and capable of spamming jutsu with my much larger chakra pool. Sage mode is also available.

Anchor: Better chain blades that shoot quick, far and with immense strength. A new weight shifting system that allows one to pull and push with much more might.

Almighty: Metal plating and new barrier seals across them, he can now take much more hits and not go down so easily. He also has a new poisonous gas that slowly makes people tired and weak.

Javelin: replacing the small storage with a much bigger storage seal. Hollowed out internals make Javelin the fastest and lightest of my not-puppets.

Jewel: Grappling hook tail giving him a speed and flexibility boost. Replaced small storages with extra flexible and finesse increased limbs, also looks cooler.

Jaunt: A seal system that can take chakra and make Jaunt have the effects of a Body flicker... increasing his speed drastically for short times. Jaunt has much nicer internals making him faster and quicker over long trips.

Emrys: one of the most difficult to upgrade but I applied a weight lifting seal onto it allowing Riku to fly if he wears it, the same way Javelin does. Also made him entirely metal.

Ezra: I got rid of the clunky wooden backpack and made the two arms float... using levitation and a seal to keep it close to the much slimmer straps that have seals to make sure the two arms fly.

Edge: Although not much more metal was gotten it was indeed increased in weight and size... condensing it will make Edge more durable and strike harder.

That's pretty much it...


I have learnt all the books I can...


I have trained my sage mode till it reached Riku's level...


I believe I have done all my priorities, I would normally find Riku and get new instructions...

I head to his grave... its nice, quiet and serene.

I kneel before the grave and don't move.

Awaiting my next order.



Pov: Ace (split soul)

I found it~ Ha! Told you Edge! Who the man? Not me... I am soul construct dumbass! Soon to be wood again!

I notify the rest of me and dive down to the earth... Lord Riku is the furthest away... but the sentinels are the closest... boo yeah!


Pov: Hinata Hyuga.

I am laying on Riku's roof again... staring at the stars...



I blink as a golden light flies fast towards Konoha... what is that?

It lands near the cemetery...



I get up to check it out, roof hopping until I find its exact landing point- the only thing in this area is Ace...

"Lords best friend! S#$%@&#&@ sorry I am- #@%#$&#@# going through an update into a living thing right now!" Ace yells with enthusiasm?

"HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Ace then starts laughing maniacally...

Is he broken?


*crack* *splinter* *stretch*

My eyes widen as I watch the black-painted sentinel start to glow a faint gold... the joints smooth over and connect, I watch as under his helm a face forms, teeth, tongue and nose... eyes... but all still wooden, like a wooden man instead of a puppet...

"Hahahaha! I AM A REAL BOY!" He still laughs.

The faint glowing disappears and Ace stands... rolls his wooden shoulders and starts doing small hops up and down.


He stops and lands firmly before looking at me... his eyes glow a bright golden light, like two lights implanted in his head... the black paint seems darker and like the woods natural colour rather than an add on...

His mouth moves and he speaks, like Riku... but when he is in a cheeky or funny mood.

"Lords Best friend~ I have just finished my upgrade, if you need something let me know!" He declares.



"Are you? Alive? Like- emotions and all that? .... Riku...?" I ask hesitantly.

"What? No! I'm like a tailed beast but smaller and specialized! A chakra me! Ace, diligent and humouruos, ready to serve a laugh!" He puts his hand forward for a hand shake... I give him my hand and he shakes it up and down wildly...

"How...?" I ask as he lets go of my hand.

"Lord Riku made me better of course! Don't worry I have signalled for him to come! He is going to be a little bit late and the rest the Lords friends are going to flip when they find out he died and said 'Nah I'm good', that's what makes him Lord Riku... a master I serve to the best of my ability..."

He is... alive? He is alive! What!?

I have to tell the Hokage!

I grab Ace's hand and rush him over to the Hokage's office... please be in still, please be in...



Pov: Ace

I didn't realise what my Lord had done until I entered my old body... I don't think he did either.

I am a unique soul with foundation now, and mingling with the chakra around me I have the ability to be alive... like a tailed beast is made from chakra...

I have enough chakra to rival Lord Riku's at this moment... the chakra system within me become more... alive, like a natural ability and not a seal network... I tap into sage mode and yep... my abilities from my old body plus my soul got glued together with chakra and now I can gather and make my own chakra... I have yang energy emitting from this body and my Split soul is giving Yin energy...

I am Ace, Sentinel to Lord Riku.

Born into a new self.

Will the others naturalize? I suppose they wont have as much chakra or chakra efficiency like me... but may have other natural abilities made from there old self...


Anchor would love to figure this all out.

"Is that so? Is Riku alive...?" The Hokage asks me.


Oh right! I was dragged here by the Lords best friend, Lady Hinata.

"Yes! Lord will be here by three days! The rest will be here too, and much quicker!"

"Give me all the details..." the... gloomy Tsunade says.

"Is something wrong Lady Tsunade..?" Hinata asks and Tsunade bites her lip.

"...Hinata this is very sensitive information, but since you are close to Naruto you need to be prepared to handle him... Ace, let Riku know this as well... Jiraiya died in battle yesterday and we got sent a message... the best minds are working to solve it now..."


Oh. Oh no.

Lord Riku is not going to like this information...

"Are you alright Lady Tsunade..? If you need anything I am always capable of helping" I let her know and she clenches her fist.

"... I will be taking some time to walk around the village... come get me if you need me.." I bow before walking out of her office and into Konoha's streets.


-Three days later, morning-

Pov: Sasuke Uchiha.

I yawn as I get up for the day, stretching and putting on my outfit.

"Mmhmm~" Sakura stretches herself in my bed... I am almost certain everyone knows about us now... especially so with Kakashi-sensei's exceptional sense of smell... I sigh before leaving my tent, ready and bracing for teasing.

Kakashi-sensei who was on look out eye smiles at me and I sigh- his expression shifts seriously and we both look to the front of our camp, how did they get so close!?

Two Akatsuki members stand menacingly.

"Battle formations! Now!" Kakashi-sensei yells and I pull my tanto out- ready for anything...

Itachi slowly walks around the camp, circling it like a vulture while everyone gets up and prepped for combat... he flickers into the forest and I dash after him.

"Wait- Sasuke!" Kakashi-sensei yells out to me but I do not relent.


"Sorry but I have to keep all of you busy..." Kisame slams away Sakura who tries to follow me and chuckles lowly...

I dash ahead, weaving through trees and following Itachi for a long while... he finally stops an turns, staring through my eyes and unto my soul, I sweat but step forward bravely.

"Itachi!" I yell and he lowers his gaze.

I launch myself at him and strike at his head, he turns his head and dodges the blow, all the while never blinking or looking away from me.

"Foolish brother... I am here for your eyes" Itachi says and kicks into my now raised guard as I get sent back a few feet.

"Why!? Why did you do it!? I know you are lying! I know that Danzo was hiding something! Did you work for that bastard!?" I send him a series of punches that he catches and deflects.

"Work? For Danzo....?" He mutters with cold confusion before throwing five punches that get deflected then a back handed slap that makes me look towards my left.

Itachi is leaning on the tree... I was fighting a genjutsu.


"Yes... Danzo... there were files with your name on them! All destroyed or blacked out! What did you do!? And why!?" I pull out my tanto and Itachi rolls his eyes before digging a kunai out of his sleeve.

I rush to slash at him.


The kunai deflects.

*cling* *clang* *clack*

My sword threatens Itachi but he nonchalantly deflects all the blows with his kunai.

I apply more and more pressure.

The swings get faster and so does Itachi.

"Why?! Why!? WHY!?"

*clack* *clang* *Slam!*

I slam my blade into his kunai which falls to the ground- *pow* Itachi hits my throat and kicks my shin before jumping up- spinning and planting his ankle to my face.


I'm sent flying into a tree.

I break myself from the tree and land onto the grass I attempt to rush to Itachi but a loud roar silences that.


I look into the distance and see a giant bone fox appear among the horizon...

What happened while I left?


Itachi snaps his fingers and turns into a murder of crows, they fly around me like a small tornado of darkness.

I scan for the real Itachi in the tree lines... my eyes looking in every direction at a speed that most cannot comprehend.


Found you.

I coat my sword in Chidori before firing it out at Itachi who bursts into another set of crows...

Wrong one...

Never mind, this is taking too long.

*bzzzt* *cackle*

I start to use large scale fire techniques... breathing fire and punching flames, the area erupts around me with fire and the crows start to dissipate in number.

I see another Itachi and I throw kunai at him- *caw* another fake.

I summon more and more fire and the smoke starts to ascend.



Another click and Itachi is behind me, I turn just in time to block his kunai and he then proceeds to apply pressure to me.

*smack* *tap* *wham*

My blade cant find any gaps in his defence as he casually deflects every blow.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" I scream and my Mangyeko flares before [Amaterasu]!

He throws his Akatsuki cloak in front of him and catches the flames before they meet him, I use my other eye to control the flames.

They wrap the cloak and charge at Itachi who bursts into crows... he switched when he threw his cloak at me...

"You foolish brother... so much hate... and where does it amount to? I will put those eyes to good use" I hear his voice reverberate throughout the forest and I look to the sky...

That should be enough.

*crackle* *thunders* *pit* *pat*

The clouds over head start to rain down and I hear thunder boom... a lightning strike that I have called.

But not onto Itachi- onto me.

"You think that I am that angry? After all this time? You're the fool brother. I have a hunch and I am about to test it- you aren't the villain you portray yourself as..."

*Crackle* *bzzzzzt*

"Save me. Itachi. Or prove me wrong and lose my eyes" Itachi looks to the skies and his mangyeko flare violently as his mouth opens...

"You..." Itachi mumbles...

"I used to measure myself against others... Riku was always a good comparison that pushed me to be better... I can do this fight with only Taijutsu... I can grow stronger by myself... I can die on my own terms too" I stare into Itachi's eyes and whisper... so he can read my lips.

"But now... I measure myself. My ninja way? To be true to myself" my lips move.

*chak* *Boom!*

As the Lightning flashes above me... I stare down Itachi.

"I will find out the truth" his eyes open wide.

He didn't expect me to try to kill myself.


This could of been easier if he just answered my question from the beginning.

Foolish older brother.

I close my eyes.




I open them to see Itachi in front of me pushing me away... I see his Susanoo flare and cover us as he tries to mitigate the damage...


Knew something was off.



the lightning strikes and I slap Itachi.

His face turns to see me leaning on the tree.

I smirk and he looks around for the lightning.

Did I manage to put my brother into a genjutsu? No... he did. I used the same trick that I did against the ink snake, I memorized his first genjutsu and placed it on him... or he placed it on himself.

Then again it only worked due to him thinking me suicidal... due to his brain going haywire in panic.

What a powerhouse my foolish older brother is.

I stop leaning and Itachi focuses his gaze and sighs.

"I should of seen that..." he mutters.

"I know. But luck was on my side" I reply.

"Sasuke, I-" he begins to speak but I put my palm up.

I turn to the fight in the distance.

"We are a fair distance out... the battle may end before we get there... we need to be quick" I declare and Itachi sighs before smiling warmly.

He then turns and dons his frowning face once more.

We race through the forest.


Pov: Wakana.

Kisame brandishes his blade and slams it into the ground, preventing us from following the other two.

"Do you really think you can stop all of us!?" Naruto yells and I take the opportunity to hide within the shadows.

I watch and wait for my golden moment- the time where I am most needed.

Naruto tries to slam a rasengan into Kisame but he retaliates by whacking Naruto with Samehada who absorbs the rasengans chakra, as if eating it.


Sai starts painting a multitude if birds for a temporary smokescreen for one of us to follow after Sasuke.

While he does that Yamato-sensei and Kakashi-sensei combine jutsu to make a mad floor which makes Kisame stumble and a wind blast that sends him a few feet back.

The ink birds fly in and Kisame swats at them, trying to gain sight.

Sakura takes this chance to launch herself past him and into the forest- *slam* *throw* *crash*

"Tobi would be a bad boy if he let you past!" The masked man appears and slams into Sakura's throat- grabbing it and throwing her back into the ground.

"Tobi? I though you were in Iwa getting the four tails?" Kisame asks.

"Done~ now I get to help capture the nine tails! So much fun! All we need after this is the eight tails! I cannot wait to hold the super mega party with all nine!" Tobi hugs himself and twirls around like an idiot while yelling.

"Tch- just help me here alright?" Kisame declares.

"Got it boss!" Tobi replies in mock enthusiasm.

Naruto summons a few shadow clones and sends them barraging at Kisame who handles them excellently.

Sakura gets up and henges into Naruto- mixing with the group and giving heavy hits onto Kisame who struggles to differentiate her.

Kakashi-sensei launches a few mud bullets at Tobi- which are ineffective as they go right through him.

Yamato-sensei summons multitudes of wooden beams and starts slamming them into Kisame who is getting annoyed with all the constant attacks and jumps up- using the wooden beams as platforms before doing hand signs and spitting out a stream of water.

*poof* *puff* *pow*

The shadow clones disappear under the water pressure and Sakura is revealed.

Kisame drops and slams his sword into Sakura who substitutes out of the way- nice she prepared for that attack.

I watch the fight as it entangles and justsu fly around for a good five minutes... then I make my way around the forest and start walking down past Tobi... slowly so he doesn't notice me...


I have the opportunity to stab him from here... if he tried anything this would be the best spot.

As Riku once said. Decisions... decisions...


I look towards the forest and then turn to face Tobi.

I creep up the tree and onto his branch, he doesn't notice me and I stand next to him... this is the most important part.

One quick movement and if I am too slow he will notice and block it.

I grip my sword and- *fwoosh* Kamui? Did Kakashi-sensei target him...

No... a head pops out from the swirls... white long hair and red markings... I look towards Naruto and my eyes open wide... this could be bad.

I lunge at Tobi and he looks at me in surprise- *smack* I smack the head out of his arms and it goes into the forest greenery below.

Tobi tilts his head before phasing through the branch and flopping down to it- *fwoosh* I flicker to the head and send myself rolling while carrying it.

Naruto cannot see this now.

I pull out a sealing scroll and a hand tugs my hair pulling me up.

I stumble back past Tobi who tugs me behind him and he reaches for the head calmly...


What do I do?


I can warn Naruto.

"Naruto! Dont look! Close your eyes!" I yell and both Kakashi and Yamato flicker in front of him to protect him- from something they dont know yet.

"Thats not very nice Boring-chan~" Tobi uses my private nickname and I shiver.

He puts his finger to his mask and makes a 'quiet' pose... before he throws Jiraiya's head at the group fighting behind us.

He then touches me and I am standing far away... I watch a red beam shoot into the sky and instantly an explosion occurs.


The tailed beast bomb reduces a portion of the forest to nothing... right in front of me- the blast ended an inch away from me.

Tobi was mocking me- letting me know he knew how to play with the tailed beast.

Sweat drops from my face as I watch the kyuubi form bones around its chakra body and six tails appear.

I can make out the silhouettes of the rest of my team rushing away for safety as Kisame jumps on the Kyuubi's back and slams the mouth of Samehada into it- sucking up the massive amount of chakra.


On of the tails slams into Kisame and he gets sent flying...

Tobi appears infront of the beast and it lunges at him.

But Tobi is unnafected... the beast is growing mad and angrier by Tobi's mear presence.

Tobi begins to dissapear and appear besides all the Kyuubi's attacks-as if mocking him.

Another tail starts to grow and so does the kyuubi in size...


The beast roars as it towers over us... before landing on all fours and preparing a tailed beast bomb- aiming it directly at Tobi who sits there looking at his wrist, as if he were checking the time.


the explosion slams into the ground beneath them and a crater is all that remains.

I watch as pink flesh begins to wrap around the beast- muscles under the skin bulge and the creature grows eyes.... before it freezes and pauses mid rampage.

"Are you broken!? Oi! Tobi doesnt know any tailed beast repair men!" Tobi yells for everyone to hear...

But smoke drifts off the Kyuubi as it shrinks and Naruto starts falling from the sky- *SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-* A high pitched noise erupts from his hand as he throws a rasenshuriken into Tobi, who warps out of the way and scratches his head.

I rush back into the field and so do the rest of the team.

Kisame rushes at Naruto as he is the closest and swings Samehada at him- *Smack* but Naruto uses Samehada as a platform to jump at Kisame and make his boots meet Kisame's face.

Tobi rushes in to attack but phases through Naruto as Kakashi launches a shuriken at tobi- which become over fifty shadow shuriken.


I enter into my stealth and rush at Kisame who is distracted by Naruto's kick and I slash at his neck with my tanto.


He swivels his head and bites my sword, forming cracks along the blade.

*smack* *wham* *crack*

Naruto relentlessly takes the oppurtunity to lay into Kisame and send him into the ground again.

Tobi attempts to grab Naruto again but phases through him as Sakura flickers and threatens to puncture his gut with her fist.




I drop my blade and stick to Naruto's shadow... Tobi attempts to attack once more and I throw a kunai at him.

Thrice is not a coincidence.

He cant attack and phase at the same time.

I throw as many punches as possible- not strong but fast.

Making sure that my fists are constantly within him and constantly keeping him away from attacking.

Kakashi-sensei nods at me before joining too- throwing me a kunai so I can start slicing at him.

Kakashi does the same.

Sai paints a bull which slams into Kisame who just got up and Naruto slams two rasengan into Kisame as well.

Samehada consumes the ink bull and slams into Naruto in retaliation- both Kisame and Naruto get sent back a few feet from there attacks and Tobi dissapears and reappears behind Kisame, placing a hand on his back.

"Another time I suppose~ Kisame lets find a wetter place to fight next t- Gaghhh!" Tobi lets out a yelp as black flames burn from his back and he phases out of them.

He turns to see Itachi lowering his gaze.

"Itachi...? What are you doing?" Kisame questions in a deep tone.

"You hate betrayel dont you? Im just being loyal" Itachi declares coldly before Tobi sighs and slaps Kisame.

They both vanish.


Is Itachi with us now...?

"Lets go back to Konoha, I have some information to share" Itachi mutters before walking north- in the direction of the leaf village.

We follow as Sasuke gives us nod.


To Konoha then.

Thanks for reading :)


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