My Vampire

Chapter 79: Designer Liza

"Now, Yuki, come here! We have a lot of preparations to make. See you later, Marc."

And he took Yuki with him. Why Yuki? She's not exactly a model. Over the years, vampires have grown taller in height, just like humans, but…Yuki was an average Japanese woman. Now she had dyed hair and her eyes were a different color, but…I couldn’t understand what Liza’s purpose was. There, Kazuya was also called by Liza’s dependent.

*So, does that mean Kazuya is also making his modeling debut? That’s not a bad idea. Well? I’m all alone*….

It seemed that the show had started, I could hear loud music coming from the venue. Then, Liza’s dependant showed me a monitor. A man who must be Kazuya appeared in the lively venue.……. Is that really Kazuya? Thanks to the makeup and the stylist, he was a completely different person. Oh, how things have changed. Then I was called this time. Liza was there.

“Marc. At the end, you will walk on stage with Yuki. The runway will become an aisle. That's what I want."

And there she was, Yuki, in a wedding dress. The dress was made of lace, with zirconia sewn into the generous amount of lace, and it sparkled in the light. While I was admiring the dress, I was made to wear a tuxedo.

The stage music changes. The lights dimmed. When the lights came back on, the runway was covered with a bright red carpet. The spotlight shone on us as we walked down the runway together, which became the aisle for Liza’s performance. The venue was filled with sighs. The song seemed to have been written just for this occasion, and the audience was excited about that as well. Liza told us to walk slowly. Yuki and I walk one step at a time, arm in arm. The lighting was so bright that the camera flashes were not distracting, and Yuki looked beautiful.

Liza told me to lift up the veil on Yuki’s face when we reached the end of the runway, so I lifted it up… *Yuki… how beautiful she is*. I couldn’t help but kiss her. It was a light French kiss, but the venue was filled with sighs. Behind the stage, Liza did a fist pump.

“I’m sure we’re going to get a lot of orders for wedding dresses now. It’s another great success! This rush of emotion gives me jou. Now that Marc is here, I might as well get out there too!”

At that point, the lights go out and an announcement is made.

“Liza would like to say a few words to you. Please refrain from taking pictures, except for photographers who are allowed to report on the show. If you are seen, you will be asked to leave the venue and will not be allowed to enter the show at any time in the future.”

A spotlight shined on one spot. There, Liza, wearing a black mermaid dress with a black hat and black veil hiding his face, walked down the runway, led by me, who played the role of the groom. Liza, the designer shrouded in mystery, made his appearance! The venue was amazing. The flashes from the cameras were blinding! The press gathered on the runway to get a close-up shot of Liza. But they were firmly blocked by Liza’s dependents.

“Liza…….you’ve been attracting so much attention……all the photographers are desperate…….”

“Since you are here, I’m serving you today. But I won’t be out in the public anymore because I’m a designer who works behind the scenes. The true stars of the show are the clothes that are designed.”

After saying that and bowing slowly and gracefully to the audience, he slowly returned backstage with me.

After that, it became such a big deal that multiple fashion magazines ran features on him."

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