Monster Breeder

105. Eastern Desert, Part 5 (Suka, R-18)

The Lizard Men walk a smallfolk prisoner over to us at spearpoint. She’s a dark chocolate bunny girl with thin rows of tightly braided black hair on her head, cottony fur on her extremities, and midnight skin. Her curves are to die for, her busty breasts like great hot cocoa teardrops, her ass a satin cushion, and her thick thighs sculpted from ebony. Her posture and attitude are totally submissive but fearless as if long since prepared for death.

My stomach growls as I imagine sinking my teeth into her succulent flesh. In a sexual way! I correct myself, recalling Alex’s ban on monster meat.

“Please, enjoy yourselves and feel free to fill your bellies when you’re done with her. This is our tribute from the Desert Warren. After we established ourselves here yesterday, they offered us a very attractive agreement: periodic sacrifices in exchange for peace and full access to the Oasis. My tribe has enough concerns without adding hunting for prey to the list, and you’ll agree their first offering is nothing to scoff at!”

Indeed, the only bunny I’ve wanted this badly before is Cottontail. But…

My companions salivate while staring at the nubile bunny. Isabella's tummy rumbles too as she wipes away a trail of drool. Lucinia swallows hard. Even Flou wobbles as Slime instincts war with Fuzzy memories.

Dura reaches a casual hand for the smallfolk girl as if grabbing a fistful of grapes to shove in her mouth. I hop to my feet, Garnet hooked under my arm, and I’m there in an instant. I slap the Ogress’s hand loud enough to make an audible, *Crack!* She glares at me. “Wut dat for?”

My hand moved on its own in the heat of the moment. I wasn’t sure until this instant how I’d react if offered an opportunity to fill my belly with delicious prey. The result surprises even me. I set Garnet down and pat her on the tush to send the girl on her way. “Did you forget Alex wants us to go ‘vegan,’ shit for brains?”

“Alex not here! Duh!”

I give her a warning snarl. “What if she smells bunny on your breath? She’ll know it ain’t pussy; she can tell the difference!” I don’t know if that’s true, but that isn’t important. “I get it, we’re all predators here, we’ve all done it before, we know how tasty prey monsters are… but, but! Alex trusted us—she trusted me to do this job right. How is she supposed to rely on me if I don’t do things the way she’d want!?!”

The Ogress looks at me with mutiny in her eyes. The lure of the tender, luscious bunny before us is too powerful. We both know Alex would love Dura anyway (if keep the Ogress on a shorter leash), and our human lover’s trust seems to matter less to her. She cracks her knuckles as if spoiling for a fight. Fuck, she’s enormous. Even the Lizardmen look like prey beside her. Deep down, I know I can’t win a dual against her.

“Dura, don’t you dare, or I’ll tell Gabby!” That brings her up short. “We spent all day yesterday hunting legit meat that Alex can eat. How do you think she’ll react when I tell her about this? Hmm? We could’ve caught a mouse boy yesterday to share between us and Alex would’ve been none the wiser, but we let him go! Stew on that!”

The tiny terror’s opinion seems to hold greater sway with the Ogress. She sits back on Steeltooth’s rod with a sour expression but doesn’t object further. The prisoner, on the other hand, watches me with a raised eyebrow, probably having never seen a ‘vegan’ wolf before.

This time, Isabella’s hand reaches for the bunny girl as her needles lengthen, making me flashback to the desiccated Kobold we found in the desert. “Well, I don’t know this Alex person, so I’m sure it’s fine if I…”

I grab her hand to hold it in mine. “Absolutely not! My girlfriend is going ‘vegan’ if I am!”

Anger and lovey-dovey affection burns her cheeks in equal measure. She looks unsure whether to shout at me or hold me down and plow me. Her sweet side eventually wins as another flower blooms in her hair. It's starting to get crowded even though they're tiny. “M-moron, if you wanted me to go on a diet, all you have to do is say so! I’ll need to eat plenty of pussy to sustain myself in that case, so you’d better prepare yourself for the consequences!” She wags a finger at me accusingly. “E-everyone knows wolf cunt makes the most nutritious juice for Cactus folk to drink! I won’t accept any substitutes!”

“That’s fine,” I say as I feel a blush creep onto my face after listening to that bold-faced lie. “I’ve got a responsibility to make sure my girlfriend stays healthy, after all.” It seems like every time I say ‘girlfriend,’ another batch of flowers blossom. Part of me wants to experiment… another time.

I turn to Steeltooth, who has somehow managed to coax Dura onto her hands and knees. Maybe she’s willing to indulge a bit to slake her lust-hunger? The Lizardman proceeds to rail her from behind even as I address him over the mingled sounds of their grunting and thrusting together.

“We by no means wish to insult your peoples’ generous gift! Please, allow us to purchase her from you,” I say, knowing they expected to share the meal with us. It’s one thing to refuse a portion and another to tell them they aren’t getting dinner either.

“You want to buy her instead?” Steeltooth considers with his hands planted on the Ogress’s ample ass while pounding her drooling hole with his metallic member. “I can accept this if it’s Alex’s wish, but what do you have to offer? My tribe needs to fill their bellies if they’re going to lay the next generation of eggs.”

Yeah, of course, they need food.

“Isabella, can you make something edible with your magic?”

The cactus girl turns her nose up with a full-body dark green blush as if simultaneously insulted by the question and turned on. I’m sure that’s normal. “Of course! What do you think I am? I can make prickly pears.”

“Great! Yes, we’ll buy—” I look at the dark chocolate bunny girl, “What’s your name?”

“Moka, Miss Huntress.”

I return my gaze to Steeltooth as the Lizardman plows a moaning and groaning Dura into the ground. “We’ll buy Moka with her weight in prickly pears!”

Isabella gapes at me in disbelief. “Her weight? Moron! What are you doing whoring your g-girlfriend out like this!?!”

Blinking in confusion, I ask, “I did what?”

“I need seed to grow fruit like any Flower Dryad! I’ll have to suck and fuck the whole tribe to get enough semen to grow that many prickly pears!”

Steeltooth bites Dura’s neck with his bestial reptilian mouth full of sharp teeth. Any other monster would be a bleeding mess, but the Ogress throws her head back in ecstasy and screams a deep, throaty cry as she cums on his metallic rod. Her thighs quiver and tremble as her arms give way. Her face falls to the floor of the pavilion as the Lizardman thrusts and bucks to his own completion with a roar muffled by Ogress flesh.

“Oh. I mean, I’ll still ask you to do it, but that’s a lot of cum.” And a lot of cocks to service.

Dura and Steeltooth both gasp and heave as their mutual orgasmic pleasure gradually subsides. The Ogress’s skin is no worse for wear due to her natural Toughness. The two of them catch their breath sitting together, her arm around his back, boob resting on his shoulder, while he idly runs his claws across her thigh. “Ahh, ah, ahhn. Yes, that is acceptable. Leave the food here and you can take the bunny with our blessing.”

Right, business. “That’s actually the least of the reasons why we came. Alex impregnated one of the Kobolds before she saved you all from the Servitors. Where’s Opal?”

I can tell from the look on Steeltooth’s face I’m not going to like the answer. Damn it! This mission is fucking cursed!

“As a matter of fact, that’s something we’d appreciate your help with. You see, we encountered several hardships making our way through the desert on our way here. The Sandworm ate some of our scouts who paved our way to safety with their lives. Then Cactus folk attacked us and claimed a few more.”

“Sorry about that, some of my siblings can be real assholes,” Isabella says.  

Steeltooth shrugs. “No apology necessary. You weren’t among the group that assailed us. We understand you’re no more aligned with them than Dura here is a member of the Sand Goblins. Speaking of, they managed to kidnap several Kobolds by surprise before we could fight them off… one of them being Opal.”

“Kidnapped? So, she’s alive?” I sigh with relief.

“Yes, that’s what we suspect. We’ve been planning a rescue assault but fear the Sand tribe has a hidden strength we don’t understand. With Alex’s powerful companions on our side, victory is assured!”

“Hold on a moment,” I say. “I doubt we can sneak up on them if they previously caught both of our groups off-guard, and we don’t want to get into a hostage situation. Let me and Dura handle this alone. Maybe their leader is willing to speak with a fellow Goblinoid even if the grunts didn’t like Dura. It may sound crazy coming from a wolf, but let’s see if we have something they want before escalating the conflict.”

Also, I’m confident Dura and I can walk into an enemy stronghold and escape, but leading the Lizardmen into a losing battle might squander the very army Alex sent me to recruit.

“Amazing! My g-girlfriend is a cunning strategist!” Isabella exclaims from her place sitting with her dick deep in the orange Kobold as she squeezes him like a favorite toy. It seems like she's regained her hardness to go another round. “Let’s go take them on!”

I shake my head. “Definitely not. Isabella, remember you were being kidnapped when we found you? Whether they want girls for breeding or some unknown purpose, I can’t dangle you in their face if we’re bargaining for Opal. I’m not letting them have you, and it’ll be annoying shooting down a dozen hostage exchange deals before they ask for something we can give.”

While the Cactus girl pouts to show she doesn’t like being left behind, she clearly loves being told I won’t let her go—that is, if the flower sprouting above her ear is anything to go by.

“I can still be of assistance,” Lucinia says, but I refuse again.

“The Sand Goblins proved they can counter your singing last time.” It was through self-injury, but my point stands. “On top of that, you’re wounded. Relax here with Isabella. It won't come to a fight this time, and we’ll be back soon.”

Flou1, on the other hand, returns to scarf form around my neck. We can’t afford to lose communication with Alex and home base.

Steeltooth frowns as much as his reptilian features allow. “I hate to see you risk yourselves on our behalf, though I see your point. Know that if you return our sisters to us, my Lizardmen will follow you into any battle.”

Yes! I see a path to success in this mission opening!

Dura stands, stretches to limber her muscles, and slaps Steeltooth on the ass before sauntering away. “Dat good sex! Dura keep Steeltoot’!”

I kiss Isabella goodbye as we depart. “Good luck with the prickly pears. I really appreciate it!”

The cactus girl follows my gaze over her shoulder to see a long, long line of Lizardmen and male Kobolds queuing for their turn with her. One takes her orange Kobold toy away, letting her heavy cock slip free of his rear with a wet slap on her thigh and a sploosh of spilled semen. She pouts at the unfairness of it all, sticking out her lip, and balling her fists in frustration.

“Moron! Making me deal with the consequences of your mistakes like this…” she says as she takes a soft-bristled reptile dick in each hand. “You’d better make it up to me later or I’ll be super mad!”

“I will!”

Turning, I find Moka standing in front of me. Her expression is a surprisingly mixed bag of emotions I have difficulty parsing.

“Miss Huntress, what would you have me do?”

“Um, you could return to the Desert Warren? I don’t mind.”

“No. I volunteered as tribute. Then the Lizardfolk handed you my ownership. Returning in shame isn't an option. You could still eat me, Miss Hunter. This Alex person would never know.”

“Not happening. But, if you’d rather let yourself be given to me than run home, I won’t say no.” I dart my head forward to mark her neck with a hickey. When I’m done, I whisper in her ear, letting her skin prickle beneath my hot breath, “In fact, you can look forward to being devoured tonight.”

She goes weak in the knees as we stride out of the pavilion.

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