Monster Breeder

104. Eastern Desert, Part 4 (Suka, R-18)


Once we're out of the Sandworm's vicinity, I pick up the pace in bestial form. Daylight is burning!

"Suka, shouldn't we be heading back to the Hut? If we go deeper into the desert, we'll have to cross through the Sandworm's territory again on the way out..." Lucinia trails off as she sees the withering look I manage even in Wolf form.

"What'll I have to show for the day if we head back now? Isabella is great and all—"

"—D-don't go thinking you'll get special treatment j-just by sweet talking me! T-that doesn't affect me at all!"

"Ahem, but Alex will only get one mark from her. I can't return practically empty-handed!"

"Dura see water!" The Ogress is sitting tallest on my back with Lucinia in her arms, so it makes sense she spots it first.

Great, we're at the Oasis already. We can grab Opal, sneak past the Sandworm, and call the mission cleared!

Palm trees and evidence of habitation come into view the closer we approach. There are lean-to's, fabric tents woven from the sparse grass, and leather skins stretched out to dry. Sand rats roast on fire spits—not monsters but literal rodents. We see Kobolds gathering dates fallen on the ground by the handful, so their food situation can't be that bad. There's even a Kobold fisherman, which means there aren't any strong monsters in the water.

As we suspected, the Lizardmen have largely ditched their metal armor as being ill-suited to the desert. Most of the warriors who intercept our approach only have bone shivs, stolen Cactus needles, or makeshift wooden spears. That is, except for one man.

"My name is Steeltooth, and I lead this tribe. If you come in peace, you can drink from the oasis if you provide tribute." He's half a head taller than the other Lizardmen and holds a pointed metal rod to match his namesake. He bears a pot-lid shield and a helmet banged into shape from the matching pot. His metal tools have leather pieces to make them bearable in the desert heat. Last, he wears a loincloth and sarashi chest binding. "If you've come for blood, we'll show you yours!"

The lizardmen cheer, a bit ragged and worn, but they fall into line with Steeltooth readily.

My allies dismount and I revert to my womanly shape. Dura summons her iron-studded club and Isabella bristles with needles, but I extend my arms to hold them back. I'll do the talking.

"My name is Suka, and I lead our mission. There need be no bloodshed if you remember a human named Alex."

Eyes widen in recognition and their weapons lower a fraction. "We remember a warrior named Alex, though she was no mere human. She fought for our tribe as we fled the mountain. Even sacrificed herself so we could live. For what reason is her name on your lips?"

"Alex lives, and we are her mates. She sent us on her behalf to see how your tribe fares after the escape and offer aid." I'm slightly bullshitting to make it sound better than looking for Opal and recruiting for war. But, from what Alex said, she cares enough about this tribe to have us help them out if they need it. Plus it'll earn us goodwill.

Executive Decision!

The crowd goes wild. There is both whooping and hollering. They lower their weapons and welcome us with open arms.

"Come to my pavilion and let us greet Alex's mates properly!"



We sit together with Steeltooth in the shade of his modest pavilion (it’s mostly made of palm leaves and chutzpah) and cute Kobolds serve us water in earthenware jugs. The Lizardmen have scaly humanoid bodies and bestial heads, but the Kobolds are mostly human-faced with a slight snout and elevated scale ridges in place of hair.

“I taste way better than this…” Isabella mumbles into her cup, voice too low for anyone but me to hear. I put a hand on her knee to show I agree without disparaging our hosts.

“Please, relax while we chat,” the Lizardman leader says after basic introductions are through. “Take your pick of the Lizardfolk to enjoy.”

I’m used to the traditional monster welcome from watching the Wolf Lord entertain guests. The polite thing to do is simply accept with dignity. So, I grab the prettiest girl of the bunch, a red-scaled Kobold, and place her on my lap. She grinds her ass against my crotch and wriggles her tail on my belly. It’s pleasant enough.

Seeing my example, Isabella flips her skirt and drags an orange Kobold boy onto her stiffening rod. A thick glob of coconut and citrus-smelling precum beads at her tip as the Cactus girl impales the reptile boy’s soft ass on her shaft, making him squirm and moan excitedly. He arches his spine and rubs his smooth tummy scales for our viewing pleasure. Her erection makes a tantalizing bulge in his belly. I can’t help wishing that were me…

My red Kobold seems intent on regaining my focus. She turns to play with my breasts, eagerly cupping and squeezing my puppies, her nimble hands and thirsty lips making my chest feel big and beautiful. I run my fingers along the scale ridges of her scalp and grab her ass with the other hand. She rolls her hips against me and I’m starting to get turned on despite my mind trying to stay in business-mode.

Hmm, a red Kobold?

“Hey, um, what’s your name?”

“It’s Garnet. We heard Spindle left with Alex. Is she well?” my red Kobold asks. I raise an eyebrow, not having expected a question from this corner.

I shrug. Sadly, this isn’t the one I’m looking for. “Yeah, Spindle lives with us, now. She evolved, but she’s her usual self from what I’ve gathered.”

“Please send her my congratulations, companion of Alex. And let her know she’s missed among the Kobolds of our tribe. Now, allow me to show you my appreciation…” Garnet says, sliding lower. She takes my core in her muzzle and laps at my slit with dedication and skill.

“Mmm,” I sigh in appreciation as slow bliss spreads through me.

Flou1 liquifies from my scarf to form a furry, squishy ball with a ruby riding dildo and handles. Ordinarily, Slimes are among the most feral monsters to fear and avoid, but seeing one go from apparel to clear sexual invitation is apparently enough to change minds. A blue Kobold girl hops atop Flou and plops down on the dildo with gusto. She starts happily bounce-fucking herself while others cheer her on.

Lucinia’s scratch is being patched up by a green Kobold with an herbal paste and clean bandages. Then she settles on a Lizardman, contentedly nesting in his lap with a reptilian dick in her cloaca.

“Wut if Dura wan’… you!” the Ogress says while pointing at the tribal headsman.

Steeltooth stares her down for a good few seconds before bursting into laughter. “This woman has guts! I like it!” He stands before us and removes his loincloth to reveal… “Behold, the real reason they call me Steeltooth.”

Between the Lizarman’s legs, we find a nine-inch metallic phallus protruding from his cunt. At first, I’ve got no idea how it’s attached, but then I notice the other end curving up into Steeltooth’s nether hole to anchor itself. “It’s an ancient human relic,” Steeltooth says with obvious fondness. “Passed down for generations, revered for its ability to help a woman feel like a man.” His eyes rise to challenge Dura with a stare as he thrusts his hips in blatant suggestion, “Want to try it out?”

“Dura smash!” the Ogress shouts as she throws herself at the Lizardman. She easily pushes him onto his back, absolutely towering over the reptilian warrior, and drops her pussy on his rod. *Plop, plop, plop!* The Ogress aggressively fucks herself, slamming her hips down over and over, filling the pavilion with the sound of wet thighs smacking together. Steeltooth fondles her butt while following the swing of her pomelo-sized tits with his eyes.

Two more Kobolds approach me and latch their lips onto my nipples. Their hands wander, caressing my curves and kindling warmth inside me as Garnet gradually brings me to climax.

“Ahhn!” I grab her by the head and hold her in place while I shudder and cum, though she makes no move to escape until the aftershocks of pleasure subside.

“Fuck, I’m cumming!” Isabella says as she wraps her arms tight around the orange Kobold and stuffs his gut with sweet juices. Her little orange companion shoots his load from the double barrel of his hemipenis as she finishes pummeling his prostate before relaxing into her embrace. He seems immensely relieved the cactus needles on her are safe to touch while she’s in an agreeable mood—otherwise he’d be a pincushion.

The blue Kobold screams in satisfaction before slumping onto Flou1, who shifts into a comfortable lounge pillow to accommodate the reclining reptilian. Lucinia also moans her completion when her chosen Lizardman creams her cloaca. His second cock shoots ropes of jizz high into the air that land on her shoulders and dribble onto her impressive rack.

“AHH! AHHHN!” Dura shouts as she violently orgasms on Steeltooth’s ‘tooth.’ Ogress juices gush onto the Lizardman’s crotch as she flexes her muscles with the rush of her release.

While we relax between rounds in the comfortable embraces of our Lizard-folk partners, Steeltooth calls for his guards, “Our guests are surely famished from their travels. Bring us a feast worthy of a fine welcome!”

Nothing about this concerns me until they return, and I realize my mistake.


They walk a smallfolk prisoner over to us at spearpoint. She’s a dark chocolate bunny girl with thin rows of tightly braided black hair on her head, cottony fur on her extremities, and midnight skin. Her curves are to die for, her busty breasts like great hot cocoa teardrops, her ass a satin cushion, and her thick thighs sculpted from ebony. Her posture and attitude are totally submissive but fearless as if long since prepared for death.

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