Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 55

"It's Summer! It's the ocean! Woohoo!" Ying Lian and Li Miao erupted with excited cries, their sandals disappearing into the soft sand as they sprinted toward the waves.

Xu Yue hurried after them, a hint of concern on her face, a bottle of sunscreen gripped tightly in her hand. "Maomao, not so fast!"

Meanwhile, a sense of foreboding tickled Tang Jia's instincts as she sprinted after Li Miao and Ying Lian. Wei Lin watched Tang Jia fade into the distance, a gentle smile gracing her features as she held her own lotion bottle.

Zhang Wei settled back in his lounger, sunglasses shielding his eyes as he savored a sip of his coconut drink. He yearned for a few moments of tranquility before the inevitable call to action.

"Little Zhang, won't you come play?" Wei Lin inquired, an eyebrow arched playfully.

"In a bit. Just need a little downtime first," Zhang Wei responded, his arms now folded behind his head as he sank deeper into the lounger.

Wei Lin gave him a dubious look but decided to let him rest. She smoothed out her swimsuit, dusting off stray sand, then turned and headed towards the lively group near the water's edge.

Walking closer, she witnessed Xu Yue and Li Miao locked in a playful dance. The older girl pursued Li Miao, determined to shield her little wife from the sun's rays.

"Maomao, let me help with the sunscreen…" Xu Yue pleaded, a hint of exasperation in her voice, though her smile betrayed her fondness.

"No! I'll do it!" Li Miao retorted, darting away from Xu Yue's outstretched hand with a playful laugh.

"But what about your back?" Xu Yue countered, a mischievous glint replacing the concern in her eyes.

"I can reach it myself!" Li Miao declared proudly. She grabbed the bottle from Xu Yue and ran off towards the umbrellas where Zhang Wei was, her laughter echoing behind her. Xu Yue quickly followed, unable to resist the infectious joy.

"Maomao! Wait up!" The two ran off, their figures fading into the shimmering heat, leaving the rest of the group behind. Tang Jia looked at Wei Lin, her eyes wide with a touch of apprehension.

"Before you ask, no! I already applied some!" Tang Jia backed away slowly from Wei Lin as she approached, the scent of the ocean swirling around them.

Wei Lin smiled slyly as she waved the lotion bottle playfully. "I wasn't going to ask you; I was offering some to our little rabbit friend."

She handed the bottle to Ying Lian, who beamed. "Thank you, big sis Lin!" With light, graceful steps, she chased after Li Miao and Xu Yue, eager to join their impromptu skincare session.

Wei Lin approached Tang Jia, and the two stood face to face. A delicate tension hung in the air. Tang Jia leaned slightly away, a blush warming her cheeks. Wei Lin leaned her face closer, her soft breath brushing against Tang Jia's skin.

"Or… were you expecting something from me?" Wei Lin teased, her eyes were partially shut, and she wore a self-satisfied expression.

Tang Jia pushed Wei Lin away, a flush spreading across her face as she put her hand up to shield her eyes from Wei Lin's gaze. "Hateful," she muttered, before turning and fleeing back towards the others.

Wei Lin trailed closely behind Tang Jia, mimicking an owner accompanying their cherished pet on a stroll. The sight of the entire group of beauties turned heads, whispers rippling through the beachgoers like gentle waves upon the sand.

Li Miao sat on the towels, carefully applying sunscreen. The white, milky lotion blended into her pale skin, leaving a faint sheen. Xu Yue sat right behind her, her expression a mix of fondness and gentle exasperation.

"Maomao…" Xu Yue whimpered softly, not wanting to push too hard and risk the wrath of the little kitten.

"I told you already, I don't need help!" Li Miao sputtered. She stretched behind her back, the sunscreen leaving uneven white streaks across her skin. Xu Yue bit back a teasing remark, longing to apply the lotion properly. Her heart ached to ensure her precious little wife was always protected and cared for.

"Maomao, be good. I won't do anything." Xu Yue grabbed the bottle and warmed the lotion between her palms. With a touch as soft as a summer breeze, she gently rubbed the sunscreen across Li Miao's back, her movements thorough and precise.

"Xu Yue, you!" Li Miao whipped around in a flash of anger but paused upon seeing the earnest expression on Xu Yue's face. Choking back her initial protest, she turned away, reluctantly allowing Xu Yue to continue applying sunscreen.

Ying Lian, witnessing this tender scene, skipped over to Zhang Wei, who was still relaxing on the chair.

"Captain Zhang~ Can you help me? It's so hard to reach…" With a mischievous grin, she placed the bottle next to him and turned her back, presenting herself playfully.

Zhang Wei looked at her with a spiteful look, before sighing and resigning himself to his fate. Who made him so kind anyway.

He gently applied the sunscreen, his touch surprisingly delicate on the girl's back. Her closed eyes, her soft humming, and the gentle swaying of her small figure brought a flicker of amusement to his eyes.

Well… when she doesn't talk, she really is cute.

Ying Lian possessed a different sort of charm than the others, radiating a playful, girlish appeal rather than conventional beauty. She had the aura of one accustomed to being indulged by those around her.

Xu Yue finished applying the sunscreen to Li Miao. Nearby, Tang Jia scanned the beach for signs of amusement, her hand shielding her eyes from the sun's glare. Wei Lin, noticing her restless energy, tapped Tang Jia's shoulder with a mischievous smile.

Startled, Tang Jia turned, only to have her cheek brush against Wei Lin's outstretched finger. Wei Lin's grin widened.

"Quit messing around," Tang Jia swatted Wei Lin's hand away, a hint of a blush warming her cheeks. Wei Lin felt a momentary sting, but Tang Jia's touch had been gentle, leaving a playful warmth instead of pain.

Really, so feisty.

Tang Jia spotted food stalls lining the beach, her stomach growling. The sight of other guests carrying shaved ice desserts, vibrant and tempting, sealed her decision.

"Xu Yue, Li Miao, do you want to get some food?" She pointed in the direction of the brightly colored stalls.

Li Miao, her fellow foodie, beamed in agreement, pulling Xu Yue along in her excitement. "Sure! Let's go!" She gripped Xu Yue's hand, a shared thrill of anticipation bringing a sparkle to her eyes. Xu Yue glanced down at their joined hands, a warm smile blooming on her face as she squeezed Li Miao's hand gently in response.

"Little Zhang, little rabbit, would you like anything?" Wei Lin turned to the two, who were still applying sunscreen.

"I'm good," Zhang Wei grunted, his focus unwavering.

"I want shaved ice, strawberry flavor!" Ying Lian exclaimed, her voice filled with childish delight.

"Okay~" Wei Lin nodded in confirmation. With a lingering smile, she followed Tang Jia, who eagerly led the way toward the tantalizing treats.

The group found a shaved milk vendor, and they got in line while looking at the menus. Li Miao, felt a bit skittish looking at the portions and had a troubled look on her face.

Isn't this too much for one person?

Before she could voice her concern, Xu Yue wrapped her arms around Li Miao's waist, her chin coming to rest on Li Miao's shoulder. "Does Maomao want to share one with me? That way, you'll still have energy to play afterward." She knew her little wife so well.

Maomao is so cute. Always wearing her heart on her sleeve.

"Really? Okay, let's share." Li Miao's eyes sparkled with delight. Months of living together had forged a deep understanding of each other's tastes. "I'll get the matcha flavor, with red bean and grass jelly topping!" She replaced the menu, her hand finding Xu Yue's. Xu Yue smiled, their fingers intertwining.

Tang Jia watched the lovey-dovey couple in front of her showing PDA and felt like puking.

Can you two just start dating already? I don't get why it's taking this long.

Wei Lin peeked over Tang Jia's shoulder. "What does Miss Tang want to eat?"

Tang Jia rolled her eyes. "You're treating, right?"

Wei Lin chuckled. "Of course! This resort belongs to me, after all."

"Then I'll get this." Tang Jia pointed at the most lavish item on the menu – a mountain of shaved ice adorned with the finest imported Japanese fruit. Such extravagance came with a hefty price tag.

"Ah? Miss Tang, you seem determined to eat my fortune away. Aren't you ashamed of taking advantage?" Wei Lin teased, her voice playful and light.

"Weren't you the one who offered?" Tang Jia's retort was swift. Why did this heiress insist on flirting with her?

"If it means you'll be with me, I would gladly let you eat." Wei Lin's smirk was undeniable. Making money came easily to her. Tang Jia could feast for a lifetime, and there would always be more.

"Y-you…" Tang Jia’s cheeks flushed. She whipped around, glaring at Wei Lin. "Who wants to be with you!?" Anger masked her flustered heart, but her crimson ears did not escape Wei Lin's notice.

The group collected their orders and headed back. Li Miao savored her shared treat, while Xu Yue diligently wiped away any stray drips with a napkin. Tang Jia struggled to balance her oversized dessert with both hands, a look of regret crossing her face. She had impulsively chosen the most expensive item to spite the heiress, and now, true to her frugal nature, she couldn't bear the thought of wasting food.

Clutching Ying Lian's order, Wei Lin refrained from purchasing a treat for herself. Her gaze fell upon the sizable bowl Tang Jia grasped, making her slightly lift the corner of her mouth.

After all, a certain little tigress will be begging me for help soon.

As they continued, their progress was halted by a group of men whose eyes lingered on them like flies on honey. The girls' combined radiance, amplified by swimsuits that clung like petals to their figures, drew unwanted attention.

"Hey there, ladies. All alone? Why not join us?" One of the men, a dragon tattoo coiling up his arm, leered at Li Miao. He tilted his sunglasses, checking her out.

Xu Yue's face darkened, a flash of lightning in her eyes. Li Miao felt like she caught a whiff of something sour. Xu Yue stepped in front of Li Miao, shielding her, her own glare freezing the air between them.

"Not interested. Goodbye." Her words were clipped like frost. She tugged Li Miao, seeking a path around the group.

One of the men, bolder than his companions, laid a hand on Xu Yue's shoulder. "Aiya, don't be like that! We can show you beauties a good time!"

Tang Jia's gaze met Wei Lin's, a silent understanding passing between them as Tang Jia handed over the shaved milk. Xu Yue reacted instantly, seizing the man's wrist and contorting it, effectively pinning him with his arm behind his back.

"Fuck! That hurts you bitch!" The man's cry of pain ripped through the air, igniting the fury of his companions. They surged forward, a wave of aggression threatening to engulf Xu Yue.

But Tang Jia stood between them, a mountain against the tide. Her foot drew a line in the sand, a clear boundary between them. With the grace of a seasoned fighter, she settled into a fighting stance, her body taut with controlled power.

"Cross this line," she challenged, her voice steady and cold, "and see what happens." A subtle tilt of her chin dared them to defy her.

A ripple of laughter spread through the group as one man, emboldened by false bravado, stepped over the line. "What's a little girl like you going to do?" he scoffed, his words dripping with sarcasm.

Tang Jia became a blur of motion in the blink of an eye. Her foot shot out, a bolt of lightning striking the man's abdomen and sending him crashing to the ground. With a nonchalant swipe of her hand across her nose, she uttered a single, icy word:


Sorry about the delay! My classes finish soon, so I'll be missing the Friday update since I'll be busy with school. Thank you for understanding!

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