Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 54

"Li Miao, this one is adorable!" Ying Lian held up a white bikini, the floral pattern sparkling like dewdrops on leaves. "Imagine how cute you'd look!"

Wei Lin shook her head in a smug manner towards Ying Lian. "How naive!" she exclaimed, "Maomao would look much better in this!" With that, she pulled up a flashy, childish one-piece swimsuit.

“Big sister Wei you’re a genius! I’ll follow you forever!” Wei Lin's choice sparked a frenzy of agreement from Ying Lian. After all, Li Miao's softened personality projected an aura of adorable charm rather than bombshell sexiness.

“Who would wear something like that?!” Li Miao erupted in protest, snatching a swimsuit of her own before disappearing behind the changing room curtain.

Meanwhile, Tang Jia, Xu Yue, and Zhang Wei observed the chaos from a nearby bench. Zhang Wei, forcibly recruited for this shopping trip, sulked and scrolled through his phone.

Spotting a chance to tease,  Tang Jia couldn't resist. "Captain Zhang, what's with the long face? I expected more enthusiasm from someone surrounded by swimsuit-clad beauties."

Zhang Wei scowled. "Not interested. I'll see you guys at the resort," he mumbled. His gaze, however, briefly flickered towards Li Miao's changing room before burying itself back in his phone.

Xu Yue, focused solely on Li Miao, watched the changing room. But Tang Jia caught Zhang Wei's subtle glance.

Oh? Did I pick up on something big? 

"Don't tell me you're excited for Li Miao's swimsuit reveal? Even with us around?" She raised her eyebrows with a teasing smile on her face. 

Zhang Wei snorted. "Excited for your mom."

Tang Jia was happy to get a reaction from Zhang Wei. Even though in front of Wei Lin she was powerless, her teasing skills hadn’t weakened after all! 

Li Miao peeked timidly from the changing room, her gaze seeking out Xu Yue. "Xu Yue... could you come here?"

Xu Yue wasted no time in approaching, concern etched on her face. She stepped into the changing room. "What's wrong, Maomao?"

Flushed and beads of sweat clinging to her brow, Li Miao gestured at the ribbon dangling from the back of her swimsuit. "Can... can you help with the tie?"

With careful fingers, Xu Yue moved Li Miao's hair aside, skillfully tying the swimsuit in place.  Li Miao twirled with girlish delight, her round eyes bright as she gazed up at Xu Yue.

“You're absolutely adorable, Maomao," Xu Yue murmured, her voice laced with fondness. Gathering Li Miao closer, her arms encircled her in a warm embrace. A soft kiss blossomed on Li Miao's forehead, followed by a whispered confession, "You look truly beautiful in this.” 

A crimson blush spread across Li Miao's face, her ears ablaze. She wriggled bashfully within Xu Yue's embrace, her face seeking refuge against Xu Yue's shoulder. "R-really? Do you really like it?" she stammered.

"I love it," Xu Yue replied. Gently tilting Li Miao's chin, she cradled her flushed face, their eyes locking in a moment of tender connection.

Li Miao melted into Xu Yue's embrace, their warmth mingling within the confines of the changing room.

Outside, chaos reigned. Wei Lin, armed with an alarmingly skimpy swimsuit, pursued Tang Jia with playful determination.

"President Wei, please! I refuse to wear that!" Tang Jia shrieked, dodging behind a rack of swimsuits, her cheeks flushed with a mix of fury and embarrassment.

Wei Lin circled Tang Jia, her eyes gleaming with mischief and determination. "Come on, you'd look absolutely adorable! Please?" She held up the skimpy swimsuit, a playful taunt in her voice.

"I don't care who you are, we're not that kind of friends!" Tang Jia retorted, clutching at her chest defensively.

Wei Lin's smile held a hint of steel. "Think of it as a favor... for the free resort pass," she purred.

"Help! Someone save me from this maniac!" Tang Jia cried, desperately scanning the changing rooms.

Xu Yue, you little traitor! Forgetting about your friends as soon as you have the opportunity to flirt!

Oblivious to the swimsuit showdown nearby, Ying Lian approached Zhang Wei. She held up two swimsuits: one a cheerful yellow with a playful skirt, the other a frilly pink number with a jaunty ribbon.

"Which looks better on me?" Her question interrupted Zhang Wei's brooding.

"Why are you bothering me?" he grumbled, arms crossed defensively.

"Since the others are all tied up at the moment, I figured I'd get your opinion. After all, what are friends for?" Ying Lian gave Zhang Wei a sly grin, well aware that her uncharacteristic behavior would be flying under the radar with the rest of the group distracted.

"Friends? The last time I checked, friendship didn't include blackmail," he retorted.

"Just pick a swimsuit!" Ying Lian swayed, the garments swishing against each other. "Though, I suppose the yellow complements my figure..."

"Does it really matter? There's not much to see either way," Zhang Wei drawled.

Ying Lian's foot collided with Zhang Wei's shin before she whirled around and walked away.

"Although... you'd look nice in the pink one," Zhang Wei mumbled, returning his attention to his phone.

Overhearing his comment, Ying Lian's ears twitched, and she strolled off with a grin on her face.


Ying Lian walked into the changing room just as Li Miao exited, beaming in her frilly white bikini with a gauzy cover-up. Xu Yue strolled alongside her, holding her hand and showering her with gentle affirmations.

"Xu Yue, now it's your turn!" Li Miao chirped, rushing towards a rack of swimsuits, utterly unconcerned with maintaining her image in her excitement. Xu Yue followed with a soft smile.

After thoughtful consideration, Li Miao chose a sophisticated ebony bikini featuring a collar. "You would look stunning in this!"

Xu Yue was content to wear whichever swimsuit Li Miao selected for her. She didn't have much fashion sense and usually wore cheap clothes or her school uniform.

"Alright, Maomao." Xu Yue tenderly caressed Li Miao's hair before accepting the bathing suit and slipping into the changing area alone.

Ying Lian stepped out, sporting the pink swimsuit. Spotting Li Miao, she bounced over.

"Li Miao! You're so so cute! That swimsuit is perfect!" Ying Lian enveloped Li Miao in a tight hug, nuzzling her cheek.

Li Miao giggled. "Thank you! You look super cute too." Now without Xu Yue by her side, a wave of shyness washed over her.

Li Miao attempted to extract herself from Ying Lian's embrace gently, but to no avail. She resigned herself to waiting patiently for Xu Yue to finish changing.

Just as she was about to peek behind the curtain, it flew open. Out stepped Xu Yue, her long, smooth legs carrying her confidently towards Li Miao. She moved with an unexpected, seductive grace, her hips swaying gently.

Stopping directly in front of Li Miao, Xu Yue placed a hand under her chin, tilting her face upwards.

"How do I look?"

Li Miao's gaze flitted between Xu Yue's eyes and the curve of her bust, accentuated by the swimsuit's design.

"U-um… Xu Yue… you're too close to me." she stammered.

Ignoring the plea, Xu Yue leaned closer. "Maomao, do I look good?"

A blush exploded across Li Miao's face as she finally pushed Xu Yue back, creating some distance.

"Y-you! Don't be so shameless!" Li Miao buried her face in her hands, mortified.

"Maomao..." Xu Yue's tone carried a hint of a whine, as though Li Miao's reaction had wounded her.

Don't just act like a child whenever things don't go your way! That's what I do!

The thought raced through Li Miao's head.

"O-okay... you're gorgeous... really pretty..." She mumbled, her words slightly obscured by her palms.

Xu Yue's expression instantly shifted, and she approached Li Miao, ducking her head and tenderly peeling Li Miao's fingers back a little, a soft smile on her lips.

"Thank you, Maomao. I love you." Xu Yue declared solemnly.

The sugary-sweet atmosphere surrounding Xu Yue and Li Miao made Ying Lian step back cautiously. Her retreat was interrupted by a string of curses erupting from the other changing room.

"What the hell! Why are you in here?!" Tang Jia emerged, instantly spotting Xu Yue and darting behind her for cover.

Wei Lin exited the same room, a playful smirk on her face as she flicked her hair back.

"Didn't you promise I'd be the first to see your swimsuit?" she teased.

Tang Jia's face drained of color. "I didn't mean you could barge in! I was going to show you outside!"

"My, but I don't think there's a difference if I see you earlier is there?" Wei Lin giggled, covering her mouth in a playful gesture.

"There's a big difference! Li Miao… Help!" Tang Jia pleaded to her comrade in arms.

"W-what do you want me to do about it? I can't control big sis!" Li Miao retorted, gesturing helplessly towards Wei Lin. Sparks of defiance crackled between the two girls as they exchanged glares over Xu Yue's shoulder.

Xu Yue, clearly uninterested in mediating, gently pulled Li Miao away. Wei Lin seized the chance, snatching Tang Jia by the collar. With a startled yelp, Tang Jia spun around, her eyes wide with fear.

Ying Lian couldn't help but laugh. The whole situation reminded her of two squabbling pets being forcibly dragged apart by their exasperated owners.

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