Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 33

Li Miao stepped into the Ming Yue Teahouse, the aroma of roasted oolong swirling around her like a warm hug. Orange lamps casted a golden glow against the deepening twilight, and the cozy hum of daily life had replaced the usual bustle.


"Welcome, welcome!" Liu Fang's voice echoed down, followed by the light patter of footsteps. A smile as warm as a fresh-baked bun spread across her face. "Little Li Miao! Come up, dear."


She steered Li Miao gently, bustling ahead. "Yue Yue, your friend is here!"  A muffled shuffling echoed from upstairs, and then Liu Fang leaned in, whispering playfully, "She's a bit of a mess right now." A soft laugh followed her words.


Li Miao couldn't help a giggle, imagining a flustered Xu Yue with a ruffled expression, unlike the expressionless face she usually saw.


Xu Yue emerged, her usual composure softened by a gentle smile the moment she saw Li Miao. "Li Miao, you're here." She stepped close, taking Li Miao's hands in hers with surprising warmth.


Li Miao’s heart fluttered like a startled bird, caught off guard by both Xu Yue's tender touch and the way her own feelings responded with unfamiliar intensity. Yet, beneath the embarrassment, a flicker of pure joy bloomed in her chest - a warmth mirroring the gentle pressure of Xu Yue's hands on hers.


Watching the intimate gesture, Liu Fang's smile turned sly. "Am I interrupting something?"


A wave of heat flooded Li Miao's cheeks, matched unexpectedly by Xu Yue's own telltale blush. "Auntie!" Xu Yue protested with a touch of playful whine – completely unlike her normal personality.


W-what is this adorable creature? Li Miao felt blessed to see this new side of Xu Yue. 


Xu Yue tugged on Li Miao's hand, a silent urge. "Let's go."  Behind them, Liu Fang beamed as they dashed off into Xu Yue’s bedroom.


Li Miao stepped into the room, the scent of old wood and dust clinging to the air. Moonlight painted the space in shades of silver and gray, highlighting a worn teddy bear tucked into a corner. The rest was shrouded in shadow –  bare walls, a chipped dresser… It felt more like a forgotten storage space than a bedroom.


Xu Yue closed the door, then sat on the bed, patting the space beside her. Li Miao hesitantly obeyed, her fingers picking at a loose thread on her skirt.


“Xu Yue, is this really your room?” 


"Yes." Xu Yue's voice held a quiet echo of the surrounding darkness. "Why?"


Li Miao's words softened. "It's just...so bare."


Xu Yue, the picture of indifference, replied curtly. "Decorations are unnecessary."


The room seemed to hold its breath. A heavy silence stretched between them, tight as a bowstring.


The air crackled with unspoken words. Li Miao strained her eyes, seeing Xu Yue's pale face illuminated only by the faint moonlight, her own heart a frantic echo of the cricket's chirp outside.


Then, fueled by something deep inside, spurred by Tang Jia's words, Xu Yue's hand found Li Miao's with a gentle touch. Her eyes, twin pools of moonlight, held a desperate plea ...


"Li Miao… I like you," the words fell from her lips, a whisper in the hushed room, shattering her icy facade. Her breath hitched, barely audible above the pounding of her own heart.


Li Miao froze, warmth flooding her cheeks despite the cool night air.  A shiver – excitement… or fear? –  rippled through her as she met Xu Yue’s gaze.


"I… don't know how I feel." Her voice was almost too soft to hear. "I don’t think I’m ready."


Xu Yue's disappointment flashed across her face before being replaced by gentle determination. "Then I'll wait," she vowed, eyes shimmering with held-back tears mirroring the vulnerability of her words. “Until you’re ready.”


Li Miao could only nod, a wave of conflicting emotions washing over her.


I mean… it was just a kiss in the heat of the moment. I don’t like Xu Yue like that. For her happiness, she has to end up with the male lead. How could I steal that from her? 


Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the bedcover, nails biting into her palms. But then, a surprising coolness - Xu Yue's fingers feather-light brushed a stray tear from her cheek, offering silent comfort.


“It’s okay. No matter what, I’m here for you,” Xu Yue whispered, her gaze serene yet brimming with unwavering affection.


Tears escaped before Li Miao could stop them, each drop a confession she couldn't voice.


She deserves happiness. She shouldn’t be with someone like me…


Xu Yue leaned in, their foreheads touching.  Finally, breaking the quiet, her question had an unexpected lightness: "Li Miao… can I call you Maomao?"


Blushing furiously, Li Miao sputtered,  "M-Maomao?! Xu Yue… you!"


“Even though we’re such good friends we kissed? Is it no good?” Xu Yue tilted her head, feigning innocence. Then, those dreaded puppy-dog eyes appeared, melting Li Miao's resolve.


Why does she always do this?! A helpless laugh bubbled up.


Li Miao whispered, "F-fine," averting her gaze in a delicate dance of acceptance.


With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, Xu Yue pulled Li Miao into a warm embrace. "Thank you, Maomao," she whispered, the nickname somehow feeling both silly and endearing on her tongue.


Silence settled, but it was comfortable this time, almost cozy. They held each other tighter, breathing in the lingering scent of flowers from Xu Yue's hair, finding a strange, sweet rhythm in the way their heartbeats seemed momentarily in sync.



Maomao: “Hmph, this puppy female lead! I can’t stand you!” 


Puppy Xu: “Maomao, I want.” 


Maomao: “… fine!” 

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