Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 32

Zhang Wei lurked by the classroom doorway, his heart a drumbeat against his ribs. Li Miao chatted with Xu Yue, a faint blush staining her cheeks. Each gentle smile she aimed at Xu Yue, each flustered laugh escaping her lips as she teased her, pierced him like a rusty nail. 


Xu Yue's gaze lingered on her, softer now, a warmth Zhang Wei had never seen directed his way. Something definitely shifted between them at the festival.


I guess I wasn’t the only one who had realized their feelings.


His apology felt less like words and more like a lump of lead lodged in his throat. After everything he'd said about Li Miao, would she even listen, let alone forgive him?


Hah… this was harder than any fistfight he'd ever been in.


He sighed, turning to slip into the shadows, when light footsteps halted him. Ying Lian bounced towards him, a picture of wide-eyed innocence with her hands covering her mouth in surprise. 


“Oh! Isn’t this Captain Zhang? What are you doing here?” 


His grimace told its own story. "Just...wanted to see Li Miao."


“Huh? Why would you wanna talk to OUR classes’ Li Miao?” Ying Lian batted her eyelashes, a wicked glint beneath the facade.


Tsk, don’t think you can get close to her on my watch. Her eyes flashed a warning.


“I… wanted to apologize.” 


Ying Lian hummed, tilting her head, a playful smile playing on her lips. Then, lightning-quick, she snatched his arm and yanked him toward an empty hallway. The second they were out of sight, the smile melted away, replaced by a glare that could curdle milk.  It was a jarring transformation, this tiny whirlwind of a girl suddenly looming over the towering Zhang Wei.


“Listen, buddy, I’ve let you fly a little too close to the sun. You’re going to tell me what you really want, or else.” She crossed her arms with exaggerated defiance, her finger slicing a sharp line across her throat.


“Hah, look okay, I don’t want any trouble. I just wanted to say I’m sorry… for judging her.” He shuffled his feet, avoiding her gaze.


“Hmm? Is that it?” Ying Lian tilted her head, disbelief dripping from her tone. 


A flush crept up Zhang Wei's neck, a visible echo of the scene between Xu Yue and Li Miao playing in his mind. "Yeah… that's all," he mumbled, the words barely escaping him.


Ying Lian's eyes narrowed, pinning him like a hawk. A slow, predatory smile spread across her face. "Something's not adding up here..."


His voice cracked. "W-what do you mean?" He stumbled back, the his shoulder blades pressing against the cold wall.


Ying Lian advanced, each step was like a predator closing in on it’s prey. "Don't play dumb!" she jabbed a finger toward his chest. "There's more to this, and you’re going to tell me."


Panic coiled in Zhang Wei's gut. His fists clenched, nails digging into his palms – a useless shield against his racing heart. "Fine, fine! Maybe... maybe I like her a little."


Ying Lian scoffed, genuine shock replacing her bravado for a split second. "Are you kidding me? Didn't you spend half the year mooning over Xu Yue? Fickle much? Ugh, gross." Her face twisted in disgust.


"Where did you hear that?!" Zhang Wei flared, a mix of embarrassment and offense fueling his outburst. "Xu Yue and I are just friends! Nothing more!"


Ying Lian let out a frustrated sigh. "Ugh, whatever. Fine. But Li Miao? Give it up. Those two are way too into each other! Trust me."


Defeat washed over Zhang Wei. “Yeah, I already knew.” 


A flicker of confusion replaced Ying Lian's scorn. "Then... what’s with the apology?"


"Because I hurt her. Her happiness matters…" Zhang Wei looked up, a surprising earnestness in his gaze. " Doesn't matter if it's with me or someone else..."


He trailed off, a wistful smile curving his lips. "...if she's happy, that's enough."


Ying Lian frowned, her foot tapping a restless rhythm on the dusty floor.  "Hmm..." 


The silence stretched, thick with unspoken thoughts. Zhang Wei's heart hammered against his ribs, echoing the tension in the air.


A flicker of reluctant understanding softened her gaze.  "Alright, whatever." Ying Lian shrugged, turning back towards the classroom. "You get a pass. This time."


Zhang Wei remained rooted in the stairwell's shadow long after Ying Lian vanished, the echo of her words swirling in his mind. "Thanks," he whispered, the word barely a breath in the empty space.


Back in the classroom, Ying Lian faced a swarm of curious faces, their buzz a stark contrast to the quiet echo of Zhang Wei's thanks.


"Was that Zhang Wei?" one girl practically vibrated with excitement. 


“Yep! Why do you ask?” Ying Lian, putting on her innocent guise yet again. 


"You two left together!" Another girl chirped. "Did he ask you out?"


“Me? With Captain Zhang? Definitely not!” Ying Lian said with an over-exaggerated shock and denial. 


I’d sooner die than get together with someone like him. 

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