Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 29

Night had fallen, casting a soft glow from the lanterns dotting the workshop. Their warmth turned the class into a cozy haven, making their stories even more inviting.


Li Miao and Xu Yue stood ready for their debut performance. Li Miao tugged nervously on Xu Yue's hem. "Xu Yue... so many people are watching."


Xu Yue smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Our advertising worked wonders, it seems."


Li Miao's voice quivered. "I... I'm not sure I can do this, in front of them all."


"Don't worry," Xu Yue reassured her, a gentle hand smoothing Li Miao's hair. "I'm right here with you."


Their classmate's voice broke through the hushed anticipation. "It's showtime, you two!" With that, they stepped onto the stage.


Ying Lian's enthusiastic squeals pierced the air as Li Miao took her place. An odd feeling prickled at her; the atmosphere felt thick, almost charged. The guests, captivated by the promise of the 'beautiful fairy sisters,' held their breath in collective silence.


The narration began, a velvety voice painting the scene: "A long time ago, beneath a tapestry of stars, the Jade Emperor's daughter, Zhi Nu, worked tirelessly at her magic loom. Though she spun suns and shimmering clouds, a deep loneliness echoed in her celestial world."


Xu Yue embodied her role, her blue Hanfu catching the lantern light. With a stoic expression, she mimicked weaving on the loom.


"I bring laughter and love to those below," her voice carried a wistful longing, "but here, all is cold.  Could there be happiness for me on earth?"


Li Miao glided onto the stage, her pink Hanfu swirling around her like cherry blossoms caught in a breeze. The narrator's voice flowed seamlessly:


“Deep in a forest lived a spirit born from willow trees. She felt sunlight and rain, heard leaves whisper secrets, but wished for something more…”


Internally, Li Miao was a mess of nerves. So many people had come to watch – more than she ever expected. Her knees trembled, her mouth parched.


Calm down... calm down... this play has to go well!  Her panicked breaths did little to soothe her whirring mind.


Xu Yue watched Li Miao's tremors, worry creasing her brow. Just as she was about to break character and offer comfort, something changed. Li Miao steadied.


A gentle but guiding presence touched Li Miao's back. In her mind, a voice both familiar and foreign whispered, It's okay. You can do it. Just go and let your body remember.


The trembling faded, replaced by a quiet resolve in her eyes.


"The stars paint the dark sky every night," she began, her voice resonant. "Could there be a place for me there, with them? A tree can only dream of reaching so high." Her presence filled the stage, and her wistful charm captured the audience.


A strange feeling washed over Li Miao. These aren't my usual acting skills… Her gaze met Xu Yue's. Then, like a soft breeze lifting a fallen leaf, a tender melody filled the air, draping the stage in delicate tranquility.


"You watch me like people watch the sunset," Zhi Nu said, imbued with a faint echo of the ethereal, carried across the stillness. "Is there magic in you, spirit with the kind eyes?"


“My name is Liu'er. You…you shine forever. Maybe you’re a trick of the light, not real.” Hesitantly, Liu’er stepped closer. 


"Real or not, I dream of real things. Of feeling earth under my feet, of having smiles warm me, not just stars."  Zhi Nu mirrored her step, drawn by an unseen force. They met in the center of the stage, bathed in the gentle melody.



Zhang Wei kept his attention fixed on the stage.


As the story unfolded, days bleeding into weeks, Zhi Nu and Liu'er fell into a love steeped in tender intimacy.


His heart swelled watching Li Miao's incandescent performance. It wasn't acting anymore – she was Liu'er, her spirit resonating through every gesture.


She’s back.


Liu'er brushed a stray leaf from Zhi Nu's hair, carefully weaving flowers into her braids.


"I never adorned my hair with such things. My loom was always making gifts for others," Zhi Nu murmured.


"Because your warmth is already a gift," Li Miao answered as Liu'er. "But here... here we can simply feel beautiful for each other."


Zhang Wei's mind flickered back to carefree afternoons with Li Miao, her vibrant laughter as they sat in their cosplays, their shared sanctuary far from societal demands.


Is she really back to how she was before? 


A pang struck his chest, making him clutch at his shirt.


What is this feeling? 


The narrator’s booming voice disturbed his thoughts. "But heavenly laws are unyielding. The Emperor, enraged, demanded his daughter's return."


Soldiers tore Zhi Nu away. With tearful desperation, she reached towards Liu'er. "No! Liu'er..."


Li Miao crumpled, her face etched with despair. Rain mingled with her tears, and her voice strained with heartache filled the room. "Zhi Nu... leaves will still wave for someone who's become a memory. Memories fade without love."


The narrator continued, "Tears from above met the raindrops. Yet, magpies took pity on such anguish..."


A bridge formed of shimmering magpies stretched across the stage. Liu'er gazed up, hope and despair warring in her eyes. Guided by its gentle light, Zhi Nu rushed back.


"Willow. My dearest, pink willow...forgive me," Zhi Nu wept, embracing Liu'er.


"One night must suffice. Each sunrise until our reunion will feel like an eternity..." Liu'er's voice trembled.


Zhi Nu smiled, warmth battling sadness. "My light shines because of you. Just as a star needs the dark sky to reveal its true path."


"Then until the next moon. Tonight, we'll forget that forever might not be enough," Liu'er replied, her gaze locked on Zhi Nu's.


As the lights dimmed, a deafening roar of applause filled the space. Amidst the cheers, Zhang Wei remained silent, his heartbeat a thunderous drum in his ears. A flush crept up his neck.


Li Miao stepped off the stage, her arms wrapped around a beaming Xu Yue. An uncomfortable knot tightened in Zhang Wei's chest. Sharp and unexpected jealousy stabbed at him as his attention fell on Li Miao's radiant smile.


His breath faltered. Understanding flashed like lightning, leaving a tremor in its wake. 


This wasn't simple admiration anymore...



Bonus Chapter! We're super close to 1000 favorites so I'll just post it early! Thanks for all the support! Check out my other novel, I posted a few chapters already. If you're into MMORPG's and esports with yuri it'll be up your alley: Click Here

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