Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 28

"Maomao! You're adorable! Look here! Look!" Chen Yuehua, the famous film empress, danced around Li Miao with her phone raised. Each snap was punctuated by a delighted squeal while Li Miao's face flushed a deeper shade of pink.


Nearby, Li Hongwei, the chairman of the Li Group, stood amidst his guards and sighed. Whispers spread throughout the workshop. The glamorous star and powerful businessman made quite a spectacle.


"Mom... please… I need to get back to work…" Li Miao squeaked, clutching the hem of her dress. They had been put in a corner for this impromptu photo shoot, away from the bustle of guests but still very much on display.


“But Mommy doesn't get many photos of you, Maomao!” Chen Yuehua pouted, her usual elegance dissolving into playful affection.


True, photos with the previous Li Miao were a rare treasure. A pang of bittersweet emotion washed over Li Miao.


I'm sorry… I’m not your real daughter. 


Her love for Chen Yuehua and Li Hongwei was genuine. Their endless doting and warmth mirrored the unconditional love of her own parents back in her old world.


Li Hongwei finally managed to pry Chen Yuehua away, her hand still outstretched towards Li Miao in a lingering farewell.


“Maomao, have fun! We'll be waiting back home!” 


With a wistful smile, Li Miao watched them go.




So much time had passed since she'd arrived in this new world.  Now, the pain of her old life felt distant and faded.


How long has it been since I've felt this way? 


The classmate's tap snapped Li Miao from her thoughts, a jolt back to the bustling workshop.


"Time for a break, Li Miao! Take a walk, stretch your legs, and be our walking advertisement!" With a friendly shove, she steered Li Miao toward the entrance where Xu Yue awaited.


Everyone: “The ultimate walking billboards!”


Li Miao blinked, still disoriented. Xu Yue took her hand, the unexpected contact sending a wave of warmth through her.


“Didn’t you owe me a date?” She said in a teasing tone. 


“W-wait!” Li Miao stammered, a flush creeping up her neck. 


I thought she would forget about it! 



The festival was a vibrant whirlwind, swirling colors and music washing over them. Li Miao's eyes held a childlike gleam as she nibbled on the glistening candied hawthorns, a playful contrast to Xu Yue's quiet composure. Heads turned as they passed, drawn to their undeniable grace.


"Want a taste of anything?" Li Miao's voice held a hint of mischief.


"Whatever you'd like," Xu Yue murmured. The treats weren't important to her; what really mattered was being here, next to Li Miao.


"Look, Xu Yue! Dragon's Beard Candy!" Li Miao's excitement was infectious. With a tug, she drew Xu Yue towards the stall. Puffs of cornstarch drifted upwards, resembling fleeting clouds. Li Miao pinched a delicate ball filled with peanuts and offered it with a grin. 


"Here, try some!"  A playful challenge flickered in her eyes as she brought the feathery sugar to Xu Yue's lips. Xu Yue leaned in, her lips brushing Li Miao’s fingers. Li Miao's smile faltered, a warm flush spreading across her cheeks. She rubbed her nose, trying to dispel the sudden fluster.


Watching her, Xu Yue's lips curved in a soft smile. Like a kitten dusted with flour, Li Miao exuded a playful charm. With a gentle swipe of a tissue, she wiped away the lingering sweetness from Li Miao's nose.


"Silly little cat," she murmured, a warmth in her voice she rarely indulged in.


They fell into a rhythm, Li Miao's laughter a bright thread against the festival's backdrop. Xu Yue watched from over her shoulder, a contented smile on her face. The world narrowed to that single, perfect space they shared. Whispers danced around them, curious questions floating in the air... but none of it mattered.


The pathway thickened with people, bodies pressing closer until they were nearly shoulder to shoulder. Li Miao felt the coolness of Xu Yue's skin against hers, and a surprising wave of calm washed over her. 


An unfamiliar scent, subtle and floral, teased her senses. She flushed – hugs were one thing, but this prolonged contact ignited a warmth unlike any she'd known.


S-she smells so nice… 


Beneath her usual calm exterior, Xu Yue's thoughts echoed that sentiment. This close, she could feel the softness of Li Miao's form.


The little cat is so soft… I…


A surge in the crowd jostled Li Miao. Stumbling, she felt Xu Yue's arm flash out, steadying her with a grip that bordered on possessive. Their faces were suddenly mere inches apart, Xu Yue's breath ghosting over Li Miao's lips.


She's beautiful. 


Propelled by an unnamable urge, Li Miao's eyes fluttered shut. The festival dimmed into a background hum, and all her awareness was consumed by a single sound –  a heartbeat pounding fiercely in the silence.


Bump, bump, bump. 


A cool touch closed around her hand.


"Watch your step," Xu Yue's low and strained voice pierced the haze. Eyes snapping open, Li Miao watched Xu Yue guide her through the crowd, their usual ease replaced by a fragile tension.


Li Miao's cheeks burned as they walked. Had she imagined it? That unspoken moment... 


Xu Yue, too, held a faint blush that betrayed her icy facade.


I thought… she was going to kiss me. 


Wordlessly, their footsteps fell in sync, echoing the unspoken thought swirling in both their hearts.



Phew, getting spicy! If you would like to check out my other novel, I haven't posted any chapters just yet since I'm refining the debut chapters, but there is a synopsis if you're interested! Check it out by clicking HERE. Again, thank you all for the support!

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