Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 375: clue

With Fen's lips to lips, and a strong suction, the soul that was supposed to be summoned by the Lord of Hades was trapped in this world and summoned out in front of everyone.

The man's figure was the same as before his death, but the overall tone seemed to be covered with a strange turquoise light, showing a glass-like transparency. And he has a sluggish face and dull eyes.

Fern asked directly: "Did your people see the whereabouts of that VII(7)?"

The man's soul said in a daze, "Yes."

"Where did they go?"

"Go north."

"Where was the last place you saw?"

"The entrance to the sewer."

"How far is it from here?"

"A distance of about ten days (1 kilometer)."

"What recognizable features are nearby?"

"Smelly! Very stinky."

"Besides the smell? Are there any visible features?"

"There are no complete houses around there, and there is a big ditch connected to the sewer entrance."

"Okay then. Do you know anything about Hann's Society?"

"Not much."

"What's the name of their main character?"


"How many members?"

"have no idea."

"Then in the city of Pilsen, how many of them are there?"


"How many magicians are there?"

"There are no magicians."

"Is that a fighter, or what?"

"Most of them are demon breakers."

This news surprised Fern quite a bit. A demon-breaker is not a specific profession, but a warrior with skills against magicians. This is not something that can be counted with some magic-breaking weapons. It is not easy to cultivate and train such people, and even if they are called demon breakers, they may not be able to threaten official magicians. But to deal with apprentices, it should be easy to catch.

"Are there any other places besides the sewers where Hannhui's base is?"


"Do you know Hann's arrangement in the sewer?"

"have no idea."

"Yeah." Fern pondered for a while. The advantage of this method of directly questioning the soul is that the soul will never tell lies, but the disadvantage is that the soul will only answer specific questions. Ask the wrong question, or a question that is too ambiguous and general, and you will either get the wrong answer or the wrong answer.

As for this incident, she didn't know what else to ask. So Fern turned around and wanted to ask the man if he had any other comments. But before he could speak, he saw someone froze on the spot with an exaggerated expression of hell. Just like everyone else in the Thieves Guild, she was held in place by her magic, unable to move.

Throwing down the head in his hand, he swayed the body, and ignited the almost disappearing soul. I saw the man's soul churning in the blue flames, screaming silently.

Fen grabbed a clean cloth, wiped off the blood stains on her hands, flicked her fingers towards Lin's forehead, and said, "You are really useless. What I used just now is not complete." Eternal Imprisonment'. At best, it is a weakened and then weakened version, so you are also recruited. You must review it after you go back."

Lin, who had regained his freedom, touched his forehead which was red and swollen from being shot. Everything he saw just now surprised him from the beginning to the end, and he didn't know where to start when he wanted to complain.

The lich acted like nothing happened, and said, "You have heard what I just asked, right? Besides what I asked, do you have any other questions you want to ask?"

I saw the soul burning in the flames, changing patterns in various postures that ignore gravity. Someone didn't know whether to sympathize with this poor man, or to get such a fate for his greed, and felt a sense of sourness that was clearly justified. Lin just said blankly: "It's all like this, can he still answer questions?"

"Of course, it's not difficult. I'm a lich, and torturing souls is one of the few specialties I have. How, what do you want to ask? Or do you want to see what kind of pose he poses?"

"Forget it." Looking at the soul churning in the flames, Lin felt a little lost. But looking at the other people who were still frozen, he subconsciously said: "Maybe we should ask a few more people. Other people may know something different?"

The most cruel part of the Devil King Tikal's version of "Eternal Imprisonment" is that although the body cannot move, the sensory consciousness is still very clear. So although someone's words were spoken in a soft voice, almost everyone heard them, and in their hearts, ten thousand mud horses galloped past on the spot.

"Forget it." Looking at the lich eager to try, Lin himself gave up his mind. Said: "It's good to know the direction, I don't have time to waste time with these people."

"Oh, I thought you would hate me for doing this, and then say something sour. It seems that you don't plan to pursue it? Or have you given up on me?"

"It's a matter of urgency. Besides, he hit the gun himself. If you don't do it, I want to overturn the table." After finishing speaking, Lin glanced at the people who were pinned down. His face was expressionless, making it impossible to guess what was going on in his heart. Such an attitude made everyone who could see their direction feel numb and nervous.

In fact, someone was just using the map information in his field of vision to confirm the distance and direction parameters of the flashing technique. Because the screen is projected directly on the retina, and there are many ways to input, it is not necessary to type the keyboard by hand. So other people can't see someone touching something and worry for nothing.

Although the three-dimensional map of Pilsen City surprised Mrs. Audrey. But for Lin, the precision is not enough, and there are only rough records of various landforms. There is no sewer opening above, and the ditch that the man mentioned does not appear on the map. So apart from the distance and direction, the rest can only be searched. Fortunately, this can be regarded as narrowing the scope.

After doing some calculations and confirming the parameters and search method, Lin turned his attention back to the real world. He picked up the two money bags on the table and put them in his arms. After thinking about it, he took out the small purse again, threw it on the table, and said, "This is the funeral expenses. Help him with a decent funeral." After speaking, he said to his companion, "Let's go. .”

He glanced at the dead man and the money bag on the table. Living together so far, Lich sometimes still doesn't quite understand the brain circuit of this man. For the time being, put aside the idea of ​​cutting open the opponent's head to see what happened, and turn the burning soul into a flame of eternal fire, put it in his arms, Fern nodded and said: "Well, let's go."

As soon as the words were finished, the two disappeared from everyone's eyes in an instant, without disturbing any movement, as if they didn't exist in the first place.

After a long time, someone suddenly said: "It seems that they are as scary as the rumors say."

"You old man, you really haven't been imprisoned. Why didn't you come out just now?" This is another voice.

A third voice came and said: "In the situation just now, who dares to come forward? Whoever comes out is unlucky. The one who died over there is just an example." The rickety old man who made the sound walked out of the crowd and came to the surrounding clear space at that table.

The old man picked up the purse, weighed it, then waved his hand, and hid the purse deftly. At the same time, he said: "Money is only used by the living, and it is useless to the dead. So I accept this bag of money with gratitude." When he found that people were breaking away from the magic, he said to the young man : "Hey, someone. Throw this piece of meat into the back alley and feed it to the dogs."

"Hey, old man, isn't that your favorite student?" Someone in the crowd mocked the old man.

But the thick-skinned old man who lived to this age didn't care about the ridicule at all, and retorted: "When a person dies, he is nothing. What's more, this guy can be regarded as stupid. It takes a lot of geniuses, That’s why you want to get a lich, especially if you use coercion. This is great, you can’t even keep your soul, so who can blame it. Since there is no soul, what’s here is just a piece of meat, isn’t that wrong?”

"Okay, okay, you are right." Another old man who came out of the crowd said impatiently. But he also freed the rest of the men and women who were still imprisoned in magic.

The young people who were untied were very angry. Some of them even continued to clamor, saying: "Everyone, are you going to give up like this? Don't forget, that man represents Keir. You have worked hard to make money all your life, is there more money than you can get today?"

"Oh, you're still in Keele, what a bunch of idiots." Some old people were peddling their old ones, teaching the angry young people a lesson unceremoniously.

"Old man! What are you talking about! Don't think that we are old enough to obey your arrangements in everything."

"Of course not, you're right. I'm not someone~ Of course I'm not qualified to order you." The old man's seemingly subdued remarks were actually hidden needles. He said nonchalantly: "Besides, that man's reward has been cancelled. But don't tell me, I never told you this news."

The original uproar was instantly silenced, and everyone looked at the speaking old man in astonishment. Some people showed puzzled expressions; some people picked out their ears, suspecting that they had just heard wrongly. But the old man repeated it again, saying: "The bounty has been cancelled. If someone wants to continue to assassinate that person, and you are lucky enough to succeed and escape from that lich's hands, you won't get half of it." Dime."

"Why is the reward cancelled?" some young people questioned like whining.

"Old man, are you serious? Where did the news come from?" This was asked by other people of the same generation as the old man. After all, this old man has a criminal record. For his own benefit, he did not hesitate to release false news to mislead others.

"The employer withdrew the bounty, and also stated that he would not continue to offer the reward to that person. You can ask about the obvious things. Anyway, I don't want to offend a lich for something that is not beneficial."

"It seems that the news is true." "What news?" "That man is doing something big again." "What big thing?" "In history, the first posthumous posthumous saint. Before today, Have you heard?" "What a joke! There's such a thing?" "Yeah, I hope it's just a joke."

In the salon, a group of people was different from the previous clamor. They kept talking about recent news and discussing possible changes in the future. As for the dead, who cares?

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